Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Jeez how nice of him, he should be happy not mad. Can't he see you love MJ lol yeah whatever :)

He thinks that I've only liked him since his passing, which isn't the truth, I have always listened to his music on and off, I just haven't really worried about what was going on with him sort of a thing. but I've never hated the guy.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

He thinks that I've only liked him since his passing, which isn't the truth, I have always listened to his music on and off, I just haven't really worried about what was going on with him sort of a thing. but I've never hated the guy.

I know how you feel there too! I've always been big on Michael. Before his passing I had 3 albums of his.. the HiStory DVD's.. knew just about every lyric of the songs on Invincible, Number Ones and The Essential: Michael Jackson.. I always defended him. Never believed him to be guilty. Defended him about vitiligo and stuff. Yet I felt like a sort of fake fan in a way after his death because I wasn't as in to him as I am now. I don't like to be perceived as jumping on the bandwagon...
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Guys it doesnt matter whether u love him b4 his death or after it, as long as u love him the best way u can is all that matters!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

That's fucking horrible! I'm really sorry to judge and sorry if I offend but seriously WTF? He doesn't even know Michael but decides to make these ridiculous horrid comments. Makes my blood boil! Grrr

:huggy: Seb don't let him get to you hunni :huggy: :no: I'm not offended, my dad can be really really cruel at times. That why most of our arguements we have I'm the one that end up in tears.

just ignore him, he's probably one in a million people that feel the same as he does, you love Michael and I love Michael so that's all that matters,
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Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

My stepdad can be a pig when it comes to mike, but i just ignore him :D
But the funny thing is .. have a guess what casstte tape he has in the car he drives ....yep u guessed it MICHAEL!!!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

That's funny because I'm 18 and a lot of my friends like him? I do have more girl friends than guy friends though.. I don't know what that has to do with it but one of my best mates loves Michael as much as I do! We had a couple of shots (of vodka) for Michael the week after he passed! Maybe it depends on the people !

I know how you feel there too! I've always been big on Michael. Before his passing I had 3 albums of his.. the HiStory DVD's.. knew just about every lyric of the songs on Invincible, Number Ones and The Essential: Michael Jackson.. I always defended him. Never believed him to be guilty. Defended him about vitiligo and stuff. Yet I felt like a sort of fake fan in a way after his death because I wasn't as in to him as I am now. I don't like to be perceived as jumping on the bandwagon...

Totally agree but I am reassured that we're not when I see people all around me who went through like a 3 week craz...I highly dislike that.

& I want your friends! haha
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:huggy: Seb don't let him get to you hunni :huggy" I'm not offended, my dad can be really really cruel at times. That why most of our arguements we have I'm the one that end up in tears.

just ignore him, he's probably one and a million people that feel the same as he does, you love Michael and I love Michael so that's all that matters,

Very true :huggy:
It shouldn't be that way though :( You're too lovely to have to tear over something like that

So what's everyone doingggg
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Totally agree but I am reassured that we're not when I see people all around me who went through like a 3 week craz...I highly dislike that.

& I want your friends! haha

Yeah the 3 week thing is lame! Annoys me that everyone jumped on and off. Although at least the proceeds and album sellings went through the roof and help Michael's legacy

Haha my friends are lovely :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Very true :huggy:
It shouldn't be that way though :( You're too lovely to have to tear over something like that

So what's everyone doingggg

:huggy: atm I'm talking to you and everyone else on here, having a conversation with 4 people on msn while doing up my myspace page :lol: and I'm briefly watching All Saints :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:lol: I remember you telling me this on the phone a little while ago :lol: talk about being BUSTED

:lol: i know tell me bout it!!!

Thats why whenever i hear him say crap, im just yeh whatever! sometimes i feel like sayin 2 him " do u want me to tell ppl what tape u have in the car??? coz if u keep on saying s*** i will!"
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

By the way I think we'll have to add each other again on here cause of the forum wipe :( !

Aww sounds fun :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:lol: i know tell me bout it!!!

Thats why whenever i hear him say crap, im just yeh whatever! sometimes i feel like sayin 2 him " do u want me to tell ppl what tape u have in the car??? coz if u keep on saying s*** i will!"

:lol: :lol: the other day I actually caught mum singing to Michael's "Bad" it was so funny cause she didn't have a clue what the words were :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Trying to use facebook but my internet is extremely slow! haha
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

That's funny because I'm 18 and a lot of my friends like him? I do have more girl friends than guy friends though.. I don't know what that has to do with it but one of my best mates loves Michael as much as I do! We had a couple of shots (of vodka) for Michael the week after he passed! Maybe it depends on the people !

That's fucking horrible! I'm really sorry to judge and sorry if I offend but seriously WTF? He doesn't even know Michael but decides to make these ridiculous horrid comments. Makes my blood boil! Grrr

I agree it's Awful!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I KNOW! Every time they update it there are more problems!

Well must be off :) getting late!
Have a nice night everyone xo
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Facebook is a pain FULL STOP!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I personally don't like the new update they've done on Facebook by getting rid of people's photos beside their names on multiple comment things. Maybe it's just me!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I think i only have a few pics on my facebook page, but not much