Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I know your game
what you're about.

they say the sky's the limit
and to me that's really true

my friend
you have seen nothing

just wait 'til I get through -

Because I'm bad
I'm bad - come on

You know I'm bad
I'm bad - you know it!
You know I'm bad
I'm bad - come on

And the whole world has to answer right now

Just to tell you once again who's bad!

*passes MjFan1979 the microphone*
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

What was everyones thought on the mj tribute on hey hey??

I thought i mean i guess they meant well..but i dont know..
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hey all! My internet completely failed on me today.. I could get on MSN, but no browsing. Weird. I had to phone tweet in order to feel normal! But, it made me ring up and get on a better plan. Counting down the 10 days until I'm on 1500kbps woo! I'll be kissing it too! :lol:

Mel! Braithan is adorable!!

Jess, what's going on with your comp? Want a hand?

Luci!! eek! How's your Bro's car??

And, I watched Hey Hey as well. And I think that Jackson Jive act was stupid. Even if they're specialists and gave the money to charity etc etc.. I just think that went too far.

If they hadn't painted their faces then I'd feel differently.

Good on Harry Connick for speaking up.. (feels weird not saying "jnr" on the end of his name)

And playing Smile at the end?? If they didn't know that was MJ's favourite song then I feel like that was kind of a spooky choice...
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Mel! Braithan is adorable!!

Jess, what's going on with your comp? Want a hand?

And, I watched Hey Hey as well. And I think that Jackson Jive act was stupid. Even if they're specialists and gave the money to charity etc etc.. I just think that went too far.

If they hadn't painted their faces then I'd feel differently.

Good on Harry Connick for speaking up.. (feels weird not saying "jnr" on the end of his name)

And playing Smile at the end?? If they didn't know that was MJ's favourite song then I feel like that was kind of a spooky choice...

Yeh i kinda thought that too, that the act was stupid. What do u mean by harry "speaking up"? what did he say?

Im glad i missed "smile"..otherwise i have :cry: like crazy!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeh i kinda thought that too, that the act was stupid. What do u mean by harry "speaking up"? what did he say?

Im glad i missed "smile"..otherwise i have :cry: like crazy!
Harry said that there'd be no more show if that happened in America, and then at the very end Daryl gave him the chance to explain why, as an American, he was offended by the act, and Daryl apologised. It ended amicably, and on a better note.

And then they showed footage of the show over the years to a cover of Smile.. But don't worry.. tbh, I was listening to it, but I didn't feel any emotions.. It just didn't have the same effect on me as when Michael sang it.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Harry said that there'd be no more show if that happened in America, and then at the very end Daryl gave him the chance to explain why, as an American, he was offended by the act, and Daryl apologised. It ended amicably, and on a better note.

And then they showed footage of the show over the years to a cover of Smile.. But don't worry.. tbh, I was listening to it, but I didn't feel any emotions.. It just didn't have the same effect on me as when Michael sang it.

U mean like harry was offened by the jackson jive act or anothet act?

Yeh true hearing mike sing "smile" is too heartbreaking 2 listen 2
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

If you go back a page you can see my opinion of that Jackson Jive act... I think it was in VERY poor taste...

Did they talk more about it after Red Faces? I changed the channel. I was repulsed to be honest.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

No they didnt talk bout it , i stopped watching when jo beth taylor .denise and that other girl was sitting on those chairs playing that game they were doing.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Harry was offended by the Jackson Jive act. He gave them a zero for it.

I watched it like a train wreck and then lost interest when the 3 girls did that game as well.

At the very end of the show Harry and Daryl spoke. So it was about an hour after Red Faces.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Harry was offended by the Jackson Jive act. He gave them a zero for it. .

Im glad he gave them that score. As i was watching the act i was thinking to myself..."cmon red gong them!"
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hence why I refuse to watch any of their tributes! All for ratings! Youtube > Television :)

How's everyones nights? Late night tonight ha. 20 to 12

Sometimes i cant help but watch these tributes i mean they r about mj after all...and when it comes 2 mj im like :wild:

Yes bit of a late night for me, but will be in bed @ midnight
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I never know when tributes are on! But as soon as I see them they are all the same...
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

^ very true :yes:

Well guys i g2g

ya'll take care ok bye :waving:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Good on Harry for speaking up and giving them a 0. They are Dr's *I fell I got the hint* What was it about...Bad idea to do a tribute to MJ...if you were to do so Respect is the key word.

As for the end...OMG The ruined Smile!!!! as much as I love the song...It Sound AWFUL!!!!!! how could anyone ruin MJ's fave song....I was like ahhh Nice one Don't give up the day job!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

The Jackson Jive --Red Faces act---is a BIG topic on Sunrise this morning.
Must say I didn't enjoy that act, either.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

^ I saw them talking about it on Kerrie Anne... my god! We are soooo ignorant... this woman brought in a gollywog doll saying there was nothing wrong with it and we're just sooo politically correct and Americans cant take a joke. Yes, seriously.
Well I say: NO. We, as a media, in the country ALWAYS brush over racial issues and try to pretend it doesnt happen or is all some misunderstanding. There was NO effort on Kerrie Anne to even UNDERSTAND the significance of blackface minstrel shows and what the Jackson Jive act alluded to with their make up. That's what gets me the most. There's never any effort to see the other perspective, there's a always a defense strategy from the media/police. Take the bashings of international students in Victoria. Sigh!

I need to go to uni. Must calm down... I shouldnt watch crappy morning television... ever.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

When I watched it last night the first thing that came to me was gollywogs.
The Jackson Jive didn't need to paint their faces we would have known they were paying a tribute. You don't see any other jackson 5 tributes with people with painted faces.

Last year one of the children I nanny (She is Zambian/Italian & very dark) was in her art class & one of her friends painted their face black to look like her. Emilie took it fine thinking it was nice of her friend to do that but the teacher rang Emilie's Dad & made it into a massive thing. Emilie's dad didn't mind in the slightest children will be children.
The Jackson Jive are not children & should have realised that people would take offence to it. When harry spoke the audience clapped & cheered.

Not to mention "Ba Ba Rainbow Sheep" which none of the children I nanny will ever sing. It will always be black sheep
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

When I watched it last night the first thing that came to me was gollywogs.
The Jackson Jive didn't need to paint their faces we would have known they were paying a tribute. You don't see any other jackson 5 tributes with people with painted faces.

Last year one of the children I nanny (She is Zambian/Italian & very dark) was in her art class & one of her friends painted their face black to look like her. Emilie took it fine thinking it was nice of her friend to do that but the teacher rang Emilie's Dad & made it into a massive thing. Emilie's dad didn't mind in the slightest children will be children.
The Jackson Jive are not children & should have realised that people would take offence to it. When harry spoke the audience clapped & cheered.

Not to mention "Ba Ba Rainbow Sheep" which none of the children I nanny will ever sing. It will always be black sheep

I cant believe that! (just saw...bit slow :) )
There is so much in the past which so many Australians are oblivious to!
Not only was that a stupid thing to do...the act was really bad too! Such an Australian thing to do though.

Ba Ba rainbow sheep? wow i have never heard that version!
I have a family friend who adopted a child & it took him a few years realise he didnt have white skin. Which I find really weird Its amazing how our surrounds affect out interpretation of things.
I think its a hard topic to address, well actually its not but Australia seems to ignore that we have problem...
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeah at schools now Ba Ba black sheep is banned because it's considered racist. So stupid!
2 of the children I nanny were adopted last year from Haiti. Twin Girls they are so beautiful. They were both teased at their school because of their accent & colour. The teachers did put a stop to it but its funny a few of the children at the school only want to be friends with one sister but the girls say no your either friends with both of us or go away lol.

Another of the children I nanny Luca he will be 2 in Nov & is the brother to Emilie was born really dark but over the years has been getting paler. He now has olive skin :-S

Emilie & Luca's mum & dad are both deceasd but while the parents were alive they adopted Hope daughter of one of the dad's sisters & Faith a orphan due to Aids.
They now live with their mother's younger bro & his wife. Both Italian with their own twin babies. The children have grown up with MJ & many other African/American artists thanks to their dad,mum & dad's other sister. They dance & sing their own lyrics which make no sense lol.
The aunt & uncle get stared at & sometimes get asked where did the children come from? Who's are they? Making them sound like kidnappers or something.

I was out shopping with a few of the children 2yrs ago at Chadstone shopping centre here in Melbourne. Not many African people here so it was usual to get stared at.
Anyway on this day a woman about 60 walked over to us with her grand daughter in a pram. she asked "Who are these children?". Emilie quickly replied "Chrissy's my aunt" lol. She was 4 & the children always call me aunt. I quickly told her the story while my munchkins were jabbering to her grand daughter. She kissed Emilie on the head & left us. What a blessing!
Most people look at us because of the number of the children I have hanging off me sometimes 1 on stomach & 1 on back plus a pram & others holding on to it plus I look 16 not 24 so yep looks are often but when all the children are different in colour & looks seriously people. Do any of them look like me????

The world has gone mad lol

Have no idea what i just wrote so tired & so probably way off topic so feel free to ignore :)