New MJ Picture?

You have been asked to stay on topic. Michael Jackson and the photos are the topic not the fans. Move on immediately. Thank you.
He looks awesome! Good to see him going out,happy and healthy! Love him,he's so adorable! The king forever!
And Talitha (?)! I remember her greeting MJ in the LA airport, and when she was at the Wynn on Paris's Birthday, she was by him! I think MJ and her know eachother.

Shi s name Red Cap(красная шапочка)
for the fans in Russia!!
Wow, Can't believe I've almost missed this thread and that nice pic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

And just like there are those who are at odds over the female fan in the photo; there are sure to be "other fans" who have/will go to great lengths to try and contact talitha just to pretend to get close to her so they could have 'inside information" on Michael. Y'all know what I'm talking about. How many times have we seen that kinda fan?

Thanks Talitha again for that beautiful message you gave us from Michael! And I hope he continues reaching out to fans he trust like that.
You have been asked to stay on topic. Michael Jackson and the photos are the topic not the fans. Move on immediately. Thank you.

OOOOPS Shannon, I'm sorry. I just saw your post. Sorry.

The picture of MJ is hot, btw.
omg all these latest pic of mike....i dont think i can handle it!!! * screams* arhhh
its great.. isnt it :)

btw when is paris's birthday?
guys can we stop saying means things bout this girl, especially if michael does indeed know this girl.
It would hurt michaels feeling if he knew we were talking bout her like this!
yeh it is great seeing mike so happy :)
im so proud of him :)