Most Iconic VMA Performance

We are NOT cheating! I'm voting no-stop since...well I don't even remember since when :giggle:
Welcome to MJJC. :D

Remember during the MTV poll for Best Fan Forum all the Kanye West fans started making accounts here and trolling the forum? Hope this isn't the beginning of something...

Well thank you. I guess. I've been reading this forum quite a long time...don't even remember how long. Just don't like posting. In any forum.
First and foremost, I'm a die-hard fan of music in general. Not just a Bon Jovi fan or not just a Michael Jackson fan or not just a fan of some other group or artist. I have no intention to troll or spam, I like to use my valuable time to something more productive and nicer. Perhaps I should feel offended that when I finally break the posting silence you accuse me of being a potential spammer...Why did I post then? I, personally, don't approve laughing at any fans. Because most of us are fans of something or someone.
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Well thank you. I guess. I've been reading this forum quite a long time...don't even remember how long. Just don't like posting. In any forum.
First and foremost, I'm a die-hard fan of music in general. Not just a Bon Jovi fan or not just a Michael Jackson fan or not just a fan of some other group or artist. I have no intention to troll or spam, I like to use my valuable time to something more productive and nicer. Perhaps I should feel offended that when I finally break the posting silence you accuse me of being a potential spammer...

Your first post at MJJC is during a poll with Bon Jovi and Michael Jackson fans battling for the top spot. Your first post is in the thread for that poll. Your first post is about how well organized Bon Jovi fans are in this poll. Anway, welcome to MJJC. :rollin:
Michael needs your help!

Please VOTE in all three

These votings are critical because the winner will be officially announced in MTV Video Music Awards 2011 just one day before Michael's birthday (August 28)!!!!!

Do you think that Michael deserves a gift from you?

Vote multiple times until Michael reaches the top!

Michael always on TOP!

It is outrageous moment because it is the first time Michael kissed in public!

It is supported by

To vote automatically:
1. You must use Firefox! -
2. Install iMacro-Addon -
3. Go to MTV web -
4. Click on imacro icon (deside downloading button) and in the new window you RECORD IMACRO. Click it.
5. Then you vote as usual in the MTV web
6. Once you have voted, STOP IMACRO.
7. Then you EXECUTE (PLAY) and down where MAX write 99999. It´s the maximun number of votes.
8. Then Click in EXECUTE BUCLE (PLAY LOOP), so that it will be always repeating

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We're not cheating and we're not voting on Most Outrageous Moment poll. Stop trying to convince us.
First post, yes. As I said, I don't like to post. Isn't this thread open to discussion then? I thought, that as a fan of both, I would be allowed to comment. I guess I was wrong then. Funnily, I also posted today my first post to Bon Jovi fanboard about this poll and my thoughts of Michael Jackson's fans. Both posts "were born" out of some kind of dissappointment. I just don't understand, how some fans (of both sides) can act on a certain way towards other fans.

p.s. FYI, I'm not even voting in that poll. To me, it isn't worth it. Just following and reading the comments. From both sides. Oddly it's as engaging as watching a trainwreck.
It just seems odd to me that today of all todays to sign up to MJJC and your only posts are in this thread. Maybe I'm wrong.
First post, yes. As I said, I don't like to post. Isn't this thread open to discussion then? I thought, that as a fan of both, I would be allowed to comment. I guess I was wrong then. Funnily, I also posted today my first post to Bon Jovi fanboard about this poll and my thoughts of Michael Jackson's fans. Both posts "were born" out of some kind of dissappointment. I just don't understand, how some fans (of both sides) can act on a certain way towards other fans.

p.s. FYI, I'm not even voting in that poll. To me, it isn't worth it. Just following and reading the comments. From both sides. Oddly it's as engaging as watching a trainwreck.

LOL @ the bolded. Welcome to MJJC :) You do make some good points, competition can sometimes bring out the worst in people. I don't agree with using automatic voting programs. I also think it would be more fair if everyone was able to vote only once. But since that's not the case, I'll do my best to make sure Michael wins (by voting multiple times, NOT using any programs).

Personally, I'd really like to see Michael on the top spot on his birthday, he deserves it. It'd almost be like a beautiful little tribute from his fans to him. I don't have anything against Jovi, but as a fan of Michael's I obviously want MJ to win.
" It just seems odd to me that today of all todays to sign up to MJJC and your only posts are in this thread. Maybe I'm wrong."

At this particular moment, I'm following the Internet quite intensly. I have broke my back and I'm unable to do anything else but surfing in my bed.
I was about to write yesterday on MJJC but I declined. Thought I had nothing sensible to say and write. You may think, it's weird that these are my only posts on this board. Writing has been always difficult for me. Even in my mother tongue. I'm much better at reading. My english is only passable at best, so I'm really shy in writing in english. But when I was reading at the comments and fanpages and such I got fed up with all the paranoia, accusations, spying, scheeming and so on of which both fan "parties" have been guilty off. So I wrote on this page at the heat of the moment.

p.s. Sorry, I messed up the quote.
Don't use Firefox add-ons! Don't cheat!
Actually, if the same number of BJ & MJ fans are using add-ons or some automatic voting programs then we'll have fair competition again. :)
Of course using voting programs is cheating BUT voting numerous times using reload/refresh is also cheating but less sophisticated. :D
Only fair voting is one man, one vote and with completely fair voting I am pretty sure that Michael Jackson would have won hands down and I think everyone in the competition knows it and that was the reason why BJ fans started using automatic voting applications.
I need to clear something up. I found that cheat on a BJ forum so I was just pointing that out. I have been voting by clicking like a crazy girl for 2 days now so don't suggest I'm cheating ok.
Actually, if the same number of BJ & MJ fans are using add-ons or some automatic voting programs then we'll have fair competition again. :)
Of course using voting programs is cheating BUT voting numerous times using reload/refresh is also cheating but less sophisticated. :D

No that's not cheating, read the rules under the poll: "Polls close Wednesday, August 24 at noon, so vote now and vote often!"

Automatic voting programs are cheating. One person voting several times isn't.
LOL @ the bolded. Welcome to MJJC :) You do make some good points, competition can sometimes bring out the worst in people. I don't agree with using automatic voting programs. I also think it would be more fair if everyone was able to vote only once. But since that's not the case, I'll do my best to make sure Michael wins (by voting multiple times, NOT using any programs).

Personally, I'd really like to see Michael on the top spot on his birthday, he deserves it. It'd almost be like a beautiful little tribute from his fans to him. I don't have anything against Jovi, but as a fan of Michael's I obviously want MJ to win.

Thank you, Laura for the welcome. LOL, I'm now breaking my own rule not to post...I agree with you on using the automatic voting. You aren't going to make your idol proud by cheating. I believe that most of the Michael Jackson and Bon Jovi fans aren't cheating but voting multiple times. I'm interested in to see, who's going to win, because on both sides, there're soooooo determined people (to say the least!).

Good luck to you with your voting. I'm not even sure, who I like to win, Michael or Bon Jovi. Both would deserve it. Michael is doing quite well in the other VMA poll too (best pop performance). I think he's going to win that. Still I wouldn't worry about voting TOO much on the other poll (don't get a carpal tunnel), because the best birthday (and any) gift to every idol are the fans.
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Thank you, Laura for the welcome. LOL, I'm now breaking my own rule not to post...I agree with you on using the automatic voting. You aren't going to make your idol proud by cheating. I believe that most of the Michael Jackson and Bon Jovi fans aren't cheating but voting multiple time. I'm interested in to see, who's going to win, because on both sides, there're soooooo determined people (to say the least!).

Haha, be careful, you're about to be lured into the addictive world of MJJC..! Grab a bowl of popcorn and enjoy the voting show ;) And your english is very good, btw. No need to worry about that.

the best birthday (and any) gift to every idol are the fans.

Awww :') Can't argue with that.

I have broke my back and I'm unable to do anything else but surfing in my bed.

Ouch, I'm very sorry to hear about your injury. Get well soon!
Saturday and Sunday are going to be hard to stay on top of. A lot of people will have no work on those days and hopefully it will be more of us than Bon Jovi fans. :p
No that's not cheating, read the rules under the poll: "Polls close Wednesday, August 24 at noon, so vote now and vote often!"

Automatic voting programs are cheating. One person voting several times isn't.
I'll repeat, ONLY fair voting is one man, one vote.
If some artist get 100 votes from 100 different persons and some other artist get 101 votes from one person who spent xy minutes and voted several times using refresh/reload than it is pretty obvious that second artist won unfairly. Vast majority of people (100:1) think that first artist is better but poll result is different.
Regarding rules which you mentioned I don't see anything about automatic voting programs :smilerolleyes: and for poll server there is no difference between person who vote and than reload and vote again every 15 seconds and person who is using (maybe even self made) automatic voting program(s) with reload set value = 15 seconds. Only difference is that person who is cheating with less sophisticated way (using reload/refresh) is losing to much time on something that is unfair from the start.

On many Internet polls you can vote numerous times using reload or using some voting programs (IMO completely unfair polls), on some polls you must clear your cookie(s) (slightly less unfair), on some you must change your IP address (even less unfair then first two) and ... on some polls you must be logged on their system/server (the most fair but of course you can still cheat :)). Very important, many Internet sites encourage people to vote numerous times because they have advertisements and they are paid according to the number of times the advertiser's banner is displayed on site so if you reload same page numerous times that means you are earning money for that site.
they are paid according to the number of times the advertiser's banner is displayed on site so if you reload same page numerous times that means you are earning money for that site.

Wrong! Only if you click the banner the site earns money.

You are not even provide visiting credits since the sites counts only unique Visitors
Outrageous means Bold!

Kissing in public is BOLD!

Kissing for your first time in public is BOLD!

Kissing for your first time in public Elvis Priestley daughter is BOLD!
oh come on! she was his wife. what is bold about kissing your own wife? lol it's nothing shocking. on the contrary, it's very natural for husband and wife to kiss.
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Stop promoting this shit. None of us want Michael to win Most Outrageous Moment for kissing his wife and I can't believe that there is a fan who does. Keep voting on the other 2 because if Michael takes the lead of the Outrageous poll, I'll be forced to spend my time voting for Madonna rather than voting for Michael to win the polls that he deserves to win.
oh come one! she was his wife. what is bold about kissing your own wife? lol it's nothing shocking. on the contrary, it's very natural for husband and wife to kiss.

It is. But remember the media made fun of this, so I think they meant it in a bad way when they nominated MJ for it. I don't think we should vote for it.
I totally agree with you but not in front of billions.

Anyway, vote as you wish but not Madonna.

It is Outrageous for MJ fans to VOTE for Madonna.

Since you are voting Madonna I will keep vote for Michael!

If you decide to stop voting the ENEMY I will support you.