Online fortune cookies

That which is hardest to do is often the most rewarding.
Not all of you could have been priests in ancient Egypt. Some of you had to be work-a-day schmucks.


Never trust coffee you can see through, coffee in styrofoam cups, or anything called coffee served in an airplane.

Language molds the world. Write and speak deliberately, from your heart.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial,Helvetica, sans-serif]Attitude: don’t leave home without it.[/FONT]
Everyone gets there. Some of us just take the long way home.
One of those days when your only goal is to get through the day with your sense of humor intact.

isn't that the truth...........
Our children are payback for what we did as kids.

I don't have kids yet:unsure:
Putting your office key in your front door? Then it’s time for a vacation.

I have done that :lol:
The glass is always half full. If you assume it’s half empty it might come true.
Never underestimate the vibration of flowers
and their ability to affect internal change within us. :girl_in_love:
What was the last new word you learned? When was that?

Ooo Last night when someone said a word to me I didn't know the meaning of... but do I remember that word? No :lol:

Watch closely those who always tell you how honest they are.

Amen to that! :clapping: liar liar pants on fire :lol: