Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

you and me both. I don't like doctors but this guy was fantastic. Braithan didn't like him to much either at 1st . I had to go in with Pauline cause before he was called in I was nursing him (he's an aunties boy) when he was called and Pauline went to take him he wouldn't go, he just clinged on to me :lol:

And when the doctor was trying to examine him Braithan would go all shy and hide under my neck sort of a thing and push the doctor away, it was hilarious.
Aww that's so cute. What a lovely Auntie you must be. Hehe.

By the way read up about my canvas thing! :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Awww thats so sweet. Hope everything stays well for you & your family :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Thats so sad...for some reason it reminds me of the Black & White clip tehehe
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I'm not allowed to have anything Michael on my walls, if I do dad said he'd tear it down and burn it :boohoo:

I've made him pay for it though cause all around my room it's got everything you can possibly have on the walls of twilight :lol:
Why no Michael? :O
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Why no Michael? :O

Dad doesn't like him. he still thinks that Michael is guilty of everything that happened in 2003, and that he was bleaching his skin before he decided to have all this plastic surgery.

shall I go on?

I'm always getting into huge fights with dad over Michael :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Dad doesn't like him. he still thinks that Michael is guilty of everything that happened in 2003, and that he was bleaching his skin before he decided to have all this plastic surgery.

shall I go on?

I'm always getting into huge fights with dad over Michael :(

Oh babe :( That's so sad to here :( :(
*hugs tightly*

My Mum isn't like that but she believes Michael was 'W@cko J@cko' and that he wanted to be white and all this other shit. She hasn't said it since the night of his memorial and she made a crack at him and I was gonna lose it.. I was so upset that night and that didn't make it any better.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:( Hope those arent serious fights.
My dad isnt much of a fan either. But I think he is learning to deal with it...VERY slowly :p
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Dad doesn't like him. he still thinks that Michael is guilty of everything that happened in 2003, and that he was bleaching his skin before he decided to have all this plastic surgery.

shall I go on?

I'm always getting into huge fights with dad over Michael :(

Awww hun that's awful that your dad is mean about MJ You should be allowed to do whatever....
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Seb: :huggy: I know what that's like, my family are always picking on Michael, I think the reason they do it is because they know I love Michael and I will defend him whenever someone picks on him, But its cool I'm used to it, I just nod my head now and go "whatever guys " I've learnt by saying that 9 times out of 10 they get annoyed and they know they aren't going to get anything from me usually 9 times out 10 they shut up :lol:.

Luci: :no: they are serious fights with my dad, I guess I should of said they are more disagreements then fights, mum used to be like dad but she knows that if there is something that I want that's MJ related I'm going to go out and get it anyway reguardless what she says so she leaves me alone.

MJ: Don't worry behind my bedroom door I have all posters of Michael on there, dad never sees them so they are safe there, and besides where they are now they are the last thing I see before I go to bed and the 1st thing I see when I awake :D
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I'm not allowed to have anything Michael on my walls, if I do dad said he'd tear it down and burn it :boohoo:

I've made him pay for it though cause all around my room it's got everything you can possibly have on the walls of twilight :lol:

What you need is one of those chairs from the black and white video... you know the ones that go through the roof. Then you can have all the MJ posters you want :D

Wow that was a circus just to get logged back in here! I'm happy everyone is back though :D

Damn...Cozzie and I lost our convo on the new vegemite from this thread! We were trying to decide on a new name since they are changing it again....

Any ideas?

*sigh* Well it was a nice adventure while it lasted.

And duuuuuuuuuude I just checked my email. I just saw the picture. You have issues... serious issues :lol:

Are ya gonna post it here or do I need to do a letterman style extortion thing?
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

hey ppl!

how r u all?
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

What you need is one of those chairs from the black and white video... you know the ones that go through the roof. Then you can have all the MJ posters you want :D

Never thought of that cossie, I'll have a look for one :D

Jess: *squeezes her little sister till she can no longer breathe anymore* :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Seb: :huggy: I know what that's like, my family are always picking on Michael, I think the reason they do it is because they know I love Michael and I will defend him whenever someone picks on him, But its cool I'm used to it, I just nod my head now and go "whatever guys " I've learnt by saying that 9 times out of 10 they get annoyed and they know they aren't going to get anything from me usually 9 times out 10 they shut up :lol:.

MJ: Don't worry behind my bedroom door I have all posters of Michael on there, dad never sees them so they are safe there, and besides where they are now they are the last thing I see before I go to bed and the 1st thing I see when I awake :D

That's sad though that they would do that :( It's kind of the opposite for me! I mean I was really into Michael before his death but now I've gone to this whole new level and nowadays whenever anyone's around me they know not to make Michael jokes or anything like that. Just simply because they know I love him so much. Not that I don't get anxious when I hear something about Michael on the TV or radio. Because people will always comment on it. I heard something about Michael on the Today show today about his tapes.. and I immediately rushed in a changed the channel. I just hate being put in that position.

Or hearing a TII ad on the radio when I'm at work because they all like to joke alot. I find though that alot of people around my age are really into Michael.. Well my friends at least all love him. I think it's the older generations who are more prone to judgment of Michael because of how long the press has been badgering him. I mean ask the average person what they think of Michael Jackson and it's horribly sad :( Makes me so upset..

That's so sweet you've still got posters up but so sad lovely :( Noone should have to hide their love. Why not get a Michael tattoo :) That'll show them!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

That's sad though that they would do that :( It's kind of the opposite for me! I mean I was really into Michael before his death but now I've gone to this whole new level and nowadays whenever anyone's around me they know not to make Michael jokes or anything like that. Just simply because they know I love him so much. Not that I don't get anxious when I hear something about Michael on the TV or radio. Because people will always comment on it. I heard something about Michael on the Today show today about his tapes.. and I immediately rushed in a changed the channel. I just hate being put in that position.

Or hearing a TII ad on the radio when I'm at work because they all like to joke alot. I find though that alot of people around my age are really into Michael.. Well my friends at least all love him. I think it's the older generations who are more prone to judgment of Michael because of how long the press has been badgering him. I mean ask the average person what they think of Michael Jackson and it's horribly sad :( Makes me so upset..

That's so sweet you've still got posters up but so sad lovely :( Noone should have to hide their love. Why not get a Michael tattoo :) That'll show them!

:huggy: it's okay I was actually thinking about getting a MJ tattoo :p
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

MJ: Don't worry behind my bedroom door I have all posters of Michael on there, dad never sees them so they are safe there, and besides where they are now they are the last thing I see before I go to bed and the 1st thing I see when I awake :D

Awe that's ok then as long as Dad don't know. I have my MJ Posters up too :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I think it's the older generations who are more prone to judgment of Michael because of how long the press has been badgering him. I mean ask the average person what they think of Michael Jackson and it's horribly sad :( Makes me so upset..

That's so sweet you've still got posters up but so sad lovely :( Noone should have to hide their love. Why not get a Michael tattoo :) That'll show them!

oooo that would do the trick..or get you kicked out :p

I find alot of my generation (im 19) really dislike him. I think the larger proportion of people around me believe everything they hear in the press & such...the negative stuff that is :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Awe that's ok then as long as Dad don't know. I have my MJ Posters up too :)

exactly dad doesn't know, he still doesn't know that I'm seeing TII more then once either. He saw my ticket I got the other day and said to me "if you were offered a free ticket to Hell would you go? and I was like wtf :no: of course not, and he's like why not it's the same thing your doing here. I just rolled my eyes and said WHATEVER! :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Well, you know what to do...


But yes even I get it from time to time. I try to see the funny side of it sometimes (SOMETIMES), but it does get on my nerves. It's always fun to go back to the same people and say "did you hear that? His shows are SOLD OUT. He's number one. Broke this and that record." I try to get the last laugh wherever I can :D
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Well, you know what to do...


But yes even I get it from time to time. I try to see the funny side of it sometimes (SOMETIMES), but it does get on my nerves. It's always fun to go back to the same people and say "did you hear that? His shows are SOLD OUT. He's number one. Broke this and that record." I try to get the last laugh wherever I can :D

:lol: Cozzie I'll do that.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

exactly dad doesn't know, he still doesn't know that I'm seeing TII more then once either. He saw my ticket I got the other day and said to me "if you were offered a free ticket to Hell would you go? and I was like wtf :no: of course not, and he's like why not it's the same thing your doing here. I just rolled my eyes and said WHATEVER! :lol:

That's where you and I are different. I would have said yes and kept going along with it until they get tired.. and trust me, they do get tired :lol:

"yeah sure why not. The weather's always warm.. we'll have a barbeque"... that usually pisses them off :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:lol: like literally PMSL here. sorry Jess I just didn't get to talk to you today on msn and I was excited to see you here that's all

That ok :D im excited to see u too! im that excited im like this :wild:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

exactly dad doesn't know, he still doesn't know that I'm seeing TII more then once either. He saw my ticket I got the other day and said to me "if you were offered a free ticket to Hell would you go? and I was like wtf :no: of course not, and he's like why not it's the same thing your doing here. I just rolled my eyes and said WHATEVER! :lol:

Jeez how nice of him, he should be happy not mad. Can't he see you love MJ lol yeah whatever :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

oooo that would do the trick..or get you kicked out :p

I find alot of my generation (im 19) really dislike him. I think the larger proportion of people around me believe everything they hear in the press & such...the negative stuff that is :(
That's funny because I'm 18 and a lot of my friends like him? I do have more girl friends than guy friends though.. I don't know what that has to do with it but one of my best mates loves Michael as much as I do! We had a couple of shots (of vodka) for Michael the week after he passed! Maybe it depends on the people !

exactly dad doesn't know, he still doesn't know that I'm seeing TII more then once either. He saw my ticket I got the other day and said to me "if you were offered a free ticket to Hell would you go? and I was like wtf :no: of course not, and he's like why not it's the same thing your doing here. I just rolled my eyes and said WHATEVER! :lol:

That's fucking horrible! I'm really sorry to judge and sorry if I offend but seriously WTF? He doesn't even know Michael but decides to make these ridiculous horrid comments. Makes my blood boil! Grrr