Official O2 Conference Thread!!!

Thank you all. This is it. This is it! This is it! I just want to say that these will be my final show performances in London. This will be it. This is it. When I say "this is it," it really means this is it. I'll be performing the songs my fans want to hear. This is it. I mean, this is really it. This is the finally curtain call. I'll see you in July. I love you. I really do, you have to realize that, I love you so much. Really, from the bottom of my heart. This is it, see you in July!

Playing y'all like fools "THIS IS IT" haha
Apparently michael is trapped inside his van at the hotel, fans going crazy they are all around it, even on the top
I'm really quite upset by the response of a lot of fans on this, and other, forums. Michael Jackson rarely makes a puplic appearance let alone speak at one so I was over the moon to hear more than 'I love you'! Please just be grateful that you're getting the chance to see him perform again... I never thought I would!
It's what I expected. It was only going to be a brief announcement and publicity for the shows. He looked and sounded great. I love the quick bravado poses he did at the end before walking off for the media. LOL!
The man said these were his last UK performances. That doesn't mean is going to disappear off the face of the earth. He can still make albums, do a performance at an awards show, that's not a full concert or tour. There is endless things, like production that he will continue to do. Just not touring.
The man said these were his last UK performances. That doesn't mean is going to disappear off the face of the earth. He can still make albums, do a performance at an awards show, that's not a full concert or tour. There is endless things, like production that he will continue to do. Just not touring.

Thank you my point and the point of a few others.. Good post. :clapping:
Sure thats true, but tat doesn't mean that the statement itself isn't true, things are yet to come, weather they are the best is up to each one of you individually, so the expectations can be still high for the performances and and what is to come. But this isn't the end.. maybe the end of performances for London but not the end as a career as a whole.

You have a point. It could be final for London only when you think about how he worded it, but we don't know if it just came out like that randomly OR he said it that way intentionally. My deal isn't so much about whether it's final for London or his final concerts EVER...altho it should be. Whatever Michael wants to do is fine with me. If he's tired and wants to retire, then he should do that if it brings him peace. If not, that's fine too. I was just expecting something more cohesive in all this, is all. :lol: He did seem more relaxed when he mentioned how much he loved the fans tho. That part was definitely heartfelt.
You have a point. It could be final for London only when you think about how he worded it, but we don't know if it just came out like that randomly OR he said it that way intentionally. My deal isn't so much about whether it's final for London or his final concerts EVER...altho it should be. Whatever Michael wants to do is fine with me. If he's tired and wants to retire, then he should do that if it brings him peace. If not, that's fine too. I was just expecting something more cohesive in all this, is all. :lol: He did seem more relaxed when he mentioned how much he loved the fans tho. That part was definitely heartfelt.

Yup! I agree with you here!
Sure it would have been more
but it was just something short of a little
statement... Not much.. If that had of been reported as a speech
and it had been that long then it might have been different.. LOL
But I overall agree with you here Wendy, Whatever Michael chooses to do
is his business and we all should respect his decision. :clapping: :flowers:
I think everyone should take a chill pill!! I think he's just tantalizing the world right now....and "This is it" aint necessarily "this is It". That's my gut talking...either that or I'm still hungry from lunch....gotta jet - have to take my first Nursing Exam for this semester. Please wish me luck? I already packed my guided relaxation CD so I can relax before I take it - anxiety you know...
Apparently michael is trapped inside his van at the hotel, fans going crazy they are all around it, even on the top

*sigh* Well, it IS London. That's pretty much to be expected, I think. :lol: I hope he's able to get out alright tho and no one gets hurt. Thank God the kids aren't in the van with him...I hope. :unsure:
*sigh* Well, it IS London. That's pretty much to be expected, I think. :lol: I hope he's able to get out alright tho and no one gets hurt. Thank God the kids aren't in the van with him...I hope. :unsure:

Yeah :unsure: then that can be a little more than scary for them all.. :bugeyed
Whatever Michael chooses to do
is his business and we all should respect his decision. :clapping: :flowers:

Yes that.

Apparently michael is trapped inside his van at the hotel, fans going crazy they are all around it, even on the top

Eeek. Scary.

*sigh* Well, it IS London. That's pretty much to be expected, I think. :lol: I hope he's able to get out alright tho and no one gets hurt. Thank God the kids aren't in the van with him...I hope. :unsure:

Yeah, I hope no one is hurt. Calm down people!
I thought Michael was going to explain why. He said "because.." and then didn't finish the sentence. Hope its nothing bad!
Didn´t he release a statement through his spokesperson Dr. Tohme where he plans to do a world tour very soon along with the new album?
Last year he says this is the beginning, this year he says this is it. Colour me confused.
What he does mean with this then?

"This is the finally curtain call."

He didn't specify what it meant.

Curtain call as in end of live performances in London. Or live performances in general perhaps.

We should just wait and see if he is any clearer.
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Now that I calmed down a bit, I can aboslutely not wait to see him live again! OMG!!!! It's going to be AWESOME!!!!
Now he just has to perform Dirty Diana and Man in the Mirror and I can die ;)
I think everyone should take a chill pill!! I think he's just tantalizing the world right now....and "This is it" aint necessarily "this is It". That's my gut talking...either that or I'm still hungry from lunch....gotta jet - have to take my first Nursing Exam for this semester. Please wish me luck? I already packed my guided relaxation CD so I can relax before I take it - anxiety you know...

Exactly... I dont believe it all comes to end after the concerts in July... Im thinking the retirement (if he is retiring) will happen over a Two year period: with a New Album, singles, Videos, and concerts alse where..

Im still hopeful that there will be a New era and the retirement will happend once the shelf life of the Album is over (which is usually two years for MJ)..

Like ive said in another thread... The man is a Master Manipulator...

He us playing with our minds.... the mind games will last atleast till the Album is out...

You don't expect him to say"

Well, Im doing ten dates in O2, followed by my New single & Video which will be out on ......., then I move to US for concerts there....., my New album will be called ............, will be released........blah blah blah......

I think the Man is playing with our emotions (like only he can) and also giving enough room for speculation in the media to build hype....." the words 2day were carefully picked" and the pause wen he said "bcoz" and then never carried on will be completed in the future...