New MJ Picture?

Even if he does know her she was one of the fans who only told the selected fans where mj would be, she was a fan that wouldn't share. She used to be nice you know how it is once you get close to mj they get big headed
it doesnt matter how many times u have met mj you are still as excited as the first time you did

No wonder so many fans put MJ in an pedastal. Blah. I personally do not care who this fan is. I wouldn't be shocked if she talks to the fans and tell them the personal conversations she had with MJ. LOL. Typical fans. Blah.

she was a fan that wouldn't share

LOL. That is the funniest comment I read today. LOL. Comic relief.
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i guess i'm just getting old
you old git you LOL

i've met him and seen him so many times i don't scream anymore
tbh i could never do that. id feel a right idiot lol first time i saw him in the flesh outside of a concert environment i jumped about and hugged a friend but that was it

Even if he does know her she was one of the fans who only told the selected fans where mj would be, she was a fan that wouldn't share. She used to be nice you know how it is once you get close to mj they get big headed
I know i just can't get hysterical anymore, not saying that i don't get excited i just try and stay calm.
You just get used to him, he's just human afterall
FYI - the girl in the photo is Talitha, the same person in Paris's birthday photos although I don't think she was stalking him, I think she was invited to tag along. She currently has a house in Las Vegas. She is in her 30's, but I think the photo is on an angle that makes her look smaller / shorter. She is very thin and young looking in person. She also is outwardly nice and always looks surprised and happy when she meets Michael.

She was waiting outside the Vegas house nightly for him and is now currently relocated to LA, where she and other fans hang out near his hotel (not me, I'm at work in Vegas)....

Michael does know her and she is the person who passed on the info from MJ to the fans about the future - because when they do meet, they do talk when possible.
The long lost child of Michael Jackson!!!!!!!!!

Only joking

errm, after taking a second look she does look a lot older than 15/16 as someone said and it's just the angle of the photo that makes her look smaller
Put's on ''Who Is it''

thas my phone ringtone. it went off in the libary today lol

know i just can't get hysterical anymore, not saying that i don't get excited i just try and stay calm.
You just get used to him, he's just human afterall

exactly hes a human so i dont quite get the crying and going crazy. each to their own i guess. to me its all about just saying hi and getting a handshake and him hopefully thinking "glad they didnt go crazy they seem to be decent "
Fans are always nice when they are in mj's company but when they are away and with other fans thats when the bitching starts beleive me, i've seen it. Its all jealousy. Some fans are so fake
She was waiting outside the Vegas house nightly for him

That is very distrubing. No offense.

I don't think she was stalking him


Michael does know her and she is the person who passed on the info from MJ to the fans about the future

If that is the case, then the people that are working on Mike's CD should do the same. I find it weird that Ne-Yo and others can't talk to the media or anyone else about what they are doing with Mike but this "fan" can. That is not right, imo. I think if the fan really cared about Mike's privacy, she should keep the information to herself.

No hard feelings but that is how I feel.
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Even if he does know her she was one of the fans who only told the selected fans where mj would be, she was a fan that wouldn't share. She used to be nice you know how it is once you get close to mj they get big headed

Oh dear, can we NOT start that ish in here today? Ugh!:doh: I hope this thread doesn't turn into a cesspool of hate and envy. We got a nice pic of kryptonite Mike :D. Can we Please not spoil it with talk of stalkers and fan favoritism. What will be, will be. All the bust ups and knockedowndragout fighting on forums (at least during the past 4 years I've been on forums) haven't curbed anything so yeah, maybe folks should just let it be. :rollingpeace: Just my opinion.
her she was one of the fans who only told the selected fans where mj would be

I must have missed this part of the post. If that was the case, then I have zero respect for this fan. How can she violate the man's privacy like that? It is a damn shame. It really is.... if it is true.

Wendy, I respect where you are coming from and I am all about peace but I am here because I am a fan of Michael. If neverlandprincess is telling the truth, then I truly feel bad for Mike. I am hoping it is not true.
I must have missed this part of the post. If that was the case, then I have zero respect for this fan. How can she violate the man's privacy like that? It is a damn shame. It really is.... if it is true.

Wendy, I respect where you are coming from and I am all about peace but I am here because I am a fan of Michael. If neverlandprincess is telling the truth, then I truly feel bad for Mike. I am hoping it is not true.

all the fans who get close to mj are like this. sadly its the norm.
I'm not just singleing her out it happens alot with fans in general, as elusive said its the norm. They are nice in MJs
company but i have witnessed fights especially when he was in London the last time. It happens its jealousy to be honest i can't be bothered with that anymore.

Eveeryone wants a peice of him and will do anything to get it
If that is the case, then the people that are working on Mike's CD should do the same. I find it weird that Ne-Yo and others can't talk to the media or anyone else about what they are doing with Mike but this "fan" can. That is not right, imo. I think if the fan really cared about Mike's privacy, she should keep the information to herself.
the last message she posted from mj .she said mj asked her to pass it on to the community. mj has done it for years. contacting fans when he want to pass a message on to everyone
I'm not just singleing her out it happens alot with fans in general, as elusive said its the norm
yeah same here. ive only talked to talitha in passing a couple of times years back and she seemed nice. im just talking in general
I do beleive her when she said he told her, he knows alot of fans from europe and she is one of them.
i have witnessed fights especially when he was in London the last time. It happens its jealousy to be honest i can't be bothered with that anymore.

Eveeryone wants a peice of him and will do anything to get it

Really? Do you mean after the WMA´s when he went to the theatre? Cause there were some sad things which happened. Fans who would have had the chance to meet MJ could not because of the mess infront of the hotel and this breaks my heart till today. :(
how do you REALLY know he sent a message via this person?
maybe they just said it and he didnt?

because among the fan base its pretty well known interms of who can be trusted if claims are made about messages. its known as to which fans get messages and which fans are close to mj. those fans have no need to make things up because they actually know mj. so its not like its some newbie who wants to feel dont need to try and make yourself feel important when you go to the ranch and see him for eg.
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she has been a fan for a long time, she is known by fans in London tick and flea they are known as.

They followed him back to the airport when he was in Berlin
Eveeryone wants a peice of him and will do anything to get it

Evil. If that is the norm, then it needs to change. I have no respect for that fan. At all. No offense to anyone that likes the individual and fans like that.

the last message she posted from mj .she said mj asked her to pass it on to the community. mj has done it for years. contacting fans when he want to pass a message on to everyone

That needs to stop. Fans do not need to know how MJ feels about them half of the time. Fans know that MJ loves them. If MJ told me personally to tell fans this and that, I would not do it. For what? I mean, please. LOL.



Let me enjoy that pic of Mike and admire his blazer.

how do you REALLY know he sent a message via this person?
maybe they just said it and he didnt?

Regardless of the answers, that is an excellent question.

They followed him back to the airport when he was in Berlin

Am I the only one distrubed by this comment? No offense to you, neverlandprincess.
It was when he was staying in the Carlton towers, i have never seen such bad behaviour from fans, not even in the mjni days
That needs to stop. Fans do not need to know how MJ feels about them half of the time. Fans know that MJ loves them. If MJ told me personally to tell fans this and that, I would not do it. For what? I mean, please. LOL.
well tell MJ to stop contacting fans then lol

at the end of the day mj has told fans that hed prefer if they werent there in the past if they have turned up somewhere when he wasnt doing a public thing.
Bee she isn't aggressive at all, she is just at the right place at the right time, and obviously has alot of time on her hands
why not just enjoy the photo?
speculating just brings more
speculations which brings more
arguing and then what?
oh well nvm bahhhhhhhhh LOL
Im minding my own....dont get why
theres always an argument up in here
after a new photos is posted?
either its hes been quiet and no one hears anything
then someone gets aggravated over it and or
theres arguments about his looks and so forth and so on?
I dont get it but ok? Just my observation and opinion
Im just wondering is all? :) not trying to slam anyone just curious
well tell MJ to stop contacting fans then lol

When I have a chance to. LOL. I wouldn't be shocked if he was told to stop but he didn't. I love the guiy, but he needs to used the "no" word in his vocabulary.

Bee she isn't aggressive at all, she is just at the right place at the right time, and obviously has alot of time on her hands

She doesn't have to be. She seems like a stalker and that is the last thing MJ needs right now. I really could care less if this fan is a nice person or whatever. I care about Mike and his children's safety. Even if MJ doesn't say no, that fan or many fans that gets contact from Mike should have the power to keep things to themselves. Fans do not need to know every single thing about Michael. That is how I see it.

Anyway, I said enough. Let's agree to disagree about the whole thing. I am gonna enjoy the pic of Mike and admire his black blazer. I don't want to give these types of fans any more attention.