Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael' *Update Post 994*

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I thought oprah came on at 4PM eastern. How did I miss it?

you didn't. Chicago gets Oprah show at 10 AM.

Rest of the places get it between 3 and 6 PM.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

If she didn't play the Hold My Hand video, I guess it might just end up on rotation on MTV etc and be available on itunes.

Does anyone know if the video can count towards the singles chart?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

The Cascios are such wonderful persons.

I can't believe some fans have been so rough on them. - After hearing the album leak it is clear it's MJ on BN. KYHU and Monster I never had any doubts.

But it is MJ on all the songs and the Cascios was accused for cheating etc. etc.

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

I agree. I hope the Cascios said "he was proven not guilty--end of case."
Guys did we learn who contacted Oprah for this show? I remember with the Jackson, Katherine's camp contacted Oprah. Who contacted Oprah in this case?

Form what I heard, The Cascios originally didn't want to appear on the show but Sony told them it was a good idea to go on the show to clear this nonsense about the new album.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Se brought up the allegations AGAIN???? Has she no decency? How many times and to his own mother! He's gone - show some respect!!!! Wtf!!!! No one Michael related should even go on her show. I don't know what sort of promotion this is. Bloody nonsense.

Did dhe bring the accusations once again!!!!!!!??????? WTF IS HER PROBLEM!!!!?????

She's a :censored:.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Form what I heard, The Cascios originally didn't want to appear on the show but Sony told them it was a good idea to go on the show to clear this nonsense about the new album.

Thanks, maybe Sony set the show up. If they did, I wonder why Oprah would bring in matter that has nothing to do with the album or their relationship, though.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^^^I don't believe she brought up that sill accusation thing again. Anyway what was the main focus of the show--the relationship or the music? Can you give more details?

Of course she did. That's probably why she agreed to do this segment.

She asked the family if they believed Michael ever molested children. They said no, Michael couldn't hurt a fly. The parents said they had to explain to their children at the time. They knew Michael before the controversy and were determined to be there throught out the ordeal.

They spoke about Michael's attempt to clean the house and how he took out the garbage. LOL!

The mother also spoke about cooking Michael's favorite foods.

Mother Casico also said that she STILL feels Michael's presence in their home. Not a day goes by that his name does not come up. (They're just like us in that respect. LOL!)

The drug question. They never saw any evidence of drug abuse and Michael was always alert.

She asked about Michael's insomnia. They knew about it, but the mother said they kept a relaxed family environment and Michael was always able to sleep in their home.

The father also spoke of Michael's love of books and how he always gave Michael books for Christmas.

The family last spoke to Michael 3 days before he died. They said it was a special day, because everybody was home and Michael was able to speak to all of them.

Oprah wasn't looking to promote anything, she was just looking for dirt, as usual, in my opinion.
Last edited:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'


I guarantee there will be ANOTHER show about Michael before her show officially ends.

Probably...Her basis of fame is from getting exclusive MJ related interviews, which she does not deserve in the first place by the way..Many don't give a damn about the other stuff she spews out.

Thanks, maybe Sony set the show up. If they did, I wonder why Oprah would bring in matter that has nothing to do with the album or their relationship, though.

She's asking everyone about it, she does it for a reason, and it does not have any good intentions behind it. She sickens me.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Se brought up the allegations AGAIN???? Has she no decency? How many times and to his own mother! He's gone - show some respect!!!! Wtf!!!! No one Michael related should even go on her show. I don't know what sort of promotion this is. Bloody nonsense.
I think it was good to bring the allegations up this time. This family is better equip to talk about it and drive it home that MJ was INNOCENCE. I think she is trying to paint that picture now even though she should have did it when he was alive.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

from misha on kop board

'm home sick so I am watching this right now to spare others the agony. I'm typing this on my cellphone while watching so pardon the spelling and grammar errors. The Cascio segment comes on about 15 minutes into the show. Former DC school board president Michelle Rhee is first. Thusfar, you can see the difference in demeanor Winfrey has for Rhee versus the Cascio's. Winfrey looks constipated during the Cascio segment and other than a laugh at a comment Eddie made, there is very little audience reaction.

Winfrey first asked the family if they believed Michael molested children. She then asked the father if he was worried about any inpropriety with MJ and his children. The father said that as a father, he had to ask but he was never concerned. Winfrey ask the Cascio children if they believe MJ could sexual molest children, they all say no and Eddie says that MJ couldn't hurt a fly and the parents say that they had to explain to their children what was going on at the time. The mom says that they knew MJ before the controversy and they were determined to be there throughout the ordeal. She later said that each family member misses him enormously and there isn't a day that passes that his name isn't mentioned. She also talked about cooking his favorite food, MJ taking out the garbage on night and MJ attempting to clean the house. She also says that she feels MJ's presence in her home. The dad talked about MJ's love of books (he gave MJ books as Christmas gifts) and art (they talked about Michaelangelo a lot). Eddie showed the basement recording studio and talked about the upgrades. Teddy Riley's segment was less than 5 minutes. He said he believes MJ is singing on the Cascio songs because no one can replicate his voice, particularly his scream. Winfrey says that many, including her friend Quincy Jones believe the Michael cd shouldn't be released because MJ was a perfectionist. Teddy says that MJ's worse day in the studio is any other artists best day and that MJ's art should continue. Winfrey asked what MJ would think of all the controversy and Teddy says that MJ lived for controversy and he's smiling from heaven at all of this. Eddie says that MJ recorded for his fans and they should hear what he was working on. Both Teddy and Eddie say that they had plans to see the This is It shows. I just remembered that the father said that the family last talked to Michael 3 days prior to his death. MJ called to wish everyone happy father's day. Mr Cascio says the call was special because it was a rare day that everyone was at home and Michael was able to speak to everyone. I also remember Winfrey asking if the Cascio's hadf benefitted from the association with MJ, i.e.expensive gifts. They all said no and the only gift giving was during. Christmas. Winfrey mentionsd MJ being a Jehovah's Witness and that's when Mr Cascio discusses MJ's love of books. The segment ends with Winfrey reading a statement from Epic records verying MJ's voice on the Michael cd. I read somewhere that the Hold My Hand video would premiere on this show. If true, it will be at the end because an author is up next and I turned off the tv.

This certainly wasn't a ringing endorsement of the Michael cd and Winfrey didn't show any compassion or real kindness to the Cascio family. Actually, I'm not really sure what purpose this segment served. Also, I'm not sure why Harpo put the call out for MJ fans to be in the audience because very little of the cd was previewed, the audience wasn't given a free cd and Winfrey never says that she's heard it, loves it and encourages her audience to purchase it as she's done in the past for other artists. If this show was a component of Sony's marketing for the cd, epic fail.

I think I've covered everything discussed in this short segment other than the home movies. Hope this helps if anyone chooses to watch it.

One thing I forgot to mention, sorry its the NyQuil, the Cascio's say they never saw any evidence of drug abuse. Eddie says that he felt sorry to hear that MJ suffered from it and mentioned that MJ was always alert. Winfrey asked if they knew of MJ's insomnia. They said yes. The mom said that they kept a relaxed, family environment that made MJ confortable and he slept in their home. The family says that were there for the birth of MJ's children. Winfrey asks if MJ was ever not MJ (military wardrobe, etc...). They say yes, Eddie mentions MJ being normal but something always distinctively him (pajamas and a nice blazer). This comment makes the audience laugh.

Okay this is EVERYTHING discussed from todays segment (as I remember, lol).
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Of course she did. That's probably why she agreed to do this segment.

She asked the family if they believed Michael ever molested children. They said no, Michael couldn't hurt a fly. The parents said they had to explain to their children at the time. They knew Michael before the controversy and were determined to be there throught out the ordeal.

They spoke about Michael's attempt to clean the house and how he took out the garbage. LOL!

The drug question. They never saw any evidence of drug abuse and Michael was always alert.

She asked about Michael's insomnia. They knew about it, but the mother said they kept a relaxed family environment and Michael was always able to sleep in their home.

The father also spoke of Michael's love of books and how he always gave Michael books for Christmas.

Oprah wasn't looking to promote anything, she was just looking for dirt, as usual, in my opinion.
Whatever Oprah's motives, this family is helping and lke it or not, Oprah reach millions and have power. I am glad this show was done.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

oprah is obsessed with abuse. if i didnt know better! surprised she didnt ask the kids that question sick bitch.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^It might not be so bad she brings up the accusations. Every one she asks, except maybe LMP less obviously, is like: "WTF, of he would never do such a thing." It makes the haters look stupid really, including the interviewer, Oprah in this case. I'm looking forward to this show, the Cascio's sound really nice in your descriptions.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

from misha on kop board

'm home sick so I am watching this right now to spare others the agony. I'm typing this on my cellphone while watching so pardon the spelling and grammar errors. The Cascio segment comes on about 15 minutes into the show. Former DC school board president Michelle Rhee is first. Thusfar, you can see the difference in demeanor Winfrey has for Rhee versus the Cascio's. Winfrey looks constipated during the Cascio segment and other than a laugh at a comment Eddie made, there is very little audience reaction.

Winfrey first asked the family if they believed Michael molested children. She then asked the father if he was worried about any inpropriety with MJ and his children. The father said that as a father, he had to ask but he was never concerned. Winfrey ask the Cascio children if they believe MJ could sexual molest children, they all say no and Eddie says that MJ couldn't hurt a fly and the parents say that they had to explain to their children what was going on at the time. The mom says that they knew MJ before the controversy and they were determined to be there throughout the ordeal. She later said that each family member misses him enormously and there isn't a day that passes that his name isn't mentioned. She also talked about cooking his favorite food, MJ taking out the garbage on night and MJ attempting to clean the house. She also says that she feels MJ's presence in her home. The dad talked about MJ's love of books (he gave MJ books as Christmas gifts) and art (they talked about Michaelangelo a lot). Eddie showed the basement recording studio and talked about the upgrades. Teddy Riley's segment was less than 5 minutes. He said he believes MJ is singing on the Cascio songs because no one can replicate his voice, particularly his scream. Winfrey says that many, including her friend Quincy Jones believe the Michael cd shouldn't be released because MJ was a perfectionist. Teddy says that MJ's worse day in the studio is any other artists best day and that MJ's art should continue. Winfrey asked what MJ would think of all the controversy and Teddy says that MJ lived for controversy and he's smiling from heaven at all of this. Eddie says that MJ recorded for his fans and they should hear what he was working on. Both Teddy and Eddie say that they had plans to see the This is It shows. I just remembered that the father said that the family last talked to Michael 3 days prior to his death. MJ called to wish everyone happy father's day. Mr Cascio says the call was special because it was a rare day that everyone was at home and Michael was able to speak to everyone. I also remember Winfrey asking if the Cascio's hadf benefitted from the association with MJ, i.e.expensive gifts. They all said no and the only gift giving was during. Christmas. Winfrey mentionsd MJ being a Jehovah's Witness and that's when Mr Cascio discusses MJ's love of books. The segment ends with Winfrey reading a statement from Epic records verying MJ's voice on the Michael cd. I read somewhere that the Hold My Hand video would premiere on this show. If true, it will be at the end because an author is up next and I turned off the tv.

This certainly wasn't a ringing endorsement of the Michael cd and Winfrey didn't show any compassion or real kindness to the Cascio family. Actually, I'm not really sure what purpose this segment served. Also, I'm not sure why Harpo put the call out for MJ fans to be in the audience because very little of the cd was previewed, the audience wasn't given a free cd and Winfrey never says that she's heard it, loves it and encourages her audience to purchase it as she's done in the past for other artists. If this show was a component of Sony's marketing for the cd, epic fail.

I think I've covered everything discussed in this short segment other than the home movies. Hope this helps if anyone chooses to watch it.

One thing I forgot to mention, sorry its the NyQuil, the Cascio's say they never saw any evidence of drug abuse. Eddie says that he felt sorry to hear that MJ suffered from it and mentioned that MJ was always alert. Winfrey asked if they knew of MJ's insomnia. They said yes. The mom said that they kept a relaxed, family environment that made MJ confortable and he slept in their home. The family says that were there for the birth of MJ's children. Winfrey asks if MJ was ever not MJ (military wardrobe, etc...). They say yes, Eddie mentions MJ being normal but something always distinctively him (pajamas and a nice blazer). This comment makes the audience laugh.

Okay this is EVERYTHING discussed from todays segment (as I remember, lol).
Thank you!!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

from misha on kop board

'm home sick so I am watching this right now to spare others the agony. I'm typing this on my cellphone while watching so pardon the spelling and grammar errors. The Cascio segment comes on about 15 minutes into the show. Former DC school board president Michelle Rhee is first. Thusfar, you can see the difference in demeanor Winfrey has for Rhee versus the Cascio's. Winfrey looks constipated during the Cascio segment and other than a laugh at a comment Eddie made, there is very little audience reaction.

Winfrey first asked the family if they believed Michael molested children. She then asked the father if he was worried about any inpropriety with MJ and his children. The father said that as a father, he had to ask but he was never concerned. Winfrey ask the Cascio children if they believe MJ could sexual molest children, they all say no and Eddie says that MJ couldn't hurt a fly and the parents say that they had to explain to their children what was going on at the time. The mom says that they knew MJ before the controversy and they were determined to be there throughout the ordeal. She later said that each family member misses him enormously and there isn't a day that passes that his name isn't mentioned. She also talked about cooking his favorite food, MJ taking out the garbage on night and MJ attempting to clean the house. She also says that she feels MJ's presence in her home. The dad talked about MJ's love of books (he gave MJ books as Christmas gifts) and art (they talked about Michaelangelo a lot). Eddie showed the basement recording studio and talked about the upgrades. Teddy Riley's segment was less than 5 minutes. He said he believes MJ is singing on the Cascio songs because no one can replicate his voice, particularly his scream. Winfrey says that many, including her friend Quincy Jones believe the Michael cd shouldn't be released because MJ was a perfectionist. Teddy says that MJ's worse day in the studio is any other artists best day and that MJ's art should continue. Winfrey asked what MJ would think of all the controversy and Teddy says that MJ lived for controversy and he's smiling from heaven at all of this. Eddie says that MJ recorded for his fans and they should hear what he was working on. Both Teddy and Eddie say that they had plans to see the This is It shows. I just remembered that the father said that the family last talked to Michael 3 days prior to his death. MJ called to wish everyone happy father's day. Mr Cascio says the call was special because it was a rare day that everyone was at home and Michael was able to speak to everyone. I also remember Winfrey asking if the Cascio's hadf benefitted from the association with MJ, i.e.expensive gifts. They all said no and the only gift giving was during. Christmas. Winfrey mentionsd MJ being a Jehovah's Witness and that's when Mr Cascio discusses MJ's love of books. The segment ends with Winfrey reading a statement from Epic records verying MJ's voice on the Michael cd. I read somewhere that the Hold My Hand video would premiere on this show. If true, it will be at the end because an author is up next and I turned off the tv.

This certainly wasn't a ringing endorsement of the Michael cd and Winfrey didn't show any compassion or real kindness to the Cascio family. Actually, I'm not really sure what purpose this segment served. Also, I'm not sure why Harpo put the call out for MJ fans to be in the audience because very little of the cd was previewed, the audience wasn't given a free cd and Winfrey never says that she's heard it, loves it and encourages her audience to purchase it as she's done in the past for other artists. If this show was a component of Sony's marketing for the cd, epic fail.

I think I've covered everything discussed in this short segment other than the home movies. Hope this helps if anyone chooses to watch it.

One thing I forgot to mention, sorry its the NyQuil, the Cascio's say they never saw any evidence of drug abuse. Eddie says that he felt sorry to hear that MJ suffered from it and mentioned that MJ was always alert. Winfrey asked if they knew of MJ's insomnia. They said yes. The mom said that they kept a relaxed, family environment that made MJ confortable and he slept in their home. The family says that were there for the birth of MJ's children. Winfrey asks if MJ was ever not MJ (military wardrobe, etc...). They say yes, Eddie mentions MJ being normal but something always distinctively him (pajamas and a nice blazer). This comment makes the audience laugh.

Okay this is EVERYTHING discussed from todays segment (as I remember, lol).

Thanks for this detailed report. So here we go again: Did not clearly promote the album. Began with the stupid accusation issue. Was cold to guest. Did not give Riely enough time. I guess this show was edited so the fans could not say much. Well what did I expect.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Form what I heard, The Cascios originally didn't want to appear on the show but Sony told them it was a good idea to go on the show to clear this nonsense about the new album.

But what did they actually show to clear the 'nonsense' about the album? I have yet to see the episode....
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^It might not be so bad she brings up the accusations. Every one she asks, except maybe LMP less obviously, is like: "WTF, of he would never do such a thing." It makes the haters look stupid really, including the interviewer, Oprah in this case. I'm looking forward to this show, the Cascio's sound really nice in your descriptions.
I too believe that the Cascio's did a good job with this interview. They actually answered the questions better then some family members, in my opinion.

They truly loved Michael and it shows, in my opinion. I'm glad Michael had them in his life.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

^It might not be so bad she brings up the accusations. Every one she asks, except maybe LMP less obviously, is like: "WTF, of he would never do such a thing." It makes the haters look stupid really, including the interviewer, Oprah in this case. I'm looking forward to this show, the Cascio's sound really nice in your descriptions.

The bolded, you have a point there but she keeps getting the same answer and her demeanor shows that is not the answer she wants. I am sure people viewing are reading this and thinking maybe Oprah is right. I had hoped they would focus more on the music, but the Cascio's seemed to have done a good job for Michael in terms of the drug and accusation issue--better than his mother did.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

So here we go again: Did not clearly promote the album. Began with the stupid accusation issue. Was cold to guest. Did not give Riely enough time. I guess this show was edited so the fans could not say much. Well what did I expect.
And you just know, IF the Casico's and/or Teddy Reily had gone in "another" direction, Oprah would have been very WARM and their segments would have comprised the entire hour. LOL!

I'm so glad the Casico family did not fall into Oprah's trap, like OTHERS have!
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

This should've been A POSITIVE interview, SHE ALWAYS takes it and runs with it in the WRONG Direction!!! Why the H**l does she ask about the court case? I Thank The Cascio's For standing by Michael! Again... hOprah, go to "the opposite of Heaven!"

Can someone upload it on YT, cuz I sure as H*ll am not watching her on TV!

Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

MJ called the Cascios three days before, but did not call the Jacksons ...

The Cascio saw no evidence of drugs, but the Jacksons call MJ a junkie.

I do not wish bad things to people, but many people are waiting for the day that Jacksons will receive divine justice and burn in hell. Bunch of idiots.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

And you just know, IF the Casico's and/or Teddy Reily had gone in "another" direction, Oprah would have been very WARM and their segments would have comprised the entire hour. LOL!

I'm so glad the Casico family did not fall into Oprah's trap, like OTHERS have!

Exactly. Bet the viewers would see more smiles and hugs, and as Bull asked where is the interview that PROMOTES the album. Did she say go out and buy it. This is a great album. Did she act the way she acts when promoting a BOOK?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Wow, Oprah?
Can she get over it, and move on like Michael did? Why does she have to make everything so negative? Though I read that summary, I'm still gonna watch the show and see how it's like. but wow.... She never fails to become so effing @%$@%@ insert word here.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

MJ called the Cascios three days before, but did not call the Jacksons ...

The Cascio saw no evidence of drugs, but the Jacksons call MJ a junkie.

I do not wish bad things to people, but many people are waiting for the day that Jacksons will receive divine justice and burn in hell. Bunch of idiots.
Yep I must agree with you :)
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

MJ called the Cascios three days before, but did not call the Jacksons ...

The Cascio saw no evidence of drugs, but the Jacksons call MJ a junkie.

I do not wish bad things to people, but many people are waiting for the day that Jacksons will receive divine justice and burn in hell. Bunch of idiots.
Good points there. :bugeyed

- - - - -

I had to LOL at the part where the post mentioned the Cascios saying that MJ would be in Pajamas and a nice blazer, that is so him. :lol:
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

But what did they actually show to clear the 'nonsense' about the album? I have yet to see the episode....

I want to know too. I get the feeling that this album is not really being promoted. Where is the campaign? Lets think about this: If we want to promote our product, do we first go to a show and introduce our links to drugs/molestations/etc. How is that being positive to promote our product. This leads me to believe that Oprah's intent was not to promote this album at all, so maybe Sony did not contact her to do this. If they did, they most likely will steer her in another direction? What do you think?
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

MJ called the Cascios three days before, but did not call the Jacksons ...

The Cascio saw no evidence of drugs, but the Jacksons call MJ a junkie.

Yep, I peeped that as well.

Also the fact that Mother Casico said that they always keep a RELAXED, FAMILY ENVIRONMENT and our sweet, dear angel was able to sleep in their home. It makes me happy that he had that type of relationship with the Casico family and that he was able to spend FOUR WHOLE MONTHS at their home.

Michael must have felt rejunvenated when he left their home in New Jersey.
Re: Oprah Show on Michael jackson's new album 'Michael'

Just for my FINAL conclusion: 0prah, go to hell! I HATE you. period.