Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

And 2012 plot reminds me of War of the Worlds/A Day After Tomorrow/Armageddon (like Mel said) a little too much, but how many of these movies must be made before we realise they're becoming more fact than fiction??

:bugeyed Bah! Dont say that...scary.

ps I know the guy who did the orginal music fo War of the Worlds before it was a movie :) hehe
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

No worries, I'm not too bad I've finally talked mum into going to see TII :dancing:

So shes going 2 see it with u??? COOL!!! :wild:

My mum was saying 2 me she wants to see it too, but i dont think she will though
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I can't wait to go back to This Is It on Wednesday night (with my mum).

I didn't stay until the end as nearly everybody else was leaving and it felt weird.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!


Well I didnt see it...& now I hope I never do! haha
Or though horrow or suspense films are the worst! I just cant sit through them!
I had nightmares after seeing the new Friday the 13th...I have no idea why I saw it haha

aww :huggy: I'm dying to see Final Destination 4 and I wanna see it in 3D. I'm not really one for Horror as such but I don't mind suspense / Thrillers
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I didn't stay until the end as nearly everybody else was leaving and it felt weird.

I felt like that too when i saw it on saturday, everyone was leaving and i was thinking 2 myself "ok should i stay or go??"lol
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

So shes going 2 see it with u??? COOL!!! :wild:

My mum was saying 2 me she wants to see it too, but i dont think she will though

:yes: Jess, tomorrow after I've finished at the doctors :D, Mum was like you download it and I'll watch it and I'm like sorry mum you can't download it cause they haven't got a copy up on the internet yet (that's total lies I've seen heaps of copies)

And she'll like FINE I'll come and see it with you tomorrow but I get the free ticket and I was like that's fine with me :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

aww :huggy: I'm dying to see Final Destination 4 and I wanna see it in 3D. I'm not really one for Horror as such but I don't mind suspense / Thrillers

Those films! Bah!
Do you think that scary! Death is out to get us! haha...I shouldnt laugh ill jinx myslef! Look at the mess I got myself into now! :mello:

I felt like that too when i saw it on saturday, everyone was leaving and i was thinking 2 myself "ok should i stay or go??"lol

hehe I went to see it with a friend who works at a cinema & she made me leave (I had already seen it though) but she said the staff hate it when people wait to the end of the film haha
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:yes: Jess, tomorrow after I've finished at the doctors :D, Mum was like you download it and I'll watch it and I'm like sorry mum you can't download it cause they haven't got a copy up on the internet yet (that's total lies I've seen heaps of copies)

And she'll like FINE I'll come and see it with you tomorrow but I get the free ticket and I was like that's fine with me :lol:

:lol: :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

hehe I went to see it with a friend who works at a cinema & she made me leave (I had already seen it though) but she said the staff hate it when people wait to the end of the film haha

Bah! i still stay anyway ..hehehe
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Those films! Bah!
Do you think that scary! Death is out to get us! haha...I shouldnt laugh ill jinx myslef! Look at the mess I got myself into now! :mello:

:lol: Luci, I find them interesting I don't know why but I do, I'm usually the one in the cinema that's screaming at the actress's and actors cause they are going to die and I'm like "RUN WOULD YOU RUN" :lmao:

Jess: I can't believe that I finally talked her into it aye, and then I'm going to go and see it again on Wednesday and then if our cinema is selling tickets for the 2 week (as I'm not sure if they are cause I don't see them on the website) I'm going to see it one last time on Saturday.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Jess: I can't believe that I finally talked her into it aye, and then I'm going to go and see it again on Wednesday and then if our cinema is selling tickets for the 2 week (as I'm not sure if they are cause I don't see them on the website) I'm going to see it one last time on Saturday.

I have seen it 3 times, 1 time on thursday nite and 2 times on saturday
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey guys, I've been a bit absent from this thread tonight (wrapped up in other things on the board sorry), looks like I'm heading out for bed now though. Catch you next time!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Reg: Yeah.. I liked it.. hahaha!! I L.O.V.E.d it! I tell you what I loved the most, and you all might think this strange, but I loved when he started singing Todo mi amor eres tu, because a few months back I was telling my spanish speaking MJ friend that there was nothing I couldn't do and that I'd impress her by learning the spanish version of IJCSLY.. and tonight, when MJ started singing it.. I was all fangurly :wub: It was a very sweet surprise for me. And, I love all the things you mentioned.. I laughed embarrassingly loud when the lady said she had nothing to grab :lol: And, I loved Thriller green screen stuff.
I just loved it all.
And 2012 plot reminds me of War of the Worlds/A Day After Tomorrow/Armageddon (like Mel said) a little too much, but how many of these movies must be made before we realise they're becoming more fact than fiction??

Yes! I was very impressed by that. It never will cease to amaze me what MJ new, he was so much more intelligent than people gave him credit for. Bit of a book junkie here, as he was too, and he just soaked in everything he read :wub:
Yeah the Thriller stuff was neat! I liked how when that gatekeeper was coming up to the camera, and they were like he's not looking at the camera, and MJ was like, well you have to tell him lol. Like duh!

Yeah it is definately in that same line of movies. Ha, I don't think people will figure that one out until it's too late. Not being negative, but I really think it's just they way people are. It's such a shame.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I'm starting to get strange looks from the people behind the counter when I go and get tickets :lol: one guy said to me last night "You Back Again" you might as well move in and we start charging you rent :lmao:

:lol: Now that would be awesome to live in the cinemas! :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

well you could pretty much do that...but it would be incredibly expensive! tehehe
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeah it would sure be pricey. But you know, it definately wouldn't get old....

Wouldn't need an alarm clock...would hear MJ and be awake :D

Tickets here to TII are $15 so if you see it a few times then it does get a little pricey. Not that I care though, I'm still seeing it another few times.

Hey guys did you hear that it's been extended in the US, they are extending the 2 weeks in the US and everywhere else is going to be a country by country bases, they may extended it anywhere from a week to up the 3 weeks.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeah! Pretty happy about that :)

& random note on the topic of waking up to MJ, for the past week I have woken up with the song Goin' Places by the Jacksons stuck in my head! Weird!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeah! Pretty happy about that :)

& random note on the topic of waking up to MJ, for the past week I have woken up with the song Goin' Places by the Jacksons stuck in my head! Weird!

I'm happy but it too, but it sucks in a way as well cause that means we have to wait longer for the dvd :lmao:

I've been waking up with the song "You Are My Life" I don't know why but I'v been doing it for the past 4 days :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

haha how weird is it!
the strangest part is I havent listened to that song in months & it irritates me sometimes haha

Really? I dont think so...They will probably release it when they planned to...I hope anyway.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeah my friends and family back home were telling me that on Facebook today... I was like.......NOT FAIR!! Most said it's running at least until Thanksgiving now. It would be really nice if they extended it here as well....

I'd like to wake up to MJ's voice. Instead I wake up to a couple of cranky cockatoos by my window....
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

haha how weird is it!
the strangest part is I havent listened to that song in months & it irritates me sometimes haha

Really? I don't think so...They will probably release it when they planned to...I hope anyway.

:yes: It is weird, I have only just started listening to "You Are My Life" just recently so its extremely weird :lol:

:yes: I think that it will interfere with the release date of the DVD especially if they were going to release it in time for the Christmas rush they won't be able to do it now if the extend it for the 3 weeks cause won't be ready in time.

I've heard two different release eras for TII one was in time for the Christmas Rush and the other said some time in January so dunno, but I can almost bet that if it was to be out for Christmas it won't be now if they end up extending it the 3 weeks.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:( Cant they work on the DVD while its out at the cinema. I guess there is no real big rush. I just hope they dont rush & its just the film or something...that would suck.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I too hope the DVD is really great. I read Ortega said two dvd's, one what you saw at the theater and one all extra footage? I hope it's true. I'll be patient and wait until they are ready to release it. If it takes a little longer for it to be worth it? Than so be it. I want it to be amazing since when I buy it I'll own it forever :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Too true :)

Im sorry but whenever I see your 'Location' sign & it says Milwaukee; I think of Waynes World (anyone?) & Wayne is talking to Alice Cooper:

Wayne: So, do you come to Milwaukee often?
Alice Cooper: Well, I'm a regular visitor here, but Milwaukee has certainly had its share of visitors. The French missionaries and explorers began visiting here in the late 16th century.
Pete: Hey, isn't "Milwaukee" an Indian name? Cooper: Yes, Pete, it is. In fact , it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."

bahahaha GREAT MOVIE!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Too true :)

Im sorry but whenever I see your 'Location' sign & it says Milwaukee; I think of Waynes World (anyone?) & Wayne is talking to Alice Cooper:

Wayne: So, do you come to Milwaukee often?
Alice Cooper: Well, I'm a regular visitor here, but Milwaukee has certainly had its share of visitors. The French missionaries and explorers began visiting here in the late 16th century.
Pete: Hey, isn't "Milwaukee" an Indian name? Cooper: Yes, Pete, it is. In fact , it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."

bahahaha GREAT MOVIE!

I can't actually comment, I don't think I've seen Wayne's world and if I have seen it I don't remember it :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Too true :)

Im sorry but whenever I see your 'Location' sign & it says Milwaukee; I think of Waynes World (anyone?) & Wayne is talking to Alice Cooper:

Wayne: So, do you come to Milwaukee often?
Alice Cooper: Well, I'm a regular visitor here, but Milwaukee has certainly had its share of visitors. The French missionaries and explorers began visiting here in the late 16th century.
Pete: Hey, isn't "Milwaukee" an Indian name? Cooper: Yes, Pete, it is. In fact , it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."

bahahaha GREAT MOVIE!

OMG! I totally haven't heard (in this case read) that in years!!!! There isn't all that many references out there to my hometown but that sure is one of them lol. :agree:

Although... that's definately not the way to pronounce it lol :tease:

Too funny, thanks for that. Needed the humour today :D