New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks [the unreleased track is 'Got The Hots']

Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Horray, I just voted, (finally), I'll preorder from Sanity when I get home from work on Monday, coz you get a free keyring! woop!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Horray, I just voted, (finally), I'll preorder from Sanity when I get home from work on Monday, coz you get a free keyring! woop!

Q are you coming to the MJ50 party?
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

It is not 100% confirmed, but most likely Germany and Spain will follow Australia very soon and start to promote their own "King Of Pop" tribute CD.

The local Sony managements have had to submit their promotional ideas to the Sony HQ as late as Friday.

and then the US hopefully??? Please!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Question, why is this only being released in Aus? Plus the party is in
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

well its a good teaser..:D
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I just went to the radio station website that's promoting the party. I entered the comp to win tickets to Sydney. The description on that website says that the album will feature "5 songs picked by the fans". Surely they have this wrong? Aren't we just voting for 5, but then someone will pick the top 30 that we have all voted for and they will be on the album?
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I received an email from HMV UK saying that Michael Jackson: King Of Pop had been added to their catalogue, so it seems that it should be getting a UK release too (unless HMV are going to be importing it – the email didn’t say). They don’t have any other details except release date at the moment.

I haven’t received an email from Sony UK though asking for fan input and since I haven’t read about it here either I guess it hasn’t happened yet. Hopefully Sony will get on and send out their questionnaire soon because it’s getting kinda late in the day! Only about 6 weeks to release date and they haven’t even asked us what we want to be included on the CD. Sony Australia were really on the ball with their plans.

Does anyone know how to get in contact with Sony UK to ask them what’s going on?
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Has anyone else had trouble submitting their vote? I keep getting an error page every time I submit... Its been happening for a couple of days now.. :S
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I don't know if it's been mentioned before, but I did a little search to see if there would be a release for Norway, and came over this :

It's a cd called King of Pop - Swedish hit collection, so i'm guesing this is the swedish release. (the release date is Oct. 10th....??)

Good for our neighbours :)
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

In the first Australian fan-driven album of its kind, King of Pop will contain the top 30 tracks chosen from Michael's Australian fans, plus rare tracks from Michael's career and a never before released track plus a brand new "MegaMix" from the legendary Jason Nevins.

Does this mean that there will be additional unreleased tracks to the 30 chosen by the fans? or a total of 30??
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

wtf is goin on with this. what countries are getting this
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

im pissed now. i want the tracks and unreleased tracks. dnt have me make a youtube video
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Is there someone who can update post #1 with all countries which might get a release??? Much easier for searching...
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Damien - Raoul and I are going on holidays for 5 weeks, Europe and the USA, I get back to Aus on August 16. I go back to work on Aug 18, so I won't have any money, or enough days off to get to Sydney sadly. I am working on trying to get the 29th off so I can go to the Dangerous concert screening at Hoyts over here at least! So sadly no Sydney party for me, the timing of our trip has made us miss a lot of things, otherwise you KNOW i would be there brother! We would ROCK that joint! :)
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

So Holland is also getting this CD... Hmm I think it'll just be a worldwide CD.
I'm curious about how many rare (what's rare these days:p) songs are on it. And what unreleased song...

Maybe it'll be Got The Hots, I mean only Japan got that one for Thriller 25.
Or maybe it's a track from post-Vince era? Maybe a new track, a teaser for the new album... :D
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304) has changed the release dat from august 22nd to august 29th.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

^ Where do u see that?

I just ordered :D
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Damien - Raoul and I are going on holidays for 5 weeks, Europe and the USA, I get back to Aus on August 16. I go back to work on Aug 18, so I won't have any money, or enough days off to get to Sydney sadly. I am working on trying to get the 29th off so I can go to the Dangerous concert screening at Hoyts over here at least! So sadly no Sydney party for me, the timing of our trip has made us miss a lot of things, otherwise you KNOW i would be there brother! We would ROCK that joint! :)

Poor chap, USA, Europe.. you poor poor soul! NOT!
But yeah it would have been so so good to have you guys there.
Also to have you on GC with me the next day! Im peforming a big MJ dance tribute on the Gold Coast Show:) For Mike's 50th. Will be really good! I think even Criss is coming up to see it and extend the MJ B'day festivities!:) (i THINK he is, not 100% sure)
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Why don't they just release a full collection of unreleased material in a two-CD set or something? I'm just saying...

I agree.Bsides and Unreleased,leaked ect.. Stuff we haven't heard that are in those Vaults. AND I know there's alot of them that either wasn't on Albums or just demo ideas.That would be Something new and Different and ofcourse A New Album. He can promote it and choose whether he wants tour or not.
I mean The MJ Collection has been repeated time after time with the Same songs and Different packages with A DVD or a Poster or a Key chain or a Coin to make consumers buy. Everything but a Separate CD with a Voice Message from Mike himself thanking fans. I know all countries don't have the same list line up,I guess that's what makes it rare and as long as The Michael Jackson Catalog is in the possession of SONY,they'll keep reissuing The Catalog forever. And being that said ,I hope Michael gets every penny from each reissue. I still think he should be The CEO and Top Executive of SONY after what he's been through. Heck he should own SONY. It Should be under American interest anyway.
Well all I'm saying is I just want something new from MickyJac.
Give me new stuff anytime.:yes:
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

no unreleased discs of old rare unheard songs. i wouldnt like one of those AT ALL. not until MJ has retired. Keep that stuff for when MJ retired because when he calls it a day, it would be better to have stuff from vaults in years AFTER retirement, to keep us excited. Give us something we have never heard, even though he isnt working .. BUT.. now, he is making NEW music. So for now, just wait for that.;) And be happy the King of Pop album will have ONE unreleased track at least! plus the new megamix. I reckon theyre doing this King Of Pop PERFECTLY (my opinion)
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

This project is yet another way to make money out of the hardcore fans without presenting anything new! How many of these have we've had so far? I ain't supporting this project! they provide ONE unreleased track which is def gonna be from either 80s or 90s...or something like "for all time" that everybody has heard of already! I'm really getting tired of this greatest hits business with MJ and Sony. The fans encourage these kind of releases by buying the material!
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I emailed Sony in Ireland and they told me there won't be a UK or Irish release for this cd. I hope the unreleased track is different in each country!!

That would be so good, i have every amazon site bookmarked lol
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

This project is yet another way to make money out of the hardcore fans without presenting anything new! How many of these have we've had so far? I ain't supporting this project! they provide ONE unreleased track which is def gonna be from either 80s or 90s...or something like "for all time" that everybody has heard of already! I'm really getting tired of this greatest hits business with MJ and Sony. The fans encourage these kind of releases by buying the material!

Ur kidding urself by being angry

Sony are a business. Businesses exist to make money, not to please MJ fans. They are doing their best. MJ isnt presenting anything new right now, otherwise they would release it. They have given fans control of set list. Fans arent FORCED to buy this. Its being given for FREE to all fans who attend the special event MJ50 Bday party in Sydney. Its gonna have an unreleased song. Its gonna have a new megamix. Its going to be LIMITED in numbers, meaning that sales are not the issue. Its an optional thing for FANS and its a very nice guesture. Better than ignoring the fact that their biggest artist is turning 50.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Since there's an unreleased song i'll buy it..
But.. damn.. I hate sony!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

no unreleased discs of old rare unheard songs. i wouldnt like one of those AT ALL. not until MJ has retired. Keep that stuff for when MJ retired because when he calls it a day, it would be better to have stuff from vaults in years AFTER retirement, to keep us excited. Give us something we have never heard, even though he isnt working .. BUT.. now, he is making NEW music. So for now, just wait for that.;) And be happy the King of Pop album will have ONE unreleased track at least! plus the new megamix. I reckon theyre doing this King Of Pop PERFECTLY (my opinion)

True ..I agree that some of the unrelease stuff should be released after he's retired or passed on(Hope Not) but I like the raw stuff,The Beginnings of a Masterpiece or A well done song that wasn't on any Album. I want to give him my opinon while he's still around so he can get my feedback.The Special Editions and The Ultimate Collection ect.. showcased Unreleased and Material unheard of while he was still around eventhough he was dealing with the trial and other things,What Austrailia is getting is tracks the fans choose(Unfair to us USA YANKS but it's all good.) Between you and me, He could retire Now from recording his own stuff and doing concerts without the fans knowing and Still record with other people making us think that He's coming out with new stuff and HE's Already Retired. LOL.... We don't know for sure. He is seen, yes, but is he on tour ?
Will he do a guest appearance on someone's tour ? HE revamps with WILL.I .AM and Kanye West.and AKon Some of his Thrilller songs with him sometimes singing new lyrics and For All Time along with other stuff as extra tracks on T25. With the Catalogs he has in his portfollio,He has bucko bucks to retire on but I know we want him to sing and dance to something new . After this ,We Must see something new from Michael or we'll have to deal with reissues to keep SONY's Pockets rich.:agree:
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Ur kidding urself by being angry

Sony are a business. Businesses exist to make money, not to please MJ fans. They are doing their best. MJ isnt presenting anything new right now, otherwise they would release it. They have given fans control of set list. Fans arent FORCED to buy this. Its being given for FREE to all fans who attend the special event MJ50 Bday party in Sydney. Its gonna have an unreleased song. Its gonna have a new megamix. Its going to be LIMITED in numbers, meaning that sales are not the issue. Its an optional thing for FANS and its a very nice guesture. Better than ignoring the fact that their biggest artist is turning 50.

Exactly, Sony are a business and they fool fans (like it or not) by taking anything and making it into an excuse to sell some repackaged old songs...but guess what.. this time the fans are gonna choose! Boo hoo! as if the songs didn't exist in the first place! MJ turning 50 has nothing to do with this CD...its another excuse to sell, sell and sell and the fans are easily trapped over and over again! They might say its for MJ's 50th birthday, but the main reason is to make money and use MJ's birthday as an excuse. how many times have they done this?

Ultimate MJ, Visionary and etc... same music , different packaging and some unreleased songs that most were frankly heard of before. ps VISIONARY WAS LIMITED...BUT U CAN STILL FIND IT IN AMAZON!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Since there's an unreleased song i'll buy it..
But.. damn.. I hate sony!

I Hear Yah JacoPOP.:yes:
I'll think about buying it if I really want it but I got so much already

Give Me For All Time and XSCAPE ONLY.:agree:The Rest I already have.