Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:D :D :D
How AMAZING is it!
What did you think!!!!!

I'm gonna see it a third time I think over the coming two weeks! I was satisfied after watching it the second time but I'm getting withdrawals! The beginning of a certain song keeps running through my head haha.

If you guys haven't seen it yet you NEED to. It is absolutely mindblowing.

the movie was amazing! that man was amazing, beautiful and his talent was raw as it was 20 yrs ago. He will live in me forever
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I gotta rant about this 2 AM lock-out the Bligh government is proposing for Brisbane's CBD and Valley district.

These people are control freaks. They want to control every aspect of our lives, they want to control business, they want to control behaviour. It's beyond the point of going too far. Much of the western world is becoming or has become a police state.

Do this for me, if you will. Try to think of just one aspect of your life that the government is not involved it. I can't. Think of how much of your money, just today, has gone into their hands. And for what? So they can station police on every corner to watch us and impose ridiculous regulations on local businesses?

It's absurd. And the more we let them get away with imposing new controls on us, the private individuals who really run this country, the more they will keep on doing it. So we need to put a stop to it now or it'll just get worse. The next federal election is coming up soon. Let's send these big government thugs a message by voting their big wigs out of federal office and maybe that'll make the state and local thugs behave. If it doesn't, it wont be long until we get the chance to vote them out too.

It's just a shame the Liberals can't get their act together and become a formidable opponent to Rudd's Labor government. Rudd is the most radical big-government politician we've ever had as our PM. It's not even been a term yet and I'm not sure Australia can survive him much longer. It's not just what he's done on the federal level. It's the attitude he has that trickles down to the lower level thugs in the states and local government. This attitude that government should run our lives and run our business and watch our every move. We need to challenge that attitude with a strong small-government, pro-individual opponent. But at the moment we don't have one.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Is anybody here from southeast QLD? Toowoomba by any chance? Or are you all Brisbanites?
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Ipswich huh, I've been through there a lot but never actually been to there. Many MJ fans there? I think we should organise a meetup for southeast QLD MJ fans :D
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey everyone! I was having a good day but it just got ruined :( I just got asked by a girl if I liked her a lot and I said I liked her as a friend (I didn't know what to say) now apparently she was going to ask me out. What can I do?
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Ipswich huh, I've been through there a lot but never actually been to there. Many MJ fans there? I think we should organise a meetup for southeast QLD MJ fans :D

:yes: Ipswich :), Nar there isn't to many of us here, most of them are from the main part of brisbane, 5 of us met up today to see TII.

I'm up for a meet up if we can get enough people to come :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey everyone! I was having a good day but it just got ruined :( I just got asked by a girl if I liked her a lot and I said I liked her as a friend (I didn't know what to say) now apparently she was going to ask me out. What can I do?

Hey Daniel :waving: aww :huggy:, hmm maybe just say that your not really in the position to be getting into a relationship at the moment.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey Daniel :waving: aww :huggy:, hmm maybe just say that your not really in the position to be getting into a relationship at the moment.
No, I didn't know what to say. If I had knew why she wanted to know if I liked her that way I would have said yes.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

hmm, that makes it a little hard then, I guess if she does end up asking you out, all you can do is just be honest.
Well apparently "its too late". So now instead of being happy and looking forward to This Is It, I am almost in tears :(.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Well apparently "its too late". So now instead of being happy and looking forward to This Is It, I am almost in tears :(.

Who said it's too late? So you like her huh? I thought by your original post you didn't like her and didn't know how to tell her you didn't!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Who said it's too late? So you like her huh? I thought by your original post you didn't like her and didn't know how to tell her you didn't!
She said its too late, and I do like her. I just didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say the wrong thing.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

She said its too late, and I do like her. I just didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say the wrong thing.

If she feels the way she does then I'm sure she'll realise her mistake! Girls can sometimes be quite silly! If it doesn't go perfectly to plan then she may get some doubt. I don't know. You can either from here try and show her that you like her more.. and show her that you really do have those feelings. Or you can sit back and wait for her.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

She said its too late, and I do like her. I just didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say the wrong thing.

I think I might leave Seb to this one, he seems to know more about love life then me :lmao:

Hey Seb :waving: Sorry I didn't message you after TII yesterday I totally forgot and by the time I remembered it was to late cause I had friends over last night.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I think I might leave Seb to this one, he seems to know more about love life then me :lmao:

Hey Seb :waving: Sorry I didn't message you after TII yesterday I totally forgot and by the time I remembered it was to late cause I had friends over last night.

That's okay babe :) Hi darl

What did you think!!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

She said its too late, and I do like her. I just didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say the wrong thing.

So have you talked to her about it again?
Why dont you just ask her out?...

How is everyone? Got big plans for the weekend?
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

all I'm going to say cause I don't want to ruin it for the people that might not of seen it yet, is if these concerts went ahead they would of been f**king awesome!

I've seen it 4 times now and I'm going again on Sunday :p

FOUR times already?!

I've seen it twice haha! I'll probably see it one more time maybe twice more haha. I don't wanna ruin its specialness by seeing it too much too soon haha. I can never really watch a movie again and again but Michael is the exception haha. I've never seen a movie at the cinema more than once haha. So this is a first for me! Saw it the first time with my sister which was lovely. Second time sponateously during uni hours on my own haha
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I have no plans for the weekend. I feel pretty down, and I don't know if I can deal with all these upbeat non-fans right now.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

FOUR times already?!

I've seen it twice haha! I'll probably see it one more time maybe twice more haha. I don't wanna ruin its specialness by seeing it too much too soon haha. I can never really watch a movie again and again but Michael is the exception haha. I've never seen a movie at the cinema more than once haha. So this is a first for me! Saw it the first time with my sister which was lovely. Second time sponateously during uni hours on my own haha

:yes:, I want to go and see it again, this time I might take my nephew Brydan and my niece Breannan.

I'll be right back I'm just going to have a shower.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I have no plans for the weekend. I feel pretty down, and I don't know if I can deal with all these upbeat non-fans right now.
:huggy: Hope you're okay
Have you seen TII yet?

:yes:, I want to go and see it again, this time I might take my nephew Brydan and my niece Breannan.

I'll be right back I'm just going to have a shower.

Aww I love Breannan the name hehe. I have a best friend called Rhiannon :) Or Bree hehe.
Enjoy your shower love
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

ehh I'm not so good but I'll be ok I guess, its good just to have you guys.

I have seen TII, I saw it with a friend on wednesday, it was very difficult. I loved it for so many reasons and in so many ways but its also torn me apart, I miss him so much :(

I'm going to take my nephew to see it some time in the next few days, he is little but he is gettin into MJ and wants to see it. I want to see it again too..
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

ehh I'm not so good but I'll be ok I guess, its good just to have you guys.

I have seen TII, I saw it with a friend on wednesday, it was very difficult. I loved it for so many reasons and in so many ways but its also torn me apart, I miss him so much :(

I'm going to take my nephew to see it some time in the next few days, he is little but he is gettin into MJ and wants to see it. I want to see it again too..
Awww. I hope you're okay :huggy:
love toy ou
always here if you need to PM me

back :), yeh that's my sister's daughter she's also got: Bryneeka, Brydan, Bryonee & Braithan :lmao:

Wowow !