Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

You'd be surprised who would read it. And I like to ramble a lot so for me it's a way to ramble MORE :rofl: Ha yeah I love Invincible! There are SO many GREAT songs on there :woohoo: I've been starting to really get into 2000 Watts and Threatened lately.... what exactly IS 2000 Watts about anyhow? Is it just me... or could it be totally sexual?? :swoon:
Hhe there's a thread in Groove Theory about 2000 Watts hehe. It's very sexual hehe :wild::wub:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

God I love this song by Janet
Have listened to it the entire day today haha
Rock With U
Anyone else a fan? The video clip is so good!

I don't mind that one... but right now I'm completely stuck on make me... it's been in my head SO friggin much. It's got that hook like in it that just goes round and round in my head :p
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I don't mind that one... but right now I'm completely stuck on make me... it's been in my head SO friggin much. It's got that hook like in it that just goes round and round in my head :p
Ooo just listened to it for the first time! Wonderful song! I know what you mean it has a great hook! Janet is gorgeous in the clip too :)

Still Rock With U playing on into the night for me tehe:angel:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Ooo just listened to it for the first time! Wonderful song! I know what you mean it has a great hook! Janet is gorgeous in the clip too :)

Still Rock With U playing on into the night for me tehe:angel:

Haha yeah it really is good. And she's still in GREAT shape imo! I hope to be in that kind of shape when I'm that age :clapping:

Haha yep, you got that and I got invincible :woohoo:

I'm thinking of blog topics so I can finally update that friggin thing! :p Any ideas? lol :rofl:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

aww :huggy: I'm just trying to fill in some time as I'm bored, but I might hope off shortly and have a rest, I've got a flaming headache from the flaming heat here, it's 36 degrees here so far and it's just hit just over lunch time.

I know how having no Internet is, although I'm on a contract plan and I'm always connected unless there is something wrong with my modem ect ect, I have just about used all my download limit and it doesn't reset until Monday so my Internet is a little slow atm and I can't download anything which I'm really pissed off about cause I wanted to download a Michael video of the Brisbane Bad Concert but I can't do it till Monday :angry:

Aww :hug: Hope ur headache is gone now. Ohhhhh mj bad tour :wild:

Me likey!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:waving: Morning everyone!

Well, I've had 3 hours sleep and it's almost time to go back to work :( I'm going to be stuffed tonight.

Just thought you'd all like to know that I am officially the best wedding bar bitch ever haha. According to about 40 of the drunk wedding guests last night. What pisshead haha. Seriously, after a few hours...i was getting individuals their drinks ready before they hit the bar cause I knew exactly what everyone was drinking :p They were quite impressed. But I must say...if I have to open one more Corona and stick the flippin lemon in!! Haha :p

Hope everyone had a great night last night :)

Oh, the sun is shining - shouldnt it be illegal to make people work on a Sunday?

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Sounds like a great night last night!

Im going to a wedding today...but i wont be drinking alchol though, i dont like the stuff
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

but i wont be drinking alchol though, i dont like the stuff

Smart girl haha

I can't believe how much this mob drank last night, incredible!

Have a nice time at the wedding! Hope they play better music than what I had to listen to last night!!

There was one Mj song, however it was someone else singing it (TWYMMF) and he absolutely destroyed it. I had to leave the room haha

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeh i stay right away from ppl who drink wayyy too much lol

Oh dont ya just hate when they sing mj songs @ weddings and they utterly desrroy it UGH!

The last wedding i went 2 they played mj songs , but i think they actually played his records ( i cant remember)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I know. Don't get me wrong - I love hearing Mikey at weddings. But when it's actually him, the real deal. Not when it's so 60 year old one man band singing 'You really turn me on" haha. Something not quite right when others try to pull of MJ. I hate hearing his songs destroyed!

Ok, I should get off here and go to work :p There's three of us on today, here's hoping it's quiet and they send me home :)

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Afternoon all! :waving:

I actually had a pretty good day at work. Less crying kids today, more excited ones for a change! Was busy though. So many kids looking all spiffy in their dresses and ties for pics with Santa :D

I got complimented by the owner of the studio today. He said he can tell when I'm working because my shots are always perfectly composed and that it is why every time I work I'm the one taking all the photos :woohoo: I was like... really? :D So watch out cuz I got a big ol' EGO now hahahaha :rofl:

So how is everyone????

Nay, Glad the job went off well. Although I would have wanted to thump the person destroying Michael's song..... :p Coronas eh? How are you at spicy bloody mary's? THOSE are my faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav :clapping:

Hey I wanna go to a wedding... I love weddings.... as long as I'm not getting married :rofl:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:waving: morning my fellow aussies how are we all this morning?

hey mel!

How r ya?

Just came bck from my god parents daughters was beautiful :wub:

Will be going to the recpection later
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

hey mel!

How r ya?

Just came bck from my god parents daughters was beautiful :wub:

Will be going to the recpection later

Aww that's great that the wedding went really well. How was the weather it didn't rain at all?. I love the receptions of weddings though i haven't been to one since my sister's sharon's which was back in 1996.

I'm not to bad, i went to the doctors today and it turns out the i have a cold and throat infection so i'm not impressed. I'm hoping i'm better before i head down to sydney cause i don't want to be meeting with mel or seb if i'm sick.

:waving: hey misty, its great to see that you job is working out so well, you should be proud of yourself.
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Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

^ Ah you sick as well??? The throat/cold thing.... I think it's going around. I've had it like four days now and it's driving me crazy! I've been gargling a lot with that medicated stuff that numbs your throat a while and taking stuff for the sinuses as well. I hope it goes away soon for the both of us :hug:

:waving: Thanks! Yeah I'm quite happy about it all :D

Sorry I'm not in this thread much this evening... moderator job is keeping me really busy atm :p
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

^ Ah you sick as well??? The throat/cold thing.... I think it's going around. I've had it like four days now and it's driving me crazy! I've been gargling a lot with that medicated stuff that numbs your throat a while and taking stuff for the sinuses as well. I hope it goes away soon for the both of us :hug:

:waving: Thanks! Yeah I'm quite happy about it all :D

Sorry I'm not in this thread much this evening... moderator job is keeping me really busy atm :p

:yes: I've got it too, I went swimming the other day and yesterday I woke up with the sore throat but I was just gargling it with salty water, but then morning I woke up and it was like I swallowed a packed a razor blades and I ain't joking.

I think it is going around cause my sister's 4 have it too and my 2 best mates aren't well either so there must be something going around, I normally don't get sick in summer I'm more prone to getting sick in Winter.

:huggy: I hope you feel better soon babe, that's great that your happy with the job and enjoying it, my fingers are crossed for you darl, I really hope something more permanent comes out of it for you.

aww it's okay I used to help run and Anthony Callea forum so don't worry I completely understand how busy a mods job can be. At least you can still have a few minutes every now and then to pop in and say hello and let us know what your up to.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

YEP! That's the one! I was actually fearful I was getting strep throat because it hurt that much! Now the sore throat has faded some but the rest came full on. It's hard to sleep.... I get SO stuffed up I can barely breathe. Tonight though, I'm armed with Vicks Vapor Rub :woohoo: Should help some at least... I just wanna get decent sleep :mello:
I'm pretty sure I got mine being around kids for work. Some were coughing and sneezing and it's most likely how I ended up with it...

Yeah I hope you feel better soon too. It's not much fun is it??? :no:

Yes I know... This job is so great - until December 24th, my last day. But, now I'll have an Aussie work reference, which may make the difference to me finding another job quickly after this one. Nobody wanted to call my American work references because they were overseas - but they were the only ones I had. :scratch:

I just want to work my butt off and save every penny for school when I go home. Got a lot of it to do if I'm going to double and do EMT-basic and my first year associates in photography at the same time.... (i can't wait though..I think it will be great!)

Yep you understand then... somedays are just crazier than others being mod. I do like it that I can pop in here quick or in the random section for a few mins :D

So how was your day other than being sick???
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

I should let everyone know that my mobile number is now inactive and I am having a lot of problems with Vodafone and me trying to get a new number.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Aww that's great that the wedding went really well. How was the weather it didn't rain at all?. I love the receptions of weddings though i haven't been to one since my sister's sharon's which was back in 1996.

I'm not to bad, i went to the doctors today and it turns out the i have a cold and throat infection so i'm not impressed. I'm hoping i'm better before i head down to sydney cause i don't want to be meeting with mel or seb if i'm sick.

It rained abit in the morning i think, but it quickly cleared up and become a lil sunny which was nice.

The recption was nice.. the band did a jacksons song!!!!!! "blame it on the boogie! :wild:

I starting dancing 2 it on the dancefloor, but while i was dancing my foot became badly sore! so i had 2 sit down :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

aww :huggy: you have to be a little more careful when trying to do that moonwalk :lmao:

ooooooooo just what I made last night while I was online.

I didnt do the moonwalk, if they would have done "billie jean" i would haved! :Lmao:

U meant "guess" right...:blink: