Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Here you go Nay :lol:


Who said you needed to see him personally to get a photo :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

You mean you haven't photoshopped yourself in Edwards arms yet? :lol:

If you say yes, then its seriously time for TA (twilightaholics anonymous) :p
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

You mean you haven't photoshopped yourself in Edwards arms yet? :lol:

If you say yes, then its seriously time for TA (twilightaholics anonymous) :p

:lol: yep I have actually quite a few times it's uploaded on my facebook, I'll show you :lol:

Here you go, though this one didn't turn out as good :lol:

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Oh, I've heard of that site, my friend was using it on her facebook page for months.

I think would be Rob Pattinson's worst nightmare :lol: Cause he seems so shy about the whole heartthrob thing. Poor guy - I kinda feel sorry for him, he must hate all the attention and girls hounding him. Did you see that he got mildly hit by a taxi a few months back trying to outrun them! And they were screaming 'Edward' at him! How sad...I really think there are people who think he actually IS Edward!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I cant find my kings of leon cd....and it's really bugging me because I saw it yesterday...and now it's apparenlt grown legs and is hiding from me :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Aww Seb, you are just adorable!!

Thanks :)

Just a matter of time.. Although I'm not the best with patience and anxiousness at the moment :(

Ha you girls are cute with all your Twilight-ness. Never seen it!

So what's everyone up to?

I'm listening to Duran Duran. God I love them
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

That is hilarious! Poor guy.
& I hate that when things just disappear! I recently found a ring which has been missing for 6 months :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:waving: Hi Seb - so what is the story with this girl? (which is just too cute...oh young love!) How come you aren't together yet? judging by your words, she must be the one!

yeh, we tend to babble about twilight a bit - sorry folks! I wouldn't call myself a fan like Mel is :lol: But I do like it. You should read the books Seb, much better than the movie :)

I'm off to work soon!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

That is hilarious! Poor guy.
& I hate that when things just disappear! I recently found a ring which has been missing for 6 months :)

I know! Who chases someone in the street calling out their on screen name! Stange. I guess some people get excited when they see celebrities :p I'm quite the opposite

I know, I can't find it anywhere, it's really annoying!! I saw it could it have vanished in sight!!!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:waving: Hi Seb - so what is the story with this girl? (which is just too cute...oh young love!) How come you aren't together yet? judging by your words, she must be the one!

yeh, we tend to babble about twilight a bit - sorry folks! I wouldn't call myself a fan like Mel is :lol: But I do like it. You should read the books Seb, much better than the movie :)

I'm off to work soon!

The story is what I said before! Her liking me alot for the last 7 years on and off. And now its clicked how much I wanna be with her. The problem is at the moment is that she's been sick for the past four months on and off. It's nothing life threatening or anything like that, but she hasn't been able to do a great amount when she's bad. And from time to time she's not in a talkative or people friendly mood. That's just how she gets when she's sick. I haven't hung out with her a huge amount in the past. Not one on one anyway. Just on the occasion at a party or a gathering. I don't see her on a regular basis.

Well anyway, I decided I'd drop in like two weeks ago and drop her off some flowers. And it was really lovely :) And yeah since then I haven't been able to get her out of my mind. And it's just hit me how much I like her. Well basically I tried to talk with her just in general over the week but because she was sick I wasn't really getting great responses or any. So I just felt annoying. Basically my plan is to hang out with her for a while before letting her know. Just so she's comfortable around me. Because she's shy and not as used to being with me yeah.. Talking to me for her is like breathing but one on one she's still a bit anxious etc. So basically I rung her up a couple of times over the last couple days to hang out. She didn't pick up. And eventually when she did respond I just got like a pretty blunt response back.. And yeah. I just feel horribly annoying and I probably am coming across as desperate. I don't know if it's just cause she's sick or that she's a bit shocked because I've never really asked to hang out with her.. I just don't know what's going through her head. So I'm giving it like till this Friday to try and talk to her again. I just don't wanna lose hope and gahh I wanna be with her. Like cause one of my best friends is best friends with her she knows that Sarah (the girl I like) in the past has felt quite frustrated over the years that I haven't felt the same way. I just really want one time to hang out with her; just as friends.. because then if I can make it a regular thing and make her more comfortable then there's a great chance this will work.

I'm just not great with the coping. And waiting. Patience and faith is something I really gotta work on personally. Oh and worrying! I just wanna maintain this happy momentum I've had. Because I was so excited about hanging out and you know - love taking off and all that. And I just don't want to slip into this sad person again longing after someone I can't be with :(

So yeah that's the story so far. Sorry for it being long! I just don't know what's going through her mind and I just want to be with her so much..

And yeah I'm not a big bookreader apart from Harry Potter! I have a friend who was a huge Twilight fan reading all the books and stuff. But since the movie came out she thinks its sold out and doesn't like it anymore haha. It's a bit like if everyone liked my favourite bands (apart from Michael, I love everyone loving Michael). But if everyone liked Pink Floyd or Thin Lizzy for example I probably would like them less. I guess I like to be unique and have some things to myself which not everyone likes.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Oh, I've heard of that site, my friend was using it on her facebook page for months.

I think would be Rob Pattinson's worst nightmare :lol: Cause he seems so shy about the whole heartthrob thing. Poor guy - I kinda feel sorry for him, he must hate all the attention and girls hounding him. Did you see that he got mildly hit by a taxi a few months back trying to outrun them! And they were screaming 'Edward' at him! How sad...I really think there are people who think he actually IS Edward!

To be honest with you, I don't really actually like Robert Pattinson, I only stuck my picture with him because it's twilight related :lol:/

:yes: I heard about that, some people are just really sad, there is no need to carry on to a point where the celebrity pretty much has to run from them to save their own life.

I've done my picture with other things on faceinhole too, not only twilight and Michael related, I've also done it as cartoon characters and everything.

My obsession is Twilight because I like Twilight it's got nothing to do with Robert.
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Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Ha you girls are cute with all your Twilight-ness. Never seen it!

Seb, Nay is so right about the books, I saw Twilight before I actually read to books and I reckon that if I was to read the book 1st I would of seriously been disappointed in the movie.

Nay isn't anything like me when it comes to twilight I'm OBSESSED, my room is totally covered in it. And I have collected everything from the books to the figurines, to the bookmarks and just about everything imaginable.

But in my defense it was my 15 years old niece that got me into it :lol:
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Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

@ Seb - Wow, I see what you mean. I hope you don't mind me asking, but does this girl that you like(is she Sarah?) suffer from depression? You said shé's been sick, I was just wondering if that's what you mean? because I have a friend who suffers from depression - and this scenario is really familiar to me! All to do with her and her hubby etc, and how they started out.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

The story is what I said before! Her liking me alot for the last 7 years on and off. And now its clicked how much I wanna be with her. The problem is at the moment is that she's been sick for the past four months on and off. It's nothing life threatening or anything like that, but she hasn't been able to do a great amount when she's bad. And from time to time she's not in a talkative or people friendly mood. That's just how she gets when she's sick. I haven't hung out with her a huge amount in the past. Not one on one anyway. Just on the occasion at a party or a gathering. I don't see her on a regular basis.

Well anyway, I decided I'd drop in like two weeks ago and drop her off some flowers. And it was really lovely :) And yeah since then I haven't been able to get her out of my mind. And it's just hit me how much I like her. Well basically I tried to talk with her just in general over the week but because she was sick I wasn't really getting great responses or any. So I just felt annoying. Basically my plan is to hang out with her for a while before letting her know. Just so she's comfortable around me. Because she's shy and not as used to being with me yeah.. Talking to me for her is like breathing but one on one she's still a bit anxious etc. So basically I rung her up a couple of times over the last couple days to hang out. She didn't pick up. And eventually when she did respond I just got like a pretty blunt response back.. And yeah. I just feel horribly annoying and I probably am coming across as desperate. I don't know if it's just cause she's sick or that she's a bit shocked because I've never really asked to hang out with her.. I just don't know what's going through her head. So I'm giving it like till this Friday to try and talk to her again. I just don't wanna lose hope and gahh I wanna be with her. Like cause one of my best friends is best friends with her she knows that Sarah (the girl I like) in the past has felt quite frustrated over the years that I haven't felt the same way. I just really want one time to hang out with her; just as friends.. because then if I can make it a regular thing and make her more comfortable then there's a great chance this will work.

I'm just not great with the coping. And waiting. Patience and faith is something I really gotta work on personally. Oh and worrying! I just wanna maintain this happy momentum I've had. Because I was so excited about hanging out and you know - love taking off and all that. And I just don't want to slip into this sad person again longing after someone I can't be with :(

So yeah that's the story so far. Sorry for it being long! I just don't know what's going through her mind and I just want to be with her so much.

aww BIG BIG :huggy: Seb
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

To be honest with you, I don't really actually like Robert Pattinson, I only stuck my picture with him because it's twilight related :lol:/

:yes: I heard about that, some people as just really sad, there is no need to carry on to a point where the celebrity pretty much has to run from them to save their own life.

I've done my picture with other things on faceinhole too, not only twilight and Michael related, I've also done it as cartoon characters and everything.

My obsession is Twilight because I like Twilight it's got nothing to do with Robert.

See, I'm a big Rob fan - but not because he plays some hot vampire like the rest of the world. I am just a fan of his style, I've seen a few interviews and read a few things, and he's seems like a cool guy, and I respect that. And I really like he's music, from what I've heard. I certainly wouldn't chase him down the street though, haha. I'd probably be a typical Aussie and shout him a beer to get away from it all :p

I know, what's wrong with people who are like that! Celebrities are just people for crying out loud, and screaming at them - what's that all about!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

@ Seb - Wow, I see what you mean. I hope you don't mind me asking, but does this girl that you like(is she Sarah?) suffer from depression? You said shé's been sick, I was just wondering if that's what you mean? because I have a friend who suffers from depression - and this scenario is really familiar to me! All to do with her and her hubby etc, and how they started out.

Naw dear she's not sick in that way. She's had ongoing really bad migraines and they're not entirely sure what she's got. Could be a combination of things. She's still up and about but spends quite quite a bit of time at home. Like she hasn't been up to uni that much either. Nonetheless I've always been one of the few people she's talked to through all of this. Like we consider ourselves to be best friends, even if we don't hang on a regular basis. And I just love to cheer her up and even now more that I like her so much. It's just difficult :( And I don't wanna drive her away by being annoying. It's just really a waiting game I guess. I just didn't think I could love someone like this. Just painful not being able to do anything about it for the moment.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

@ Seb

I really think you need to be staright with her and tell her how you are feeling - for your benefit and hers. It's not about you saying you like her to "crack onto her" or whatever, and judging by what you just said, about being best friends, I really doubt she'd see it that way either. You obviously really care about her, and sharing your feelings may be the best thing.

Granted, I don't know you all that well! But still, you seem like a really sweet guy (If only there were more Sebs in the world :lol:) and she might just see what she needs is right in front of her.

You obviously want to be there for her, and be her friend - which you are - but I think the longer you wait the harder it will be. You don't have to tell her you love her and want to be with her forever or anything! But just tell her that you really care about her, and that you've got really strong feelings for her, and tell her you want to know how she feels, because you don't want to act on assumptions in the risk of hurting her.

I'm just going on previous experince here, and may not be being any help at all!! But I hope it's something to consider :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

The story is what I said before! Her liking me alot for the last 7 years on and off. And now its clicked how much I wanna be with her. The problem is at the moment is that she's been sick for the past four months on and off. It's nothing life threatening or anything like that, but she hasn't been able to do a great amount when she's bad. And from time to time she's not in a talkative or people friendly mood. That's just how she gets when she's sick. I haven't hung out with her a huge amount in the past. Not one on one anyway. Just on the occasion at a party or a gathering. I don't see her on a regular basis.

Well anyway, I decided I'd drop in like two weeks ago and drop her off some flowers. And it was really lovely :) And yeah since then I haven't been able to get her out of my mind. And it's just hit me how much I like her. Well basically I tried to talk with her just in general over the week but because she was sick I wasn't really getting great responses or any. So I just felt annoying. Basically my plan is to hang out with her for a while before letting her know. Just so she's comfortable around me. Because she's shy and not as used to being with me yeah.. Talking to me for her is like breathing but one on one she's still a bit anxious etc. So basically I rung her up a couple of times over the last couple days to hang out. She didn't pick up. And eventually when she did respond I just got like a pretty blunt response back.. And yeah. I just feel horribly annoying and I probably am coming across as desperate. I don't know if it's just cause she's sick or that she's a bit shocked because I've never really asked to hang out with her.. I just don't know what's going through her head. So I'm giving it like till this Friday to try and talk to her again. I just don't wanna lose hope and gahh I wanna be with her. Like cause one of my best friends is best friends with her she knows that Sarah (the girl I like) in the past has felt quite frustrated over the years that I haven't felt the same way. I just really want one time to hang out with her; just as friends.. because then if I can make it a regular thing and make her more comfortable then there's a great chance this will work.

I'm just not great with the coping. And waiting. Patience and faith is something I really gotta work on personally. Oh and worrying! I just wanna maintain this happy momentum I've had. Because I was so excited about hanging out and you know - love taking off and all that. And I just don't want to slip into this sad person again longing after someone I can't be with :(

So yeah that's the story so far. Sorry for it being long! I just don't know what's going through her mind and I just want to be with her so much..

And yeah I'm not a big bookreader apart from Harry Potter! I have a friend who was a huge Twilight fan reading all the books and stuff. But since the movie came out she thinks its sold out and doesn't like it anymore haha. It's a bit like if everyone liked my favourite bands (apart from Michael, I love everyone loving Michael). But if everyone liked Pink Floyd or Thin Lizzy for example I probably would like them less. I guess I like to be unique and have some things to myself which not everyone likes.

Aww sorry to hear this Seb hope things work out.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I know, what's wrong with people who are like that! Celebrities are just people for crying out loud, and screaming at them - what's that all about!

I think its as you said before in a recent post, some people just tend to get a little excited when they see a celebrity therefore they tend to go over board.

I used to have this friend in Sydney she used to LOVE and I mean LOVE Anthony Callea, she used to be at every instore ever appearence and she would got to just about every tour date he would have that was possible for her to go to.

A while ago before Anthony threw in he's role in Wicked Anthony's manager actually when up to this person and told her to back off a little otherwise something would have to be done about it.

:waving: Hey MJFan1979
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

@ Seb

I really think you need to be staright with her and tell her how you are feeling - for your benefit and hers. It's not about you saying you like her to "crack onto her" or whatever, and judging by what you just said, about being best friends, I really doubt she'd see it that way either. You obviously really care about her, and sharing your feelings may be the best thing.

Granted, I don't know you all that well! But still, you seem like a really sweet guy (If only there were more Sebs in the world :lol:) and she might just see what she needs is right in front of her.

You obviously want to be there for her, and be her friend - which you are - but I think the longer you wait the harder it will be. You don't have to tell her you love her and want to be with her forever or anything! But just tell her that you really care about her, and that you've got really strong feelings for her, and tell her you want to know how she feels, because you don't want to act on assumptions in the risk of hurting her.

I'm just going on previous experince here, and may not be being any help at all!! But I hope it's something to consider :)

Thank you for such lovely advice.

I actually wanted to go with that advice originally! Telling her straight up. I am a very open person I talk about my emotions a lot in general.

I actually had a conversation with Sarah's best friend, who also happens to be one of mine.. but she insisted it would be too soon for Sarah to just do it immediately. When she says too soon she doesn't mean 7 years isn't a long time, because it is. She means emotional wise. I've gotta ease into it and make her more comfortable being around me. Just from what this friend said it's more likely I will scare her telling her immediately how I feel. Because it's a big thing for Sarah because she's liked me so long. It would be a real immediate shock to her. And this friend said that Sarah would more than likely say no just because it would be so sudden. I don't think its fair to just put how I feel upon her so soon. I can be patient in waiting to tell her. It's just not looking so great at the moment because I really want to hang with her firstly. I'm just impatient with that because I would love to hang with her and then things can start moving in a direction. Currently nothings happening and nothings moving in any direction and that frustrates me. Which is why I'm impatient. I like to make things happen I guess. And it seems simple enough if I like her but I just gotta ease into it cause that's how she is. I hope that makes sense. If not sorry! It makes sense to me!

I will tell her how I feel. I just want this to be easier in the meantime by at least hanging out with her more often. I just need one time to be with her and then it can start in a way..

And thank you for saying we need more Seb's :) You're very sweet!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

@ Seb

Yeh, good call. If she's a little emotional about things (I don't mean that to sounds as it does, but you know) then maybe waiting is the best thing. As frustrating as it may be, but I'm sure if you love her as you say that you do, respecting her feelings will come pretty easy to you - in the long run.

All I can say is let her know that you are there for her whenever. Even if it's just a note you leave, a text an email. A single flower. A smiley face in an email! Sounds old school cheesy, haha. But sometimes us girls like that stuff. My boy used to do it all the time before we got together, and it meant as much to me back then as it does now, 5 years later! Make her laugh. But at the same time respect her boundaries if she has any.

Oh god, did that make sense! haha. Long story short, I really hope it works out for you. And us gals on here are always here to listen if you need, and possibly give advice that might confuse the hell out of you :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I think its as you said before in a recent post, some people just tend to get a little excited when they see a celebrity therefore they tend to go over board.

I used to have this friend in Sydney she used to LOVE and I mean LOVE Anthony Callea, she used to be at every instore ever appearence and she would got to just about every tour date he would have that was possible for her to go to.

A while ago before Anthony threw in he's role in Wicked Anthony's manager actually when up to this person and told her to back off a little otherwise something would have to be done about it.

:waving: Hey MJFan1979

haha, I didn't know girls felt that way'(etc obsessed) about guys who bat for the other team :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

@ Seb

Yeh, good call. If she's a little emotional about things (I don't mean that to sounds as it does, but you know) then maybe waiting is the best thing. As frustrating as it may be, but I'm sure if you love her as you say that you do, respecting her feelings will come pretty easy to you - in the long run.

All I can say is let her know that you are there for her whenever. Even if it's just a note you leave, a text an email. A single flower. A smiley face in an email! Sounds old school cheesy, haha. But sometimes us girls like that stuff. My boy used to do it all the time before we got together, and it meant as much to me back then as it does now, 5 years later! Make her laugh. But at the same time respect her boundaries if she has any.

Oh god, did that make sense! haha. Long story short, I really hope it works out for you. And us gals on here are always here to listen if you need, and possibly give advice that might confuse the hell out of you :lol:

Thanks once again :) Lovely of you

Yeah I like to do that stuff too :) That's what the flowers were in aid of but yeah I'll keep doing those things.

Thanks all you girls you're very sweet! I'm here for you all if you need my advice :) Don't hesitate to PM.