New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks [the unreleased track is 'Got The Hots']

Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

well considering the music industry today, and all the artists under the SONY label.. I would definattly say they ran out of ideas.. HA HA!!

They don't brand artists now.. They brand a TYPE of artist.. I HATE that.. Everyone becomes like everyone..

Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

But that's why Mike shouldn't do anything with Sony then, I don't care how they're "helping" him.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

^ I think Michael will be doing the planning this time.. This is how I see it..

He is doing the album under NO LABEL for a reason..

* He gets 100% creative control
* WIll plan out promotion

I think he'll have everything set to go, THEN go to SONY and be like. This is what I want, this is the budget... Sign here..

So MJ is the for runner this time.. Like how it was prior to Sony.

SONY likes to be in control.. Telling him to get rid of Frank Dileo, changing up how MJ does promotion etc.. They took control.. Though because MJ left from BAD, Dangerous did not need much and it pretty much sold itself, with decent promotion..

But BAD album was so greatly promoted.. And this was planned and executed by primarily 2 people..

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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

dileo that is. and yeah it takes a good manager these days. raymone doesnt seem to be a good one (if she still is, no one knows),
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

^ thanks for the spell check... :) lol!

and Frank Delialaial was a great maneger.. CUT THROUGHT but he did his job well..
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I think this is very exciting, and something we should be very grateful to Sony for! How many other artists have the opportunity to do this for their fans? Yes it is obviously something Sony has cooked up, maybe MJ doesn't know much about it, but it is something they have obviously put some thought and effort into FOR US, THE FANS!!! We should embrace this and enjoy it, and it is part of celebrating Michael's 50th Birthday!

For all those people sayin "oh I hope they don't put songs on their that have already leaked on the internet", well then, if they do, you've only got yourselves to blame. If you didn't steal those songs in the first place, you wouldn't have alread heard them would you! LOL Michael never gave you those songs. You took them for yourselves,- without his permission!

I think this is a terrific idea from Sony, and as much as I have not had too many nice things to say about some of their behaviour in the past, I for one will be excited to buy this, both editions! and I will be spreading the word about it. I can't wait!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I personally still dont like this idea but it sounds fun nonetheless.

BTW how come no Scream on the list?
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I think this is very exciting, and something we should be very grateful to Sony for! How many other artists have the opportunity to do this for their fans? Yes it is obviously something Sony has cooked up, maybe MJ doesn't know much about it, but it is something they have obviously put some thought and effort into FOR US, THE FANS!!! We should embrace this and enjoy it, and it is part of celebrating Michael's 50th Birthday!

For all those people sayin "oh I hope they don't put songs on their that have already leaked on the internet", well then, if they do, you've only got yourselves to blame. If you didn't steal those songs in the first place, you wouldn't have alread heard them would you! LOL Michael never gave you those songs. You took them for yourselves,- without his permission!

I think this is a terrific idea from Sony, and as much as I have not had too many nice things to say about some of their behaviour in the past, I for one will be excited to buy this, both editions! and I will be spreading the word about it. I can't wait!
Grateful to Sony?:rofl:
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

This whole tribute CD idea comes from the Sony HQ, and has been offered for every country where MJ's sales were pretty good in the past, or where this CD would presumably sell good. It is up to the local Sony managements if they take this offer or not.

Sony Australia was quite fast, but you can expect more announcements in the next few days. This is absolutely an international Sony project.

Its not coming out where it will sell well. Its coming out to whatever Sony's want to bother releasing it. Sales are no aim because its LIMITED EDITION!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Grateful to Sony?:rofl:

i am as well. why laugh? we are allowed our own opinion. this is better than letting their biggest artists 50th bday go by unmentioned! at least sony are doing SOMETHING and giving as much control as possible to THE FANS! Sony are saying "we wanna celebrate Mikes Bday, but YOU can choose what goes on it" and people are STILL moaning! AND.. its people who arent even IN australia who are moaning too! Let us have our moment of fun, this kind of thing, and the party NEVER happens in Australia!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Some feel grateful, some still say "F-U" to Sony so what can you do? :)

We ain't gonna see eye-to-eye on this issue, we just AIN'T! :lol:
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Some feel grateful, some still say "F-U" to Sony so what can you do? :)

We ain't gonna see eye-to-eye on this issue, we just AIN'T! :lol:

you can say F-U to sony all you want but the fact remains that they CAN do these releases. Their contract to MJ and his songs obviously allows them to do so. However, the fans are not contracted to buy the releases so what is there to complain about? Nothing. They are releasing a small number of discs to Australian fans and letting the Australian fans choose their fave songs and giving us an unreleased song and are holding a professional party for us and giving us the CD free at entry of that party. Where is the exploitation? There is none. No one holds a gun to our head and says we must attend, or buy the disc. Would it have been better for Sony to not even acknowledge MJ's Bday? Or would it have been better to ignor the fans, not put any unreleased song on there and not given us the chance to attend a party and choose the songs? Cummon, people take their "Sony is Phony and Devil and this is exploitation" wayyyyy to far. Sony was corrupt 7 years ago. The "devil" is gone. Get over it. Its Michael's 50th Birthday.
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Does anyone know how you can get a copy if you don't live in australia?
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I think it's nice of Sony to do this. Even though most of us probably have all of the songs already, there's always new fans that come around. And the new material makes it even more interesting.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

They some phony-ass motherf***ers. :lol:

How are the phony? They're only doing what every other record company does. If anything, it should be applauded that they are actually recognizing his birthday. Most labels don't do that.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

How are the phony? They're only doing what every other record company does. If anything, it should be applauded that they are actually recognizing his birthday. Most labels don't do that.

All record labels are phony. ;) I just say Sony because Mike was with them. :cheeky:
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I think someone must have been listening to our endless rants about Thriller 25 not having more unreleased material....................................mmmmm

Don't get your hopes up too high. I think they said "once", it could be from the Ultimate Collection for as far as you probably would figure.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I like this release.

Just don't vote on the song that are always found on these compilations.

Don't vote Billie Jean, Beat it and all the songs that are usually to be found. We can make some forgotten songs hit the spotlight again.

Non fans who will buy the album will then be able to hear songs from Mike they've never heard before.

Can people outside Australia buy this one???
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

You can pre order it online. There is a link on the page where you vote
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I think it's nice of Sony to do this. Even though most of us probably have all of the songs already, there's always new fans that come around. And the new material makes it even more interesting.

Completely agree with you. And the idea that the songs can be any song from any album just makes it more exciting. Who knows what the final combo will consist of? Should be interesting to see the choices.

I went to the site to try and vote (even tho I'm not Australian) and I found trying to pick only 5 songs from all those choices extremely hard. Ugh!:(
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Oh God.....NO!!!!!! Tired of those re-release ,why does Sony not give us something very unreleased like Concerts for Michael Jackson Birthday??? Something makes me wanna scream,why does Sony put every time only one or two unreleased tracks on all those records??? Oh for the money of course...
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Are people in the US going to be able to order this from the Austraila if it's not released over here? I'd be interested in it if it has an unreleased track.

Mjs not doing much to help prove he's not a "SELF-PROCLAIMED" king, by actually calling his album "King of Pop."

STFU. It's a Sony release... mo***.
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

This is it. They're completely nuts at Sony. It's like they're re-releasing old MJ tracks every year! I know Michael can't help it, but for god's sake, tell me what's the added value of this cd? (except Sony cashing over and over again)

I am a huge Michael fan, but do not even consider buying stuff like this, nor because of the 'unreleased song'-bribing I read about.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

I'm so looking forward to this, it is quite hard to pick a Top 5 songs, especially ones that aren't always featured over and over!
Also to know what to write in the birthday message that may appear in the cover art is tough too!
I think this will be great, and when other countries start announcing theirs, it will be super exciting!
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

^OMG. :lol: seriously? oops.
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)


really? i assumed it was 5 overall.... considering it doesnt let u choose any more:lol:
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Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

Top five from every album, then that means the hits then. :lol:
Re: New Michael Jackson Tribute CD! - with rare tracks and ONE unreleased SONG! (update post 304)

This comes from the italian mj fanclub Michaelmania:

At the present moment there hasn't yet taken a final decision about the project because in the meantime is making its way another project which would involve Michael himself. Everything is still to be decided on both projects.
