New song Oct. 12th + 'This is it' Album out on Oct. 26th. Pre-order at

Re: New song on October 12th and 'This is it' Album out on October 26th

starlight will be on the 2nd disc
Re: New song on October 12th and 'This is it' Album out on October 26th

I'm excited. I am going to be optimistic and hope that we will be pleasantly surprised by what's on this album. We can only assume things as of right now.

We are only disappointed because it has been alluded that this soundtrack would be a live album.

I am choosing to be optimistic because since Michael's passing 'Number Ones' and 'Essential' have been his highest selling albums, both greatest hits compilations.

If Sony just puts out another GH CD with only one new song to tempt buyers, old and new fans might opt not to buy it and just buy the song online or something like that. I mean, there are already a lot of fans on this thread who have said just that.

Fans are really stuck btw a rock and a hard place. We all hate Sony because of how they treated Michael and the history, but we also want to make him #1. We want anything of his that is released to be successful. So yeah, they are going to take advantage of the fans.

Since 2003, Michael has released 'Number Ones', 'The Essential Collection', 'The Ultimate Collection', and 'Thriller 25'. . . all previously released music packaged with some demos, remixes, and a new song here and there to tempt the buyers. Maybe Sony is going on history also since people obviously bought those albums.

I'm gonna buy it. In the end, it benefits the children, as well.

Also, FYI. . . I had heard/read a story that Michael would rehearse to a secret new song using a metronome because he didn't want the new song to be leaked. He was choreographing how he would dance to it with the music in his head or maybe he was listening to it on an Ipod. . .;) I think someone working on the tour had written this online. So maybe, Kenny put the music to that rehearsal footage.
Don't forget about The Essential Collection 3.0.
Re: New song on October 12th and 'This is it' Album out on October 26th

Does anyone remember in the trailer the new sounding smoothcriminal ..It sounded like there was an orchestra playing it because the strings were really prominent..AnywaY I think the first cd might sound like this..Because there is noway they will release regurgitated masters that have been on countless albums...I think that sound on smooth criminal in the trailer is how all the songs will sound..I just hope the vocals are from the rehersals too...But when it says a new arangment, I think it is this sound that Iheard on smooth criminal..And I loved it lol

Yes they will!

I'm not against this release, and I will buy it because it's Michael's, but Disc 1 is yet ANOTHER Greatest Hits.. in the order of the film.. uhm, wow? :doh:

2nd disc does sound a bit more promising but from what I can gather the majority will be like demos and things like that? Is that what they mean by early versions?

You'd think they could have added something more exciting to this package. I hope they add some more unreleased and newer songs!

So This Is It is old too?

And isn't Planet Earth one of the poems from Dancing The Dream? Is he gonna sing it or is he going to say it?
Re: New song on October 12th and 'This is it' Album out on October 26th

Can't wait to hear Michael's voice again.
Re: New song on October 12th and 'This is it' Album out on October 26th

Great news!

I am slightly confused though (and sorry if this has been answered in the thread already).

Is this another hits cd with just his original tracks, or is this actually the soundtrack of the movie This Is It with the band for the concerts playing the songs (taken directly from rehearsals)? If it was just the original tracks then it would be very cheap considering the great sales success of Number Ones and Essential MJ recently. something new is needed to bring in consumers, the public won't buy it just for one new song, even though we as fans probably would.

I'd love to see Chicago 1945 on this :)
Re: THIS IS IT Album: Pre-order on!!

Edit: already posted marie =P
Re: THIS IS IT Album: Pre-order on!!

I'm merging this thread with the other one =)
Re: New song on October 12th and 'This is it' Album out on October 26th

You have to remember this isnt just for fans, this is for 'normal' people too! I bet the other greatest hist will be pulled off the shelf while this is on sale
Re: New song on October 12th and 'This is it' Album out on October 26th

Excatly, lol - The Blu-Ray/DVD will be out of this world!!!!

We are jumping to conclusions. We haven't even seen the movie yet..have we all forgotten the articles that said there will be lots of footage in the movie that is about after his death? It could mean we won't see very much
rehearsal footage at all.

The DVD really ain't out of this world....let's just wait and see.
New album, new song, yesssssssss!

Michael Jackson Fans: This Is It - CD Release!



On October 12th, the first new Michael Jackson song to emerge since the world mourned the loss of this musical icon will be released – a brand new single entitled "This Is It." Soon after, Sony Music Entertainment's Columbia/Epic Label Group will release the two-disc album This Is It featuring the music that inspired Sony Pictures’ forthcoming film MICHAEL JACKSON’S THIS IS IT. This two-disc album will be available internationally on October 26th and North America on October 27th to coincide with the worldwide release of the motion picture which arrives in theaters on October 28th and runs for a limited two-week engagement.
"This song only defines, once again, what the world already knows - that Michael is one of God's greatest gifts," comments John McClain, co-producer of the album. READ MORE
good thing, but is this something Michael approved? does it have his final approval? I mean, we all know how much of a perfectionist he was.

(I'm sorry if this has been brought up already. I didn't read through the thread. if it has, I apologize.. just ignore me then!)
I'm happy to hear a new song, really am, but I'm so NOT excited about yet another GH..
We've all seen and heard clips from the rehearsals and MJ sounded amazing! Why not put that on the new cd??

I'm just hoping that the dvd comes with a live-cd. Not gonna get my hopes up though, I don't wanna be disappointed again..
omg!!!! planet earth :cry:

I already love it and I havent even heard it yet!
oh boy it's so confusing
i didn't get anything
everyone is writing whatever they want without listening to others / reading their comments

what 'planet earth' are you talking about and what's in common with 'this is it'?
some ppl said that they already downloaded a song - what is that song ?!
and stuff like that
i'll start that thread tomorrow from the beggining and i hope i'll clear some things -_-
Cant wait to hear the new song :) but its sad because I wonder if it will be our last time we get a new song from Michael. Although I suppose there are loads of them in the faults still it wont be the same :(.
Re: New song on October 12th and 'This is it' Album out on October 26th

Well in my opinion if the Jackson 5 backing vocals are recent, they'll have been done after his death, not before.

I might get slated for this but you shouldn't feel guilty about not buying a greatest hits album because of this. You know his kids aren't poor. They have more money than we could ever dream of having. Money won't replace their daddy.

lol your right it wont replace him. And your also right that they are not poor. But if this didn't go to the kids and to his mother people would have bitched. I only have 1 greatest hits album and thats the #1's. But regardless of how many we have its still going to be a collectors item. Michael's Kids were my first thought and seeing their dad do something FANTASTIC after hes gone would make me even prouder of him.

Im not making much since because we had a fire this morning and i have had no sleep. But dont be to harsh.
oh boy it's so confusing
i didn't get anything
everyone is writing whatever they want without listening to others / reading their comments

what 'planet earth' are you talking about and what's in common with 'this is it'?
some ppl said that they already downloaded a song - what is that song ?!
and stuff like that
i'll start that thread tomorrow from the beggining and i hope i'll clear some things -_-

It said planet earth was a spoken poem by Michael.. I bet its the poem from dancing the dream!! I would love to hear him narrate this book that would be something :wub:
The song "This Is It" was recorded in 1980 with the Jacksons for the album TRIUMPH.

"This Is It (1980) (Michael Jackson)
Michael Jackson
Source: United States Copyright Office (registered in November 1984)"
as much as it will be another GH album, its the first ive felt positive about for some weird reason... im just happy about it that hes still being heard. People are saying they want a live album, from rehearsals ? Michael is a perfectionist and i doubt he would want rough cuts of rehearsals when he was putting all together.... never

roll on the new song and anything that keeps Michael alive :)
It's not the same without him... :cry:

I agree :(:( Have been thinking about it all day.:cry:

Still, I pre-ordered it. Was thinking about buying it in a store, but I can't be sure they'll start selling it on Oct 27 here, so chose to pre-order.
The song "This Is It" was recorded in 1980 with the Jacksons for the album TRIUMPH.

"This Is It (1980) (Michael Jackson)
Michael Jackson
Source: United States Copyright Office (registered in November 1984)"

Now that would be such a disapointment. If they can't pull out anything new now, when will Sony ever? Now is the moment, this is it.
If you listen to the trailer of the movie you hear Smooth Criminal with new arrangements. I think this is exactly what we will hear on cd 1.

I'm disappointed too. I new track on A DOUBLE CD
I'm sure the TWO versions of this is it they're referring to are the Original (possibly a demo) and a RECENT recording by Michael (it says he intended it to be release in conjunction with the tour)