Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Great pics ChrissyBrown! On the topic of Idol I'm auditioning next year! Hoping I do okay and getting feedback from the judges would be awesome. If I happen to get on TV that would be a plus too! Any idea what date the auditions are on?

I love this kind of weather at the moment in Sydney :) Nice and cool with rain!
Nothing lovelier on a lonely night than rain on the roof! What's everyone doing tonight?
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey all. *insert a wavey smiley*

Candykisses: The weathers doing lots of strange things lately..
Humbleheart: That was really sweet of Guy to do that.
Agent 87: How'd you m eet Anthony?
Chrissy: Love the photos with Cosima!
MJfan: Hopefully you get your tickets next week.

I'm watching Norbit atm. I normally like Eddie Murphy.. But, I just can't get into this.

*edits* *points up to gonetoosoon's post* Hey there :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey all. *insert a wavey smiley*

Candykisses: The weathers doing lots of strange things lately..
Humbleheart: That was really sweet of Guy to do that.
Agent 87: How'd you m eet Anthony?
Chrissy: Love the photos with Cosima!
MJfan: Hopefully you get your tickets next week.

I'm watching Norbit atm. I normally like Eddie Murphy.. But, I just can't get into this.

*edits* *points up to gonetoosoon's post* Hey there :)

Hi Kelzy :) :) *waves*
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey my fellow Aussies me will be back just gonna grab some tea/dinner lol
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hi Kelzy :) :) *waves*
Hi *waves* (4 days later)

I see that we lost a few days worth...

Wouldn't it be nice if we could do that in RL?? :lol:

I went shopping today and spent $130 that I couldn't really afford to spend on MJ stuff.

But, I don't feel guilty at all. :D

Hope you're all ok. *group hugs*
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I was just about to ask if that was just my computer... :S
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

They showed up when I first logged in a few hours they are gone...
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Wow 40 posts!!? Hopefully the mod team recovers them soon.

Yeah, I had to post a thread as a guest saying who I was because I couldn't log in.
I've lost a few wall messages, PM's to Nay, and my siggy disappeared that I was so proud of last night and wanted to show off :lol:

Oh, and I don't think that oreo mint slice recipe is here anymore.

mjjc ate it :shifty:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeah I had to do too!

In another thread they said the lost posts etc won't be coming back :( At least we have our accounts back and lots of threads!

Anywho. Back on topic! What's everyone up to
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Wow that was a circus just to get logged back in here! I'm happy everyone is back though :D

Damn...Cozzie and I lost our convo on the new vegemite from this thread! We were trying to decide on a new name since they are changing it again....

Any ideas?
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeah what's with the new Vegemite? Personally I think it's been a really poor campaign! I see these random ads about it but I don't think anyone knows what it's about?
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I was lost again...What happen to our last convo...I was just getting into it! lol
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I has no idea what it was about...but I guess it only takes one person in the family to buy it. & I think they got ALOT of publicity out of the bad name...maybe that was there plan hahaha
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

How you mean a bad name? Vegemite is a huge name? One of the most successful and recognisable! Iconic!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

No the .02 what ever it was name haha sorry I have no idea what it was called.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

How you mean a bad name? Vegemite is a huge name? One of the most successful and recognisable! Iconic!

I think it pertains to the new one. Whatsitcalled.... the ISnack 2.0 is it called? They wanna give it a new name now after all the hoopla of submitting names, choosing one and printing it on labels.

Was kind of a waste to go through all that and then want to change it. I do like both the original and the new one.... the orig is nice and salty and the new one has that cream cheese in it...yum.....
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:hi: Luci how are you this evening?

Splendid thank you..well actually a little annoyed at the mo because my work hasnt paid me for 4 weeks! but I'm not here to complain :)

Im not really a fan of Vegemite in the first place but the i-snack thing seems to be following suit with all the other i-products/programs/companys haha

& if that was the chosen one the others must have been horrible ideas for them to resort to that! hehe
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Guess what guys! I forgot to say!

My sister just got back Hong Kong today! She was away on a school trip and now she's back :) She brought me back a present! She got it from an artist while she was over there :) It's a big canvas painting of Michael from the Bad era! I've got it up on my wall!!! I am so taking photos to show you guys soon okay?

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Splendid thank you..well actually a little annoyed at the mo because my work hasnt paid me for 4 weeks! but I'm not here to complain :)

Im not really a fan of Vegemite in the first place but the i-snack thing seems to be following suit with all the other i-products/programs/companys haha

& if that was the chosen one the others must have been horrible ideas for them to resort to that! hehe

I hate all those 'i' products! What's the huge obsession with them? It's so stupid because it just blurs all the brands together. I-select sounds like something I use on my Foxtel, not an insurance company! Also also. On the topic of Apple (who invented the 'i' thing obviously), has anyone seen the youi ads? They are the BIGGEST rip off of the Mac vs PC ads. Anyone agree? So stupid and I personally think it cheapens the brand. How this got through the ACCC I'll never know!

Bloody fantastic, I went with my sister today to see the doctor about my nephew and they know exactly what's happened and he's going to be just fine :)
That's great news! So happy to hear :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

That's great news! So happy to hear :)

you and me both. I don't like doctors but this guy was fantastic. Braithan didn't like him to much either at 1st . I had to go in with Pauline cause before he was called in I was nursing him (he's an aunties boy) when he was called and Pauline went to take him he wouldn't go, he just clinged on to me :lol:

And when the doctor was trying to examine him Braithan would go all shy and hide under my neck sort of a thing and push the doctor away, it was hilarious.