Most Iconic VMA Performance

Michael Jackson, “The Way You Make Me Feel”/”Scream”/”Beat It”/”Smooth Criminal” Medley (1995) 46.79%

Bon Jovi, “Livin’ on a Prayer”/”Wanted Dead or Alive” (1989) 43.97%

keep going
I just went through the other polls you can vote on - can't believe Michael hasn't got a nomination for best music video in 1980's or 1990's!
I just went through the other polls you can vote on - can't believe Michael hasn't got a nomination for best music video in 1980's or 1990's!

Probably they didn't want MJ to win every category. :cheeky:
<LABEL class=pds-feedback-label>Bon Jovi, &#8220;Livin&#8217; on a Prayer&#8221;/&#8221;Wanted Dead or Alive&#8221; (1989) 43.44% </LABEL>

<LABEL class=pds-feedback-label>Michael Jackson, &#8220;The Way You Make Me Feel&#8221;/&#8221;Scream&#8221;/&#8221;Beat It&#8221;/&#8221;Smooth Criminal&#8221; Medley (1995) 47.56% </LABEL>
Anyone using that automatic vote addon to Firefox is cheating. I hope no one here is doing that. I would rather come second than come first by cheating.

Just to warn you all: this thread has been reported to MTV by Bon Jovi fans because two people here tried to get us all to cheat. Obviously, we put them in their place but if we get disqualified because people have cheated, then we deserve it. If you have cheated, you have let us all (most of the fan base who voted the honest way) down and ruined all our hard work. Even if we do win now people will assume we cheated our way to victory.
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Anyone using that automatic vote addon to Firefox is cheating. I hope no one here is doing that. I would rather come second than come first by cheating.

Just to warn you all: this thread has been reported to MTV by Bon Jovi fans because two people here tried to get us all to cheat. Obviously, we put them in their place but if we get disqualified because people have cheated, then we deserve it. If you have cheated, you have let us all (most of the fan base who voted the honest way) down and ruined all our hard work. Even if we do win now people will assume we cheated our way to victory.
How many times do you vote in a election?
Only honest way is to vote once. Period! You can say whatever you want BUT everything else in one way or another of cheating.
This poll is unfair from the start because it's not fair that your 500 votes (from manual reload) is equal to 500 votes from 500 different people.
Of course anything not forbidden is allowed and in MTV rules I don't see that multiple (manual, half-automatic or automatic) voting is forbidden so...
Many people voted only once because that's normal way of voting, One person, one vote. Many voted once because they don't know that you can refresh/reload page and then vote again.
Many people don't have a time (because of job, family etc.) to sit few hours and manually vote for favorite artist multiple-times so only because someone has more free time he can vote more times than few hundred people together. :eek: That's not fair!!!!
Many people don't know the fastest way to manually open xy tabs with same web address and then vote multiple times so...

Regarding cheating, theoretically MTV Server Administrator can check/remove all votes that came from the same IP address in span of few hours with same time span between every 2 votes which indicate using of automatic voting programs but than BJ probably isn't even on second place and you can bet that MJ got more non-automaticl votes than anyone else. MTV Server administrator can also check/count total amount of unique votes for both MJ and BJ (or any other artist) and you can bet that MJ got most unique votes.

P.S. I voted only once. :yes:
Great to see Michael in the lead again - phew! This ain't gonna be easy though...
I just went through the other polls you can vote on - can't believe Michael hasn't got a nomination for best music video in 1980's or 1990's!
That's because he never won MTV Video of the Year Award so he can't be nominated in those 3 categories:
Best Video of the Year Winner of the 1980s
Best Video of the Year Winner of the 1990s
Best Video of the Year Winner of the 2000s

BTW, MJ was nominated for MTV Video of the Year Award 3(+1) times, for Thriller, Leave Me Alone and Scream (and video USA for Africa - We Are the World was also (only) nominated). It's interesting to point out that Thriller, We Are the World and Leave Me Alone won video category at Grammy Awards. :)
How many times do you vote in a election?
Only honest way is to vote once. Period! You can say whatever you want BUT everything else in one way or another of cheating.
This poll is unfair from the start because it's not fair that your 500 votes (from manual reload) is equal to 500 votes from 500 different people.
Of course anything not forbidden is allowed and in MTV rules I don't see that multiple (manual, half-automatic or automatic) voting is forbidden so...
Many people voted only once because that's normal way of voting, One person, one vote. Many voted once because they don't know that you can refresh/reload page and then vote again.
Many people don't have a time (because of job, family etc.) to sit few hours and manually vote for favorite artist multiple-times so only because someone has more free time he can vote more times than few hundred people together. :eek: That's not fair!!!!
Many people don't know the fastest way to manually open xy tabs with same web address and then vote multiple times so...

Regarding cheating, theoretically MTV Server Administrator can check/remove all votes that came from the same IP address in span of few hours with same time span between every 2 votes which indicate using of automatic voting programs but than BJ probably isn't even on second place and you can bet that MJ got more non-automaticl votes than anyone else. MTV Server administrator can also check/count total amount of unique votes for both MJ and BJ (or any other artist) and you can bet that MJ got most unique votes.

P.S. I voted only once. :yes:

MTV themselves say "vote often" - so how is it cheating? What is cheating depends on the rules which were set before the game started. And the rules for this game is to "vote often". You can't compare this to elections because that simply has different rules.
Keep on voting, show we are still Michael's army of love.
#MichaelJacksonForVMA VOTING EVENT.

Michael is nominated in the categories "Best Pop Performance" and also "Most Iconic Performance".

On FRIDAY (19th Aug) from 2PM Eastern time (7PM GMT, 1PM Central time, 11AM Pacific, 8PM CET) we will ALL make our way to the VMA polls and simultaneously start Voting for Michael.

Let's join and vote as hard as we can!!!
MTV themselves say "vote often" - so how is it cheating? What is cheating depends on the rules which were set before the game started. And the rules for this game is to "vote often". You can't compare this to elections because that simply has different rules.
If someone creates & use automatic voting program, technically "he/she" also "vote often". :upside_down: