Official Aussie & NZ Thread

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yeaaaaaaaaah you know if you find the pic you are SO gonna have to post it :p :dancin:
LOL! It sorta depends on the type of snow (yep there are types). You definately don't get the fluffy stuff all the time, especially if it's not a certain temp.
In Milwaukee, being right on the shore of Lake Michigan, we get "lake effect" snow. It's generally fluffier, larger and heavier quantities. It's the best snow for making things and having snowball fights and when you walk on it, it pops :yes:

This vid on youtube... is from Milwaukee: I remember that storm!!! My bus got stuck in the middle of friggin National Ave that morning :p

Oh god, that's one way to embarrass a picture of my pathetic little snowman! haha. He was kinda cute though :wub:

I never knew Milwaukee was that cold. Shows how much I know!

And i never knew there was different types of snow! Wow :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Oh god, that's one way to embarrass a picture of my pathetic little snowman! haha. He was kinda cute though :wub:

I never knew Milwaukee was that cold. Shows how much I know!

And i never knew there was different types of snow! Wow :)

LMAO! :rotf: Ah, I bet it was cute as!!

So where did you see snow at? They don't get snow in WA do they? :scratch:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

LMAO! :rotf: Ah, I bet it was cute as!!

So where did you see snow at? They don't get snow in WA do they? :scratch:

Oh god no, haha. Hail...but no snow :p

Went to Vancouver and the Canadian Rockies - so saw it there :)

I loved Canada, such a beautiful place :wub: and the people are so lovely! They reminded me of Aussies.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Oh god no, haha. Hail...but no snow :p

Went to Vancouver and the Canadian Rockies - so saw it there :)

I loved Canada, such a beautiful place :wub: and the people are so lovely! They reminded me of Aussies.

Yeah been seeing a lot of hail here too! :p

Ooooooooh nice!!! Ah I love mountains so much! Especially the Rockies... aren't they just majestic?? :wub:

Yeah I noticed that too, I went up to Sault Ste Marie a few times, since my ma lives on Drummond Is. in very northern Michigan, it's just a short road trip over the border from her place really (well okay once you've ferried onto the mainland it is...). Everyone IS very nice and helpful and just sort of casual.

I definately notice that here too. You all just are nicer to each other :D

On that note, I'm off to bed. Tommorrow I get to photograph the kiddies again :clapping: I'm sure to see more terrified kids who get one look at Santa and go all shock/horror/flee on us :p

Sleep well! :yes:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Hi There :)

I know I'm talking to you on msn right now...but I didn't want no one to say hello back hehe :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Eclipse is in cinemas next yr alreday???? wow!
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:waving: Hey Jess, yep I found the information on the Official twilight website, they've already finished filming for it and it's in Cinemas on the 30th of June BOO YEAH can't wait :dancing:

Yay!!! :wild:

Cant wait for that day!

Im so not happy net credits r nearly over...and i have 2 wait till mumm gets them for me on monday :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Yay!!! :wild:

Cant wait for that day!

Im so not happy net credits r nearly over...and i have 2 wait till mumm gets them for me on monday :(

aww :huggy: I'm just trying to fill in some time as I'm bored, but I might hope off shortly and have a rest, I've got a flaming headache from the flaming heat here, it's 36 degrees here so far and it's just hit just over lunch time.

I know how having no Internet is, although I'm on a contract plan and I'm always connected unless there is something wrong with my modem ect ect, I have just about used all my download limit and it doesn't reset until Monday so my Internet is a little slow atm and I can't download anything which I'm really pissed off about cause I wanted to download a Michael video of the Brisbane Bad Concert but I can't do it till Monday :angry:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

:waving: *sneeks in and squeezes Nay & Seb :huggy: :love: you guys.

Seb: 6 Days to go baby :dancing:

Nay: OMG *totally spazzes out* 7 Months and 2 Days till ECLIPSE is in Cinemas (Hurry Up June 30th!) *runs around the room on a high :dancing:

Morning Mel :huggy:

Counting down already hehe cute :p I still haven't seen New Moon!

June 30..oh dear...I don't really want to think about that time of the year :(
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Sorry to bring that up :( Just hate thinking about when that day in June comes :cry:

Sorry :(

no need to be sorry, it's okay :huggy:. Its something that I don't want to remember either so its all good.

Tell you what if I can I'll personally make a trip over to Perth and we'll see Eclipse together that way we can still be excited but then sad for Michael together :D.

Aww I have something to tell you, yesterday I went to the Christmas Celebrations in the park, which is why I wasn't on here last night, anyway they had this Choir singing and it was this song called "The Battle Hymn Of The Republic" (not sure if you've heard of it or not) but it's a song about war and everyone coming together, when this choir was singing it there were all these people they walked up to the front of the stage and were holding hands, it made me think of Michael so I looked up into the sky and right above me there was this star and it was the only star that was shinning, then all of a sudden I got goosebumps and smiled, I think it may have been Michael.
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

no need to be sorry, it's okay :huggy:. Its something that I don't want to remember either so its all good.

Tell you what if I can I'll personally make a trip over to Perth and we'll see Eclipse together that way we can still be excited but then sad for Michael together :D.

Aww I have something to tell you, yesterday I went to the Christmas Celebrations in the park, which is why I wasn't on here last night, anyway they had this Choir singing and it was this song called "The Battle Hymn Of The Republic" (not sure if you've heard of it or not) but it's a song about war and everyone coming together, when this choir was singing it there were all these people they walked up to the front of the stage and were holding hands, it made me think of Michael so I looked up into the sky and right above me there was this star and it was the only star that was shinning, then all of a sudden I got goosebumps and smiled, I think it may have been Michael.

Aww that's sweet of you. I just don't want to think about that certain day though, it scares me :( I just don't want to be alone again on that day like I was this year when it happened :( Oh dear....sorry guys, I always dampen the mood on this thread!

Oh that's so sweet ! I bet it was Michael, that's so beautiful. Whenever I see a single star in the sky - I always think it's him :cry:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Aww that's sweet of you. I just don't want to think about that certain day though, it scares me :( I just don't want to be alone again on that day like I was this year when it happened :( Oh dear....sorry guys, I always dampen the mood on this thread!

Oh that's so sweet ! I bet it was Michael, that's so beautiful. Whenever I see a single star in the sky - I always think it's him :cry:

:huggy: :better: no you don't always dampen the mood on this thread at all, don't ever think that you can't come in here and tell us what's on your mind if there is ever something that you want to talk about.

We are all friends here and friends are always there for to support one an other when they need it so stop saying that you always seen to dampen this thread cause that's not the case :huggy:

I meant what I said about coming to Perth, if I can make it I'll be there with bells and whistles, heck I'll even where my MJ shirt too and if anyone dares to so much mumble a bad word about him I'll literally KO! their arses to the point of no return! :lmao:.

:huggy: :cry: I know how you feel sweetie I don't think any of us want to be reminded of what happened on that tragic day.

Oh btw your not alone either, I'm here for you for as long as you need me regardless whether it's day or night :huggy: in the words of Michael and I quote "You are not alone, for I am here with you, Though your far away I'm here to stay, But you are not alone for I am here with you, Though we're far part, You're always in my heart, For YOU! are NOT ALONE!.

I think it was, it was just a little weird how when that song was on I looked up and that star was like there right in front of my shinning. I still think of Michael alot especially when I'm feeling down and alone, sometimes when I think of him I still get really teary so you aren't alone on that one hunni :huggy: :love: :better:
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Thanks hun :cry:

I'm sorry, I'm just having one of those days today. I need to snap out of it because I'm working at a wedding in a few hours and don't want to be unhappy there. Especially because it's a 10 hour shift...eeek.

Thank you

Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Thanks hun :cry:

I'm sorry, I'm just having one of those days today. I need to snap out of it because I'm working at a wedding in a few hours and don't want to be unhappy there. Especially because it's a 10 hour shift...eeek.

Thank you


:huggy: tell ya what, you wanna know what I think about when I'm feeling a little down. I actually think about Michael and what he'd be doing right about now where ever he is, and I can almost promised you that he'd be up there climbing trees till his heart is content, then cause climbing trees is hard work he'll be cooling off with a massive water balloon fight then after he's finished there and has dried off you'll probably find that he'll be teaching everyone that's interested how to do the moonwalk.

If you bring yourself to think of those things maybe it might help you lighten your mood, you'll be surprised on how it actually works :)
Re: AUSSIES! Get in here!

Thanks hun :cry:

I'm sorry, I'm just having one of those days today. I need to snap out of it because I'm working at a wedding in a few hours and don't want to be unhappy there. Especially because it's a 10 hour shift...eeek.

Thank you

I love you Nay
xx Keep smiling you gorgeous thing.
xxxxx I'm here if you need anytime sweetheart.

Mel you're a sweetheart for being so sweet too

I love you all so much. I've never met any of you in real life. But you feel like a second family. I really mean that. :angel: