MJ's Bodyguards On GMA-(All Threads Merged)

Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

the family were worried but not for the reasons they claimed. mj not wanting to see family members is nothing new mike laperuque talked about this when he worked for mj in the early 00's as mj said they only call me when they want something. and even, lets say he was close to reebie and talked to her as she wasnt in the showbiz light anyone in the family who wanted to get to mj would go through the person they knew had contact with him. so yeah mj prob didnt want to see any of them much cause one would be used by someone else.seems ot me some of them would rather blame mj for everything that happened rather than looking at themselves hence the helping murrays defence by even now calling him a druggie. what does that say?
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I believe there was never an intervention.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

But here's the thing, at the sametime the family was "supposed" to be worried, they were AlSO pushing for that Jackson 5 reunion.

Janet spoke about it on the Ellen show. As I recall, Janet told Ellen that she had been on conference calls with the brothers regarding a Jackson 5 reunion, wherein she said that she was willing to open up for the brothers, but there was one brother who was not on board. She never mentioned Michael's name, but folks knew who she was talking about.

So which was it: a) intervention, or b) Jackson 5 reunion?

Am I reading this correctly?...Randy's PR person said she was there when Randy tried to break into MJ's house for an "intervention".

Only Randy would thought it acceptable to bring a PR person to an intervention. Or is that just a talking point?


Can we all agree now that the "drug problems" are made up stories by some in the family to save face? I cannot believe people would rather MJ had a drug problem, than risking losing that "family" unity BS.

Now, I remember Dr. Loser Klein said something during his TMZ rant. he said none of the brothers were close to MJ, he even went as far as to say MJ hated his brothers. I am wondering if there is not some truth in what this clown was saying.

MJ is such a loving person, I am wondering what they did to him to make him so bend on staying away. He must have felt so alone. No wonder he was so close to his children...they were his lifeline. Makes me so angry that he is not here with them.

PS. i am not referring to the '90s problems MJ openly spoke about.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I am not saying that it's ok. I am just saying that it's not new to me. As for it being ok or not, I haven't decided what to think about this interview. In my opinion, the interview is positive. They are not trashing Michael. So he threw a phone out of a window, so what? I was frustrated once and I threw a glass bottle into a wall and the bottle broke and I felt better (I collected the broken glass and threw it in the garbage).

I know these people are breaching the confidence agreement. But like someone said earlier what if they decided to talk about it after seeing all the lies about him in the press? They are not giving any juicy details, they are not naming the women.

aahhh, I just don't know what to think. I am confused. They seem like decent guys. But I am so used that people around Michael have their hidden agendas, everyone becomes suspicious. This book they are writing is their agenda. They are promoting it. Just like certain people who post photos of Michael's resting place are promoting theirs.

Anyway, for me the most important thing is that they said MJ was not a druggie. THAT is something that should be said more often for everybody to hear.

I agree they seem to be decent guys and I want to believe they only want to defend Michael, but in my opinion there is a fine line between what's appropriate and what's not. What belongs to the general public and what doesn't. When you start talking about personal things it's crossing the line and is in my opinion somewhat betraying the trust Michael had for them. They certainly aren't the first ones to do that and I'd guess not the last ones either.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Ivy, thanks so much for the recap.

I just hate my MJ couldn't experience the happiness ALL through his life that he brought so many. I know he had major phenomenal periods, but he deserved many many many many many more.

R.I.P. dear, angel
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I know these people are breaching the confidence agreement.

Actually we don't know about that for sure. Confidentiality agreements may or may not survive death (depending on how they are written). They might have expired /became invalid when Michael died.

Thinking back and seeing that several employees has given interviews (Kai Chase, Cheryl Lee, Frank Dileo etc) and some employees planning writing books (Karen Faye) I think it is quite possible that the confidentiality agreements that the employees have signed are no longer valid.

Today in the extra video about why they are speaking now they said something like they aren't breaking any rules in speaking on behalf of Michael Jackson. It might mean either the confidentiality agreements are no longer in place and/or estate allowed them to speak as long as it is positive.

In short we don't know for sure whether they are breaching the confidentiality agreements or not.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Am I reading this correctly?...Randy's PR person said she was there when Randy tried to break into MJ's house for an "intervention".

Only Randy would thought it acceptable to bring a PR person to an intervention. Or is that just a talking point?


Can we all agree now that the "drug problems" are made up stories by some in the family to save face? I cannot believe people would rather MJ had a drug problem, than risking losing that "family" unity BS.

Now, I remember Dr. Loser Klein said something during his TMZ rant. he said none of the brothers were close to MJ, he even went as far as to say MJ hated his brothers. I am wondering if there is not some truth in what this clown was saying.

MJ is such a loving person, I am wondering what they did to him to make him so bend on staying away. He must have felt so alone. No wonder he was so close to his children...they were his lifeline. Makes me so angry that he is not here with them.

PS. i am not referring to the '90s problems MJ openly spoke about.

He was not close to them. Unfortunately.

Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

okay, I am watching the second part of the interview right now. And this is what I have a problem with. They are showing some financial documents to illustrate their words that all the documentation went through them. I assume financial documents should be confidential. Even if the person who signed them is no longer with us...
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

okay, I am watching the second part of the interview right now. And this is what I have a problem with. They are showing some financial documents to illustrate their words that all the documentation went through them.

yah i just saw that too ,,, wtf ..
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

okay, I am watching the second part of the interview right now. And this is what I have a problem with. They are showing some financial documents to illustrate their words that all the documentation went through them. I assume financial documents should be confidential. Even if the person who signed them is no longer with us...


Why would they have MJ's financial documents with them? And why are they showing it on national TV?

Regardless if the interview is positive or not, I don't want anyone talking about MJ's personal business on TV. It is just wrong.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Am I reading this correctly?...Randy's PR person said she was there when Randy tried to break into MJ's house for an "intervention".

Only Randy would thought it acceptable to bring a PR person to an intervention. Or is that just a talking point?


Can we all agree now that the "drug problems" are made up stories by some in the family to save face? I cannot believe people would rather MJ had a drug problem, than risking losing that "family" unity BS.

YES, you are reading my post correctly. According to an ABC News article posted today, somebody named "Taunya Zilkie," claiming to be Randy's Public Relations representative, is QUOTED as saying that she was with Randy on the day his car hit the gate at Michael's home. She claims she was there, but Randy's car never hit the gate.

I don't believe there ever was any "drug" intervention. I truly believe the brothers just wanted Michael to join them for a Jackson 5 reunion and that's what the visits were all about. I believe they wanted that so badly, and they put a lot of pressure on Michael, to make that dream come true. Michael knew exactly what they wanted, when they rang his bell.

I don't blame the brothers for wanting to go at it one more time, BUT when Michael made it clear that he didn't want to join them, then they should have just moved on to Plan B. They should have just moved on, in my opinion.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Am I reading this correctly?...Randy's PR person said she was there when Randy tried to break into MJ's house for an "intervention".

Only Randy would thought it acceptable to bring a PR person to an intervention. Or is that just a talking point?


"There was another occasion when Randy came to the house and crashed the security gate with his vehicle and came inside. And at the time, I didn't know who he was and I drew my weapon on him and the first thing out of his mouth was 'Get that thing out of my face or I'll call the press,'" Whitfield said, who said he put away his weapon when he realized it was Randy."

More interesting. If you believe the bodyguards story Randy crashes the gate, the bodyguard draws his gun as he doesn't notice Randy and Randy says "get that thing out of my face or I'll call press".

Now wouldn't calling the cops be a more reasonable action than calling the press if someone has a gun pointed to you?
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Michael Jackson's Death
The three bodyguards said they were not in Los Angeles when Jackson died in June but attended his memorial at the Los Angeles Staples Center.

"I looked around, I looked at a lot of celebrities, a lot of stars…and it just made me wonder, where were they?" Whitfield asked.

"Were these some of the people who turned their back on him after the second trial?" Whitfield said, referring to Jackson twice being accused of child molestation. Jackson settled the first case in 1993 and was found not guilty in the 2005 criminal trial.

"The guy was so lonely, where were they?" Garcia asked.

The men said they did not "even want to talk about" seeing the children on stage at the memorial. "It was unbelievable," Garcia said.

They tried to reach the children on stage following the memorial, they said, but the three kids were already gone.

When asked what the bodyguards would like to say to Jackson's children, the three men became visibly emotional.

"I'm a little speechless on that right now," Whitfield said.

"Certainly we hope that we did the best that we could to make them feel like kids and provide them with things to make them feel comfortable," Whitfield said.

Garcia said he wants them to know that they "were everything to [their] father."

The men said that Jackson is watching over his children now, and that they are all very proud of them

I watched this morning. This part made me so sad. Many of these people really did turn their backs on him in his greatest time of need.

Regarding his covering mirriors, didn't they say in the segment it was because he was paranoid about cameras and he thought cameras may be hidden in the mirrors or something? I probably misunderstood that part.

Although this is another sad point, the part about his family having to make appointments to see him made me snicker. Not a bad idea...
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

A show business family would call the press. Afterall, it was MJ's bodyguard. No offense to J5 fans but Randy has called the press before. How about last week. HMMMM
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

the part about the press didn't surprise me at all. sadly, it's very predictable.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

A show business family would call the press. Afterall, it was MJ's bodyguard. No offense to J5 fans but Randy has called the press before. How about last week. HMMMM
randy called the press last week? tmz? i thought they caught him leaving a meeting or something?
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

More interesting. If you believe the bodyguards story Randy crashes the gate, the bodyguard draws his gun as he doesn't notice Randy and Randy says "get that thing out of my face or I'll call press".
would that be TMZ he would call lol sorry
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

taken the below from gottobethere at he kop board. pretty much sums everything up

Michael Jackson sues former accountants
December 26, 2006

Michael Jackson is suing his former accountants, claiming they withdrew $2.5 million a year from his bank accounts but did not properly pay his bills, informs Reuters.

The lawsuit by Michael Jackson and MJJ Productions Inc. was filed Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court against Bernstein, Fox, Whitman, Goldman & Sloan, alleging negligence and breach of fiduciary duty.

The lawsuit asks for unspecified damages and for an accounting of money the defendants received for services.

Michael Jackson hired the Los Angeles-based firm in 2003 for bookkeeping, opening bank accounts and filing personal, corporate and real estate taxes, the lawsuit stated.

The accountants also did not communicate directly with Michael Jackson or keep him apprised of his financial affairs, according to the lawsuit.

Those were hired by Randy .
The Jacksons Set For a Reunion Tour
February 27th, 2007 by Castina

Sources are snitching that Michael Jackson has reluctantly agreed to do a tour with sister Janet and his brothers

M.J supposedly met with his siblings on Monday in Las Vegas. Sisters Janet and Rebbie, as well as Jermaine, Randy, Marlon, Tito and Jackie, all knocked on Jackson’s Las Vegas door around 7:30 p.m. Nanny Grace Rwaramba, who runs the door, made them wait between 30 and 60 minutes before allowing the brood in.

The family’s financial situation has reportedly gotten bad and Nike has so far been unable to get work in Vegas. Sources say concert promoter Leonard Rowe of Atlanta, who worked with the Jacksons in the 1980s, was there and made a proposal: a family tour with all members.Michael is still “radioactive,” according to those familiar with the casino business. The owner of one big casino hotel in the Caribbean recently told his chief executive to make sure Jackson was not invited to a big music event being arranged there this summer.

A successful Jackson family tour could flip the script for the King of Pop-becoming the financial boost to a family that needs quick cash fast.

Michael recently took a new mortgage on his parents’ home, and his own home — the Neverland Valley Ranch — is in hoc to the tune of $25 million. Jackson himself relies on cash from royalties on his own songs. But that only comes to a maximum of $7 million a year. As described in court testimony, Jackson could go through that kind of money in just a couple of weeks.

The tour idea also works for Janet Jackson, whose last two albums have been commercial flops. The idea of Michael and Janet performing a couple of duets, or Janet’s brothers backing her on her own hits, would be a surefire hit with most concert promoters

World of Jax & robbers

Singer says his brother and pal tried to cheat him out of fortune


Sunday, June 17th 2007, 4:00 AM

Michael Jackson Related ArticlesMichael Jackson claims he was nearly swindled out of his fortune during his kiddie-sex trial and only the wise counsel of the Rev. Jesse Jackson and billionaire Ron Burkle saved him.

The behind-the-scenes battle over the pop star's finances is detailed in a sworn deposition he gave for a federal lawsuit scheduled to go to trial this week.

There is a possibility that Jackson himself might even be called to testify.

The seven hours of transcripts obtained by the Daily News reveal that the agitated entertainer was convinced his money woes were fueled by a cadre of disloyal advisers who stole from him while he was busy fighting criminal charges.

The Gloved One even fingered a man close to his older brother Randy as a key villain.

It was an ordeal that left Jackson bitter about the industry in which he's spent his entire life.

"It's full of sharks, charlatans and imposters," he said in testimony taken last summer in Paris.

"Because there's a lot of money involved, there's a bunch of schmucks in there," Jackson said. "It's the entertainment world, full of thieves and crooks. That's not new. Everybody knows that."

A Santa Maria, Calif., jury acquitted him of child molestation charges in June 2005, after which he retreated into the seclusion of his Neverland ranch.

But during breaks in the trial, Jackson says he was being pressured to sign off on a multimillion-dollar financing deal by Don Stabler, an associate brought in by brother Randy, his go-to guy on financial matters during much of his career.

Jackson initially took a liking to Stabler after Randy introduced them.

"He reminded me of people that live in mid-America like Indiana," Jackson testified.

Stabler was persistent, at one point during the trial sending a message through one of Jackson's Nation of Islam security guards that questioned the singer's faithfulness to his African-American heritage.

It was a sore point for someone who has denied he purposely lightened his skin.

By then, Jackson had turned to Burkle, the billionaire pal of former President Bill Clinton, for financial help. Burkle brought in Jesse Jackson, who's known Michael Jackson since his Jackson 5 days, to help with the consultation.

Burkle was calling him on the cell phone during bathroom breaks, warning him not to sign anything, Michael Jackson said.

Stabler wasn't happy, Jackson said.

"[Stabler] said, 'What's the problem? You're not down, you're with the Jews now. You're not down with blacks anymore,'" Jackson testified.

"It was unkind," Jackson added. "It was mean. It was meanspirited. It was nasty. Simply because he couldn't get me to sign something that he wanted me to sign."

The next time Jackson saw Stabler "he wanted to take my head off." And his brother Randy wasn't too happy, either.

Randy later claimed that Jackson and his staff had run up a $700,000 bill on his American Express card during the trial, which Jackson said he would repay.

It wasn't the first time that Stabler teamed with Randy in trying to get him to sign off on a deal, Jackson claimed.

At a meeting in a bungalow at the Neverland ranch, Jackson said he had his mother at his side when he fought off another proposal.

"And I vehemently told them, 'No, I am not signing this,'" Jackson recalled. "And I just remember how angry, the intensity of the anger in the room. And so they marched out."

Jackson made his comments when he was grilled by lawyers for the Hackensack, N.J., finance company that is suing the singer in Manhattan Federal Court. The firm, Prescient Acquisition, is owned by businessman Darien Dash, who claims Jackson stiffed his company out of $48 million.

According to Dash's lawyer Steven Altman, Dash was due the money for helping Jackson refinance a $272 million bank loan and secure $573 million in financing to buy out Sony's half of the Beatles' song catalogue that Jackson co-owned.

But Jackson claimed he's never heard of Dash, a cousin of hip-hop impresario Damon Dash, and doesn't remember signing any agreement.


Michael Jackson's Family Calls for Help
Friday, June 29, 2007
By Roger Friedman

Michael Jackson’s siblings — including Janet — and his parents are so worried about the failing pop star that they’ve sent out an emergency 911 call.

Sources tell me that the Jacksons are in the process of contacting Thomas Mesereau, the superstar criminal lawyer who won Jackson an acquittal two years ago in his child molestation trial.

The word from the Jacksons is that they’ve met several times as a family and discussed bringing Mesereau in for an intervention to save Michael.

Mesereau, who did not return calls to this column, is said to be open to finding out what Jackson’s true mental and health status is at this point. If he doesn’t like what he sees, the Jacksons will ask him to do something legal to save their brother’s life.

Jackson Family's Urgent 'SOS' to Lawyer

Michael Jackson’s siblings — including Janet — and his parents are so worried about the failing pop star that they’ve sent out an emergency 911 call.

Sources tell me that the Jacksons are in the process of contacting Thomas Mesereau, the superstar criminal lawyer who won Jackson an acquittal two years ago in his child molestation trial.

The word from the Jacksons is that they’ve met several times as a family and discussed bringing Mesereau in for an intervention to save Michael.

Mesereau, who did not return calls to this column, is said to be open to finding out what Jackson’s true mental and health status is at this point. If he doesn’t like what he sees, the Jacksons will ask him to do something legal to save their brother’s life.

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Jackson, according to insiders, is in perilous health right now. There is talk that his liver is damaged and that he’s been seen vomiting blood, although there’s no confirmation of that.

What has been confirmed is that Jackson — whose penchant for prescription meds and alcohol is well-known — is depressed, alone and mixing ingredients instead of making a new album or working.

But it’s the two-year isolation from friends and family that worried the Jacksons enough to consider including Mesereau in the conversation, sources tell me. The culprits are said to be publicist/manager Raymone Bain and aide de camp/nanny Grace Rwaramba.

For instance: this column has now learned that Bain has brought Rev. Jesse Jackson on in some kind of executive capacity in Michael’s businesses.

Bain and Jesse Jackson have a long relationship, so this is no surprise. But two years ago, Mesereau — sensing trouble — removed Bain and asked Jesse Jackson to leave after he arrived in Santa Maria, Calif., to grandstand at Michael’s trial.

It was Jesse Jackson who two years ago caused an avalanche in Michael’s finances. Jesse Jackson, sources say, interfered in Michael’s business by attempting to call Bank of America president Ken Lewis to complain that Michael was being “ripped off” in some way over his $270 million.

Lewis refused to speak with Jesse Jackson. He was so annoyed by Jackson’s interference that he ordered the banker in charge of the account to sell the loans to Fortress Investments.

The result was a sale and subsequent refinancing that put Jackson another $50 million in the red. Jesse Jackson at the time had convinced Michael that business partners Alvin Malnik and Charles Koppelman’s plan to bail out the singer was no good.

But in hindsight, he was wrong. Under the original plan, Jackson would only have sold half his interest in the Beatles’ catalog to Sony. Now, next May, thanks to the Fortress deal, he will have to dispose of all of it.
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Jackson family stands up for Michael
They dismiss reports of the singer’s alleged dependency on drugs

Access Hollywood
updated 8:00 p.m. ET Sept. 10, 2007
LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson’s mother and four of his brothers have formed a united front in dismissing reports of his alleged dependency on pain killers and alcohol.

An open letter to the media, signed by Katherine Jackson and sons Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Jackie, responds to what the family views as “troubling and heinous” rumors about Michael.

An attempted drug intervention and takeover of Michael’s business affairs are among the rumors denied by the family in the letter, which also takes aim at quoted “sources” believed to be making false claims for profit.

who is missing ????

Now maybe you can connect the dots and figure out why Randy was trying to reach MJ and why MJ denied him access , and why the rest of the family was ready to believe Randy's calims that MJ was high on drugs and alcohol , God forbid Randy was being cut for being part of the whole financial team that tried during the trial to steal MJ's financial empire from him . God forbd MJ did not want to tour with the siblings ... yeah he needed an intervention
and Randy threatened to call the press , he did that , he called Roger and told him MJ was a complete mess .
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

by : suzynyc
Although this is another sad point, the part about his family having to make appointments to see him made me snicker. Not a bad idea...
Ture for you, me, and the bunny.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

there are articles about intervention from 2007.

What I meant was I believe there was a meeting with the brothers, but I don't believe it was an intervention regarding his alleged drug abuse. I believe it was another attempt to persuade him to do a reunion tour.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I agree with the bodyguards asking where were the celebrities who attended the memorial before Michael's death? :(
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

That shows you how out of touch everyone was including MJ's family. MJ hadn't spoken some of those people in decades. They did not know much or care to know much about MJ in his latter years.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

What I meant was I believe there was a meeting with the brothers, but I don't believe it was an intervention regarding his alleged drug abuse. I believe it was another attempt to persuade him to do a reunion tour.
oh, that may be true. I think it was a little of both.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I also want to know ... Where were the celebrities who attended the memorial before Michael's death?
“People think they know me, but they don’t. Not really. Actually, I am one of the loneliest people on earth. I cry sometimes, because it hurts. It does. To be honest, I guess you could say that it hurts to be me.” / MJ :cry: :boohoo: