Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I personally don't like the new update they've done on Facebook by getting rid of people's photos beside their names on multiple comment things. Maybe it's just me!

I don't like it either Seb, On my myspace I have a picture of me and Michael, you can do them on faceinhole :D

Nite Seb

Sweet dreams darl

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:huh: :blink:

Face In Hole, its a program where you can put your photos in with any celebrity I did one of you and Michael ages ago and sent it to you in a email. I did try and send it to your phone to but I remember you getting annoyed cause you never got it

:lol: MJFAN1979 spacebook. I use myspace more then anything
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Face In Hole, its a program where you can put your photos in with any celebrity I did one of you and Michael ages ago and sent it to you in a email. I did try and send it to your phone to but I remember you getting annoyed cause you never got it

:lol: MJFAN1979 spacebook. I use myspace more then anything

Okay i dont think i saw that email.....but i do remember u trying 2 sms it to me and me being annoyed for not getting it :lol:

Mjfan1979: my name for it s**tbook
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Okay i dont think i saw that email.....but i do remember u trying 2 sms it to me and me being annoyed for not getting it

What time are you going to head off Jess, I'll go when you do. I'm not signed into msn cause no one is online so I'm just talking to you and MJFan1979 on here, so I'll go when you go :)

Jess looky *points* I just made it to the Smooth Criminal ranking :D
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!


What time are you going to head off Jess, I'll go when you do. I'm not signed into msn cause no one is online so I'm just talking to you and MJFan1979 on here, so I'll go when you go :)

Jess looky *points* I just made it to the Smooth Criminal ranking :D

I'll be heading 2 bed soon...just not sure what time though :lol:

Yay!! *high fives*
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Bloody fantastic, I went with my sister today to see the doctor about my nephew and they know exactly what's happened and he's going to be just fine :)
Aww! I'm glad to hear that!

Guess what guys! I forgot to say!

My sister just got back Hong Kong today! She was away on a school trip and now she's back :) She brought me back a present! She got it from an artist while she was over there :) It's a big canvas painting of Michael from the Bad era! I've got it up on my wall!!! I am so taking photos to show you guys soon okay?

:clapping: Woo!! Lucky you! Don't lick it too much, kay?
I hate all those 'i' products! What's the huge obsession with them? It's so stupid because it just blurs all the brands together. I-select sounds like something I use on my Foxtel, not an insurance company! Also also. On the topic of Apple (who invented the 'i' thing obviously), has anyone seen the youi ads? They are the BIGGEST rip off of the Mac vs PC ads. Anyone agree? So stupid and I personally think it cheapens the brand. How this got through the ACCC I'll never know!
Nice rant :lol: I haven't seen the ads.. I always thought the i products are iAnnoying™. But I do have an ipod which I love! But I hate using itunes. ugh. It's evil.
Dad doesn't like him....
My Mum isn't like that but she believes Michael was 'W@cko J@cko' and that he wanted to be white and all this other shit....
My dad isnt much of a fan either. But I think he is learning to deal with it...VERY slowly

Oh wow.. It seems we've all experienced this problem. My Mum is ok about MJ, but I had to educate her a bit. My dad however.. Well, when Michael died he said he was happy to hear it and that he was a freak. And I just snarled and said "You obviously believe all the crap the media says. You're an idiot."

But, hey I'm 32yo so I can get away with saying these things. :lol:

Then, when they did the MJ tribute at the VMA's, which I'd been waiting for with a friend via MSN, my dad turned up unexpectedly.. I was miffed..

So I left the VMA's on and made him watch it with me. :D

I think Madonna's speech actually sunk in to his head about Michael's upbringing.. And, then Janet came on, and I said, jokingly "People say she's the most normal one" and he agreed and surprisingly he then said "Their father is nuts.." And I said "Hell, yeah. You just don't do what he did to your kids." And, at that moment, I think he finally understood Michael..

What you need is one of those chairs from the black and white video... you know the ones that go through the roof. Then you can have all the MJ posters you want
:lol: Lol!
hey ppl!

how r u all?
Hey Agent 87!! :security: I've been waiting to use that smiley.

it's okay I was actually thinking about getting a MJ tattoo
Where?? What of??
Guys it doesnt matter whether u love him b4 his death or after it, as long as u love him the best way u can is all that matters!
Well said!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I'll be heading 2 bed soon...just not sure what time though :lol:

Yay!! *high fives*

*hi fives* okay then I better head off at 11 if you don't go by then, I've got to babysit little Braithan tomorrow so I don't want to be tired. He's in the process of getting better but he still needs watching.

When the doctor said today that he was going to be okay I was so relieved. And I've just noticed that Braithan is a real Aunties boy :lol::lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

*hi fives* okay then I better head off at 11 if you don't go by then, I've got to babysit little Braithan tomorrow so I don't want to be tired. He's in the process of getting better but he still needs watching.

When the doctor said today that he was going to be okay I was so relieved. And I've just noticed that Braithan is a real Aunties boy :lol::lol:

yeh i better go now too..its getting late

Bye guys :waving: love u all :D
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

hey! lol i like that smilely :D

I thought you would! I was shocked to see how many smileys there are on this forum.

Thanks Kelzy :), Of Michael I'm thinking about getting a tattoo of Michael, either down my arm, on my ankle or my back haven't decided yet.
I vote for ankle! But it'll hurt :lol: Do you have any other tatts yet?
I have one. It's a Ladybird. I got it when I was 21 to celebrate my adulthood. lol! It's on my thigh. I asked for the least painful area. Didn't hurt much. Kind of tickled.

yeh i better go now too..its getting late

Bye guys :waving: love u all :D
Goodnight!! Love you! Sweet dreams! xx
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

And Night Mel! *waves*

I'm going too.

btw, I bought this today at sanity. It was $11 or so. Thought I'd share.

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

^ Wow I love it...

I notice there are Calanders out but I don't see any MJ Calanders :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

^ I always find an MJ calendar in those big stands they have around Christmas :)
Keep looking, you'll find one :) You could also ask at Sanity if they can get the official one in for you?
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

And Night Mel! *waves*

I'm going too.

btw, I bought this today at sanity. It was $11 or so. Thought I'd share.


I brought that poster and a few others at "whats new" shop
but i havent put them up though, they are in my mj closet!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

And Night Mel! *waves*

I'm going too.

btw, I bought this today at sanity. It was $11 or so. Thought I'd share.


That the exact some poster I have on the back of my door among with about 20 small sized pictures :lol:, and no I haven't got a tattoo yet, my sister is always telling me that they hurt so I kinda chicken out :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

^ I always find an MJ calendar in those big stands they have around Christmas :)
Keep looking, you'll find one :) You could also ask at Sanity if they can get the official one in for you?

Thank you! I'll def keep looking :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Darl I think they had some MJ calenders in our local bookshop,well the last time I looked they did. When I go riverlink next time would you like me to have a look and if they still have them pick one up for you and send it to you in the mail?

Hmm...I have people in the past done something like that for me and never really even sent it. But if you want to do that for me that would be good. If you are going to do it make sure you do cuz I not waiting til the end of December like I did last year with this friend I had who meant to sent me a calander and I ended up having to wait and she never even sent it.