New MJ Picture?

So basically said person has been in London when Michael's there, then Berlin, lives(lived) in LV recently, then now is in LA, hangs out at the hotel in LA, etc.

I'm sorry, but why? There's just some things I will never understand about people and their priorities in life.

Michael will tell fans if he doesn't want them there he has done in the past. When he was in London last we went to a house he was visiting in Kensington and he said we could stay if we were quiet. He is cool like that
he does talk to his fans, not may artists are like that
I wouldn't be shocked if he was told to stop but he didn't. I love the guiy, but he needs to used the "no" word in his vocabulary.

im not sure what u mean bee why would he be told to stop and who would tell him? hes a grown man and for years if hes wanted to send a mess to the fans hes done it by contacting fans cause he knows it will go on the net. its not like these fans ring him and ask for a message.

Even if MJ doesn't say no, that fan or many fans that gets contact from Mike should have the power to keep things to themselves. Fans do not need to know every single thing about Michael. That is how I see it

they do keep it to themselves thats why shes the only one there
She hasn't just gone over there, she is studying she has been over there a few years now.

How long was mike out of the us and she was still there
Hey there Michael. :DStill lookin' fly!
Thanks for that video Poefiend....

Mikes hair style has been differently than in this pic.. Also those look like the glasses he wore around 2007 ish...
So basically said person has been in London when Michael's there, then Berlin, lives(lived) in LV recently, then now is in LA, hangs out at the hotel in LA, etc.

I'm sorry, but why? There's just some things I will never understand about people and their priorities in life.

Any body else would be clasified as a very obsessed stalker, but obviously, this one is special.
So basically said person has been in London when Michael's there, then Berlin, lives(lived) in LV recently, then now is in LA, hangs out at the hotel in LA, etc.

I'm sorry, but why? There's just some things I will never understand about people and their priorities in life.

she lived in london and in germany for quite a few years working. she moved to L.A to either study/work . london and germany have nothing much to do with mj. he goes to london maybe once a year and germany very rarely unless it album releated. so the only connection is L.A.................................
she isn't the only fan there are alot who know where he is and find him.

Nooone knew he was at the kensington gardens hotel, even Bashir his security said how do the fans find him
Any body else would be clasified as a very obsessed stalker, but obviously, this one is special.
well mj seems to have no problem. if he doesnt want fans around he tells them
No she isn't special as i said she is at the right place at the right time. Any number of fans could have known where he was staying. He does love his fans all the same
That's a nice photo :) Wow we really are all getting spoiled with these pics aren't we? All at once. Didn't people used to say it would go from where's Mike, to There he is again? Don't want to jinx anything certainly seems to be heading into the direction of "there he is again".

Side note: No need to judge anyone. We cannot know how things really are from a few photos and from third party stories. If a fan meets Michael and he wants them to not give the info out to everyone, or even a select few, I see no problems with them doing just that. If a fan meets Michael and he asks them to pass on a message, I see no problems with them passing on the message..... but that's just me.
Michael looks really good! :wub: Nice hair!! :yes: And love the shirt! :wild:

It's funny how certain fans always seem to be in the "right place at the right time"...makes you wonder...but whatever...Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
Basically I guess the world is made of up of all types of people, to each his own. It's the "finding him" that just doesn't register with me. Finding him for what?

The times I have been near him it just never entered my mind to go running after him, his car, etc. Just different types of fans, so whatever floats your boat.:)
He loves the attention, he loves it when the fans follow him he even encourages it. When he was in London it was him who told the fans to follow him to the studio. It was him that told fans to follow him when he was at court. Michael makes his own choices if he doesn't want you there he will either tell you or go out a back entrance
Basically I guess the world is made of up of all types of people, to each his own. It's the "finding him" that just doesn't register with me. Finding him for what?

The times I have been near him it just never entered my mind to go running after him, his car, etc. Just different types of fans, so whatever floats your boat.:)
True. i live in london and actually drove passed the hotel where Mj was staying and I simply looked across the street to see the crowd, but I don't think I could go hang out at the hotel to see him. But each to there own.
I can its good fun most of the time, not in the winter though.

It was brilliant during the history era so much fun
He loves the attention, he loves it when the fans follow him he even encourages it. When he was in London it was him who told the fans to follow him to the studio. It was him that told fans to follow him when he was at court. Michael makes his own choices if he doesn't want you there he will either tell you or go out a back entrance
Well, he sure does have a lot of power .
Mikes hair style has been differently than in this pic.. Also those look like the glasses he wore around 2007 ish...

I agree. So are you implying that this photo might be older. Because I can see how that would be, especially from tmz. You can easily bring up an old photo that was stowed away and never used, and use it now as if it was a new photo. Especially for a person like Michael who hasn't changed his style lately.

And since he's been in the news lately for his recent outings, it would be easy for tabloids to take an older picture and keep up the hype of seeing Michael outside.

Nice photo though. Love the blazer.
But fans can make that choice they can go and see him or no go its as simple as that.

Lets face it the British fans have been spoilt and you do get the bug, he makes you feel happy and forget about all the bad things