New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks [the unreleased track is 'Got The Hots']

Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I'm sorry guys but I'v officially reached a point where I cant take this anymore..
I mean.. Sony always finds a reason to re-release Michael Jackson gems, first we were "celebrating" an aniversary of a landmark album, now we're "celebrating" Michael's Birthday with another re-release? I wont be suprised If they put out a re-realese for the 4th Aniversary of Michael's acquital.I'm not even joking, I'm serios.. this is getting ridiculous.
For anyone who took that "its coming sooner than you think" statement as confirmation for new material can take this latest re-release and play it as much as you can coz the new album is not coming out this year.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

:yes: Ain't nothing to be sad about, you just know it'll take another year for Mike to do his thing.

thats honestly one of the silliest things ive ever heard. THINK about things. Like i said already, Mike re-issued Off The Wall to Dangerous a month before Invincible. That didnt delay the release of Vince. It still came out a month later.

You're all just grumpy because T25 and MJ's B'day happen to fall on the same year and you THINK Sony is overloading on releases. Thats stupid (sorry but it is)... If Michael were 49 this year and not 50, there would be no birthday release. We would have had T25 in Feb, and nothing more for the rest of the year (unless the new album came/comes out), and would have had the 50th Bday release NEXT year. Mentally, that would have been easier for people to accept for those complaining, I have no doubt. But they ARE he same year. Both anniversaries are BIG occasions. Celebrations of some kind were inevitable. The fact that Sony is doing something, AND giving the fans control AND throwing a party is POSITIVE in my eyes, and I cannot see it any other way.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Anyone complaining about a re-release is selfish and has no clue about how a record company or indeed how Michaels brand works! MONEY MONEY MONEY! Sony is a business not a fan pleasing charade! a re-release is never a bad thing it only brings more promotion and more sales to Michael, look at Elvis how many re-releases? s**t loads but it keeps his music alive! It constantly bewildered me how demanding some people can be, if you are so bothered about hearing new material why not save some money up and buy some rare stuff instead of moaning like hell about Sony or Michaels choice to pump life back into some old classics

Like Damien said the special editions appeared just before Invincible, why? to remind people of who the king is, now "King Of Pop" is on its way to do the same thing, also its the first chance you moaners have of having a say in the project!

And the people who moaned about Thriller 25? After a tough few years that is the best thing Business wise thats happened to Michael and must have given him a confidence boost for the next album, its 25 years old and look at the sales, all adding up to Makng your Idol the KING OF POP!

I agree totally,My Dad is a massive Elvis fan and i can tell you he owns loads of re-released and remastered cd's.This is a great way to keep the sales growing and open up a new audience for the younger fans out there.So why should it be different for michael???
Even though we would all love new and unreleased material the re-released is just as important for the non -mj collectors out there!!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Call me silly putty then. :p

"I don't give a d-d-d-d-d-d-DAMN" - Cam'ron.

Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

This new 're-release' from Sony aint that similer to other things they have done in the past. We are the ones in control with this, and it directed at us, not the general music buying public. It is for us to celebrate Michael's 50th Birthday, something that some of us want to celebrate.

If your not happy with this form of celebration, go and do and support something else. This is a positive thing for us, so stop trying to bring us down from our excited place, there are threads in other darker parts for you to voice negative opinions. If you don't like something, don't go on about it, post about and read about it- just ignore it.

MJ50 - King of Pop is something that is a terrific thing for Michael's birthday and for collectors, I can't wait! Bring it on! :) :) :)
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Oh stop being sensitive. :lol:

Not everybody is gonna like it, DUH. No need to rub it in... :p
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

wohoo! Im glad us Aussies are getting something :) IVe noticed as well that the mj fan base here has grown significantly here in recent times and they always seem to be playing his vids on TV...
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

altho this idea is great, im growing sick of "compilations". why cant epic just go in the vault and release an album of ALL unreleased tracks?
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I have to say, the teaser is pretty cool...
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Good things come to those who wait.

Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Anyone complaining about a re-release is selfish and has no clue about how a record company or indeed how Michaels brand works! MONEY MONEY MONEY! Sony is a business not a fan pleasing charade! a re-release is never a bad thing it only brings more promotion and more sales to Michael, look at Elvis how many re-releases? s**t loads but it keeps his music alive! It constantly bewildered me how demanding some people can be, if you are so bothered about hearing new material why not save some money up and buy some rare stuff instead of moaning like hell about Sony or Michaels choice to pump life back into some old classics

Like Damien said the special editions appeared just before Invincible, why? to remind people of who the king is, now "King Of Pop" is on its way to do the same thing, also its the first chance you moaners have of having a say in the project!

And the people who moaned about Thriller 25? After a tough few years that is the best thing Business wise thats happened to Michael and must have given him a confidence boost for the next album, its 25 years old and look at the sales, all adding up to Makng your Idol the KING OF POP!


well said its just a shame that some dont have the brains to see that its about business and money and nothing not a fan of re releases but it doesnt matter much to me i dont buy then anyway so its irrelevent.but i know it helps mj and at the end of the day thats alll that matters to me

altho this idea is great, im growing sick of "compilations". why cant epic just go in the vault and release an album of ALL unreleased tracks?

because that will cost more money and permission that some may not want to give. they want to make as much money from as little outgoings as possible. thats how business works.i dont get why some care so much. its probably the same ppl who complain who then go out and buy it cause they feel they have no choice.then complain about sony taking advantage of fans
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

i was already going 2 buy it..but that teaser makes me wanna buy as many t25s i bought lol
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

IMHO, you're gonna do a 50th birthday tribute album, include ALL the albums (with Motown's approval), put at least five songs from the ten studio albums and then round up songs NOT included on the albums per se. I fear the "unreleased song" is gonna come from one of the Special Edition CDs. And rare tracks will be songs we heard from the computer, lol. What do you guys just pick then? The songs from the Epic material?
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Wow, 2007 is the only year this decade that Sony havent re-released something.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Can anyone tell me why Scream isnt listed?
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I fear the "unreleased song" is gonna come from one of the Special Edition CDs. And rare tracks will be songs we heard from the computer, lol. What do you guys just pick then? The songs from the Epic material?

I dont think so. Could be, but from the Sony site's description it doesnt sound like that^

"plus rare tracks from Michael's career" - rare but already heard by some probably. maybe that refers to Carosel or Fly Away or Streetwalker etc that we can vote for.. Or maybe it mean like The Way U Love Me and co.

"and a never before released track" - never before released means its never been released before. lol. pretty simple in my mind. will be a song that either we have heard before that is NOT on any official "release" - or something that we really have NEVER heard before. That aint such a wild thought. We never heard anything from the SE of his albums until they came out.. never heard Weve Had Enough etc until The Ultimate Collection came out... Got The Hots was new on T25 Japan..

"plus a brand new "MegaMix" from the legendary Jason Nevins." - brand new. means it was just made. so we have never heard it either:)

release will be good. Cant wait!!
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

It looks better and better with all those info.

I hope the rarities & unreleased tracks are the same in each country...
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Looking forward to the unreleased track! :-D
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

It is not 100% confirmed, but most likely Germany and Spain will follow Australia very soon and start to promote their own "King Of Pop" tribute CD.

The local Sony managements have had to submit their promotional ideas to the Sony HQ as late as Friday.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

It is not 100% confirmed, but most likely Germany and Spain will follow Australia very soon and start to promote their own "King Of Pop" tribute CD.

The local Sony managements have had to submit their promotional ideas to the Sony HQ as late as Friday.


That sure would be great. A shame Denmark didn't join too.

But I'm looking very much forward to the unrelesed songs too.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

it would be nice if he celebrated the birthday with a new cd instead of a compilation but...hope new material will see the light soon!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I emailed Sony in Ireland and they told me there won't be a UK or Irish release for this cd. I hope the unreleased track is different in each country!!