New MJ sighting @ UFC in Las Vegas (pics added in post #1)

Re: New MJ sighting!

aww omg wicked!!!
so cute!!

well then, good reason 4 sneddon not 2 go anywhere near him! lol
Re: New MJ sighting!

It's weird. I have been searching like mad for pics from the event and there's not a single one... of anybody. Maybe it was exclusive or something. :unsure:
Re: New MJ sighting!

It's weird. I have been searching like mad for pics from the event and there's not a single one... of anybody. Maybe it was exclusive or something. :unsure:

Maybe they have private viewing rooms or box seats. He could easily enter there and be unseen I think if it is anything like at basketball stadiums.
Re: New MJ sighting!

An honorary black belt. He hasnt done the full training.
Re: New MJ sighting!

“Then for him to put himself in the middle of a crowded arena is really unusual.”

Jenna Jameson rooting for boyfriend Tito Ortiz alongside Celebrity Apprentice host Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. Also there Shaquille O’Neal, Mandy Moore, Laura Prepon, and Jamie Pressley.
All the attention though was focused on the pop-music king.

Maybe they have private viewing rooms or box seats. He could easily enter there and be unseen I think if it is anything like at basketball stadiums.

It appears as if he was in the crowd like the other celebrities usually are however again I didnt see any of these celebrities on the PPV.
Re: New MJ sighting!

An honorary black belt. He hasnt done the full training.

It is my understanding that it is just the final hand to hand where they throw one skilled person after another at you that he didn't do. I don't imagine his insurance company or sponsers would have approved of him letting himself get beat up. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't have approved of it either.
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Re: New MJ sighting!

I don't imagine his insurance company or sponsers would have approved of him letting himself get beat up. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't have approved of it either.

I dont know how to say this without getting jumped all over but MJ wouldnt want to get punched in the nose because with the surgery he has had on it (being the lack of cartridge now he has a smaller nose), one punch would send a shock up his nose to his brain and could kill him. How scary is that!!
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Re: New MJ sighting!

I dont know how to say this without getting jumped all over but MJ wouldnt want to get punched in the nose because with the surgery he has had on it (being the lack of cartridge now he has a smaller nose), one punch would send a shock up his nose to his brain and could kill him. How scary is that!!

I think that might be a moot point because I think he received his black belt a long time ago. And I would think that the danger is potentially there for anyone. I have seen some of the process of going for the higher levels and none of it looked very safe to me. I believe the rule would forbid a direct hit to the face but I saw a lot of rules ignored by competitors.
Re: New MJ sighting!

I think Robin
got some wrong info and posted this before it
was verified - lets all contact him and ask him
so make a correction to the story - :cheeky:

None of this adds up - :scratch:
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Re: New MJ sighting!

Maybe they have private viewing rooms or box seats. He could easily enter there and be unseen I think if it is anything like at basketball stadiums.
Except that he was reportedly sitting in the centre of the crowd and they were going crazy for him and there is not one media camera to capture the event or even reporting such drama, except that one tabloid reporter. Then we have an mj fan who is also a fan of the sport reporting that there was A fighter called MJ but it was not our MJ. I wouldn't take that reporters words over MJoutsider's. He is an avid MJ fan.
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Re: New MJ sighting!

Then we have an mj fan who is also a fan of the sport reporting that there was A fighter called MJ but it was not our MJ. I wouldn't take that reporters words over MJoutsider's. He is an avid MJ fan.

As I showed in the last page that there is no MMA fighter called Michael Jackson, only Quinton Jackson. I posted the card results and there was no MJ on the card. Plus Leach specifically says that MJ was sitting in the crowd so he wasnt getting someone mixed up with a MMA fighter.
Re: New MJ sighting!

As I showed in the last page that there is no MMA fighter called Michael Jackson, only Quinton Jackson. I posted the card results and there was no MJ on the card. Plus Leach specifically says that MJ was sitting in the crowd so he wasnt getting someone mixed up with a MMA fighter.
MJOutsider watched the show himself. He said A Michael jackson, who is a fighter was in the crowd, but not THE Michael Jackson. He is a very big fan of MJ. I think he wouldn't have missed it if he had watched it. Leach wasn't even there. It is possible that people heard the name MJ and thought it was the real one. a case of mistaken identity. I don't believe MJ was there. It would have been too soon after the party. Also, MJ would have gone in desguised like he usually does in these things. He wouldn't just turn up and sit in a crowd and exposed himself to danger. That would have been foolhardy.
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Re: New MJ sighting!

MJOutsider watched the show himself. He said A Michael jackson, who is a fighter was in the crowd, but not THE Michael Jackson. He is a very big fan of MJ. I think he wouldn't have missed it if he had watched it.

Well the fact that there isnt an MMA fighter called Michael Jackson throws that out the window. I know because Im into MMA as well. Only Quetin 'Rampage' Jackson and the lesser known Jeremy Jackson. Also just because MJ wasnt shown on the PPV doesnt mean he wasnt there. None of the other celebrities were shown either.
Leach wasn't even there.

You dont know that Leach wasnt there. Thats just an assumption.
It would have been too soon after the party.
Ever heard of a plane? WWE wrestlers travel from town to town everyday for house shows.

Also, MJ would have gone in desguised like he usually does in these things. He wouldn't just turn up and sit in a crowd and exposed himself to danger. That would have been foolhardy.

Boy your just making tish up now huh! :lol: First of all you have to stop assuming, and second, a lot of celebrities sit safely in the crowd. There is security there and MJ would have had his own security if he did attend. People automatically assume that a UFC or WWE event is rowdy when its perfectly safe to sit and enjoy the event with your whole family.
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Re: New MJ sighting!

Whatr is your problem. I said I DO NOT BELIEVE HE WAS THERE and I gave my reasons why. Why can't you just stick to your belief and leave me with mine? I never challenged your belief, I only stated why I think he wasn't there. What is your problem? I stated my opnion and you stated yours. Why make it an argument?
Re: New MJ sighting!

Whatr is your problem. I said I DO NOT BELIEVE HE WAS THERE and I gave my reasons why. Why can't you just stick to your belief and leave me with mine? I never challenged your belief, I only stated why I think he wasn't there. What is your problem? I stated my opnion and you stated yours. Why make it an argument?

:smilerolleyes:Calm down. No need to get all hostile. Boy MJ fans are touchy!! Nobody was "arguing" with you. :no:You gave your reason and I stated why those reason can't be true. If you cant handle that other people have thoughts and opinions the maybe a discussion board isnt for you! I have no problem at all and am quite happy, calm and collected. Wish I could say the same for yourself.:cheeky: I dont believe MJ was there either, Im just hoping that he was, but the fact of the matter is, there is no MMA fighter called Michael Jackson, bottom line. People will hear that and run with it so Im dispelling that. Peace. :better:
Re: New MJ sighting!

MJOutsider said so?

:rofl: I think y'all have been punked :rofl:

I have yet to hear of MJ attending anything and not having his photo taken, or more reports made so I'm gonna put my money on this being a punk
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Re: New MJ sighting!

MJOutsider said so?

:rofl: I think y'all have been punked :rofl:

I have yet to hear of MJ attending anything and not having his photo taken, or more reports made so I'm gonna put my money on this being a punk
Yes, he posted on KOP board that he saw the show. He said there was indeed a fighter called MJ, but THE MICHAEL JACKSON was not there. I don't believe he would lie about it.
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Re: New MJ sighting!

ok enough is enough already :ranting:

lets just email raymone and ask her if michael attended the damn show. and while we're at it lets also ask her if she still works for michael

and that was just a joke :ph34r:
Re: New MJ sighting!

I think MJOLutsider was actually at the show,:

posted by MJoutsider:

Might surprise some of you, but Michael goes out more than reported. He actually has a life that is not defined by public reports. And when you don't see a picture of him, he really does still exist.

Oh and I did not see him in the audience lastnight. Nor do I recall him being mention. Now the fighter Michael Jackson was mentioned, but I didn't see THE Michael Jackson. So I would have to see proof that he was really there.

Re: New MJ sighting!

Yes, he posted on KOP board that he saw the show. He said there was indeed a fighter called MJ, but THE MICHAEL JACKSON was not there. I don't believe he would lie about it.

wait I got my wires crossed I thought folks said he/she said MJ was there.

... never mind me
Re: New MJ sighting!

I think MJOLutsider was actually at the show,:

posted by MJoutsider:

Might surprise some of you, but Michael goes out more than reported. He actually has a life that is not defined by public reports. And when you don't see a picture of him, he really does still exist.

Oh and I did not see him in the audience lastnight. Nor do I recall him being mention. Now the fighter Michael Jackson was mentioned, but I didn't see THE Michael Jackson. So I would have to see proof that he was really there.

Nowhere there does MJOutsider say he was there but that he saw the show which I did as well and I did not see MJ or any other celeberity there for that matter.

I don't believe he would lie about it.

Nobody is saying he is lying but he is clearly mistaken as Ive stated numerous times now that there is no MMA fighter called MJ.

But the fact that 18000 people didnt get one pic of MJ is strange. Although MJ is friends with Donald Trump who was at the PPV. That doesnt mean a thing but I thought Id mention it.
Re: New MJ sighting!

The only thing I have ever seen related to MJ and MMA is this:

And this was not taken from UFC 84.
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Re: New MJ sighting!

Nowhere there does MJOutsider say he was there but that he saw the show which I did as well and I did not see MJ or any other celeberity there for that matter.

Nobody is saying he is lying but he is clearly mistaken as Ive stated numerous times now that there is no MMA fighter called MJ.

But the fact that 18000 people didnt get one pic of MJ is strange. Although MJ is friends with Donald Trump who was at the PPV. That doesnt mean a thing but I thought Id mention it.

If you don't stop quoting me I am going to press my ignore button.
Re: New MJ sighting!

If you don't stop quoting me I am going to press my ignore button.

No skin off my nose that you cant handle the fact that I find holes in your quotes. Your assuming that MJOutsider was there and he never said that. Youve assumed a lot in your recent posts and that just makes and ass out of u an me (ass u me)

Oh no...I quoted you! :lol::cheeky:
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Re: New MJ sighting!

The only thing I have ever seen related to MJ and MMA is this:

oh wow lol thats funny :p

its true what mjoutsider said that michael goes out often and most of those times theres no reports. i dont know whether this story is true or not and i dont care to know really cuz as it seems it was a private thing for michael if he really was there.
i dont think its nobodys business since theres no pics at all. maybe he didnt wanna be photographed and he was seating in a secluded vip area where nobody could snap a pic of him.

anyway i hope the appearance he made at that guys bday means that hes ready to go public soon.
Re: New MJ sighting!

They must have gotten confused with Rampage Jackson or something. There is no MMA fighter that anyone would know of named Michael Jackson.
Re: New MJ sighting!

I think it is very suspect that Leach came up with this story at the very moment when MJ was getting a lot of attention for the party. He went through all that trouble to bring out an old photo of MJ as if the picture was taken there yet no one picture to show he was ever there even though there was an audience and photos must have been taken, even from media that was there.
This is not unlike the story that MJ was sighted in the south of france wearing ladies clothes. The media is reknown for placing MJ in places where he wasn't.
Re: New MJ sighting!

I thought it was odd that 18,000 people couldnt snap a single shot of MJ but then again its odd that those same 18,000 people couldnt get a photo of ANY of the celebs in attendance.