Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

They are, I thought you were suppose to take two of the night tablets so I did last night and you were only supposed to take 1 :lol:

Needless to say that I slept good last night :lmao: I wonder why :thinking: :lol:

Mmmm i need tablets like that! ...i need good nights rests bad!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Mmmm i need tablets like that! ...i need good nights rests bad!

not these ones you don't, these are only if you have a cold missy. Maybe you should see the doctor and tell him that your having problems and see if there is something that he can give you for it.

the only thing is you have to be careful with any kind of drugs as they can become addictive.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

hey mel i g2g

im getting really sleepy now lol

u take care ok bye! :waving:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

hey mel i g2g

im getting really sleepy now lol

u take care ok bye! :waving:

okay babe I'll let you go and I'll go back to msn and :dance2: with Mel to MJ's music :D

aww hopefully you'll get some sleep tonight.

you look after your self too, pfft I alway take care of myself, you don't think your going to get rid of me that easy now do you :lmao:

ByeBye Jess :waving:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

not these ones you don't, these are only if you have a cold missy. Maybe you should see the doctor and tell him that your having problems and see if there is something that he can give you for it.

the only thing is you have to be careful with any kind of drugs as they can become addictive.

Yeh thats what im afraid of - gettin addicitive 2 it.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeh thats what im afraid of - gettin addicitive 2 it.

maybe try some of those meditation routines first or you know those cd's that you can buy that's supposed to help you sleep, maybe look at trying those before seeing about sleeping tablets, at least you can say you've tried it and it doesn't work.

Usually if I can't sleep I put my cd on of Rain and it relaxes me that much that I end up falling asleep maybe try that? I think you can get them at any bookstore.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

maybe try some of those meditation routines first or you know those cd's that you can buy that's supposed to help you sleep, maybe look at trying those before seeing about sleeping tablets, at least you can say you've tried it and it doesn't work.

Usually if I can't sleep I put my cd on of Rain and it relaxes me that much that I end up falling asleep maybe try that? I think you can get them at any bookstore.

A cd of "rain" sounds....mmmmmm dont know if that will make me sleep, it will properly make me sing out "FALLING LIKE RAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" :p ( im sure u know where that is from hehe)
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Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

A cd of "rain" sounds....mmmmmm dont know if that will make me sleep, it will properly make me sing out "FALLING LIKE RAINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" :p ( im sure where that is from hehe)

:lmao: :giggle: I haven't heard that song in AGES :lol:, okay if rain doesn't work what about the sounds of birds or maybe all the different noises from the rainforests.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:lmao: :giggle: I haven't heard that song in AGES :lol:, okay if rain doesn't work what about the sounds of birds or maybe all the different noises from the rainforests.

Okay why does the sounds of birds on a cd sound a bit werid to me :blink: lol
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

hi everyone! Sorry, I haven't been here much. Had been very busy with so many things but still thinking about MJ all the time! I a bit of drawing but now with my accomodation problems, I wouldn't be able to draw much. The Australian Open (tennis) is coming soon and me and my friends are going preparing for it as well.

Here is one of my funnier drawings! ehehe
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Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Okay why does the sounds of birds on a cd sound a bit werid to me :blink: lol

lol! oceany type noises can be nice too.

Have you tried taking herbal supplements love? There are some that can/might help.
Having a routine for when you get up and sleep is often important. :yes: plus keeping your bedroom just for sleep and not watching movies or reading (annoying but what I read).
I went to the doctor for sleeping pills because I was having uber trouble but they don't like to give them to you because you end up relying on them and get hooked, it's lame.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Okay why does the sounds of birds on a cd sound a bit werid to me :blink: lol

lol! oceany type noises can be nice too.

Jess: I've never tried birds, as the rain helps me. but if that sounds a little weird why not try some of the things Kel as recommended.

Kel: That was the other one I was trying to think of but couldn't think of it :lol:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Lol. I wanna get a nice soothing sound cd now! I love listening to the rain especially.

How's your day been love? xo
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Lol. I wanna get a nice soothing sound cd now! I love listening to the rain especially.

How's your day been love? xo

The rain cd's work wonders, well for me they do.... My day hasn't been too bad I've been in and out of bed the past few days due to having a cold but today I feel alot better so I helped mum and dad do some painting and then looked after my sister's 11 and a half month old and my niece's 2 month old for a couple of hours.

what about you, how was your day?
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

The rain cd's work wonders, well for me they do.... My day hasn't been too bad I've been in and out of bed the past few days due to having a cold but today I feel alot better so I helped mum and dad do some painting and then looked after my sister's 11 and a half month old and my niece's 2 month old for a couple of hours.

what about you, how was your day?

I'm glad your getting better! I didn't sleep for like 24 hours, went to sleep last night and didn't wake up today until like 3-5pm haha, :eek: soo not much lol. watching tv now. why is aus tv sooo boring now, blah! hopefully will get out and about 2moro's!

What were you painting? :)

I got a magazine today in the post showing Neverland photos+MJ. love it. :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

aww, hope tomorrow is better.

Busy with work?

Yeah I am ok, having a lazy day lol.

Thanks. Nah, just going through some stuff at the moment - post break-up and starting fresh! Amongst other things ha.

It can only get better, just got to stay positive :)

Lazy days are always nice :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hi guys - how is everyone today?

I'm glad your getting better! I didn't sleep for like 24 hours, went to sleep last night and didn't wake up today until like 3-5pm haha, :eek: soo not much lol. watching tv now. why is aus tv sooo boring now, blah! hopefully will get out and about 2moro's!

What were you painting? :)

I got a magazine today in the post showing Neverland photos+MJ. love it. :)

Nay: *squeals* :huggy: I've missed you, how are you sweetie.

Kel: I have new burst of energy :lol: I didn't get up till midday today but then I didn't go to bed till 2ish I think it was, I was to busy putting together my new New Moon puzzle :D.

I am addicted to the new abc channel I know that it's for kids, but I really love the show "The Tribe" reminds me so much of Michael in a way as its about a bunch of these kids fighting to survive after they've been taken away from their parents cause a deadly serious disease broke out and in order to save the country's kids they were taken from their familes, and now they are living on the streets trying to fight to keep their selves alive, it's a beautiful show.

I was helping mum and dad paint the Television Unit and Hutch in the loungeroom.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hi Mel, I'm okays. Was just saying to Kel I'm having one of those up and down days. It sucks being a girl sometimes, we are too emotional :lol:

How you going?

aww :huggy: I seem to be really emotional when I sick *nods* I was watching one of MJ's dvd the other day while I was resting up in bed and it wasn't even sad and I started crying it's true we are emotional.

I know that I've said this plently of times and I'm probably starting to sound like a crap record but I'm here for you when ever you need a shoulder.

now come and :dance2: with me to bad *starts moonwalking then does the 5 spins following by the crutch grabbing*.

I don't know where this bubbly energy is coming from but for the past 24 hours I've been all bouncy and bubbly and screaming at top note to MJ's music :dancing:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Nay you're right, it can only get better so hopefully it's not too long coming hey.
Yeah emotions, can they just turn off sometimes?!

Mel you painted your tv? how kool! Ohh I don't have digital tv yet. That show sounds good! I was just saying to someone before how awesome it was that they had a disney channel - that must be pay tv I guess. I love cartoons.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

aww :huggy: I seem to be really emotional when I sick *nods* I was watching one of MJ's dvd the other day while I was resting up in bed and it wasn't even sad and I started crying it's true we are emotional.

I know that I've said this plently of times and I'm probably starting to sound like a crap record but I'm here for you when ever you need a shoulder.

now come and :dance2: with me to bad *starts moonwalking then does the 5 spins following by the crutch grabbing*.

I don't know where this bubbly energy is coming from but for the past 24 hours I've been all bouncy and bubbly and screaming at top note to MJ's music :dancing:

Aww, thanks. I wish I did feel like dancing...this yoga is friggin killing me haha

I haven't watched an MJ dvd for a while cause they are all in boxes :( I had one of those days today when I actually stopped and just thought 'my god, he's really gone'. Like i had to remind myself that it actually was real :cry:

Does anyone else do that? I just never thought I'd live in a world without Michael. Sometimes I just can't believe, he's actually gone. Not right :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Mel you painted your tv? how kool! Ohh I don't have digital tv yet. That show sounds good! I was just saying to someone before how awesome it was that they had a disney channel - that must be pay tv I guess. I love cartoons.

:lol: Kel, no we painted the Telly unit and the hutch that's in the loungeroom.

Mum and dad brought my a digital top box for chrissy cause I didn't want to get rid of my telly if I didn't have to cause it's got enough av plugs to be able to have the Wii, Playstation 2, dvd recorder and the 360 plugged in all at once with out having to chop and change and wear out the connections or the plugs.

It is good, I randomly came across it a couple of days ago when I was flipping through the channels to see what was on and I was like "hmm I'll give this show a go" at 1st I thought it was crap but now I'm addicted to it, I wonder if it has anything to do with one of the actors that plays "Brady" on it he's gorgeous :lol:

:yes: The "Disney Channel" is foxtel / Austar I'm still fighting with my parents to get foxtel cause I want all the cartoon channels, I love cartoons even though I'm like nearly 27! :lol: I've been having no luck though unfortunately :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Aww, thanks. I wish I did feel like dancing...this yoga is friggin killing me haha

I haven't watched an MJ dvd for a while cause they are all in boxes :( I had one of those days today when I actually stopped and just thought 'my god, he's really gone'. Like i had to remind myself that it actually was real :cry:

Does anyone else do that? I just never thought I'd live in a world without Michael. Sometimes I just can't believe, he's actually gone. Not right :(

:lol: maybe you should give yourself a rest from the yoga, I did some today actually and my stupid instructor reckons I was all over the place so I got the shits with her told her to shut up and did some boxing instead :D.

I have all my MJ's dvd's in my bookself with the rest of all my other dvd's that I've purchased over the years, they are the 1st 15 dvd's that I have and then the rest are cartoons and different movies.

:huggy: :better: :yes: I do get like that, I was listening to a song a while ago while I was away its called "This I Promise You" sang by a band called N'Sync and I was like aww this song reminds me of MJJC and then I looked up into the sky and I was like :cry: MJ :cry: so you aren't the only one hunny.

I have days when I can be over the moon and the happiest person and then I have days where all I want is Michael and no one else to annoy me. I seem to be missing him a little less then what I was last year but I still think about him constantly.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:lol: Kel, no we painted the Telly unit and the hutch that's in the loungeroom.

:yes: The "Disney Channel" is foxtel / Austar I'm still fighting with my parents to get foxtel cause I want all the cartoon channels, I love cartoons even though I'm like nearly 27! :lol: I've been having no luck though unfortunately :(

Oh lol I follow now haha! Yah I want it too, tis a bit expensive tho. I don't think your ever too old to watch cartoons *hehe* Michael would agree I reckon! Hey if you get Tivo do you need anything else for digital?

Does anyone else do that? I just never thought I'd live in a world without Michael. Sometimes I just can't believe, he's actually gone. Not right :(

:lol: maybe you should give yourself a rest from the yoga, I did some today actually and my stupid instructor reckons I was all over the place so I got the shits with her told her to shut up and did some boxing instead :D.

:huggy: :better: :yes: I do get like that, I was listening to a song a while ago while I was away its called "This I Promise You" sang by a band called N'Sync and I was like aww this song reminds me of MJJC and then I looked up into the sky and I was like :cry: MJ :cry: so you aren't the only one hunny.

I have days when I can be over the moon and the happiest person and then I have days where all I want is Michael and no one else to annoy me. I seem to be missing him a little less then what I was last year but I still think about him constantly.

I don't think you're at all alone Nay with feeling that way. It's a lot easier to not think about the reality a lot of the time. But sometimes it just sort of hits you. I had a bit of a cry last night and wanted to just go be where he is. But I am doing better overall with that. I was watching something and he was just too.. :wub:

Mel - lol at telling your instructor to shut up haha. :p

:huggy: to you both :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

lol! oceany type noises can be nice too.

Have you tried taking herbal supplements love? There are some that can/might help.
Having a routine for when you get up and sleep is often important. :yes: plus keeping your bedroom just for sleep and not watching movies or reading (annoying but what I read).
I went to the doctor for sleeping pills because I was having uber trouble but they don't like to give them to you because you end up relying on them and get hooked, it's lame.

Lol i tend use my bedroom to listen 2 music & watching my dvds... so must mean im totally screwed!