MJ's Bodyguards On GMA-(All Threads Merged)

Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

What I meant was I believe there was a meeting with the brothers, but I don't believe it was an intervention regarding his alleged drug abuse. I believe it was another attempt to persuade him to do a reunion tour.
That's what I believe as well.

That's all Jermaine ever talked about. Man, so much wasted time. I'm sure the brothers, without Michael, would have had a measure of success. They should have just went out there and done their own thing.

And who knows, if they had went out on their own, and done well, Michael "may" have joined them every once in a while.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

there are articles about intervention from 2007.

Well, apparently these "intervention" news / rumours were FED to the press. Randy?? Maybe.

Randy does seem quite chummy with TMZ (and I am not referring to the stun gun incident).
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Janet named Michael on Larry King Live while she was promoting that ''Discipline'' album of hers.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

nothing new there. but i have to laugh at how the family turned the fact that mj didint want to see them around and would rather accuse of him of being a druggie rather than accepting that he didnt not want to see them. the only ppl in denial are certain family members. how can u know someones a druggie when u hardly ever see them ie years in janets case. i guess u need an excuse rather than accepting that its you that mj had issues with and didint want to see. but instead u sell him out instead.it was also talked about during the trial about how mjs medications for his problems would make him appear drunk or out of it
Right on! Preach the truth
As for those lousy bodyguards, eff 'em. I'm so tired of leeches and sell outs if any of them cared about Michael or his children as they claimed none of them would write a book or sell out stories Defense of the King my @ss
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Well, apparently these "intervention" news / rumours were FED to the press. Randy?? Maybe.

Randy does seem quite chummy with TMZ (and I am not referring to the stun gun incident).

And if I recall correctly, the day after the whole "police at the house" thing, Randy gave RadarOnline, what they billed as, an exclusive interview.

I guess, for whatever reason, he likes speaking with online gossip sites. Go figure!
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I agree with them wholeheartedly when they asked where these celebrities were during the second trial. They're all so sad now he's gone but did any of them pick up a phone and call Michael, telling him we've got your back. Did any of them in interviews mention how wrong and unjust what was happening to Michael? No, they just saw back and watched, wanting nothing to do with it.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I agree with them wholeheartedly when they asked where these celebrities were during the second trial. They're all so sad now he's gone but did any of them pick up a phone and call Michael, telling him we've got your back. Did any of them in interviews mention how wrong and unjust what was happening to Michael? No, they just saw back and watched, wanting nothing to do with it.
The answer to your question in, N-O, NO!
Many of them are so untalented that they were just plain
JEALOUS of Michael Jackson.
They remain untalented to this day. :smilerolleyes:
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

But here's the thing, at the sametime the family was "supposed" to be worried, they were AlSO pushing for that Jackson 5 reunion.

Janet spoke about it on the Ellen show. As I recall, Janet told Ellen that she had been on conference calls with the brothers regarding a Jackson 5 reunion, wherein she said that she was willing to open up for the brothers, but there was one brother who was not on board. She never mentioned Michael's name, but folks knew who she was talking about.

So which was it: a) intervention, or b) Jackson 5 reunion?

*goes out on a limb...not a respectful one, so apologies in advance to anyone offended*

MAYBE..it was an intervention to get Michael off his arse for a Jackson5 reunion tour. If they did suspect drug use was keeping him from getting off his arse, the intevention may have been moreso to get him cleaned up so he could tour. :ermm: Not all "interventions" are about drugs. Some family's do them to rescue a member from an abusive spouse or to rescue them from life choices they aren't in agreement with. "Intervention" doesn't have to mean drugs, per se. It just means someone feels the need to step in and intervene for the sake of stopping and/OR facilitating a situation to their liking (i.e. reunion tour).

Now, I do remember that interview Janet gave about "one brother" being on the fence about the tour during that time as well. She also said if that brother did not want to participate and wanted to focus on his own career, then the family had to respect that brother's decision. So, to me, it looks like Michael...errr... that brother...was starting to come down on the side of the fence better known as "thanks, but no thanks" or at best had made it known that he was trying to focus on doing his own thing. Remember, in late summer til the end of 2007 we had the L'Uomo Vogue photoshoot and the Ebony interview to begin the celebration of T25 which went into 2008. He was in the studio with Will.I.Am and working with other artists to re-do songs on Thriller. Looked like Michael was at the very least making an effort to do things creatively...just not necessarily with his family.

taken the below from gottobethere at he kop board. pretty much sums everything up



who is missing ????

Now maybe you can connect the dots and figure out why Randy was trying to reach MJ and why MJ denied him access , and why the rest of the family was ready to believe Randy's calims that MJ was high on drugs and alcohol , God forbid Randy was being cut for being part of the whole financial team that tried during the trial to steal MJ's financial empire from him . God forbd MJ did not want to tour with the siblings ... yeah he needed an intervention
and Randy threatened to call the press , he did that , he called Roger and told him MJ was a complete mess .

Thanks for posting those articles, elusive. I always feel it's important to take a look at everything that was going on during a timeline in question for a clearer picture of a puzzle. Nail on the head. I believe some of Randy's "intervention" had to do with the Stabler lawsuit. But that's just a belief.

As for the "druggie" thing, I'm not sure the guards made him out to be one. Druggies don't act erratically ONLY once or twice a month. And yes, side-effects of approved/prescribed medication can make someone appear intoxicated...which is why dentists/doctors advise folks not to drive or to be careful driving and/or using any kind of machinery after certain procedures or when taking certain meds. You can take Nyquil or over-the-counter flu meds or allergy meds that give this same warning for normal doses. People can feel drowsy, jittery or act erratic after taking a basic dose. It's unfortunate that anyone can then use behavior like that to automatically conclude a person was "high" or "on something" for any other purpose than what was needed. That's not to say Michael didn't have enuf ish going on in his life to make a person want to "escape", just saying it would be a disservice to him and his memory to assume that if it wasn't in fact the case. Can't say it enuf. There's no way to dispute it. The one person who could, if he felt it was necessary, is no longer here...so it's a free-for-all of opinions/speculations/perceptions for ever and ever now.

In the Dieter deposition he did acknowledge being "out of it" at times because of medications, as was hinted by T-Mez during the trial, but by no means does that make someone a druggie. It simply means the medication they are taking is strong enough to impair them at times. Nothing more, nothing less.

Personally, I have a feeling in order to get this book to fly off the shelves, these guards are going to have to continue to violate the privacy Michael worked so hard to keep even if it's for the sake of "defending" him in some way. Nothing can harm him, now, but I feel people should still keep his kids in mind when deciding to put all his business out into the street...true, false, exaggerated or whatever. It can't hurt him anymore, but it can hurt them.


Why would they have MJ's financial documents with them? And why are they showing it on national TV?

Regardless if the interview is positive or not, I don't want anyone talking about MJ's personal business on TV. It is just wrong.

Thank you. I'm starting to agree with others who believe there's something more at play here. When you start giving a private (altho now deceased) man's confidential papers to journalist for public consumption, something is up. They have to know that's not cool no matter how you slice it. Red flag just went up for me. Seriously, WTF?! And how do we know that info was acquired legitimately with MJ's permission at the time and not hacked from Michael's computer? No way to know, imo.
And if I recall correctly, the day after the whole "police at the house" thing, Randy gave RadarOnline, what they billed as, an exclusive interview.

I guess, for whatever reason, he likes speaking with online gossip sites. Go figure!

Probably because no one else wants to listen.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I agree with them wholeheartedly when they asked where these celebrities were during the second trial. They're all so sad now he's gone but did any of them pick up a phone and call Michael, telling him we've got your back. Did any of them in interviews mention how wrong and unjust what was happening to Michael? No, they just saw back and watched, wanting nothing to do with it.
taking the words out of God's mouth.. can't say anything but add an Amen!
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I agree with them wholeheartedly when they asked where these celebrities were during the second trial. They're all so sad now he's gone but did any of them pick up a phone and call Michael, telling him we've got your back. Did any of them in interviews mention how wrong and unjust what was happening to Michael? No, they just saw back and watched, wanting nothing to do with it.
Not only that, some of them even joined in the bashing. They seemed to have forgotten that they were in a glass house just like Michael was and could have very easily been falsely accused, sued and whatever else. But they didn't think of that possibility nor did they allowed themselves to have or at least express empathy but joined in the lynch mob with their smart remarks because it was the "in" thing to do. Madonna was right when she said to the VMA audience, "WE ALL had abandoned him".
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Madonna was right when she said to the VMA audience, "WE ALL had abandoned him".

Madonna was the only celebrity who dared to tell the truth and showed some intelligence.


The world is just doomed. We can only pray.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

In my earlier post this morning after reading part 2 of the interview that Ivy so nicely provided us with..I said I could not post..because I needed time to think about it. So now I have gone to work and came home..this interview ate at my brain all day. Yesterday I left a post saying."I would buy this book"....Upon having time to think about the interview as a whole...I have decided NOT to buy the book. I think that it is a good and positive interview as I stated yesterday..BUT...Today I believe that what these body guards will write in a tell all book about Michael...I may not need to know....Yeah yesterday I though it was cute when they told the story about Michael in the backseat of the car..kissing or chewing gum loudly...I stand by that..:love:...I think it only made me love Michael more if that's possible..or it just fed into that fantasy I have always had of kissing him myself....but anyway....IMHO...I think a tell all book about Michael is not the way I want to find out information about Michael. What I really want to know is what happened to Michael June 25th 2009.....and these guys wont be able to give me that information in that book. I think anything else that I would read written by the bodyguards would be 1. An invasion of Michael's privacy..(which I am not entitled to)..2. How do I know what they are writting is the truth?.. and I am NOT ready to start playing with what is true and what is not from what a body guard may write... These are the questions I have asked myself today. So now that I have had time to think and analyze the interview.. as I said I WILL NOT buy the book.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Personally, I have a feeling in order to get this book to fly off the shelves, these guards are going to have to continue to violate the privacy Michael worked so hard to keep even if it's for the sake of "defending" him in some way. Nothing can harm him, now, but I feel people should still keep his kids in mind when deciding to put all his business out into the street...true, false, exaggerated or whatever. It can't hurt him anymore, but it can hurt them.

well said
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Madonna was the only celebrity who dared to tell the truth and showed some intelligence.


The world is just doomed. We can only pray.

Yes, and that is ugly truth...
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

personally, i think all they wanted was for mj to tour with the Jacksons again. Michael has made it very clear since 1984, that he didn't want any part of that act again. Think about it, he didn't need them on the Victory Tour or those 2 pepsi commercials. They needed the money and his mother asked him to do it. He was tired of doing their stupid voting system as far as how the show was going to go. He couldn't do the moves he wanted among other things.

Jermaine has been insisting on a Jacksons reunion tour since forever and nothin has come to reality. That's all he has been talking about. I mean i love the Jacksons as a group but in REALITY, w/o MJ, they couldn't sell out arenas and stadiums. MJ was interested in doing his own thing since they left motown. When they became the Jacksons, he wrote most of the Hits. (Shake Your Body, Can U Feel It, Heartbreak Hotel, etc. )

i respect MJ for wanting to do his own thing. as well as, keeping clear of the drama going on in his family.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Why is it that it's always the fault of the Jackson family. Didn't MJ make them have appointments as far back as 1984. Just maybe MJ felt he was so big for them and to good for them that he made them have to have a appointment. Maybe it wasn't just the touring and maybe MJ just didnt want anything to do with them weather it was good intentions or not so good intentions. You dont know because you were not there. All your doing is guessing MJ's personality and how he handles his brothers through his music.

Its just like the MJ in the backseat. Just because a artist makes tasteful quality music and comes across as very sensitive and shy does not mean he does not get his groove on with women. I have a hard time believing every single family member wanted MJ for his money and to tour and not simply just to be a brother.

Maybe they missed hanging out with him and doing simple things like spending a weekend together and cooking some gumbo, laugh and have fun like old times.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Didn't MJ make them have appointments as far back as 1984.
mj lived in the family home until 88.

You dont know because you were not there. All your doing is guessing
opinions are based off previous history and mjs own comments
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Why is it that it's always the fault of the Jackson family. Didn't MJ make them have appointments as far back as 1984. Just maybe MJ felt he was so big for them and to good for them that he made them have to have a appointment. Maybe it wasn't just the touring and maybe MJ just didnt want anything to do with them weather it was good intentions or not so good intentions. You dont know because you were not there. All your doing is guessing MJ's personality and how he handles his brothers through his music.

Its just like the MJ in the backseat. Just because a artist makes tasteful quality music and comes across as very sensitive and shy does not mean he does not get his groove on with women. I have a hard time believing every single family member wanted MJ for his money and to tour and not simply just to be a brother.

Maybe they missed hanging out with him and doing simple things like spending a weekend together and cooking some gumbo, laugh and have fun like old times.

Well, I think the way some have been acting since his death prove he had good reasons to staying away.

I have not seen the interview yet, but from reading the wrap up here, it seems the bodyguards are weary of people acting like they were close to MJ when in fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

I still think it was wrong for them to do the interview, even though they seem truthful.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I can only speak for myself, and to ME it's pretty clear that the brothers wanted very badly for Michael to join them on the stage again.

Aside from the fact that's all Jermaine has talked about for the last 20 years.

It's also obvious to me that they all wanted to get back on that stage, but for whatever reason, they didn't feel confident enough to just go out there on their own. Like I said before, I'm sure they would have enjoyed some level of success, without Michael.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I know some things aren't what they seem. I just wish we didn't have to look at everything and everyone with critical eyes. The world shouldn't be like that. We live in fear of being scammed and cheated, we question people's intentions, their motives. If someone helps a person or a child, we wonder why, we wonder "what are they getting out of it?", we say "they can't be that unselfish, they must be doing it for a reason." Sometimes I feel like saying "Maybe they aren't getting anything out it. Maybe they just want to help." I find it sad that we've all been forced to look at the world through filters. I know that's the reality but I hate it.

i hate it, too.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

okay, I am watching the second part of the interview right now. And this is what I have a problem with. They are showing some financial documents to illustrate their words that all the documentation went through them. I assume financial documents should be confidential. Even if the person who signed them is no longer with us...

Why would they have MJ's financial documents with them? And why are they showing it on national TV?

I stopped the video and looked to the documents.

they show MJ's passport on the background - which was made public in the FBI files.
the first document looks like a loan agreement for MIJAC.
The second one is actually a Las Vegas casino gaming documents - I can't figure out how that is related to MJ at all.

Anyway these documents might be publicly available if they have been filed with courts in conjunction with any lawsuit and/or if they had to be reported to some government agency in some way (for example if MIJAC as a company had to report the earnings/loss etc in a SEC/tax filing).
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Why is it that it's always the fault of the Jackson family. Didn't MJ make them have appointments as far back as 1984. Just maybe MJ felt he was so big for them and to good for them that he made them have to have a appointment. Maybe it wasn't just the touring and maybe MJ just didnt want anything to do with them weather it was good intentions or not so good intentions. You dont know because you were not there. All your doing is guessing MJ's personality and how he handles his brothers through his music.

Its just like the MJ in the backseat. Just because a artist makes tasteful quality music and comes across as very sensitive and shy does not mean he does not get his groove on with women. I have a hard time believing every single family member wanted MJ for his money and to tour and not simply just to be a brother.

Maybe they missed hanging out with him and doing simple things like spending a weekend together and cooking some gumbo, laugh and have fun like old times.

Maybe Michael did not want to spend time with them. Janet talked about leading a horse to water but if the horse is not thirsty you can't make them drink
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I can only speak for myself, and to ME it's pretty clear that the brothers wanted very badly for Michael to join them on the stage again.

Aside from the fact that's all Jermaine has talked about for the last 20 years.

It's also obvious to me that they all wanted to get back on that stage, but for whatever reason, they didn't feel confident enough to just go out there on their own. Like I said before, I'm sure they would have enjoyed some level of success, without Michael.

I think that Michael was hurt because he wanted them to be for him as family, and they had so diferent reasons. He was so lonely and he felt pain. They called ask him for money or to be a part of their things but not for asking "how are you today?". He felt that way for years, I think.

Sorry for my bad english..:wub:
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I think that Michael was hurt because he wanted them to be for him as family, and they had so diferent reasons. He was so lonely and he felt pain. They called ask him for money or to be a part of their things but not for asking "how are you today?". He felt that way for years, I think.

Sorry for my bad english..:wub:
Yes u are right supposedly Michael told Lisa Marie once in the 90s that he'd pay $20 mil for his relatives to be more famous than he is. So that he could feel loved by them 4 once and not only used. His own words.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

well..whatever these guards are saying, there are people who say they met these guards, and those people are denying that, at least some of the things that these guards are saying, are true, according to some of the stuff i've read in other peoples' posts on this thread. so who's right, and who's wrong? idk