MJ's Bodyguards On GMA-(All Threads Merged)

Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

While what they said may have been positive for the most part, is it really the world's business to know all the things Michael did privately? If I was one of the bodyguards, once asked the question of Michael's sexuality, I would've just simply stated "No...next question", instead of going into detail about how he used to make out in backseats with various women. I understand getting a point across, but jeez, is a simple one word answer or even a sentence so hard? But at the same time, I realize money rules everything.

And just for clarification, the luxury phantom's have curtains on the windows, some of them come in the form of a limo, others may be a 4-6 seater. So that's probably what they meant by curtains on the limo.

Reason why the bodyguards spoke out about his sexuality because people still think michael is weird and that he was gay when michael lived a normal life style he just had wrong people around him enabling him from not being his self. I guess the bodyguards need their money so instead of going after michael's estate they chose to write a book about their times with michael and give a insight on another side of michael the world never knew about hopefully they can be clean
Hawaiin Man Gives Details About Being MJs Bodyguard


HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - For two years of Michael Jackson's life, Mike Garcia of Salt Lake put his life on the line for the King of Pop -- he being Jackson's bodyguard was unbelievable. I t's a job Garcia will never forget. He granted Hawaii News New an exclusive interview giving details of Jackson's life.
Garcia graduated from Radford High in 1992 and headed to California, an injury halted his football career so he had his sight set on being a bodyguard. He moved Las Vegas and teamed up with two other bodyguards, Bill Whitfield and BJ Beard.
In December 2006 they got the call of a lifetime, " Bill called and said i have a client -- he wouldn't tell be who he was but he picked me up we went to the house and walked in and he was." says Garcia. And what was supposed to be a weekend security job --turned into a two year gig.
Garcia says it wasn't easy looking out for the biggest pop star in the world, " the amount of attention he gets -- the amount of love he gives out is is all on a grand scale --- that's the way it is --- he can't walk out of his house."
Garcia spent 24 -7 with Jackson, and says he was like an uncle to his three children --- taking them to several movies by himself. He says Jackson was a great dad who liked to order from fast food drive thru's -- and he had secret girlfriends. Garcia could not answer questions about Jackson's drug use, because of the investigation, but says like everyone else his death came as a shock..
And now the Salt Lake native wants the truth to be told, he and two other bodyguards are writing a book called " In Defense of the King," "there are a lot of books out there but most of them are 3rd or 4th party people telling what they know --- this will tell the story from people who were there."
It's no surprise, Garcia says, that Jackson was a big fan of the islands, "he loved Hawaii...he loves the people, he loves the smells and thing like that. definitely. He's in to smells and stuff and he loved it out here.
Re: Hawaiin Man Gives Details About Being MJs Bodyguard

It´s the same who was on GMA.

Money money money...

Those guys only worked for Michael a short time, what do they know really? If it was Wayne talking I would believe. But we will never see Wayne talk out about Michael, because Wayne is one of those bodyguards who respected Michael.
I'm GLAD they are speaking out positively about Michael against all the bull that is out there. Its about time more people spoke positively about MJ to give the public a truer image.

Oxman will also appear in Ian Halperin's documentary, that should also tell you something!

About that, I read this from someone on a facebook group -

You guys, first let me thank you all for joining our group. We are one,and our voice will be heard. Love to you all & God Bless. ♥

Í want to share with you a post that MJ's bodyguard Bill Whitfield left on our comments on his page. Here's what he had to say:

"Ok, after reading the past comments let me say this. I can honestly feel the LOVE all of you have for MJ, and I swear to you all MJ had 10X the LOVE for his fans"

and then he said ( in reply to my comment):

"as for Ian "IDIOT" Helperin we are waiting to see what his Doc on MJ is about so we can tear all his lies down. WE were there, not Mr.Helerin! Real Talk."

All I can say is GO BODYGUARDS!! Ian will go down! L.O.V.E. conquers all. Love yall! xo ♥
:clapping: I believe they care for him.
May the force be with anyone who is not going to stand by and let MJ be torn down just to pad their pockets. Phooey!
sorry but u have to hit me over the head a lot harder before u can convince me that gma will have someone on totally positive about MJ. guys with briefcases are paying money for the opposite, as a member, from here, who aspires to be in media, admitted.
I saw the interview as posted throughout this thread. It was not all positive but it was not negative towards MJ. It was negative in some ways towards his circumstances. His life was not all positive. And the interview reflected that. But they spoke well of MJ himself.

The media wants either things that are negative or things that are salacious. They aired this because they spoke out about MJ and women and MJ's finances and people think that stuff is so juicy. Now we will see if the bodyguards can actually get a book deal without exxaggerating and making their book have a negative slant. That's the kicker.

Good to see you by the way!:)
good to see you too.:) i have to agree to disagree with you about his finances. despite what everybody is saying, including the media, there were too many pieces of the puzzle that didn't add up to a person who had trouble financially....including him being a target of a lot of greedy people. for him to financially overcome all the speculation, and comfortably supply for his kids, and be charitable speaks a lot louder than what i've been hearing from others. most importantly, he never filed for bankruptcy. and he just made an unbeatable investment.
Oh, I was just saying people were interested in finances. And the guards took a negative slant towards them even though they remained positive about MJ. And this is the kind of stuff people like to hear.:flowers: I was just saying how a positive interview could air on GMA because they spoke of things about MJ that the public would think is salacious and so would tune in even though it wasn't all negative.

As for MJ, i am surprised he was able to do so much financially with all of the people around him which defined incompetence and shadiness. But that is a testament to him, that he was still able to stay afloat despite. And I donot believe these people who say MJ ws in debt because he spent on wild shopping sprees. That doesn't make sense. Even the guards in the interview said that his financial hardships were the result of those who were supposed to be managing his money and not the fault of MJ himself.

I hope the guards tear Ian H to bits when his book comes out. Their words have more weight since they were there. And, they can explain things from a first hand perspective.

Well, I hope you understand what I mean. Take care!:D
Didn't these guys also say Michael was really having fun with ladies when inside his limo? That he actually was a real ladies man? Unlike the stupid ass stories we always got to hear?

If that's so...i really apreciate that, and nope...we don't need to know how much financial trouble he had, but still...this is good news, it's good of them to reveal that.
Michael Jackson -- Chick Magnet?
Originally posted May 8th 2010 7:15 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's bodyguards are taking issue with the man who claims he had a sexual relationship with MJ during the last months of his life.

It's not that the bodyguards say Jason Pfeiffer wasn't his type -- they say ***** wasn't gay.

Bill Whitfield, Javon Beard and Mike Garcia will appear for a second time on ABC, according to the New York Post, to shoot down rumors the singer was a homosexual.

According to the Post, the bodyguards claim the singer had two girlfriends in the months before he died. He reportedly called one of them "Friend" -- a chick with a European accent.

Who knew MJ parlez-vous hot chicks?

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2010/05/08/micha...ght-rumor-bodyguard-girlfriend/#ixzz0nLtICatb

May 08, 2010, (Sawf News) - Three Michael Jackson bodyguards, who were with him every minute of the day for the last two years of his life, have rubbished rumors that he was gay.

Mike Garcia, Bill Whitfield and Javon "BJ" Beard appeared on ABC in March and claimed that far from being a pedophile Michael chased women like all single men.

According to Page Six, They will appear on ABC again in June and dwell on his financial troubles and dispel claims that he was gay.

The bodyguards are shopping a tome on MJ titled - In Defense of the King - spanning the three years they worked for him.

According to their publicist Lelani Clark, the trio claims Michael had two girlfriends towards the end of his life; one of them called "Friend" spoke with a European accent.


So I guess we can expect an announcement on the exact day soon.
The world is getting worse.

Because of that fat idiot we are now obliged to support bodyguards talking about MJ's personal life.
Not sure what their motivation is - but I think they have more to share about MJ's management at the time besides 'stories' about MJ.

Wasn't Tohme in the picture then? Seems they were very surprised at how isolated and secluded MJ was kept. :scratch:

David Zentz / AP
updated 4:07 p.m. PT, Sat., July 4, 2009

“I am not in the music business. I’m a stranger to this business,” Tohme said, noting that he had stiff competition from others who wanted to take over Jackson’s finances.

“I built a fence around Michael to keep people out,” he said, acknowledging that he cut costs by firing many members of the Jackson staff, including security guards. And he twice fired the children’s nanny, Grace Rawaramba, on Jackson’s orders.

“I was trying to do what we could to maximize his profits and minimize spending. I wanted to find a way to reel in all the loans he had.

“We had an agreement,” Tohme continued. “I would never interfere with his creative decisions and he wouldn’t interfere with my business decisions.”
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They aren't appearing again on GMA until June?!! That's like 3+ weeks away. Why aren't they appearing now if they are going on there to dispell lies and gossip?

And why is TMZ entertaining that clown Klein and his cronnies? I don't get it. :no:
May 08, 2010, (Sawf News) - Three Michael Jackson bodyguards, who were with him every minute of the day for the last two years of his life, have rubbished rumors that he was gay.

Last two years? Until I know where they have been bodyguards of Michael until 2007. :doh:

And here we go again.... :sigh: These guys have become spokespersons supporters of Michael. :bugeyed More stories....... and Michael's private life is increasingly being invaded. Sad....
Last two years? Until I know where they have been bodyguards of Michael until 2007. :doh:

they were his bodyguards between 2007 - 2009 when Michael lived at Las Vegas. He moved to LA at January 2009. So they were probably his bodyguards until that time (January 2009).
Well,everyone is coming out of the woodwork to get a piece of the slice of the pie. However, they new better than to open their piehole while Michael was alive. There stories are all fake and insecere just as they were when Micheal was here and alive. (speaking of thedued taalking about Michael being guy).
Do they honestly think their story is going to hold water? The estate should give them a cess and discess letter. BACK STABBERS! :lies
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The trouble is when people like Klein and his buddy are spreading all these lies people think its true as no one debunks them. No matter how much evidence we all bring up people write us off as 'crazy fans.' The bodyguards did spend a lot of time with Michael and his kids and they do know what went on. I hate that people are constantly selling stories about Michael's private life too but we need people on the inside to debunk the lies.
they were his bodyguards between 2007 - 2009 when Michael lived at Las Vegas. He moved to LA at January 2009. So they were probably his bodyguards until that time (January 2009).

Didn't they say they were his bodyguards until his death? Not sure about this, but I seem to remember this.
I'm glad they're trying to make him look positive!! I think Michael was hiding too much so most the public didn't view him as a human being anymore. That's what I think. Non fans only know the weird stuff that the media has been writing. They don't bother searching for more! You have to shove it down their throats.

I'm sick of the crazy plastic child molesting character with musical talents image! This has to stop somehow! People who knew him have to speak up.
I'm glad they're trying to make him look positive!! I think Michael was hiding too much so most the public didn't view him as a human being anymore. That's what I think. Non fans only know the weird stuff that the media has been writing. They don't bother searching for more! You have to shove it down their throats.

I'm sick of the crazy plastic child molesting character with musical talents image! This has to stop somehow! People who knew him have to speak up.

I kind of agree, but it's a bit sad that in order to shoot down rumours they have to talk about his private life. I don't condemn them for this because I think their intentions are good, but it's not 100% right either, because this is, after all, his private life too. But I can see where they are coming from and why they feel the need to tell about this now.

BTW, I noticed in Klein and Pfeiffer's claim how they claimed he was "bisexual" (Pfeiffer said that) and then Klein on TMZ said (in a contradictory manner BTW) first that he was "gay" who wasn't ashamed of his sexuality and then a couple of minutes later he said Pfeiffer was his first and only gay relationship (contradictions all the way in their claims!). To me that tells Klein and Pfeiffer know very well Michael wasn't gay and that he was interested in women - maybe he even told them about girlfriends -, and that's why they needed to secure themselves against people potentially coming forward and tell about his heterosexual interests. But of course it's anything but believable that a life-long heterosexual man would go gay in the last two months of his life for a guy like Pfeiffer.
I kind of agree, but it's a bit sad that in order to shoot down rumours they have to talk about his private life. I don't condemn them for this because I think their intentions are good, but it's not 100% right either, because this is, after all, his private life too. But I can see where they are coming from and why they feel the need to tell about this now.

I know. It's sad.
they were his bodyguards between 2007 - 2009 when Michael lived at Las Vegas. He moved to LA at January 2009. So they were probably his bodyguards until that time (January 2009).
No that's not true Michael moved back in late 2008. These guards were not around him. He was constantly in LA from September 2008 staying in the Beverly Hills Hotel and moving into Carolwood in November 2008. The guards were not around him anymore by mid 2008. He had a new set of guards from summer 2008. I don't even think they were around in 2008 at all
wanted to comment here http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=93106 but while I was writing the thread was closed, so I'm commenting here instead :)

thank you for this summary, I don't follow them on facebook so it was a nice read. they seem like decent and respectful people, we'll see about their book...

I laughed when I read about Michael in the movies ("dude, shut up"), I just can hear him laughing (like in the making of Black or White). Oh Michael, I love your laughter so...
I dont understand this!! What about the guy that calles 9/11 Al something?? He said he was MJ bodyguard for the last 18 months. These guys say they where that, only the three of them???

WHo is telling the truth?????
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Nothing will change the fact Michael did not die the way GMA and other shows tried there best to paint him as. He was not a drug addict and he was not broke. No matter who you drag onto your shows to say otherwise those are the facts

Thank you! I'm so tired of hearing that! Michael may have had an addiction in the past to painkillers, but he was not taking them when he died. And for that matter, all we have is Murray's word (cough, cough) that Michael really wasn't asleep after giving him all those sedatives, when he decided to give him propofol. He said Michael was still awake and asked for it, but how do we know that??
But anyway, I'm tired of all these people who just want to talk about Michael to get money or their 15 minutes of fame. No one cares. I mean, I am happy to hear that someone who knew Michael would speak out to defend him (even though it's still for their own benefit), but it shouldn't be necessary.
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