MJ's Bodyguards On GMA-(All Threads Merged)

Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I think it's safe to say, after these body guards and many other people have described how isolated MJ was, that This Is It was really going to be a big step for him. This would finally be the time that he would step out of his corner and face the world again after 10 years of absence from the stage. I'm betting he was really genuinely excited for the shows considering how stressed out and trapped he seemed before =(.

His isolation was not only self imposed to me, but always seemed much desired. From everything we know about MJ, he was a lot of fun to be around and very knowledgeable. "Friends" seemed to really like being with him, and not just because he was the greatest entertainer in the world, but he was just interesting and humorous on a very personal level.

Most of us stop calling people who don't call us. And MJ didn't appear to be one that made a lot of calls to friends. And those that called him, often got a disconnect because he frequently changed his number. If he didn't give them the new number, that sends an unfortunately negative message. Folks are sensitive. If they think you don't want to hear from them, you won't.

Of course he had trust issues, but I do believe there were people who had come into MJ's life that genuinely loved him, and didn't want anything from him. (Beyond Elizabeth Taylor). He was the kind of person who had a profound effect on people. No way was EVERYONE that tried to embrace him out to take advantage of him.

As much as he spoke of his lonliness and sadness, other than his children, I believe he preferred solitude more often than not. I think he liked the IDEA of a lot of friends around all the time, but I didn't get the impression that's what he genuinely wanted or needed.

As far as getting back on stage, Yeah, ITA...he wanted back on that stage. That's where all his extrovert tendencies soared. But off that stage, he liked his private world. JMO
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

His isolation was not only self imposed to me, but always seemed much desired. From everything we know about MJ, he was a lot of fun to be around and very knowledgeable. "Friends" seemed to really like being with him, and not just because he was the greatest entertainer in the world, but he was just interesting and humorous on a very personal level.

Most of us stop calling people who don't call us. And MJ didn't appear to be one that made a lot of calls to friends. And those that called him, often got a disconnect because he frequently changed his number. If he didn't give them the new number, that sends an unfortunately negative message. Folks are sensitive. If they think you don't want to hear from them, you won't.

Of course he had trust issues, but I do believe there were people who had come into MJ's life that genuinely loved him, and didn't want anything from him. (Beyond Elizabeth Taylor). He was the kind of person who had a profound effect on people. No way was EVERYONE that tried to embrace him out to take advantage of him.

As much as he spoke of his lonliness and sadness, other than his children, I believe he preferred solitude more often than not. I think he liked the IDEA of a lot of friends around all the time, but I didn't get the impression that's what he genuinely wanted or needed.

As far as getting back on stage, Yeah, ITA...he wanted back on that stage. That's where all his extrovert tendencies soared. But off that stage, he liked his private world. JMO

while i guess i understand that opinion, my opinion is, that there really are a frighteningly large number of people who tried to take advantage of him. i don't just think his isolation was self imposed, because it's human nature to get jealous of very successful people, and a lot of times, people don't want to admit that. nobody wants to tell on themselves. as you said, people are very sensitive, and it's easy to get threatened by another's success, and give into the temptation of taking it out on that person if the success is theirs instead of yours. a woman sees another woman in the same dress and goes off on the other woman, because of it. a man thinks he was dissed in public, so he has to publicly settle it. this is the nature of most people. so, envy, in that light, is very all too common.

harsh as it sounds..fact is, it's easy to believe that when Geraldo asked MJ, who his best friends were, MJ said, he didn't know them. now, if Geraldo was able to ask that question, then, i have a sneaking suspicion that Geraldo knew the nature of humanity, too. so, it's something that we don't want to look at, but it's out there.

i do believe MJ kept up being beautiful to people, and gracious to people, despite, all that.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

while i guess i understand that opinion, my opinion is, that there really are a frighteningly large number of people who tried to take advantage of him.

I agree. Michael was severely burned in more relationships than not. His trust issues were totally understandable. But I can't forget how Janet said, she'd call Michael and he'd never get back to her. But she understood because he was busy, and she'd find out how he was doing through their Mother. I think there were other people also who did care for him, but contact wasn't reciprocal enough to maintain a mutual friendship.

...it's human nature to get jealous of very successful people, and a lot of times, people don't want to admit that. nobody wants to tell on themselves. as you said, people are very sensitive, and it's easy to get threatened by another's success, and give into the temptation of taking it out on that person if the success is theirs instead of yours. a woman sees another woman in the same dress and goes off on the other woman, because of it. a man thinks he was dissed in public, so he has to publicly settle it. this is the nature of most people. so, envy, in that light, is very all too common.

Agree again. Psychologists say that jealousy is hardwired in all of us. I just believe even with human nature being what it is, MJ could have had more friendships if the relationships were given the kind of attention they need to be maintained and flourish.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I agree. Michael was severely burned in more relationships than not. His trust issues were totally understandable. But I can't forget how Janet said, she'd call Michael and he'd never get back to her. But she understood because he was busy, and she'd find out how he was doing through their Mother. I think there were other people also who did care for him, but contact wasn't reciprocal enough to maintain a mutual friendship.

Agree again. Psychologists say that jealousy is hardwired in all of us. I just believe even with human nature being what it is, MJ could have had more friendships if the relationships were given the kind of attention they need to be maintained and flourish.

well, unfortunately, it's also human nature to magnify one person's burning of you. if someone burns you, it comes across to you as even bigger than it is..but then, burning you is big, so degrees don't matter..i don't know if i said that right, but i hope u can somehow see what i'm trying to convey..

so, with Michael...we're talking millions of people, against one person. talk about magnification!!*not expressing anger at you with two exclamation points..i'm just using the two exclamation points to make a point of the bigness of the magnification..expressing oneself online can take a lot of effort, sometimes*...so..i believe..rightfully so, in MJ's case, it's easy to think the world was against him, and quite frankly, the collateral damage, of MJ shutting the whole world out, is justified. let's face it...even people in his family made some mistakes against him...Toya..for example..although he forgave her..and..Janet has made an assessment of him, that may be incorrect, involving intervention...sometimes it's human nature to misjudge without investigating. and as nice as Michael was, i know that all had to hurt him, deeply..

it's really hard to see a rainbow, after a rainstorm like that.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I think it's hard to know where to draw the line at how much information is too much as it varies so much from fan to fan. IMO if the guards had refused to comment on Michael's sexuality I can imagine the media perpetuating the same tired myths about him being gay and somehow bizarrely, and worryingly, linking that to his "special relationships" with children.

I was going to say this. If the bodyguards had said "No. Next question" then we all know the media would have suggested they didn't answer because there is something to hide there.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

just watched the video clips...for once an ex employee didn't disappoint me..now I can understand why this interview is not all over the news.....becuz it was mostly positive and honest
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

But here's the thing, at the sametime the family was "supposed" to be worried, they were AlSO pushing for that Jackson 5 reunion.

Janet spoke about it on the Ellen show. As I recall, Janet told Ellen that she had been on conference calls with the brothers regarding a Jackson 5 reunion, wherein she said that she was willing to open up for the brothers, but there was one brother who was not on board. She never mentioned Michael's name, but folks knew who she was talking about.

So which was it: a) intervention, or b) Jackson 5 reunion?

it said but I believe those body guards than some family members/..
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

His isolation was not only self imposed to me, but always seemed much desired. From everything we know about MJ, he was a lot of fun to be around and very knowledgeable. "Friends" seemed to really like being with him, and not just because he was the greatest entertainer in the world, but he was just interesting and humorous on a very personal level.

Most of us stop calling people who don't call us. And MJ didn't appear to be one that made a lot of calls to friends. And those that called him, often got a disconnect because he frequently changed his number. If he didn't give them the new number, that sends an unfortunately negative message. Folks are sensitive. If they think you don't want to hear from them, you won't.

Of course he had trust issues, but I do believe there were people who had come into MJ's life that genuinely loved him, and didn't want anything from him. (Beyond Elizabeth Taylor). He was the kind of person who had a profound effect on people. No way was EVERYONE that tried to embrace him out to take advantage of him.

As much as he spoke of his lonliness and sadness, other than his children, I believe he preferred solitude more often than not. I think he liked the IDEA of a lot of friends around all the time, but I didn't get the impression that's what he genuinely wanted or needed.

I don't agree. Michael has said many times that even when he was younger, he used to walk the streets at night looking for someone to just talk to. When people saw it was Michael Jackson, they always changed and treated him differently. He used to sit on a bench at Disneyland, in disguise, just to see what people act like when they don't know he's there. He was lonely.

There is not a single person in the world who doesn't know who Michael is. Throughout his life he has never been able to build a friendship the way a 'normal' person would. Michael has been taken to court by so-called 'friends' SO many times, that it must have been excruciating to be in friendships and wondering when they're gonna turn their back on you just like the rest did. Of course, he had a few real, genuine friends such as Elizabeth Taylor, but I truly believe what I wrote above.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I am so sick of these people coming out and talking about Michael why can't they just shut up and leave him alone!!

Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I don't agree. Michael has said many times that even when he was younger, he used to walk the streets at night looking for someone to just talk to. When people saw it was Michael Jackson, they always changed and treated him differently. He used to sit on a bench at Disneyland, in disguise, just to see what people act like when they don't know he's there. He was lonely.

There is not a single person in the world who doesn't know who Michael is. Throughout his life he has never been able to build a friendship the way a 'normal' person would. Michael has been taken to court by so-called 'friends' SO many times, that it must have been excruciating to be in friendships and wondering when they're gonna turn their back on you just like the rest did. Of course, he had a few real, genuine friends such as Elizabeth Taylor, but I truly believe what I wrote above.

I agree. Fame automatically becomes isolation and Michael was at a level of fame that is unparralleled. He's the most famous person in the world. Late 2008 there was a poll done in the UK for a TV show that asked who the most famous person ever was. Second was Jesus Christ. First was Michael Jackson. Everyone knows who Michael is. As soon as anyone saw him it was chaos. Michael has never been able to build up friendships like anyone on this board can. He has had so many 'friends' sell him out to write a book. give interviews to tabloids, selling information, tipping the press off to let them know where he is, suing him all the time, extortion, blackmail etc. You have lottery winners saying how their lives have been awful since coming into a lot of money as suddenly you have a lot of people come into your life who only want one thing from you. Michael had this the whole of his life. This was a man who would walk the streets at night asking strangers if they would be his friend. That doesn't sound like self imposed isolation to me. Michael had some true friends in Elizabeth Taylor but the amount of true friends Michael had as he said he could 'count them on one hand.'
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I don't agree that Michael's isolation was self imposed. Isolating himself was something that he needed to do to cope and survive in the world. He did desire privacy but I do also think he longed to experience normalcy. He wanted what we all had. He probably didn't want to go out with security, he didn't want to see his name being slandered all over magazines as he walked by them in stores. But at the same time, I think he knew that was the price he had to pay for his fame. I don't think he ever really complained about being lonely. I think he was more upset about people who could not understand why he does what he does. He always got stuck when trying to explain himself and his actions. He was always like "I gave up my life, my privacy to entertain you and you treat me like crap. You don't let me go out and do normal things, you don't let me experience the things that you do and then you criticise me because I'm not like you. You adults come to me with dollar signs in your eyes, you come to me with scams and manipulation, and then you criticise me because I'd rather be around children and animals."

Nobody understood it. They had never been in his shoes. They didn't live his life. I said in a post earlier here in this thread. It's sad that we all have been forced to question peoples motives. We all live in fear of being scammed, we all live in fear of being criticised. We are all a little isolated. We all live in our own worlds. We're scared of our neighbours. It's not just Michael. We've all been there. We don't do it because we want privacy. We separate ourselves from the rest of the world because we no longer feel safe in this world. After the trial, I think he was kind of like an open wound. Michael had to isolate himself. He HAD to protect himself. He had to block himself off. He couldn't recover from the trauma if he kept letting people in who would later turn to hurt him and his heart. I think by isolating himself he was able to heal his heart and I believe he restored some of that faith in humanity. In TII you see him still talking about the messages and how he put his faith in mankind to help the world. After all this world did to him, he never gave up on them. He never gave up on us. He may have lost a little faith, but he always kept going and fighting. That's one of the things I have always admired about him. You could slander him, you could attack him, you could falsely accuse him and you could put him in a jail cell but one thing you couldn't do was break him. Yes, Michael would always come out the other side with scratches but he was like steel. His essence always remained in tact. I think that upset a lot of the haters too. I know so many were probably reeling when he sold out 50 shows at the O2. They thought they took him down. They thought they successfully destroyed him. Michael was human, but he was strong. He was a warrior. They couldn't take it.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I don't agree that Michael's isolation was self imposed. Isolating himself was something that he needed to do to cope and survive in the world. He did desire privacy but I do also think he longed to experience normalcy. He wanted what we all had. He probably didn't want to go out with security, he didn't want to see his name being slandered all over magazines as he walked by them in stores. But at the same time, I think he knew that was the price he had to pay for his fame. I don't think he ever really complained about being lonely. I think he was more upset about people who could not understand why he does what he does. He always got stuck when trying to explain himself and his actions. He was always like "I gave up my life, my privacy to entertain you and you treat me like crap. You don't let me go out and do normal things, you don't let me experience the things that you do and then you criticise me because I'm not like you. You adults come to me with dollar signs in your eyes, you come to me with scams and manipulation, and then you criticise me because I'd rather be around children and animals."

Nobody understood it. They had never been in his shoes. They didn't live his life. I said in a post earlier here in this thread. It's sad that we all have been forced to question peoples motives. We all live in fear of being scammed, we all live in fear of being criticised. We are all a little isolated. We all live in our own worlds. We're scared of our neighbours. It's not just Michael. We've all been there. We don't do it because we want privacy. We separate ourselves from the rest of the world because we no longer feel safe in this world. After the trial, I think he was kind of like an open wound. Michael had to isolate himself. He HAD to protect himself. He had to block himself off. He couldn't recover from the trauma if he kept letting people in who would later turn to hurt him and his heart. I think by isolating himself he was able to heal his heart and I believe he restored some of that faith in humanity. In TII you see him still talking about the messages and how he put his faith in mankind to help the world. After all this world did to him, he never gave up on them. He never gave up on us. He may have lost a little faith, but he always kept going and fighting. That's one of the things I have always admired about him. You could slander him, you could attack him, you could falsely accuse him and you could put him in a jail cell but one thing you couldn't do was break him. Yes, Michael would always come out the other side with scratches but he was like steel. His essence always remained in tact. I think that upset a lot of the haters too. I know so many were probably reeling when he sold out 50 shows at the O2. They thought they took him down. They thought they successfully destroyed him. Michael was human, but he was strong. He was a warrior. They couldn't take it.

:clapping: You are so right.
Makes me wanna cry. :(
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I don't agree that Michael's isolation was self imposed. Isolating himself was something that he needed to do to cope and survive in the world. He did desire privacy but I do also think he longed to experience normalcy. He wanted what we all had. He probably didn't want to go out with security, he didn't want to see his name being slandered all over magazines as he walked by them in stores. But at the same time, I think he knew that was the price he had to pay for his fame. I don't think he ever really complained about being lonely. I think he was more upset about people who could not understand why he does what he does. He always got stuck when trying to explain himself and his actions. He was always like "I gave up my life, my privacy to entertain you and you treat me like crap. You don't let me go out and do normal things, you don't let me experience the things that you do and then you criticise me because I'm not like you. You adults come to me with dollar signs in your eyes, you come to me with scams and manipulation, and then you criticise me because I'd rather be around children and animals."

Nobody understood it. They had never been in his shoes. They didn't live his life. I said in a post earlier here in this thread. It's sad that we all have been forced to question peoples motives. We all live in fear of being scammed, we all live in fear of being criticised. We are all a little isolated. We all live in our own worlds. We're scared of our neighbours. It's not just Michael. We've all been there. We don't do it because we want privacy. We separate ourselves from the rest of the world because we no longer feel safe in this world. After the trial, I think he was kind of like an open wound. Michael had to isolate himself. He HAD to protect himself. He had to block himself off. He couldn't recover from the trauma if he kept letting people in who would later turn to hurt him and his heart. I think by isolating himself he was able to heal his heart and I believe he restored some of that faith in humanity. In TII you see him still talking about the messages and how he put his faith in mankind to help the world. After all this world did to him, he never gave up on them. He never gave up on us. He may have lost a little faith, but he always kept going and fighting. That's one of the things I have always admired about him. You could slander him, you could attack him, you could falsely accuse him and you could put him in a jail cell but one thing you couldn't do was break him. Yes, Michael would always come out the other side with scratches but he was like steel. His essence always remained in tact. I think that upset a lot of the haters too. I know so many were probably reeling when he sold out 50 shows at the O2. They thought they took him down. They thought they successfully destroyed him. Michael was human, but he was strong. He was a warrior. They couldn't take it.

You worded it 10 times better than I did. Well done and I agree 100%.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

StephluvsMJ's post is spot on. For me TII sales/project and that 1995 MTV performance are clear metaphors for Michael Jackson and those who would want him to fail.

It is good to see Rasta Pasta back. And I endorse her posts as well. If the bodyguards intend to write a book that is relatively positive and supportive of Michael, they are going to find it a tough road to hoe. They can talk to Aphrodite Jones about that!

It makes me smile because the negative books get published but they do not sell well. But the book publishing industry keeps doing it anyway. Positive books are not published but would sell because there can no longer be any doubt as to the scope and depth of Michael's fanbase.

One would have to assume that there is a particular agenda there as it relates to Michael and his legacy.

I hope the bodyguards are prepared to come up against a wall of indifferene when it comes to Defending The King.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

Wonderful post, StephluvsMJ! :clapping: I agree with every word you said.
I admire Michael so much :wub:
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I don't agree. Michael has said many times that even when he was younger, he used to walk the streets at night looking for someone to just talk to. When people saw it was Michael Jackson, they always changed and treated him differently. He used to sit on a bench at Disneyland, in disguise, just to see what people act like when they don't know he's there. He was lonely.

There is not a single person in the world who doesn't know who Michael is. Throughout his life he has never been able to build a friendship the way a 'normal' person would. Michael has been taken to court by so-called 'friends' SO many times, that it must have been excruciating to be in friendships and wondering when they're gonna turn their back on you just like the rest did. Of course, he had a few real, genuine friends such as Elizabeth Taylor, but I truly believe what I wrote above.

That's just it. I don't believe he needed to walk the streets to find someone to talk to.

Most of us make friends through school, our work, our common interests, etc. I believe Michael had loads of people in his sphere who cared about him. I'm referring to the Stevie Wonders, Smokey Robinsons, etc., I don't think they would have refused to talk to him if he called.

Michael had more people in his life than most of us encounter because of the smallness of our worlds. Michael's world was immense and beyond just entertainers. And yet he related best to Elizabeth Taylor, whose life to a large extent mirrored his own. She understood him like no stranger on the street ever could, or bartendar, or Disneyland visitor. That's how it is with most us. On personal levels, we grow closest to people whose existence is most relatable to ours.

I do believe that for someone who grew up in a two bedroom house, surrounded by eight siblings, his parents, and lots of noise and activity, that when he became this phenom of a solo artist, he missed those physical presences around him and was lonely for them, and did seek to replace them, in human form or with mannequins. But it also makes sense to me that after the frenzy of paparrazzi and so many other things that Michael had to deal with, that he had come to prefer his solitude and isolation.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

You can be in a room full of people and still feel lonely.

Sad, but true.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I don't agree that Michael's isolation was self imposed. Isolating himself was something that he needed to do to cope and survive in the world. He did desire privacy but I do also think he longed to experience normalcy. He wanted what we all had. He probably didn't want to go out with security, he didn't want to see his name being slandered all over magazines as he walked by them in stores. But at the same time, I think he knew that was the price he had to pay for his fame. I don't think he ever really complained about being lonely. I think he was more upset about people who could not understand why he does what he does. He always got stuck when trying to explain himself and his actions. He was always like "I gave up my life, my privacy to entertain you and you treat me like crap. You don't let me go out and do normal things, you don't let me experience the things that you do and then you criticise me because I'm not like you. You adults come to me with dollar signs in your eyes, you come to me with scams and manipulation, and then you criticise me because I'd rather be around children and animals."

Nobody understood it. They had never been in his shoes. They didn't live his life. I said in a post earlier here in this thread. It's sad that we all have been forced to question peoples motives. We all live in fear of being scammed, we all live in fear of being criticised. We are all a little isolated. We all live in our own worlds. We're scared of our neighbours. It's not just Michael. We've all been there. We don't do it because we want privacy. We separate ourselves from the rest of the world because we no longer feel safe in this world. After the trial, I think he was kind of like an open wound. Michael had to isolate himself. He HAD to protect himself. He had to block himself off. He couldn't recover from the trauma if he kept letting people in who would later turn to hurt him and his heart. I think by isolating himself he was able to heal his heart and I believe he restored some of that faith in humanity. In TII you see him still talking about the messages and how he put his faith in mankind to help the world. After all this world did to him, he never gave up on them. He never gave up on us. He may have lost a little faith, but he always kept going and fighting. That's one of the things I have always admired about him. You could slander him, you could attack him, you could falsely accuse him and you could put him in a jail cell but one thing you couldn't do was break him. Yes, Michael would always come out the other side with scratches but he was like steel. His essence always remained in tact. I think that upset a lot of the haters too. I know so many were probably reeling when he sold out 50 shows at the O2. They thought they took him down. They thought they successfully destroyed him. Michael was human, but he was strong. He was a warrior. They couldn't take it.

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

You can be in a room full of people and still feel lonely.

Sad, but true.

Definitely. Sometimes that's when you feel the MOST lonliest. In a crowded room.

By the same token, you often feel the most comfortable in your own home, reading a great book or listening to your favorite music. After everything MJ endured, I think he had come to perfer that kind of solitude. He just seemed to totally want to disconnect from everything and everyone after the trial, except his children of course...and music, creating it as well as listening to it.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I don't agree that Michael's isolation was self imposed. Isolating himself was something that he needed to do to cope and survive in the world. He did desire privacy but I do also think he longed to experience normalcy.

That's exactly why I'm saying his isolation was self imposed. For him to survive, he felt he had to isolate himself. But he didn't have to COMPLETELY do so. He did so because he thought it was the only way for him. I'm just saying there were people who would have lent him an ear or a shoulder. And have cited examples such as Stevie Wonder and Smokey Robinson. I just think MJ had been so eventually crushed by betrayals, he completely retreated from everyone and everything, even those who would never hurt him.

ETA: About the normalcy...sure he would have preferred to be able to walk out his door without paps, but he's also said, he would not trade his life (of course that excludes the degenerates like the Chandlers and Arvisos). But if given a choice, he always expressed his choice would be who and what he was.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

It's not the simple. Michael was a person who had fame to the extreme. What about the Arviso's and the Chandlers, need we go on. The vultures were always circling, no matter what he was doing. You have to have some privacy and peace. Plus the trauma and stress that he endured would make anyone feel depressed and not wanting to deal with people. Emotionally exhausted and wanting to be away from everyone doing his head in. It was everyone.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

That's exactly why I'm saying his isolation was self imposed. For him to survive, he felt he had to isolate himself. But he didn't have to COMPLETELY do so. He did so because he thought it was the only way for him. I'm just saying there were people who would have lent him an ear or a shoulder. And have cited examples such as Stevie Wonder and Smokey Robinson. I just think MJ had been so eventually crushed by betrayals, he completely retreated from everyone and everything, even those who would never hurt him.

ETA: About the normalcy...sure he would have preferred to be able to walk out his door without paps, but he's also said, he would not trade his life (of course that excludes the degenerates like the Chandlers and Arvisos). But if given a choice, he always expressed his choice would be who and what he was.

i know it sounds harsh, but, usually, those who 'would never hurt him' never really surface. at best...those who would 'never hurt him' would be the kind who would say..'i'm sorry, but i've done all i can, i don't know what to do, anymore.' they may think they have tried to go to the limit. usually, people will believe they have a hard enough time handling their own lives, to take on another. it's too rare a soul that would actually not be afraid, of 'risking' his or her life, for the hardship of another, that is not in their own family. and, quite frankly, there are family members that give up on each other.

Michael was all too rare. he allowed people in his ranch, that no one else would allow in their ranch, if they were in his position. he reached out, in ways, the nobody else would reach out, if they were in his position. that's why he was so misunderstood, and considered generous to a 'fault'. that's the keyword. too many people would use the word 'fault', in that example, but MJ would not use that word. his actions speak to that fact, in volumes. retreating really was the only right thing for him to do. it's how he managed to stay around as long as he had. this is why many say he was too good for this world. i'm sure Stevie Wonder would agree.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

You can be in a room full of people and still feel lonely.

Sad, but true.
So true. This is why you must find happiness in YOURSELF FIRST. ALso, one should NEVER be a "people pleaser" or one to care what others think most of the time. That is one of the biggest mistake a person can be. Yes, we all care to a CERTAIN point but NOT the majority of time.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

i know it sounds harsh, but, usually, those who 'would never hurt him' never really surface. at best...those who would 'never hurt him' would be the kind who would say..'i'm sorry, but i've done all i can, i don't know what to do, anymore.' they may think they have tried to go to the limit. usually, people will believe they have a hard enough time handling their own lives, to take on another. it's too rare a soul that would actually not be afraid, of 'risking' his or her life, for the hardship of another, that is not in their own family. and, quite frankly, there are family members that give up on each other.

Michael was all too rare. he allowed people in his ranch, that no one else would allow in their ranch, if they were in his position. he reached out, in ways, the nobody else would reach out, if they were in his position. that's why he was so misunderstood, and considered generous to a 'fault'. that's the keyword. too many people would use the word 'fault', in that example, but MJ would not use that word. his actions speak to that fact, in volumes. retreating really was the only right thing for him to do. it's how he managed to stay around as long as he had. this is why many say he was too good for this world. i'm sure Stevie Wonder would agree.
So true.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I admire Michael so much because no matter how much he had to deal with and no matter how much people tried to bring him down he still had a big heart and he cared. Many people could have turned bitter but not Michael. He was stronger than most people give him credit for.

Many people misunderstood Michael. They thought he lived a weird life. It wasn't. He tried to make a normal life for him and his children. He enjoyed all the little things he could do like most of us probably take for granted. I am glad he had his children with him.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

Insightful posts, Stephluvsmj, gerryevans and vncwilliams.

Michael was not a superstar. He was the genius mastermind that created the superstar. Like superman putting on his suit. When the suit came off, he was Michael. But to the world he was always Michael Jackson, the megastar. So, the only place he could be himself was with people who could see beyond the superstar to the man inside. Very few people wanted to or were able to do that. I think this is why he was lonely. He was surrounded by people wanting to be the friend of megastar Michael and not Michael, the man. He felt comfortable with children because they cared more about Michael the person than Michael the pop star.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards On GMA

I was just reading through this post thinking about MJ, and for a fraction of a second I thought -'oh, I'll just zip over to TMZ to see what MJ is up to' . Before the fraction of a second was up the harsh reality hit me. It's been over 8 months and this kind of thing can still happen to me - I can't imagine what it still must be like for the kids :(