Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

hehe Nay I think you made the record for most crying faces in one post hehe

I have noticed alot of fans are starting to feel the pain again lately :(

& I am the same about the CD...still undecided.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeh, I know :( I feel guilty for feeling this way also, because I don't want to upset any fans or anything by feeling this way - like I don't want people to think that I think they should have the same opinion as me.

I know Michael did this for us. But at the same time, there is part of my heart that just feels like I shouldn't watch the rehearsals. Michael was such a perfectionist, and to watch his unfinshed craft, to me feels like I would be betraying his trust, or prying into his privacy or something. He only ever wanted to show a performance that was 110%, and maybe these clips are him still trying to reach that. I mean, to me - Michael at 5% is still amazing...but I don't know. I Just feel that...I don't know what I feel. I guess I am just undecided as to how Michael would be feeling about all this right now. I wish I knew :cry: I know he wanted to share this tour with us...but like this?

I am really sorry that I feel this way, because I really want you guys to see it - because you are all so excited to see Michael, and that's so wonderful! I hope no ones judges my opinion :cry:

Please don't think I judge you either or anything because you are going to see it, I don't at all!! I really wish I felt the same way as you guys do. I really wish I could make myself want to see it :cry: And I really do hope you all enjoy it.

Sorry for the rant...I'm just missing Michael right now :cry: Just when I thought I was getting comes the relapse :cry:

Awww babe :huggy: Hope you're okay :(
Don't cry!

I'm not gonna try force my opinion on you! I just want to show you another side. I really think that Michael - now given the circumstances would want us to see his craft! Even if it was the rehearsals. Even though he's always been a renowned perfectionist I sincerely think he'd want us to see his work. To see him at arguably his best! Just look at those clips! He wanted to provide magic :) He wanted to wow us. He did this just for us.

Do you feel guilty looking at the Dangerous rehearsals? At his Home Movies? I think Michael would want to let us in - in this instance. He's not with us any more. But his work, music and talent (to name a few things) will always live on. He's our Peter Pan! Michael wanted to live forever through his craft.. That's why I'm going to see it.

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

hehe Nay I think you made the record for most crying faces in one post hehe

I have noticed alot of fans are starting to feel the pain again lately :(

& I am the same about the CD...still undecided.

Oh yeh, sorry - I didn't notice until you just pointed it out *feels stupid*

I guess all my emotion came out..and the sad smilies did too!!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Awww babe :huggy: Hope you're okay :(
Don't cry!

I'm not gonna try force my opinion on you! I just want to show you another side. I really think that Michael - now given the circumstances would want us to see his craft! Even if it was the rehearsals. Even though he's always been a renowned perfectionist I sincerely think he'd want us to see his work. To see him at arguably his best! Just look at those clips! He wanted to provide magic :) He wanted to wow us. He did this just for us.

Do you feel guilty looking at the Dangerous rehearsals? At his Home Movies? I think Michael would want to let us in - in this instance. He's not with us any more. But his work, music and talent (to name a few things) will always live on. He's our Peter Pan! Michael wanted to live forever through his craft.. That's why I'm going to see it.


Thanks :) I am really sorry to everyone on here that I dampened the mood in this thread!!

I know where you are comng from...about watching the Dangerous rehearsals and the home movies thing, but...I really don't know. It's hard to explain what I am feeling inside. I think I explained my thoughts a little better in another thread in the support section.

Hard to explain really, that's why I feel silly for talking about it :(

But I am really glad you guys are looking forward to seeing it :) And I do know where you are all coming from, and thanks for understanding that some of us feel a certain way. I appreciate that. It's nice to be able to talk about it.

Man, I can't believe one single comment I made the other night, has made me relapse. I really feel like June 25 all over again at the moment.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Thanks :) I am really sorry to everyone on here that I dampened the mood in this thread!!

I know where you are comng from...about watching the Dangerous rehearsals and the home movies thing, but...I really don't know. It's hard to explain what I am feeling inside. I think I explained my thoughts a little better in another thread in the support section.

Hard to explain really, that's why I feel silly for talking about it :(

But I am really glad you guys are looking forward to seeing it :) And I do know where you are all coming from, and thanks for understanding that some of us feel a certain way. I appreciate that. It's nice to be able to talk about it.

Man, I can't believe one single comment I made the other night, has made me relapse. I really feel like June 25 all over again at the moment.

Don't worry dear. We're all entitled to our emotions. I know I've come on here many times being upset so don't you worry.

And yeah not only the Dangerous rehearsals and the home movies.. but considering Michael obviously isn't with us to perform the concerts.. I think he would want us to see it one way or another. I hope at one time you'll see it. Because I know it's going to be absolutely magical. It'll be upsetting, yes. But Michael is keeping me going at the moment.. I never got to see Michael in concert.. This will be the closest thing I will ever get to it. Yes, people can argue that it's no different to a concert.. but I feel and know it'll be so much more of an intimate look at Michael.. I want to experience his magic as though I'm there.. I personally think Michael would be more heart broken that he never got to perform for us all - but this is the closest thing we'll get to it. And I think in a way he'll be happy that we got to experience it. See his vision.. and wonderment.

Awww love :( I hope you're okay! I worried :cry: :huggy:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

maybe one day I will see it, but I can't watch it now. I just can't :( I think mainly it's to do with everything else that has happened, all the unanswered questions and everything like that. I do really really know where you are coming from :) I just think I need more time.

I'm ok, thanks for the support. I really wished I hadn't mentioned the other night what I would have said to Michael...I've always thought it but never said it outloud. And hearing it out loud, or rather typing it I guess...really got to me. I'll never be able to tell him that, really hurt reminding myself of it :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Every second day it feels like june 25th...its like one day it will be fine, but the next not good.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Every second day it feels like june 25th...its like one day it will be fine, but the next not good.

Yeh, to be honest, the past few weeks I've been really good. Out of nowhere, it's just all turned a little shitty :(

I've got other stuff going on as well which doesn't help, but as the release comes closer, there's so much more Michael talk in the media, it just brings it all back.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeh i understand what u mean,the media talk bout mj makes it all come bck 2 reality that hes not coming bck :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I hate they way they are supporting Michael too, like they've always been there for him.

It makes me angry, some of these stations/mags etc etc are so two faced and hypocritical and ... urggh, just annoys me.

They were never there when he needed them. They were there to hurt him. And now they are trying to act like he's always been their king, where as they only treated him like their king when they felt like it.

Sorry, I shouldn't really go there...It's all been said before :(

Ok...I need to bring a little light back to this thread, I've been dampening it for everyone else.

What's everyone up to today :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

All the magazines/television shows are two faced. It's just about money. Which is why I don't buy them or watch any of the tributes or any of that. There's no sentiment there. I would watch them if there was actual emotion or regret for treating him badly. But they just go on like nothing ever happened. Two-faced parasites. How appropriate I'm listening to Tabloid Junkie right now haha. "Scandal. With the words you use. You're a parasite in black and white do anythang for news"

And babe reading what you would say to Michael teared me too :cry: Sometimes its good to let emotion come out. Otherwise we bottle it up and eventually crumble. I know what that is like!

Love you very much
xx hope your okay
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

That really ticks me off as well! its like oh now they really ''understand'' him....MY @SS THEY DO! :angry:

Im just relaxing for now..then tonite mj impersonater show! :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

All the magazines/television shows are two faced. It's just about money. Which is why I don't buy them or watch any of the tributes or any of that. There's no sentiment there. I would watch them if there was actual emotion or regret for treating him badly. But they just go on like nothing ever happened. Two-faced parasites. How appropriate I'm listening to Tabloid Junkie right now haha. "Scandal. With the words you use. You're a parasite in black and white do anythang for news"

And babe reading what you would say to Michael teared me too :cry: Sometimes its good to let emotion come out. Otherwise we bottle it up and eventually crumble. I know what that is like!

Love you very much
xx hope your okay

thank you Seb :hug:

You guys are all so wonderful :) Thanks for listening, and letting me get it out! :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

aww :huggy: Its okay Nay you have dampened the thread or change anyone opinions about TII. We are all here for you, so if your needing to have a day where you just need to let it all out that's what we are here for :huggy:

Thanks Mel :)

Are you still twilight-purchase free this week :p
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Ok acutally going to strangle my brother!
How can he be so oblivious to everyone elseeeee!!!!!! bah!

How is everyone going?
Looking forward to another beautiful week? :D
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Wow Seb! Your quick! according to my computer you are 3 minutes into the future :p haha

Anyone know how to use Adobe InDesign here? :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

How is it? And where'd you get it darl

I haven't watched it yet, I have been busy today babysitting after I got back from a funeral so I don't know what it's like, I'm going to watch it tonight when my parents are in bed.

I brought it this morning at JbHifi, I went to riverlink to get a sympthy card and I thought I would just quickly duck into JBHIFI and see if TII soundtrack was out yet, it wasn't but I came across the dvd and seen as it's one I don't have I decided to buy it.

It was only $13 too, they had about 4 or 5 other different MJ dvd's to but they are ones that I already have :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:waving: no worries darl :) :yes: I am I haven't brought anything twilight related :lmao: however I did buy a new MJ dvd today

Wow, I am so proud of you :p

I was chatting to a friend the other night, she's a twilight fan should have heard her talk about it, every second thing was OMG! :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I'm loving the sudden big increase in This Is It ads.