New This Is It pictures: The Stage

wow amazing pics..imagine how phenomenal it would have looked with mj performing. also i have never seen so much lighting before!! he always had to do things bigger and better than anyone else... oh i wish things had turned out differently..
Has anyone emailed you with them?
If you want you can send me a private message with an email address that you can use at work, and I could send them to you.
Or just wait til you get home.

my work comp not letting me see this on here!!!
This is so cool, I would of loved to see the Dirty Diana one. Thanks for posting this.
yeah.. they put so much time into doing the set and the lighting etc

shame they turned a blind eye to MJs deteriorating health. the fact he was becoming dangerously underweight, disorientated, missing rehearsals.... dammit.. it only took 2 mins alone with fans for them to realise something MAJOR was wrong... at least they tried to help by sending those emails on 21 June... noone knew at the time the only had 4 days to work with :(


i dont even get those feelings of "what might have been"

these shows should NEVER have been arranged in the first place

thanks for thepics tho

i just think its tragic that michael wanted to do this, share his vision with the world... and he never got the chance.

why did they continue?? at any moment the organisers could have cancelled the shows. whats more important - not disappointing 700,000 and something people? or Michael's life? he might have been slated by the press, but at least he'd be alive with his kids.

yeah.. they put so much time into doing the set and the lighting etc

shame they turned a blind eye to MJs deteriorating health. the fact he was becoming dangerously underweight, disorientated, missing rehearsals.... dammit.. it only took 2 mins alone with fans for them to realise something MAJOR was wrong... at least they tried to help by sending those emails on 21 June... noone knew at the time the only had 4 days to work with :(


i dont even get those feelings of "what might have been"

these shows should NEVER have been arranged in the first place

thanks for thepics tho
Just.. wow. Watching TII movie will be so sad, knowing what could've happened..
I really wanna see atleast 1 show! Why did this happen! Im going crazy. It is the wrong TIME! Even worse he died 2 weeks before the shows! OMFG how unlucky can one be!

I know, it's like some cruel joke. I wouldn't believe it if someone told me.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post. :ninja:
Damn you Dr. Murder!! It's your fault we didn't enjoy the gratest show ever!! :angry:

thanks for sharing the pics, those are cool and sad at the same time :(
Wow thanks for the pics, where di you get them from?
It would have looked amazing...
Woooow this is it cant believe that the world will never see this conncert
:( saaaaaaaaaaad ...................... Michael come back we miss you sooo much .
I'm so sad for MJ and for the fans who had tickets too! I wish he could have done at least one show. I was also hoping that maybe MJ would have done a few dates here in the U.S. as well. I will never get over the fact that I never got to see my favorite singer live. I'm sure it would have been an amazing show.

Poor Michael :-(
these made me cry. the stage would of looked incredible.. Michael would of rocked that stage. oh God this is not right. :( my heart is broken.
thriller ended with the sound of ghosts (part of film where they come slowly from ceiling) then it went to the beat of threatened beat for about 10-20 seconds.. this is what some of fans heard outside tge forum when we fallowed him there.. my guess from the way the zombies look are for the ghosts part.. thats just what it looks like 2 me.
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yeah.. they put so much time into doing the set and the lighting etc

shame they turned a blind eye to MJs deteriorating health. the fact he was becoming dangerously underweight, disorientated, missing rehearsals.... dammit.. it only took 2 mins alone with fans for them to realise something MAJOR was wrong... at least they tried to help by sending those emails on 21 June... noone knew at the time the only had 4 days to work with :(


i dont even get those feelings of "what might have been"

these shows should NEVER have been arranged in the first place

thanks for the pics tho
sorry if already posted



Thanks for sharing, but it really makes me sad to see this, because we will never see this all live... :(