Nov 17 News & Mentionings

........I am pretty sure I and plenty of other fans who were there can vouch for the fact Michael was in the studio...
There exists a video of him recording there.
Once the judge is done hearing the case I think he will take into consideration that MJ had gone through a very exhausting trial. It's widely known that he did. But it also seems like there's going to be some sort of a the judge is going to want them to meet each other half way or something.
........I am pretty sure I and plenty of other fans who were there can vouch for the fact Michael was in the studio...
There exists a video of him recording there.

Yes, I'm sure there is a vid of him in the studio, and there are photos. What is being claimed, though, is that he never COMPLETED the vocals, not that he didn't go to the studio.

Somehow, hoping for a speedy resolution to this.

He wannet to use Michael to make him famous!!!!!!!! cant believe it!!!!!!
BASTARD!! How could he!??! after all the hell he's been through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
}oh dear lord you help!!!!!!!!!!
Well I suppose everyone sees what they want to see. Of course, you have nothing to worry about. If anyone will be embarrassed or have their reputation tarnished, it will be MJ -- not YOU.

Of course, unless these things embarrass YOU as a FAN. And if that's the case, then you are far too invested in someone who you don't even know.
Wow.. the defensiveness of some of you people is sometimes astonishing! How about not wanting to see Michael embarras himself!?
Hmmm, something is just a tad fishy here. But I really don't know about this one. If Michael claims he signed a document, but didn't read the terms of it or have legal advice (if I am reading all of this right), then well that was probably not the best thing in the world to do. A signed doc is a signed doc, whether you read it or not, you are bound by it. I have no idea how Michael is gonna be able to get himself outta this one...unless he just pays up. But the prince really, truly did/is taking advantage of Michael. How rude.

*sniff sniff* I smell EXTORTION *sniff sniff* p.u. it STINKS!
btw I also wish the reports would quit saying MJ was FORCED to give up neverland, and that it was b/c of financial woes. what a bunch of posh. but that's not was this thread is about. just a little aside. that prince sure knows how to lure someone in when they are down and then kick them in the gut when they are happy. That is a very rude and tasteless tactic to use on someone. He should be ashamed of himself.
i really dont think mj should have been near this guy a day after the trial. he was in no fit state to make a decision on what ceral to have in the morning let alone a recording deal or anything. another person trying to get something out of mj, these people are like leeches. he needs frank dileo and his cigar back i think lol. he would not put up with these randoms!!

Jackson 'to sing sheikh's own songs'

© Press Association 2008

"Mr Thanki promised the judge that a recording of the song would be played in court during the trial. "It shows the quality of Sheikh Abdulla's song writing skills and that of Mr Jackson's voice," he told the judge. "
For 15 mins of a music wannabe $7M is pocket change for the Prince to throw.

He claims he and Jackson entered into a "combined rights agreement" (CRA) under which the troubled superstar was committed to a recording contract, the production of an autobiography and a musical stage play.But Jackson is contesting the claim, insisting there was no valid agreement and that the sheikh's case is based on "mistake, misrepresentation and undue influence". In his pleaded defence, Jackson says the payments he received were "gifts" and that no project was ever finalised.

The hearing continues.
Um... COMBINED Rights agreement (CRA) .... The Prince combined with Michael??? Having signed an agreement is not in Michael's favour, his lawyer will need to show proof he was under duress when he signed this and probably the amount the prince sued for probably will whittle down to half or less.
Once the judge is done hearing the case I think he will take into consideration that MJ had gone through a very exhausting trial. It's widely known that he did. But it also seems like there's going to be some sort of a the judge is going to want them to meet each other half way or something.

I hope so. This whole thing just stinks no matter who's to blame. I like Michael alot and I will support him all the way. But I can't say I'm happy with either side's thinking in regard to this case. That being said, I think this is one time that Michael should settle. Sometimes he should pick his battles very carefully. This one isn't shaping up to be good for him so far. He should never have signed that document. And to me, the Prince is just as much at fault because he had no business rolling up on Michael with a disguised venture proposal to begin with when he knew that Michael was very traumatized and drained from (and during) the trial. And I think the Prince should be ashamed for his part in how this went down. But while he can just walk away with no public scrutiny after this is over, Michael has to deal with another wave of ridicule if he loses. And he doesn't need that with everything he's doing to put himself back on the music map again.
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court started again at 10.30 gmt approx 2.5 hrs ago. so there maybe some updates soon.

this is a prime case of showing that ppl never do anything for nothing they always want to get something out of it for themselves. no one ever does anything just out of sheer kindness. i guess it was stupid to think the prince was offering mj a place to get away to after the trial to relax. motives motives. regardless of what happens in the case the above just sums up mjs life and the fact this is what happens and what has happened over the last god knows how many years because mj has had no decent management and has had no one looking out for him and until that changes this will go on and on
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The more I think to those 7 milions the more the sum seem bogus....

500000 a record studio just for MJ. really? The prince already got Sea Records and one studio, maybe he invested more, but the studio is still his not Mike's propriety

350000 party in London for MJ and his friends - so what? Since when you put parties on the contracts?

that's almost 1 mil here.

If prince added all costs ( gifts, parties, plane tickets, hotel, staying in royal palace ) here we could easelly reach 3 milions, following this path and smart way of thinking......

the rest? If some were really for these recordings songs, some of the money were meant surelly for PR and distributing. So since they didn't realease anything this means sum for PR and distributions wasn't spent.

Recording and producing 2-3 songs do not cost that much, few hundersd $$ , at most 1 milion if we include private plane trips to london, hotel suite and paying those days of recording to the studio. This is it, this is the real sum.

Mike didn't run with 7 mil $ cash out of Bahrein... this is sure, you'll see.
What is it u can never turn on ya laco radio station on till u hear that bleedy lawsuirt, yesss they where on about it again just now.
then have media black out for a couple of weeks thats all i do.
The more I think to those 7 milions the more the sum seem bogus....

That's what I was thinking also.

And more importantly, in most cases, when you sign a contract, don't you USUALLY receive some type advance payment. Meaning a CHECK in the amount of the advance.

I'm not sure I ever heard of a person signing a contract and receiving a vacation etc. as payment. I mean, wouldn't issuing an ADVANCE CHECK have been the thing to do in a case like this?
omg a million pages. can someone plz be kind enough to give me the headlines here? when the trial started and when will it be over ? did michael appear via video message ? can we see that video or read the transcript of it ? what happens if michael loses ? what happens if michael wins ? thank u in advance
What about that Guy Holmes fella? (Dude on the right)


Found an old articile about the alleged venture with 2seas Records..

""I am incredibly excited about my new venture and I am enjoying being back in the studio making music," Jackson says.

U.K. record executive Guy Holmes has been tapped as CEO of the Two Seas label and will also be tasked with managing Jackson's other business interests."

Will he be testifying?
Mike is too trusting and on top of that I know he wants to do things but no one knows what the other person's agenda really is until it's too late. If Michael was really in agreement to The Prince and Michael's mind at the time wasn't on what he was suppose to do to uphold this contract ,being the trial was taking up some of the time. It should have been understood by the Prince that he had to get over the shock he went through. As far as these so called gifts that Michael was given.Hmmm..I don't have any answers for that.All I know is if he and The Prince had an Agreement and a contract signed and Michael thought about it ,then decided not to deal with the Prince and his wannabe songs,ect....Then if Michael wants out, He'll have to pay the Prince back.I don't how Michael is going to do that unless he Does several Concerts and put out some CDs and making guest appearances and doing Voice Overs for Comercials ect....He has ti do something. I thought that The Prince was being nice to Michael and his family by letting them stay in Bahrain so he can relax and think and Meditate.I didn't know that later there was going to be a Contract signed in return for letting him stay there.Everyone was looking forward for Michael to release a new Song on The Two Seas Label(Or whatever he called it) Just like that other thing with Neverland Valley Ranch. (We won't get into that) It's the "I'll help you out Michael if you do this for me and if you don't do it ,I'll sue you"syndrome. Or Let's take advantage of Michael Jackson while he's down.I feel sorry for him and Everyone knows,eventhough Michael might be innocent most of the time with these law suits,you still get these judges who don't like Michael to stick it to him just because, then someone finds out the conspiracy through loopholes in the contract(if any) and brings it to the attention to The Media who is for Michael and also bringing it to a court with good evidence that Michael was truly hosed.I hope that things would go right for Michael for a change.I just hate to hear and see that Michael is down again by doing business unknowingly with shady people,No matter who they are.
omg a million pages. can someone plz be kind enough to give me the headlines here? when the trial started and when will it be over ? did michael appear via video message ? can we see that video or read the transcript of it ? what happens if michael loses ? what happens if michael wins ? thank u in advance
u can find on the first page.

"At the start of a court hearing set for up to 12 days, the judge heard that an application would be made for Jackson to give evidence via video link from Los Angeles."
monday is the first day of hearing.
The fact that the prince was pushing his musical works and dreams onto Michael DURING the trial, and had Michael record a new song for him ONE DAY after the trial ended, ..........

i have ONE IMPORTANT question:

Michael signed that agreement before the trial?
i believe it was after, when he was acquitted and moved to Bahrain? could someone correct please?

He wannet to use Michael to make him famous!!!!!!!! cant believe it!!!!!!
BASTARD!! How could he!??! after all the hell he's been through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
}oh dear lord you help!!!!!!!!!!

YEAH the dark side of him is revealed now. i can't believe they invited :heart:Michael for the benefits. maybe it wasn't all for it but surly it was one of them.

that guy makes me sick.YUCK.

by the way! Che Fooshi?!! never had heard u swearing like that ;)
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^ thank you. but will we see that video or read the transcript ? has the video been shown to the court yet ? sorry for asking so much question that have probably been answered a million times already i just dont have the time to go through all these pages. maybe all the articles should be gathered on the first page for our convenience
What about that Guy Holmes fella? (Dude on the right)

Found an old articile about the alleged venture with 2seas Records..
U.K. record executive Guy Holmes has been tapped as CEO of the Two Seas label and will also be tasked with managing Jackson's other business interests."[/I][/B]

Will he be testifying?

Yep, I was also wondering if we would be hearing from Mr. Holmes. I mean, first Holmes was down with the "project," then he completely disappeared, never to be heard from again.

I wonder what happened to his participation in this "project," and why he decided to leave.
^ thank you. but will we see that video or read the transcript ? has the video been shown to the court yet ? sorry for asking so much question that have probably been answered a million times already i just dont have the time to go through all these pages. maybe all the articles should be gathered on the first page for our convenience

Hey Roxanne, over here in the UK, the courts 99% of the time allow no photography or videography in a courtroom, we may see artist impressions of the proceeding though.. (If I am mistaken, please correct me)

Thus far there has been no indication to show that Michael has given any evidence or any statement via video, weblink or any other similar technology. I have PMed Sharron to create a dedicated thread about these proceedings, not sure if thats what MoD's want though..
Hope this helps!
the judge hasnt agreed that mj will give video evidence yet. nothing has happened. all that happened yesterday was the princes lawyer started to outlay their case.

you wont see the video you will only get excerts of it from the media like when anyone testifys in court you get bits of it in reports.if u are in london go in and sit in th courtroom if allowed thats theonly way to hears/see everythng
Yep, I was also wondering if we would be hearing from Mr. Holmes. I mean, first Holmes was down with the "project," then he completely disappeared, never to be heard from again.

I wonder what happened to his participation in this "project," and why he decided to leave.
holmes gave an interview around the time the suit was filed where he mentiond mj and the deal falling apart. u would think he might testfy if he was there when agreements were made
the judge hasnt agreed that mj will give video evidence yet. nothing has happened. all that happened yesterday was the princes lawyer started to outlay their case.
thanks for mentioingme that, i thought :heart:Michael's shot a testimony video and that i have missed.
so we must wait.

he may be forced to attend and testify?