Nov 17 News & Mentionings

MJ is a grown man and he knew what he was doing,
... do not like to say this about Jermaine, but Jermaine should have known better and MJ should have kicked his ass and this Prince's ass. Seriously. What was Jermaine THINKING?
Oh yes! He knew what he did or he didn't knew? What is it? Can't have it both ways... and of course, Jermaine should have known better... right... blame all the others! :smilerolleyes:
whoa he has no case.

mj can claim he wasn't able to sign legal documents after suffereing such traumatic events...

the dude is lying cuz mj went to the hospital the night of the 13th after joe asked the fans to go home...then mj went straight to vegas so that's crap

and u don't tell the media that mj was there as ur guest, and now ur charging him....and the mercedes? didn't he give it to jermaine and not mj?

funny how his brother is still friends w/ the dude yet his brother's being sued by him. whateva
^ Probably. Hmmm, come to think of it, I remembered how that press release MJ had about him not doing the Jackson 5 reunion was like. It seemed as though MJ was "angry" at Jermaine for putting his name in one of Jermaine's interviews. Maybe that was Michael's response to the aftermath of hanging out with the Prince. Alsmost like, "I should have never listened to Jermaine" type of thing. Let me stop bringing up Jerm's name in this. Maybe he had no idea what this Prince was like either.
PatrickS77 said:
right... blame all the others!

And, how is that you derived that it has to be "blame it all on Michael"? (Not saying it has to be necessary Jermaine, either.)

Do you know something that others here do not? Like about Jackson signing a contract where he was promised an album, musical, book?
You, who already said that Michael is responsible, saying me to wait for the trial? It was me (including) who told you that "as of now", "yet" there is no information that Michael necessary owes money. ;)

I said

I guess we will learn more in the next 12 days!

As of today it is clear, that Michael stayed at the princes expense at his place and accepted money, so far that is not disputed by Michael's lawyers and the prince was expecting something he eventually didn't get, so the most easiest thing would be for Michael to just pay back what he has received... wow, somehow I feel I said something like this already... just reread my posts... I have nothing further to add at this pont! :smilerolleyes:
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I said


And then you came back with pointless responses!

As of today it is clear, that Michael stayed at the princes expense at his place and accepted money, so far that is not disputed by Michael's lawyers and the prince was expecting something he eventually didn't get, so the most easiest thing would be for Michael to just pay back what he has received... wow, somehow I feel I said something like this already... just reread my posts... I have nothing further to add at this pont! :smilerolleyes:

rule number 1, don't give something to somebody and EXPECT something in return. the golden rule is either you are giving something, or you are not.

if the prince gave something and merely EXPECTED something, then, that's on the prince. far as i can see..that is what you just wrote..that the prince was merely EXPECTING something in return..
Bee I don't think anyone is blaming Michael as such but are a little concerned about some of the decisions he made during his stay in Bahrain, even going there at all in hindsight, appears to have become nothing but a huge mistake. At the moment it is unfair to call the Prince a sick bastard.. wait until evidence materialises in court and then we can all understand it in a bit more depth. At the moment it is all stabs in the dark.

I see what you are saying. I agree with you that this was one of the biggest mistakes that MJ has ever done. However, we all make big mistakes. That doesn't mean that we should be blamed for it. If anything, we should learn from it. At this time, I am going to call the Prince a sick bastard. I am sorry but the man knew MJ was not there in his mind to even do anything with him. So, I am staying with the comment. I will wait for things to materalized and then make my final decision. I will be all up in this mess. Trust me.

rule number 1, don't give something to somebody and EXPECT something in return. the golden rule is either you are giving something, or you are not.

Period. Word. On point.
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And this should be used as the cover. :lol:
it's common sense for US to not foot the bill of our guests into the thousands and millions b/c we don't do that. but if mj's done it for people in the past, and the prince has a plethora of money, then it wouldn' tbe so out of the question.

as for mj making bad decisions, he can always that his state of mind was elsewhere from the trial. and he'll have medical proof that he was admitted to the hospital for a few days to recover so that proves false the prince's story of him recording the next day after the verdict
rule number 1, don't give something to somebody and EXPECT something in return. the golden rule is either you are giving something, or you are not.

if the prince gave something and merely EXPECTED something, then, that's on the prince. far as i can see..that is what you just wrote..that the prince was merely EXPECTING something in return..
Geez... some of the people here! :smilerolleyes:

Don't expect anyone to do something for you for free... another rule! Ask yourself why someone shoves 7 mio $ up your ass!

Michael did agree to do that album/2Seas business, hence that press conference! So they clearly have been talking about it and probably also signed papers! The coming days probably will show what exactly has been discussed... it's just wasted time to continue this... I said my piece... I probably will say more once I know more!
Why am I not shocked by your comment? You only post on here when the news is negative. I barely see you post when the news favors Michael. You are showing your true colors everyday. I am not the type of person to blame Mike. I do not mind blaming people who knew damn well MJ was not well and let him hang out with this petty Prince anyway. That Prince knew MJ was not well, period. So, he took advantage of the man.
Oh well... whatever.. please go back to ignoring me again! What you say makes no sense!
Geez... some of the people here! :smilerolleyes:

Don't expect anyone to do something for you for free... another rule! Ask yourself why someone shoves 7 mio $ up your ass!

Michael did agree to do that album/2Seas business, hence that press conference! So they clearly have been talking about it and probably also signed papers! The coming days probably will show what exactly has been discussed... it's just wasted time to continue this... I said my piece... I probably will say more once I know more!

maybe there is no seven mill in your world..but MJ's world is different..

u do need to take a chill pill man...

and u used the word 'probably' when u mentioned signing papers. read ur own posts...

take ur own advice and wait before placing blame...

u and i weren't in the u said..we don't have all the info..

and people do give gifts, not expecting in return...maybe u don't..but there are a lot of people who do. that's why they're called 'gifts'.
If MJ is wrong,ok!I'll forgive and support him.Always.
When I say that my love is unconditional is because it is!
No matter what!!!I will stay with Michael.4 EVER!
PatrickS77: here is your initial statement:

PatrickS77 said:
it is not disputed that Michael received all that money and the prince paid all the expenses... so why not just pay back all the money Michael has received and show good will to make that shit go away?? If he looses, it will become more expensive and he has the public humiliation of everybody knowing what has happened!

I received countless payments and gifts from friends. If anyone of them would now turn upside-down and claim I own to him, then I am not paying.

Why would Michael have pay to whoever with monetary claims? You still offer him to pay as if he is responsible. And at the same time you tell me to wait for the trial while yourself already said Jackson needs to pay back (while it was me (including) who told you that there is no information yet to conclude that Michael is responsible and has to pay).

As to "public humiliation": after what Michael went through mentioning this concept in such circumstances is meaningless. And, to wonder some fans of Taraborrelli, Jackson never really cared that much for his "image" when dealing with such trials.
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This is pure speculation so don't shoot me down for real talk, and I hate to even say this because I really like Jermaine...BUT...

I'm beginning to wonder about Jermaine's role in all of this...

The way that Michael shut down Jermaine's talk this time, like right away, regarding the Jackson reunion and all...seems strange that ALL of the Jacksons attended the BMI Icons Award ceremony except for who? Jermaine and Michael... :scratch:

Jermaine is admittedly the one who set things up for Michael to go there to "rest", @ his "friend's",

I'm thinking that Jermaine made some more promises that included Michael without Michael's consent, in exchange for his sabbatical and now, since Michael decided not to honor them, they're suing Michael for something Jermaine promised. :doh:

Michael being who he is would probably never admit to it if this is true and it's probably not the first time a family member has done this, Papa Joe in particular, which I believe is the reason why Michael obviously does not want to work with him or the group anymore. I don't believe that he would have worked with them the last couple of times, had it not been for his mother.

Just because people are family doesn't mean they should work together forever, and just because they have problems working together doesn't mean they don't love each other either. I suspect that is the case here.

As for the document he signed...I hope it's not gonna cost him too much, Lord knows, his "friend" doesn't need it. Sounds like tactics to pressure Michael into singing his songs as someone else said, more than anything else, or to simply try to embarrass and harass Michael because he's mad the scheme didn't work out as planned.

Just my 10 cents
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u guys need to tone it down, already had to clean this thread out once. stop fighting w/ each other, no name calling, and it's okay if someone doesn't agree w/ u.

constructive discussions please

first and only warning
PatrickS77: here is your initial statement:

I received countless payments and gifts from friends. If anyone of them would now turn upside-down and claim I own to him, then I am not paying.

Why would Michael have pay to whoever with monetary claims? You still offer him to pay as if he is responsible. And at the same time you tell me to wait for the trial while yourself already said Jackson needs to pay back.

As to "public humiliation": after what Michael went through mentioning this concept in such circumstances is meaningless. And, to wonder some fans or Taraborrelli, Jackson never really cares that much for his "image" when dealing with such trials.
Again, reread what I've written! I said everything... I'm not going to further respond to you!
patrick check ur pm.....

u guys, there are more than just two people in this thread to quote. take personal drama to pms please
"In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?
In my TRIALS and my tribulations
Through our doubts and frustrations
In my violence
In my turbulence
Through my fear and my confessions
In my anguish and my pain
Through my joy and my sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I'll never let you part
For you're always in my heart

By Michael Jackson​

So what?:huh:
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The way that Michael shut down Jermaine's talk this time, like right away, regarding the Jackson reunion and all...seems strange that ALL of the Jacksons attended the BMI Icons Award ceremony except for who? Jermaine and Michael

I said this before in one of my previous posts, the way MJ went after his brother in that media release or press release struck me. That was the first time MJ ever made a comment about the Jackson 5 reunion. I do remember when Jermaine stated that he wanted MJ to go to his friend's (The Prince) place and relax. Jermaine's role is a bit questionable here. I know if any of my siblings were going through something, I am not going to tell them to do something that might hurt them. The fact that Jermaine and Mike were not at the BMI Awards was telling. Well, not really Mike, but Jermaine. The main brother always talking about a reunion but couldn't come to that ceremony.

At the same time, it is possible that Jermaine had no idea what the Prince's true agendas were. It is very possible. I am going to give Jermaine that benefit.
this little lawsuit hasn't just cropped up, it's been known for awhile....and yet, someone or other still went back to bahrain to chill w/ this dude....and got a 'gift' of a brandnew either bently or mercedes....very questionable...i wonder if la juan will be awitness for or against mj
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Soso Deaf, Foxy: This thread is 12 pages long only because there are people who in hurry to state that Michael had to pay $7 million without even caring on matter whether he actually owes those money. The trial did not start yet, but people are already "mad at" Jackson. People have the right for whatever opinions, of course, but some other fans have the right to argue, to be against such prejudice (pre-emptive judgement), so we have a long thread.