MJ's Bodyguards On GMA-(All Threads Merged)

Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I'm tired of examining everything and trying to determine people's alterior motives. I enjoyed the interview and thought it was positive.

Lol...simple and to the point =P. I love being an MJ fan, but sometimes it can be so exhausting!
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

What happened with Marijuana?
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

The question was did Michael ask them for pot and they said Michael would ask about it. Not ask for it just ask about it Trying to imply he was smoking pot because it was found in the house but not in him.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

What happened with Marijuana?

it was some comment during the interview , I must add it seemed quite random and highly edited with no real information. out of blue the interviewer states Michael "asked about marijuana".. (here the key word is asked about not asked for)

Asked about how, why, when? was all missing. He could have simply been curious and asked general questions. who knows?

To me it felt like ABC just asked that question to add some drug mentions to the discussion.

PS: there's something called medical marijuana ( a modified version of marijuana used as a medicine given in controlled doses to treat for certain medical conditions under a doctor's care) and it is legal in California.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

Oh, thanks you guys. I am trying to catch up with all of the videos, but I think I am missing some. I will check again to see if I can find it. Thanks!
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders when I read more about Michael's life!! Ouch! :no:

Me too. I listen to these things because I want to hear that he was happy in the last few years but I just don't know. Sometimes I think i should just stay away from anything to do with Michael and try to forget him. In fact I think I have to come to that at some point for my own sanity.
I dont like the idea of writing a book. -_-I dont like it that they talked too much. -_-
I agree but then if nice people who say positive things about him don't write books that just leaves lying shit heads like Halperin.

And I agree with the " where were all the celebrities when he was alive?" part.-_-
This really bothers me. I didn't realize he was so alone. I wish I didn't know. It just makes it worse.....
By the way, I hate tributes and awards and all that stuff! UGH!! Too late!! It doesn't mean anything now! -_-
I agree but then I think of the kids. You can be sure they will find out someday about the all the ridicule and humiliation aimed at their Dad. It will be good for them to see the honors and tributes to counter that and to show them how loved and respected he was.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

Oh, thanks you guys. I am trying to catch up with all of the videos, but I think I am missing some. I will check again to see if I can find it. Thanks!

im glad you asked that because i missed alot of the interview and really dont care to go and look it up.

Michael was interested in learning things it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that he was only curious about it not wanting to use it. If he were to use it in any way his kids would be ripped away faster then you can say moonwalker. Besides Michael just wanted sleep not to feel a high.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

MJ's fans should stop watching EVERY single thing where his name appears. They are giving us this crap, because we keep watching it.

If you must watch, wait for the youtube...stop giving them the ratings.

I agree Memefan. I have mixed emotions on this; however, I have to agree with many things from the long article you quoted from what I've read thus far. I haven't finished it all yet, but I'll say this much...I feel that too much was said. Michael would not appreciate so much being said about his private life. There are certain subjects that should be off limits. If they loved him like they claim they did, then why are they even talking...bottom line!!!!!! :no::doh:
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I think Mike was pulling the guards leg when he conversed with the prostitute.:LOL:

thats what i think to. Michael knew the difference he had been around them all his life just didn't take to it like his dad and brothers did lol.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I think Mike was pulling the guards leg when he conversed with the prostitute.:LOL:

Oh I think so too,
was just curious and wanted to have a closer look and did it in his gentleman-like style lol

(cool story:cheeky:)
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I appreciate the fact that they are speaking in a positive way about MJ, letting the public know that he was mismanaged and it wasn't MJ's fault that things didn't get paid on time or at all for that matter. We of course have been saying this for years, but finally some ppl "close" to him can back up what we have been saying. It hurt me to hear that Jesse Jackson had to pay for MJ to come to his bday bash, I really hope that isn't true, and if it is I appreciate Jesse not going around telling the world about it. As for those 3 not getting paid on time, well they showed some loyalty by sticking around. Man when the lady asked them what they wanted to say to the kids, I felt myself tearing up... Damn almost started crying again... To me it seems as if the guy on the right in the pinstripes only had positive things to say, he never really told MJ's business, the guy in the middle had the most to say...
Damn Randy, you were willing to call the press on your brother just cuz you couldn't come in.. Now that is low, but I won't bash you, cuz you will have to answer to the Man Upstairs as to why you felt the need to treat MJ like that.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I'm surprised so many fans are ragging on these guys. They didn't say anything negative about him. In fact, I think they spoke with warmth and love for him. The things that they talked about that could be perceived remotely negative they tended to speak very matter-of-fact about and didn't even blame him. (i.e. credit problems)

They seem genuine to me and if they did write a book it'd be 100% complimentary in my opinion. IMO it shows that there were people around him that truly cared but were powerless to do anything to help him.

I agree. They did not say he had a drug problem, only that he seemed to be high from something on a occasion. And if you still think they are lying then you are just in plain denial. Yes Michael did take something to ease his pain and frustrations (dont blame him at all. I would probably be the same or worse) I do not believe he was a junkie or anything but the drugs he was taking he probably shouldnt have been taking.

I dont think they fabricated anything they said. It was obvious they really liked and cared about him and the children. They were just keeping it real. If they want to write a book about Michael let them go right ahead.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

Since Michael was as shy and paranoid about anyone knowing his business in a limo I am sure that he would have a limo with a sound proof glass partition. I have never seen a limo with only a mere curtain and I have ridden in many limos in my lifetime.

This is exactly what I was questioning in my previous posts. I have not been in many limo's in my lifetime but the curtain reference gave me reason to pause. Glad someone else noticed this (even if it was some body language "expert").
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

Me too. I listen to these things because I want to hear that he was happy in the last few years but I just don't know. Sometimes I think i should just stay away from anything to do with Michael and try to forget him. In fact I think I have to come to that at some point for my own sanity.

I agree but then if nice people who say positive things about him don't write books that just leaves lying shit heads like Halperin.

This really bothers me. I didn't realize he was so alone. I wish I didn't know. It just makes it worse.....

I agree but then I think of the kids. You can be sure they will find out someday about the all the ridicule and humiliation aimed at their Dad. It will be good for them to see the honors and tributes to counter that and to show them how loved and respected he was.

we want to hear that he was happy...but, if we don't hear these other truths, then it makes it easy for us to call him a whiner. i feel like if i'm going to be interested in hearing about him, i might as well hear it all. after all, there are so many people who would love to laugh at him, and call him a whiner, and say he was rich, he shouldn't complain. if we hear everything he went through, we could appreciate him, more.

having said that. i still don't appreciate the capitalism angle, that's involved with this, nor the abc tv news spin machine.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

So you guys are unsatisfied if somebody talks negatively of him (naturally) and you are also unsatisfied if somebody talks mainly positively of him - like these bodyguards? What would satisfy you then? If you say if they wouldn't talk about his private matters at all, I agree with that: in an ideal world nobody would talk about celebrities' private matters. But we do not live in an ideal world. Unfortunately there's too much BS about MJ out there, so I don't mind it to be balanced out a little with some positive stuff. Or do you want just the BS of the Ian Halperins and Diane Diamonds of the world be out there, without being contradicted by stories of people who actually knew him?
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

First off, this is a Michael Jackson fan forum...comments such as Michael thought he was more important than the brothers etc - not welcome.

Secondly, if you see a post that alerts you in any way, please report it. Don't hijack a thread off topic. We can't act unless we know about it.

Thread cleaned.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I think these guys are genuine. And I didnt mind what they had to say. When will all the fans accept that Michael was not perfect, he was not squeaky clean, he was a mix of good and bad as we all are in this world and for all his goodness there was some darkness too. Someone WAS mismanaging his finances. Perhaps he did get "high" sometimes etc etc.

I think they do care about michael, if they said ALL good things no one would believe them anyway. They are just telling it like it is, warts and all. They loved those kids, they respected their boss and yes, I will buy or read their book.

You cant ever keep everyone happy - some people will say they shouldnt speak, others will say its good to hear some positive things about MJ. Me personally? I support them.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

When will all the fans accept that Michael was not perfect,
there are very few who think he was perfect.

Someone WAS mismanaging his finance
everyone knew that already. its been well documented in court papers

they respected their boss
obviously not considering they are talking about his private issues on national television. not just general comments like others have taked about. strange form of respect that is. i find it strange that its so hard for some to comprehend (general comment) that it makes no difference that they are speaking positively instead of in a negatvie way its the fact they are speaking about very private issues that mj would not approve of them speaking about. id rather they respect him and not speak at all about such issues as it isnt what mj would want. the fact its more positive than negative is irrelevent

only that he seemed to be high from something on a occasion. And if you still think they are lying then you are just in plain denial.
its well documented the amount of medications mj had to take and was talked about by mez during the trial.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I read this morning on the Tube (what we English call the Subway) that MJ's Bodyguards were quoted as saying that he used to get up to real naughty things behind the curtains in the Limousine with Ladies. That sure brought a smile to my face.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

Will they write the book?

I think that it is OK that they talk about their memory.
But I don't think that it is OK that they write the book.
Anybody have no right which put out privacy of others.

If they write the book, I feel sad...
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

these guys really looked and sounded like they really loved MJ, that's probably why they stuck around, MJ was probably all their role models and inspiration growing up, being a body guard for his probably was the highest high, the obviously didn't want to give that up.

I agree completely. LBH here, ANY of us would work for MJ for free. Just food and shelter.

When they all teared up at the same time when asked "what would you like to say to the kids?" It broke my heart.

There's no doubt, they mean well but evil media will edit soundbites to turn it against Michael. So sad.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

While what they said may have been positive for the most part, is it really the world's business to know all the things Michael did privately? If I was one of the bodyguards, once asked the question of Michael's sexuality, I would've just simply stated "No...next question", instead of going into detail about how he used to make out in backseats with various women. I understand getting a point across, but jeez, is a simple one word answer or even a sentence so hard? But at the same time, I realize money rules everything.

And just for clarification, the luxury phantom's have curtains on the windows, some of them come in the form of a limo, others may be a 4-6 seater. So that's probably what they meant by curtains on the limo.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

While what they said may have been positive for the most part, is it really the world's business to know all the things Michael did privately? If I was one of the bodyguards, once asked the question of Michael's sexuality, I would've just simply stated "No...next question", instead of going into detail about how he used to make out in backseats with various women. I understand getting a point across, but jeez, is a simple one word answer or even a sentence so hard? But at the same time, I realize money rules everything.

I think it's hard to know where to draw the line at how much information is too much as it varies so much from fan to fan. IMO if the guards had refused to comment on Michael's sexuality I can imagine the media perpetuating the same tired myths about him being gay and somehow bizarrely, and worryingly, linking that to his "special relationships" with children. I suppose some will continue to do so regardless. I do personally think it was important for a (primetime) audience to hear the words "men know men" and that Michael "had desires of women like we do" from 3 seemingly straight shooters although I agree with you - going into further detail about his girlfriends & speaking about his finances should not be for public consumption.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

First off, this is a Michael Jackson fan forum...comments such as Michael thought he was more important than the brothers etc - not welcome.

Secondly, if you see a post that alerts you in any way, please report it. Don't hijack a thread off topic. We can't act unless we know about it.

Thread cleaned.

It wasn"t that i meant MJ felt he was better, it was more why continue bashing his family. Why, for what? Watching the brothers reality show, other than Jermaine i don't see where the others brothers are bad ppl to the point MJ wouldn't want to be around them. That was my point.

Maybe it was his surroundings why he and his family became more distant in recent years and not there personalities. The post relates to the thread because thats what the bodyguards talked about.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

Can we quit the bickering please.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Yes u are right supposedly Michael told Lisa Marie once in the 90s that he'd pay $20 mil for his relatives to be more famous than he is. So that he could feel loved by them 4 once and not only used. His own words.

That's so,so sad:(
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

While what they said may have been positive for the most part, is it really the world's business to know all the things Michael did privately? If I was one of the bodyguards, once asked the question of Michael's sexuality, I would've just simply stated "No...next question", instead of going into detail about how he used to make out in backseats with various women. I understand getting a point across, but jeez, is a simple one word answer or even a sentence so hard? But at the same time, I realize money rules everything.

Michael would be embarrassed if he were alive to hear the body guards talking about what he did in the back seat with women. His modesty was one of the things that made him so endearing and cute. But, most men wouldn't think twice about it. There is nothing scandalous or upsetting or negative about Michael making out in the limo. I mean most of us here knew he had sex with women. right????

I think at this point it is really important to eliminate in the general public any ambiguity about his sex life for the sake of his children. The last thing they need is to hear p**ile rumors for the rest of their lives. In that light, i have no problem with that they said because it was not scandalous or negative and Michael isn't here to be embarrassed by it and in the long run it will help overcome all of the lies that have been published about his sexuality.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

Michael would be embarrassed if he were alive to hear the body guards talking about what he did in the back seat with women. His modesty was one of the things that made him so endearing and cute. But, most men wouldn't think twice about it. There is nothing scandalous or upsetting or negative about Michael making out in the limo. I mean most of us here knew he had sex with women. right????

I think at this point it is really important to eliminate in the general public any ambiguity about his sex life for the sake of his children. The last thing they need is to hear p**ile rumors for the rest of their lives. In that light, i have no problem with that they said because it was not scandalous or negative and Michael isn't here to be embarrassed by it and in the long run it will help overcome all of the lies that have been published about his sexuality.

I understand this, and I agree, I'm just simply stating that they could have answered that question more straight forward instead of going into detail about what he was doing in his privacy. I mean, if he didn't want his security to see or know, what makes them think it's okay for the world to know exactly what happened in the back of a limo? I'm not saying what they said was wrong, but it just simply could've been answered without going into private details.