New MJ Picture?

Oh coool! I knew Mike was gonna do sumthin' on Halloween for his kids. :woohoo: They will probably go to some neighborhood disguised though. :lol: (If he did buy a costume?) I'm reading the posts and still not clear where the pic , and what. :mello:)

And Talitha (?)! I remember her greeting MJ in the LA airport, and when she was at the Wynn on Paris's Birthday, she was by him! I think MJ and her know eachother. :yes:

Coolies :wub:, thanks for posting, Lovin' that cool shirt Michael. :) He looks greaaat. :wub:
he supposedly bought a back pack not an outfit according to tmz.
Aahhh :D okie, thanks! I was confused whether it was this or this, etc. :lol: :)
Makes sense too.. cause Paris does like Disney.. and she had a Princess rollie backpack here.

Awww. :wub: :lol:
Thanks for the pictures, where is this picture taken, he's walking on grass.

He sure looks great these days.
Looks like TMZ has removed this picture from their site (replacing it with a cheap Photoshopped composite), hmm...

On their show, they displayed a few additional pictures and more description.

- Taken at Aahs! Gift Store in West Hollywood.

- One picture of a guard/staffer carrying 2-3 bags out from the store

- One picture of Prince being shielded by a bodyguard's jacket from the paparazzi
Looks like TMZ has removed this picture from their site (replacing it with a cheap Photoshopped composite), hmm...

Do you mean this pic?


It's still there in this link*****-be-for-halloween/ (replace ***** with j a c k o) and they still also have the fairy photoshop. Both are on page two of the website.
Why does a new picture of Mike always turns into people harping about irrelevant things? just enjoy the photo and move on, stalker or no stalker, this girl should'nt be the focus of your posts.
I am fighting with myself whether to say something or keep mouth shut... I'll type it out then decide to press send or not. Fans enjoy the company of other fans too... I would imagine lots of them go to these things to visit their friends in the fan world, just as much as to possibly see Michael. I would also imagine that each fan has their favorite other fans who they've become closer to than others and would spend more time with that fan, or group of fans than others whom they haven't gotten close to or gotten to know at all. Isn't it sad that Michael doesn't have that same privilege? If he does that, then he is showing favoritism and fans get jealous and angry it seems. Why don't we allow him the same rights as anyone else to become closer to some than to others? To like some more than others? We aren't his children. No wonder he has been such a lonely man.

This is not to say anything of the fans mentioned in this thread. I don't know her and don't really know any of you guys. I just don't like the mentality that he isn't allowed to become close to one fan more than another. Or that a fan should tell everyone what they know about him or they are considered snobs, or that a fan shouldn't say one word about him. Why all the rules? Aren't we all allowed to follow our own path and like who we like and be who we are?

I'm glad you pressed send, Ape. Best post in this entire thread... :flowers: (except for the picture of course.)

I wish I could defend Talitha against this unfair and ridiculous onslaught on her character and her position, but I don't want to be sucked into all this negativity, it makes me really sad.-_- Just... don't judge what you don't understand, please.
.............Awwwwwwww,bless him!:wub::D
ThXXX for the pic,he is just:wub:!!!!!!
I am fighting with myself whether to say something or keep mouth shut... I'll type it out then decide to press send or not. Fans enjoy the company of other fans too... I would imagine lots of them go to these things to visit their friends in the fan world, just as much as to possibly see Michael. I would also imagine that each fan has their favorite other fans who they've become closer to than others and would spend more time with that fan, or group of fans than others whom they haven't gotten close to or gotten to know at all. Isn't it sad that Michael doesn't have that same privilege? If he does that, then he is showing favoritism and fans get jealous and angry it seems. Why don't we allow him the same rights as anyone else to become closer to some than to others? To like some more than others? We aren't his children. No wonder he has been such a lonely man.

This is not to say anything of the fans mentioned in this thread.. I don't know her and don't really know any of you guys. I just don't like the mentality that he isn't allowed to become close to one fan more than another. Or that a fan should tell everyone what they know about him or they are considered snobs, or that a fan shouldn't say one word about him. Why all the rules? Aren't we all allowed to follow our own path and like who we like and be who we are?

I agree
and I am very sad to see all the JUDGING and Gossiping
going on in here _ Of course MJ is closer to some people
than others and that includes fans .. he is human

plus some are attacking becuase fans share
others becuase they do not _ Both side are wrong
to judge _ becuase you dont kno wthe curcumstances
so why attck another FAN ... JEALOUSY is a Bad thing

YOU have no right to judge other FANS based on rumours
any more that you can Judge MJ based on rumours ..

You guys went off the hook attcking Talitha based on
half truths and rumours -

what if NO fans ever gathered at MJs hotels or met MJ at the airport
or greeted him when they saw him on the street _ I think that would make
him feel unloved and shuned _ I dont think fans should gather outside
his resisdence in a neigborhood - but Im not gonna hate on them if they do
I can certainly understand some fans obbsession and love for MJ and he
does too _ If he doesnt want them there he will have his security tell them
to leave _ its that simple

STOP cutting down Fans who are closer to MJ or who get to speak with him
they have done NOTHING to harm him ... Michael does send messages
through his fans and would not tell them something he did want made public
he is NOT Stupid _ There was nothing innapropriate said .... you dont have to
believe what is said by any fans - but dont attack them becuase YOU DONT KNOW
Its WRONG to judge them ..... YES IT IS :yes: and I hope she and MJ never see
these attacks on one another :( It Makes me VERY sad to see people do this

LOVE ONE ANOTHER _ Heal the world peoples:)

I also think This is a OLD photo from 2007 in europe based of that shopping bag
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mj gravitates to fans who act a certain way...if ur crapping ur pants and screaming in his ear...forget it.

some are lucky to be in the right place at the right time AND act accordingly, treat him w/ respect, and just ask how he's doing and he responds to that. u'd be shocked at how confused he acted during the pd i won't name....when fans asked how he was so unusual for them to do that cuz most just screamed and passed out

and yes, that's the same fan from lax and from i said, right place right time
I know you guys haven't spend 10 pages talking about some female fan of MJ's.

If you have, get over yourselves.

Seriously peeps.

It is very tiredsome to come on here and have to clean pages and pages of useless banter.

Just enjoy the picture please.
Mike isn't stupid he does things on purpose so they go on the net

Who says that he was even stupid? Mike should not be catering to these types of fans. Period. As for MJ being a grown man, I think I know that. That fan is grown as well and she didn't see an issue stalking (that is what it looks like) stalking this man. I think at times, the members who are defending this person's actions are in some way benefiting from this person's distrubing behavior and that is really sad.

I'm sorry, but why? There's just some things I will never understand about people and their priorities in life.

Great comment.

but obviously, this one is special

Yeah, and maybe people who defend her know why.
He only knows her because she is always there gets into hotels follows him everywhere, thats how he knows her the same as the other fans who go where he goes.

Its simple you now where he is staying book into the same hotel thats all they do, theses fans are tipped off by other fans otr mjs people let them know.
Please move on from the 'fan' thing, this is NOT about her being that she is a private citizen and not a celeb. Stay on topic, and that topic should be MICHAEL JACKSON.
Sometimes you just have to point out the obvious....

Photo taken from last night's Halloween party thread.:smilerolleyes:
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omg jealousy and anger about someone u don't know or someone who's doing what u wanna do and is where u wanna be is just pathetic...can we move on?
What? I'm just enjoying the close up of Michael in the photos. Paps may be very annoying, but sometimes they do take great pictures! He looks a little overwhelmed in the first one, but smiling in the 2nd one so it's all good.