NEW SONG - Akon feat. Michael Jackson "Hold my hand" [updates in post #1]

u wonder if they are trying this cus Akon is releasing an album with a possible Mj collab on it

I seriously doubt that. The tossing incident occurred, I think, late last year. I don't know if Akon and MJ were starting to work together at that time. There were probably talks though.
u wonder if they are trying this cus Akon is releasing an album with a possible Mj collab on it

Nah, I don't think this has anything to do with MJ. It's like STANDARD practice nowadays. If you somehow become involved with a famous person, you can expect a pay-day instead of a trial, in most cases.
^ Interestingly enough about that trial, Akon was asked about it during the radio interview last week (and about how he missed the last court day for it) and Akon said it was all done and settled or thrown out, and that he wasn't aware that he missed any court dates :unsure:. Maybe he was just goofing around with the host.

He was also asked about leaks, but he only mentioned the Whitney Houston leak and how she was mad that it was leaked, because it was not a finished track. Regarding collaborations, he was mum on the whole MJ thing and only mentioned Whitney, Lionel Richie, and maybe one or two others (although Lady Gaga whispered Michael's name when Akon was asked about major collaborations). I believe Akon is deliberately keeping quiet about that track, either because Michael has forbade him from discussing their work or because exact details are still unknown about Hold My Hand.
^ Interestingly enough about that trial, Akon was asked about it during the radio interview last week (and about how he missed the last court day for it) and Akon said it was all done and settled or thrown out, and that he wasn't aware that he missed any court dates :unsure:. Maybe he was just goofing around with the host.

He was also asked about leaks, but he only mentioned the Whitney Houston leak and how she was mad that it was leaked, because it was not a finished track. Regarding collaborations, he was mum on the whole MJ thing and only mentioned Whitney, Lionel Richie, and maybe one or two others (although Lady Gaga whispered Michael's name when Akon was asked about major collaborations). I believe Akon is deliberately keeping quiet about that track, either because Michael has forbade him from discussing their work or because exact details are still unknown about Hold My Hand.

That's weird but I don't know if I would joke about something serious like that if he thought the case was thrown out of court though he was probably hoping it would. I have to believe it's the latter concerning "Hold My Hand". I don't think MJ did anything, lol. Maybe he figured it was best to keep quiet because it's still unclear to how finished the song or Akon's own album is.
I'm just saying, lol. This is not a conspiracy theory. :lol:
yeah i know, my post was supposed to be in total agreement with you
Maybe it's just me. But given the fact that the song already leaked, I don't see why Akon could still be on the hush hush about the tune. On the other hand, the only other explanation I can think of for him staying mum about it is that they want to revamp it or something and they don't want to jepordize the finished product by talking about it. But anyway, I find Akon's attitude as of late very confusing.
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there is a lot of stuff going on which we will never fully understand or know.
Thats what I'm worried about...if Akon's album is dropping in October then why has he done no hype or promotion for it and why is there no lead off single or video. Like this doesn't make any sense. The only explanation I can give is that maybe Akon's album will be pushed back to November or even December. Otherwise there is just not enough time, and Im also worried about whether MJ will appear on the record..

Yeah, I know what you mean. Pink's album comes out October 28th and she already has a video out and the song is in the top 10 right now.
akons been touched by the mj syndrome his album is gonna get pushed back 20 times now and will see the light of day in 2020. lol
akons been touched by the mj syndrome his album is gonna get pushed back 20 times now and will see the light of day in 2020. lol


How I'd know you were gonna say that? But yeah you're right, the album keeps getting pushed back. It was supposed to be out in August and then September, now it's October but his first single is still ain't out yet.
i too am starting to think that his album will be pushed back again. it's weird that there is zero information about it or the first single :/
there is a lot of stuff going on which we will never fully understand or know.
this should be the motto of any fan community. if there's anything i hate more than chutney then it's speculation on ish no one has a clue about but love to pretend they do.
well, I couldn't tell very well exactly what was happening between the quality of the video and the buffering, but it looked like he was having trouble getting up there. it didn't look like he was intentionally punching some girl, lol.
They are both in the wrong. Akon shouldn't have touched the woman, and that woman shouldn't have been trying to straddle Akon.

I understand why he was pissed, lol.
well, I couldn't tell very well exactly what was happening between the quality of the video and the buffering, but it looked like he was having trouble getting up there. it didn't look like he was intentionally punching some girl, lol.

I agree.

I saw that video last night. To be honest, it looks like they were all unstable on top of the car. One girl actually fell off (I believe in an olive dress). The girl in the blue dress seemed to get hit accidentally when he turned around. You can even see him try to reach for her while she's on the way down. I'm not sure if the video link in this thread is the same one I saw last night as I don't have video access at the moment, but if it's the same, the video cuts off right after he tries to reach for her so it LOOKS like he knocked her out without any concern. And then when they show it in slow motion (a la Blanket over the balcony), they don't even show the part where he tries to reach for her. The cut it off right after she's hit. Typical drama for something that appears to be an accident to me. Looks like he elbowed her unintentionally and then tried to help...even tho everything is happening super fast. blah!

Now, if the link posted in this thread shows something different and goes beyond where he hit her and shows him leaving her knocked out and not trying to help, that would be another situation.
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The hell (I posted this in its own thread):

"Hold my hand"? Looks like Akon is saying "let go of me!"

hmmm..looks like a lot of blind confusion, among a lot of people, at 100mph to me. i can't determine anything but an accident..and he probably doesn't know what he hit till she went down..and then the camera cut off, like somebody said. so..the only obvious thing to me was the edit. i need to see what happened after the camera cut off.
hmmm..looks like a lot of blind confusion, among a lot of people, at 100mph to me. i can't determine anything but an accident..and he probably doesn't know what he hit till she went down..and then the camera cut off, like somebody said. so..the only obvious thing to me was the edit. i need to see what happened after the camera cut off.

Chances are you ain't going to see it.
Dang, seems new. I wish I could translate the page, but oh well. "...Something you can attach to Michael Jackson." Exactly.

I still DON'T believe this '... song to be on both albums' ish for some reason. Still, I can't say that for sure until we actually have the album in our hands.

Hopefully this song will be released in Sept., despite the girlconcertpunch incident. :lol: Is he even gonna be sued by that?! I haven't heard sh*t about it yet!
Imagine after all these pages and responses in regards to this doesnt end up being released. That would be a huge disappointment. I hope something happens soon but I can tell you now that a October release is pretty much out of the question for Akon's new album. Im guessing either November or December now..