Most Iconic VMA Performance

Note: If you wait 15 seconds between each vote you can vote all day long without getting blocked for a "cooling off period".

Exactly, dont fotger it... up to august 24!

I wonder, who the hell is voting for Bon Jovi, why not for Madonna or Eminem or Gaga..., ridiculous and suspicious...
Maybe because Bon Jovi make good music, not pop songs that are forgotten after 2 weeks.
Is the poll rigged or what?! Everytime I vote BJ's % going up, Mike's down! WTF!

Could MTv be doing it to show the world its a neck to neck fight, and they'll fuel the battle and generate more interest among people and get Mtv website more hits?!

I've never trusted MTv anyway, but this is outrageous!
They are voting like crazy! Lol

us hardcore joviites will give m.j. a good run for his money! we have you in our sights.... billy get your guns!! love ya!! xx , come on people we can't let M.J. win RIP
Thanks for posting Admin!! We've been on a mission backstage for days!! Let's bring this home for the guys!!
Keep the faith guys..... jon will be victorious.... keep voteing xx
Vote Vote VOTE!!! Only six more day of this!! ROFL!!! We can do it!!
yeahh baby i´m voting like a crazy all day long!!! my fingers hurt me... ALL FOR MY JOVI-GODS!!! GO BJ!!!!!! ALL THE **** TIME!! ALL FANS, ALL THE TIME!!! loooove you♥♥
Trust me, this poll is not rigged and there are many Bon Jovi fans voting like crazy to beat us. I know this for a fact.
Trust me, this poll is not rigged and there are many Bon Jovi fans voting like crazy to beat us. I know this for a fact.

You know for sure?! Well, Thank God for it! :) *runs to vote for the King again* :)
:D I know that Bon Jovi song

I find it funny when I see the losing side (both Bon Jovi and Michael fans) saying "Keep the faith guys!" to each other, not realizing that both Bon Jovi and Michael have a song named "Keep The Faith". :lol:
I find it funny when I see the losing side (both Bon Jovi and Michael fans) saying "Keep the faith guys!" to each other, not realizing that both Bon Jovi and Michael have a song named "Keep The Faith". :lol:

Yeah, I thought the same :D
Have you noticed on the best pop performance poll there is a Michael performance, an NSYNC & Michael performance, and Janet's tribute to Michael?
Is the poll rigged or what?! Everytime I vote BJ's % going up, Mike's down! WTF!

Same here, today, yesterday, it's like I'm voting for Bon Jovi, lol. Whenever I'm not voting, sleeping or doing stuff and then come back later, Michael won 2 or 3 %, the moment I start voting, it goes down again. I find that a bit weird, although it's probably just a coincidence or I'm a Bon Jovi fan magnet, haha.
I've just had a look on Twitter. Some Michael Jackson fans are cheating and giving us all a bad name. They have downloaded some program which votes automatically.
So the cheating was started by Bon Jovi fans? This is getting desperate...
So the cheating was started by Bon Jovi fans? This is getting desperate...

I'm sure they didn't start it. Just as I'm sure that people always use these programs in internet polls. Just like everybody votes more than once on the internet. If it's possible on the net, people will do it. Even if they don't post it in public.

I wouldn't use it, it takes the fun out of it and I don't like all kinds of programs on my computer, who knows what they do in the background.
Whenever I'm not voting, sleeping or doing stuff and then come back later, Michael won 2 or 3 %, the moment I start voting, it goes down again.

I didn't want to say it, but I've been noticing the same thing. :scratch:
Idk what the hell is with the site, every time I vote for MJ Bon jovi's goes up and Mike's either stays the same or goes down!!! Ugh! Is it because I'm using Mozilla???
Idk what the hell is with the site, every time I vote for MJ Bon jovi's goes up and Mike's either stays the same or goes down!!! Ugh! Is it because I'm using Mozilla???

No, we are just being outvoted by Bon Jovi fans right now.

This is the time when Bon Jovi's score slows way down and we should focus on voting as much as possible:

11pm - 3am PST.

3am - 8am EST.

8am - 11am GMT.

(all the same time, just different timezones).