Nov 17 News & Mentionings

Such doom and gloom coming from some...

Truth is, we still know very little about the case in general, and even less about Michael's side of the case. All of the reports today focused chiefly on the prince's allegations.

Michael admitted that he "signed a document which he understood gave him a substantial shareholding in the 2 Seas recording company," but that he "never read the terms of the document and was never advised to take independent legal advice." He also said that the case is based on "mistake, misrepresentation and undue influence".

We still have no idea to what extent the "agreement" Michael signs encompasses. Obviously more details will come through as the court hearings continue.
Either way, in area where there is no contract, but where other types of "agreements" or "understandings", either side is able to win, and credibility of sides will sometimes weight more than everything else.

For example, Michael mostly lost case to Marcel Avraam about "Millennium" concerts, even though Jackson insisted that he was in absolute clear state of mind that the concerts were cancelled beforehand (or at least postponed; and being alive in the 1999 I remember news about it long before the supposed date of concerts, so where are Marcel's "damages" and "losses"?).

However, there was a jury, which preferred to put a cliché on Michael and did not believe him, even though they could easily accept Jackson's evidence, if they would want to (such cases are not decided on formal basis of simply having Jackson-Avraam original contract and absence of formal written signed contract cancellation). The jury was probably prejudiced.

This time the situation is somewhat similar. However, now it is a judge, not a jury. Even though a judge in UK can have positive prejudice towards Bahrain royal family and/or negative prejudice against Michael Jackson (what can be easily the case).

To be realistic, there is significant probability that Michael will lose this case even if, as of now, the Prince's side does not promise to show a contract where Jackson signed that he has to do album, musical, book.

However, we may always hope for positive outcome, and it is probable, too.
After reading this thread, this is how I see it:

CRA does not exists regarding this situation. Until it does, it doesn't exists.

MJ was not in his right state of mind to sign anything. He came to that place to relax and chill. Not to sign anything. I know it was stated that he did signed something, but I doubt it was a contract. Knowing that MJ is business savvy, he would have read that contract before signing.

It is possible that MJ and the Prince were talking about doing some songs together and MJ felt good one day and recorded a song with the Prince. It is possible.

MJ must have realized that the Prince was not what he seemed and left. Maybe he decided to check on the Prince with the help of Raymone and Londell and MJ saw what was the Prince's true motives.

Michael must have "NO" in his vocabulary at all times. JUST SAY NO!!!!! It will help you in life.

As far as I read, MJ signed a document not a contract. If he signed a contract, the media would have reported that. A document can be anything, you guys. Anything.

If MJ loses (which I doubt he will) he will pay the money to that bastard. I think MJ will win this case. I really do. I can't see how he won't win.

The story is spreading everywhere. I saw it on as well and I was like, "damn....."

The Prince is clearly trying to promote himself as a "songwriter". It is clear as day. I would not be shocked if the song sucks.

I am on Michael's side on this. Whether he wins or loses.

What was Jermaine thinking? That does not mean that you guys need to trash Jermaine. I am just saying.
As TSCM has confirmed.. we have to wait and see what materialises. If there is a contract it will most certainly go one way unless the small print has loopholes. If it is ruled no legal binding agreement was signed then all should be restored to normal pretty swiftly. Hell, it will probably be settled out of court anyway remember!
The Prince is clearly trying to promote himself as a "songwriter". It is clear as day. I would not be shocked if the song sucks.

Honey, I can't wait until we have had a chance to hear this song.

And you know what's interesting for me is the fact that I never heard that the Prince was a "songwriter." I mean, I know he was interested in the music business, but his songwriting wishes is new to me.

But look at that, after only one day in court, we all now know that Prince wishes to be a songwriter. Not only a songwriter, but a songwriter who wants MJ to sing his songs.
Hell, it will probably be settled out of court anyway remember!
While anything is possible, Michael and the prince have had well over a year to come up with an out-of-court settlement, but they didn't. Now the trial is pretty well "underway", despite the mainstream media reporting on this case for the very first time as if it is something new. It's been around since August '07.

Honey, I can't wait until we have had a chance to hear this song.

I wonder if we'll ever get such a chance? I still can't comprehend how Michael was able to record any vocals for a song literally less than 24 hours after he was acquitted. He was in very sad health at that time.
While anything is possible, Michael and the prince have had well over a year to come up with an out-of-court settlement, but they didn't. Now the trial is pretty well "underway", despite the mainstream media reporting on this case for the very first time as if it is something new. It's been around since August '07.

The Prince wouldn't be able to get any attention for his song and his songwriting skills, if he didn't proceed with this case. LOL!
PatrickS77 said:
Michael profited and had agreed to record that album! Then he left!

"Agreed" in a contract and in Letter of Intent Agreement, Letter of Intent, Agreement of Intent (UK)-type of papers are different concepts in terms of how obligatory they are.

So please do not simplify things to make look Michael responsible when we have nothing yet to make such conclusion.
hi :waving: i can help you out MJJC MOD 1 i found some news o.k :)

here is website:

17th November 2008

Here is the latest news


‘King Of Pop’ drops 18 places on the UK Album Chart this week to #63.


‘Number Ones’ drops 10 places on the Australian Music DVD Chart this week to #15.

‘Live In Bucharest - The Dangerous Tour’ has re-entered the charts at #34.


Singer Amy Winehouse recently talked to a reporter on the intercom. Being asked what her favorite musician is she expressed her admiration for Michael Jackson:

Reporter: You still didn't tell us who your favorite artist is, Amy?

Amy Winehouse: My favorite artist? Oooh my...we will be here all night!

Reporter: I heard you like Michael Jackson?

Amy Winehouse: Well, he is the one person I truly believe - I mean musician wise - who I truly believe is magical."


Singer Samanta Mumba has spoken about one of her visits with Michael Jackson once again. In 2007, Samantha has explained how she spent time with Michael for a couple of hours in Los Angeles. They spoke about music, dancing and recording music. Michael had told her at that time that he would like to help her with her music career and has even written several songs he would be willing to give to her. Mumba explains how it was first to met Michael back in 2006 in Dubia:

"Meeting Michael was like the closest thing I will ever get to meeting a saint. He had this amazing aura to him. He was very spiritual and magical, even mythical. I was just in awe of him. The guy doesn't have a bad bone in his body. He was so kind and had this incredible way with him. "I didn't know what to expect to be honest because you read and hear so much about him. When I walked into the room he was the most humble, warm, friendly person you could ever wish to meet. He also had a hilarious sense of humour. He kept cracking these jokes that had me in fits of laughter. It was weird because I was thinking, 'I'm standing in a room having a hoot with Michael Jackson. Nobody is ever going to believe this'.

"Everyone in the music business knows he has made history. But I can still see him making another great album. I would love to see him perform. He's a perfectionist so that's why it takes him so long to release material. But I'd definitely be going along to see him in concert if he did a gig in Ireland."


Holly Bradley, 22, from Barmby Moor, UK, is heading to Manchester later this month to Britain's Got Talent for auditions. She will be there to show Simon Cowell a few of her Michael Jackson moves to prove to him that she is a Thriller.

Holly has been fascinated with Michael Jackson for the last six years and knows all his moves by heart and also owns several copies of his costumes.

Holly, who has Down's syndrome teaches entertainment staff at the hotel she stays at when she goes on holiday to Tunisia. She has had plenty of practice to her favorite song "Billie Jean."

Her mum, Christine, said it had been Michelle who had sent the audition tapes off to Britain’s Got Talent and they then got a letter inviting them to audition – but only on the proviso that they agree to be filmed. Christine said: “I didn’t know anything about it but Holly taught herself all the dance moves. It’s her favourite thing, she is absolutely brilliant at it and she just adores Michael Jackson.”

Holly's talent was first spotted by her former drama teacher at Kings Mill School, Julia Gregory.
Christine said Julia had told her: “It’s a great breakthrough for people with special needs as people think they can’t do anything but these kids can do things. Christine added: “She might not win but it’s an experience for her to show people what she can do.” The day in Manchester on November 25 will be a family affair as Holly will be accompanied by her mum, sister and niece – but it will be Christine suffering from nerves rather than Holly. “There will be no problem for her,” she said. “Holly is not a bit frightened, she will go on any stage."


Actor Eddie Griffin acrimoniously complained to TMZ when they asked him if he’d had recent contact Michael, as he was “in town”.

Click on the link below to watch the video:-*****-makes-him-*****/
Warning! This video contains strong language.


Miley Cyrus pays homage to Michael’s ‘Thriller’ short film in her latest video. ‘Fly on the Wall’ is about the constant attention she gets and she says is “…about the media. It’s about how they think they know everything about me, when they don’t. They want to be a fly on my wall and watch me 24/7.”

Director Philip Andelman has made the video Miley’s worst nightmare by using prying photographers instead of featuring zombies.

The gist of the concept is that she and her boyfriend are on a date, leaving a movie, when suddenly, he gets overcome by some strange cough. Suddenly, he turns into a paparazzo and begins chasing Miley. Soon, she is backed into a corner with nowhere to turn and the paparazzi approaching, when suddenly, instead of attacking or photographing her, they break into choreography.”

“I didn’t want to do something too serious, as I felt it would come off as her being whiny instead of playful.
Miley added; “I definitely had some fun. I needed a serious massage afterward. It has a great dance number and it’s super-fun.


The Rolling Stone magazine conducted a list of the '100 Greatest Singers Of All Time' of the rock era. The list was compiled by a panel including Bruce Springsteen, Keith Richards and Alicia Keys. Each voter was asked to list his/her 20 favorite vocalists from the rock era, in order of their importance. Those ballots were recorded and weighted according to methodology developed by the accounting firm of Ernst & Young, which then tabulated and verified the results for Rolling Stone.

Aretha Franklin tops the list, followed by Ray Charles and Elvis Presley. Michael Jackson made it to #25 .

Patrick Stump of the group 'Fall Out Boy' honored Michael with the following words:

Michael Jackson is a perfect storm of innate talent and training. His singing as a child is astounding: He just nailed "I Want You Back" — there's maybe one bum note on that song, which is crazy to me, because he was only 11 years old.

One of the key elements of his style is how he uses his voice as an instrument. His signature grunts — "ugh," "ah" and all that — are rhythmic things that guitar players or drummers usually do. He's one of the most rhythmic singers ever — Prince emulated James Brown a lot more, but Michael Jackson approximated it more naturally.

And he has insane range. I can sing pretty high, but I had to drop "Beat It" a half step when I sang it. He sings this incredibly high note — I think it's a high C or even a high C-sharp, which no one can hit — on "Beat It," as well as "Billie Jean" and "Thriller." What people don't realize is that he can go pretty deep too. You hear that on "Burn This Disco Out," on Off the Wall — he goes deep into his range, which blows me away.

When somebody gets as big as he did, you lose sight of how avant-garde and revolutionary they are, but Michael Jackson pushed the boundaries of pop and R&B. Think about it: On "Beat It," you had an R&B singer doing a full-on rock song with Eddie Van Halen. Or the intro on "Man in the Mirror": He's got this reverb in his voice, and any time he goes "uh!" it goes for miles. To me, that's up there with some Brian Eno shit. That's how far out there it is.

Click on the link below for the complete list of voters:-

Click on the link below to view the complete Top 100:-

here is other news i found o.k ;)

here is website:

Bahrain prince sues Michael Jackson in high court

LONDON (Reuters) - A son of the king of Bahrain took U.S. pop star Michael Jackson to court on Monday for reneging on an agreement to record a new album and write an autobiography.

Bankim Thanki, the lawyer representing Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Khalifa, told London's High Court that his client had made several payments to Jackson from 2005 onwards, including $35,000 (23,400 pounds) to pay utility bills at Jackson's Neverland Ranch.

The court heard that the following month, in April 2005, Jackson asked for one million dollars through an assistant, the Press Association reported.

"Sheikh Abdullah made many more payments on his behalf or to others," Thanki said.

"Sheikh Abdullah began to support Mr. Jackson financially after 2005 when it became clear that Mr. Jackson was in very serious financial difficulties, much to Sheikh Abdullah's surprise," Thanki added.

The early financial support coincided with Jackson's 2005 trial on child molestation charges. Despite his acquittal, the case left the 50-year-old performer's reputation and financial status in tatters.

Jackson spent time in Bahrain as a guest of the royal family following the trial, and in April 2006 a statement was released on behalf of Bahrain music label Two Seas Records announcing he would record a new album for release in 2007.

The sheikh is suing the pop legend for allegedly reneging on a $7 million "pay-back" agreement designed to repay money he advanced to Jackson during his financial troubles.

He said he and Jackson entered into a "combined rights agreement" under which the star was committed to a recording contract, an autobiography and a musical stage play. Continued...

But Jackson contests that there was no valid agreement and that the sheikh's case was based on "mistake, misrepresentation and undue influence."

In his pleaded defence, Jackson said the payments he received were "gifts" and that no project was ever finalized.

At the start of a court hearing set for up to 12 days, the judge heard that an application would be made for Jackson to give evidence via video link from Los Angeles.

here is website:

Michael Jackson sued by Arab sheikh in UK court

LONDON (AP) — The son of an Arab monarch took the King of Pop to court Monday, charging that Michael Jackson took $7 million as an advance on an album and an autobiography that he never produced.

Lawyers for Sheikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa say their client paid Jackson expenses as an advance on the book and joint recording project with the sheikh, who is an amateur songwriter. Jackson claims the money was a gift.

Al Khalifa, 33, was due to testify at London's Royal Courts of Justice Wednesday. Jackson's lawyer Robert Englehart said he was seeking permission to have Jackson testify by video link from Los Angeles.

A lawyer for Al Khalifa said the royal first spoke to Jackson, 50, by telephone while the singer was on trial in California following his 2003 arrest on child molestation charges. Attorney Bankim Thanki said that Al Khalifa wanted to work with Jackson on rebuilding his career. Jackson's finances fell apart after his arrest and he was desperately short of cash.

Al Khalifa's first payment, for $35,000, went toward paying the utility bills at Neverland, Jackson's 2,500-acre (1,000 hectare) ranch and miniature amusement park in California, Thanki said. When Jackson was found innocent of the molestation charges in June 2005, Al Khalifa footed $2.2 million in legal bills, the lawyer said.

Al Khalifa said he believed the money would be repaid once Jackson's career recovered from the damaging trial.

"I saw the payment as an investment in Michael's potential," the sheikh in a statement he read out in court. "He said he would pay me back ... through our work together."

Al Khalifa moved Jackson and his entourage to Bahrain almost immediately after the trial, setting up a recording studio for him in Manama, the Gulf state's capital. The sheikh, who is the governor of the Bahrain's Southern Province, supplied Jackson with $500,000 in cash to subsidize his lifestyle and splashed out on a $350,000 European vacation for Jackson and his associates in February of 2006, Thanki said.

"The costs even included the expenses of bringing out Mr. Jackson's hairdresser," he said.

The lawyer said Jackson and the sheikh became close friends and at one time both lived in a palace in Abu Dhabi owned by Al Khalifa's father, Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, Bahrain's king. The singer stayed nearly a year in Bahrain as a guest of the son, but the relationship soured when Jackson repudiated a business deal Thanki said they had agreed to.

Jackson's lawyers say the pair never entered a valid agreement and that Al Khalifa's money was given freely.

Thanki acknowledged that Al Khalifa gave some gifts to Jackson but said that most of what the singer received was part of a business deal.

The gifts, he said, "were essentially personal effects — watches, jewelry."

Thanki said the sheik was wealthy but that paying Jackson's bills had taken a big bite out of his finances.

"Some of the payments were staggering by any standards," Thanki said, saying the expenditure "should not be regarded as loose change for my client."

As for Jackson, he still appears to be in difficult financial straits.

Last week he was forced to give up the deed on Neverland, which is named for the mythical land of Peter Pan.

The trial is being held in London because the parties had agreed to take any disputes over their deal to an English court, Al Khalifa's representatives said. The trial is due to wrap up by the end of the month.

here is website:

Bahrain Sheik Sues Michael Jackson For $7M In UK

LONDON -- Representatives for the king of Bahrain's son say he is suing pop star Michael Jackson for $7 million.

The Bell Pottinger Group says Sheik Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa has filed a breach-of-contract case against the troubled singer at London's Royal Courts of Justice.

The suit is to be heard Monday afternoon. It comes a week after Jackson gave up the title to his Neverland ranch in California.

In 2006, Jackson announced he would put out a new album for Khalifa's record label 2 Seas Records. Media reports say Khalifa is arguing that the promised work was never delivered.

Jackson's finances fell apart following his arrest in 2003 on charges that he molested a 13-year-old boy at Neverland. He moved to Bahrain after being acquitted of the charges.

here is website:

Neverland Card Battles Demo Available on PSN

Neverland Card Battles for the Sony PSP, developed by Idea Factory and published by Yuke's, was released a few weeks ago. RPGamer has an official review coming, but for those who simply cannot wait, a new demo for the game is now available on the PlayStation Store. The demo includes the opening cutscenes, a tutorial, and one full level.

Neverland Card Battles is a card-battler strategy-RPG in which players collect over 200 different types of cards and unlock new playable characters to use in battles against foes called Dominators (card battlers). The demo will pit players against the Dominator Egma. The game's storyline encompasses a journey throughout Neverland to save the world from an evil deity named Hellgaia. Neverland Card Battles also has an ad-hoc multiplayer mode. For those who like the demo, Neverland Card Battles retails for $29.99.

here is website:

Bahrain Prince sues Michael Jackson for breach of contract

The son of the king of Bahrain is suing Michael Jackson for breach-of-contract after the King of Pop failed to deliver a promised album. Sheik Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa filed a $7 million lawsuit against Jackson in the U.K. that was to heard today.

The Sheik claims the $7 million was an advance on two albums, a book and a tour. He also built Michael a studio and gave him a car. Michael says the money and items were gifts.

The lawsuit is expected to be settled out of court.

here is website:

The Case of the Missing Michael Jackson Music

Los Angeles (E! Online) – On the down side, Michael Jackson has been sued yet again. On the plus side, the suit has absolutely nothing to do with underage children.

The son of the king of Bahrain, or as his closest friends refer to him, Sheik Abdulla Bin Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, has filed a $7 million breach-of-contract suit against the pop star, claiming Jackson reneged on an exclusive recording contract.

In his lawsuit, which will be heard in London court later today, the sheik claims he paid Jackson more than $7 million as an advance on two albums, a stage show and a planned autobiography, built him a recording studio and gave him a Rolls-Royce worth roughly $275,000.

However, while Jackson was more than willing to accept the funds, the royal said that when the time came to actually record the promised music, Jackson, well, beat it.

Te erstwhile King of Pop has claimed all payments he received were "gifts" and that no project or contract was ever finalized. He voiced similar sentiments back in September 2006, when he announced he had split from Two Seas Records, the Bahrain-based record label he cofounded with Al-Khalifa, after just five months (and, for those keeping count, zero records).

Meanwhile, the sheik says the money was simply an advance that was to be repaid out of the proceeds of their planned entertainment endeavors and that he was simply doing his buddy a solid to help him out of his financial funk.

The unlikely business partners were onetime close friends: Back in 2005, Jackson, along with his children and entourage of advisers, stayed at the sheik's Bahrain residence for roughly six months during the singer's self-imposed exile in the wake of his acquittal on child-molestation charges.

Though the case is expected to go to trial at London's Royal Courts of Justice this afternoon, and indeed the British press was gathering en masse to await Jackson's possible arrival in court, it's believed the high-profile duo will likely settle the matter outside of court.

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I wonder if we'll ever get such a chance?

Oh don't say that, I'm so looking forward to hearing this song. LOL!

Aren't there reporters in the courtroom, if so, don't you think one of them or somebody will "record" the song and play it in the media. I mean, according to the Prince's attorney, the song is part of this case and therefore should be part of the PUBLIC record. Or am I missing something here.
While anything is possible, Michael and the prince have had well over a year to come up with an out-of-court settlement, but they didn't. Now the trial is pretty well "underway", despite the mainstream media reporting on this case for the very first time as if it is something new. It's been around since August '07.

I wonder if we'll ever get such a chance? I still can't comprehend how Michael was able to record any vocals for a song literally less than 24 hours after he was acquitted. He was in very sad health at that time.

And that's why I'm mad with Mike, why DIDN'T he and 'em settle? And also why didn't he sue him after the Prince sue him? I mean... wow... I mean... all this mess could've been straightened out. Obviously either Michael is fighting this or he actually didn't believe it'll get to this level...which he obviously did.

It could come to a settlement but stay tuned.
"Agreed" in a contract and in Letter of Intent Agreement, Letter of Intent, Agreement of Intent (UK)-type of papers are different concepts in terms of how obligatory they are.

So please do not simplify things to make look Michael responsible when we have nothing to make such conclusion.
Oh Geez... he held a press conference regarding that matter... I'm sure there were also papers signed... either way, also aural agreements are binding... even though harder to prove!

Why keep on beating a dead horse wait instead of just waiting and see what the next days of the trial will bring to light!?
Well I am being utterly selfish here but I am looking forward to any kind of leak of this song. Either way at least this mess will be worked out FAIRLY now in a court of law. Whatever happens, it will be over in 12 days, it can be forgotten about hopefully without bitterness from either side.
man u can't ever take these 'reporters' seriously since they always start their 'reports' with the word Erstwhile, before the phrase King of Pop. since the word Erstwhile means the past...or...formerly...

what are these people...reporters or editorialists? there used to be a seperate section for
Well I am being utterly selfish here but I am looking forward to any kind of leak of this song. Either way at least this mess will be worked out FAIRLY now in a court of law. Whatever happens, it will be over in 12 days, it can be forgotten about hopefully without bitterness from either side.

It better not, lol. :lol:
Timmy84 said:
And that's why I'm mad with Mike, why DIDN'T he and 'em settle? And also why didn't he sue him after the Prince sue him? I mean... wow... I mean... all this mess could've been straightened out. Obviously either Michael is fighting this or he actually didn't believe it'll get to this level...which he obviously did.

OR: Michael thinks he does not owe anything and in absolutely no mood to pay to whoever with monetary claims.

How is that this reason is out of your consideration?

And, Michael did not sue so many people (whom he could or even should sue) that you can not count it. He is not about suing. Why do not you consider this answer?

Yes, settled AFTER the Prince's song is played in open court. LOL!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Man if Michael's song played and we hear "incoherent, slurring words" from the report, some of y'all will wanna put the dude's head on a platter. :rollin: But if he's coherent, someone would say, "oh so he did do some songs...and they're good". Just saying hypothetically, not saying neither will happen. :rollin:

But in the world of Michael Joseph Jackson, Sr., EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

This is THRILLER! :zombie: :lol:
OR: Michael thinks he does not owe anything and in absolutely no mood to pay to whoever with monetary claims.

How is that this reason is out of your consideration?

And, Michael did not sue so many people (whom he could or even should sue) that you can not count it. He is not about suing. Why do not you consider this answer?


Because he trusts average joes. :tease: :lol:
Honey, I can't wait until we have had a chance to hear this song.

The song is gonna be all kinds of terrible. LOL. I can just feel it. I am also with you, Apple, regarding that all of the sudden, the Prince is a songwriter. Man, where did MJ met these clowns at? LOL.

No offense to rockstar but the "news" that you posted is old and already posted on the board. That mess was wrong, negative and distasteful. I remember the news staff stating that is not a source for news. It is best to let the people who know what they are doing with MJ news, post the news.

There are some posters who are "mad" at Michael for what is going on or trying to blame MJ for what is going on instead of realizing that the Prince is one twisted and sick bastard. I do not understand why some people want to blame MJ. I mean, I know that MJ should have never even listened to Jermaine and should have went to South Africa and relax and chill. However, that didn't happen. MJ trust too many people and that is a habit that needs to end. (Maybe it did) However, to make it seem like MJ is at fault in this is silly. MJ is a grown man and he knew what he was doing, but he was not well at the time and everyone KNEW THAT. That includes the Prince. What they did to him was wrong and they should get the blame for it. I am personally bothered by some posters trying to make MJ look stupid by blaming him for this. The man was not thinking clearly, IT HAPPENS!! The man was traumatized by the trial. His life was flashing before his eyes. He was basically given a life sentence. Everything that he had worked for was in the balance and the future of his children and family was hanging in a balance. This Prince knew that stuff and didn't give a damn. You are reading what he is saying. He tricked Michael and that is not right. I usually do not like to say this about Jermaine, but Jermaine should have known better and MJ should have kicked his ass and this Prince's ass. Seriously.
Last edited:
PatrickS77 said:
He held a press conference regarding that matter... I'm sure there were also papers signed... either way, also aural agreements are binding... even though harder to prove!

Press-conferences are not contracts, and Letters of Intent are not contracts, and aural agreements are not contracts (I co-run business so I know both theory and practice). However, You are right, even without contract Michael can lose this case, depending on circumstances (I described above).

Why keep on beating a dead horse wait instead of just waiting and see what the next days of the trial will bring to light!?
You, who already said that Michael is responsible, saying me to wait for the trial? It was me (including) who told you that "as of now", "yet" there is no information that Michael necessary owes money. ;)
OK, let's try to joke about this, what would be Michael's new song?

"Money (Is A Gift) But I Ain't Singing For Your A$$" produced by T-Pain. Huh? Huh? :lol:
The song is gonna be all kinds of terrible. LOL. I can just feel it. I am also with you, Apple, regarding that all of the sudden, the Prince is a songwriter. Man, where did MJ met these clowns at? LOL.

No offense to rockstar but the "news" that you posted is old and already posted on the board. That mess was wrong, negative and distasteful. I remember the news staff stating that is not a source for news. It is best to let the people who know what they are doing with MJ news, post the news.

There are some posters who are "mad" at Michael for what is going on or trying to blame MJ for what is going on instead of realizing that the Prince is one twisted and sick bastard. I do not understand why some people want to blame MJ? I mean, I know that MJ should have never even listened to Jermaine and should have went to South Africa and relax and chill. However, he did not listen. MJ trust too many people and that is a habit that needs to end. However, to make it seem like MJ is at fault in this is silly. MJ is a grown man and he knew what he was doing, but he was not well at the time and everyone KNEW THAT. That includes the Prince. What they did to his was wrong and they should get the blame for it. I am personally bothered by posters trying to make MJ looks stupid try to blame him for this. The man was not thinking clearly, IT HAPPENS!! The man was traumatized by the trial. His life was flashing before his eyes. He was basically given a life sentence. Everything that he had worked for was in the balance and the future of his children and family was hanging in a balance. This Prince knew that stuff and didn't give a damn. You are reading what he is saying. He tricked Michael and that is not right. I usually do not like to say this about Jermaine, but Jermaine should have known better and MJ should have kicked his ass and this Prince's ass. Seriously. What was Jermaine THINKING?

The song was probably titled "Jermaine (Your A$$ is Grass!)" :lol:
Bee I don't think anyone is blaming Michael as such but are a little concerned about some of the decisions he made during his stay in Bahrain, even going there at all in hindsight, appears to have become nothing but a huge mistake. At the moment it is unfair to call the Prince a sick bastard.. wait until evidence materialises in court and then we can all understand it in a bit more depth. At the moment it is all stabs in the dark.