NEW PICTURES!! with christian again:)

Hey mike you look good I like that pic I have a feeling something good is comming very very soon ;)
I am glad Michael found a good friend in Christian. He seems to be a good guy.
Seems like he really like those pants!

Great pictures.
He should get some glasses with transitions lenses, that way he wont have to carry two pairs of glasses with him. They will turn to shades when he goes outside (in the daytime).

At night he might want to get some clip on shades, or carry them in a case so they won't gwt dirty.

Nice pic too, thanks.
Cool clothes, and nice to see Michael wearing his trademark fedora again !

Yeah. Love to see him with the feodora again!

Yeah, I like this, happy to see him again in fedora!!! :) Cool! He looks good! :D

I like it very much too! :)

are those his classes in his hands or are they keys? lol i notice everything...he looks great!!!!

Nope - It's his glasses!

fedora is back baby :D

Hell YEAHH!!! :punk:

I am glad Michael found a good friend in Christian. He seems to be a good guy.

Yeah. I think he might be out to get cool cloth before the comeback!!

Christian seems to like Mike alot.

I'm really really touched this moment >"< 'cause I can see Michael again T_T with the smile upon his face
Thanks God, he looks GOOD and BEAUTIFUL
I love the coat >"

Yeah that's a great picture.

He really has style. Nice to see him well dressed and no mask!
looking good Michael! he is proving to be at the top of his fashion game once again, not a big fan of the pyjamas lol, this is the look of the King of Pop!
my favorite thing is how MJ pops out of the midst of silly "death's door" rumors and shows up looking like a happy, healthy sparkling diamond :lol: i just love it!!!

Thats a real nice picture of Michael :wub:
He should get some glasses with transitions lenses, that way he wont have to carry two pairs of glasses with him. They will turn to shades when he goes outside (in the daytime).

At night he might want to get some clip on shades, or carry them in a case so they won't gwt dirty.

Nice pic too, thanks.

Good idea (about the glasses), except if he's like me, the glasses are only for reading and things to be seen close-up. His distance vision might be just fine (like mine)? I guess he could wear bifocals with the close-up part at the bottom of the lense, and the top part not magnified? That way they could turn to shades outside?

But, I can relate to the problem. I carry my reading glasses around and put them on only when I have to read something. And I lose them, often! :scratch:

carry on,

When I see his smile I know all is right with him and it makes me so happy to see him out and about again. He is just these new photos of him.

I wear transition glasses and you know what ...they're good, but not as good as sun glasses. California's sun is strong and it penetrates the glass so I'm like Mike having to carry 2 pair of glasses too.

Keep the photos coming...they're just beautiful and thanks:wub:
the man looks SOOOOOOOOOOOO fly that even bossip couldn't talk smack. they said he looked good and not sick! haha

u guys, this is the return of happy michael! im so stoked im using my cali brah speak! so gnarly and honestly, that's the only word that describes these pics....hella gnarly!

does Michael speak french or understand it? i saw that the bodyguards are speaking in french and i know Christian is french... :)
I actually got a butterfly when I heard,
"There he is..." and then MJ emerged thru the doorway with that mean swagger of his. Mmmph!
So cool......

Me too :yes:
He is looking so good, I love that coat it really suits him.
Thanks for the you tube link summer