MJ's Bodyguards On GMA-(All Threads Merged)

Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Alllllllllllllllll the things said, we fans knew all about it! DID WE NOT?!
I am not surprised to hear he had girlfriends! in living with :heart:MJ he mentions that! and the whole story of girls in backseat! i could always picture :heart:Michael like that!

nothing new to me to be exited about! and they needn't to say those FOR WE ALREADY KNEW! *showtongue*

i hope :heart:Michael approves of that they spoke of his private life :angel: *sigh*
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I guess it depends on the individual. If someone attacks one of my friends or my co-workers, I have to stand up for them. That's just me. If one of my friends were famous, and they were being attacked like the media and the public attacked Michael, I would be the first get up there and defend them. If Diane Dimond tried to call my friend a paedophile and tried to write books about him being one and I saw people believing it when I know it's not true, I would be annoyed. If my friend had passed and people in the media were trying to push this story of him being a freak, a paedophile, a drug addict, a bad parent, I would be annoyed. And what would hurt me even more would be knowing that there are people out there who would be eating this all up and believing it. The fact that Michael had to go out and have his bodyguards turn magazines around so his children don't see their father being called "w.acko j.acko" completely tears me apart. Did they not know this man had children? We adults try to teach our children not to be bullies and treat everyone with respect and yet it's ok for these same adults to go around calling people these childish names. I just think that's so hypocritical. So, I don't know about you, but if people were attacking my friends, especially one who is no longer here to defend himself, I would try and stand up for him. Not to cash in, but because it pisses me the hell off when I hear bad things being said about a person who wanted nothing more than to bring happiness and love to people.

Now I don't know who these guys are. I don't know what they are going to try and insinuate about Michael's finances. They said Michael used to spend thousands of dollars at a time on books, so they're weren't trying to say he was broke. He wouldn't be able to afford that many books if he didn't have money. If the credit card was denied, it probably meant he reached the limit, that doesn't actually mean he was broke or was having financial issues. He probably didn't have cash on him and freaked out. I don't know. I haven't heard the interview, I haven't read the book. I don't know if they are doing this to defend Michael, or whether they are doing this because they were lucky enough to be associated with Michael and they are taking advantage of that and using that to get their 15 minutes of fame. I don't know. To me, they come across as genuine. Maybe because I understand that people can get so fed up that they just want the truth out there. To someone else, they could come across as being financially motivated and wanting fame. Different people are going to have different opinions, just like you said in your post earlier. The reporter thought she was going to meet with some guys that were going to trash Michael. She was looking for something negative, and she came out on the other side thinking she may have misjudged Michael. I'm happy about that.

i am on the same side as you on that. i'm no different. but there is nothing in the history of the world, where people agree, just like i said, and you reiterated. and that feeds into what i said about doing a crusade to make the whole world say what we say about Michael. it's not going to happen, because of the different opinions that we both just stated happen, in this world.

all i am saying to you, is, that today, as much as it hurts...double speak is the new straightforward, just as some people say 40 is the new 30. people know they are not going to convince you of anything, if they come out swinging, negatively, in the first round, so they got a new strategy. this 'correspondent' comes off as all 'looking for positives on MJ', when she knows, damn well, that her comrades have a different agenda, and are working right beside her(Robin Roberts, included) it's a set up. it's ok for them to come up with a few positive anectdotes, if it will reel us in, for the bombs. we want to see it all rosy...credit card runs out, MJ freaks out'. that's all fine...but, abc news doesn't see it that way. credit card run out means only one thing to them. we're just going to have to realize that. and they're going to spin it that way.

i once saw a contract, online, that somebody made up for MJ to sign. and he wrote on it, with his own handwriting..'this can be revoked, at any time'. it showed that he had a lack of respect for contracts. he obviously indicated that this was the nasty state of the businesswolrld, today. contracts with doublespeak. that's why i'm having trouble with AEG..but that's another topic...

just because companies and networks are established, that doesn't mean they're on the up and up. people like to think that a conglomerate can't possibly be on the take. but they are.

i bought an air conditioner, with a warranty that said: 'guaranteed to fix materials, if workmanship is faulty'. and on the next line, it said, guarantee does not cover incidental malfunctions due to possible defects in product.

so..this is from an established company. telling me that they guarantee and not guarantee to fix my product, at the same time.

this is the state of the world, today. especially those 'traditional establishments.' this is what MJ faced, every day. every time i look at contests and i want to enter them, there's nothing but doublespeak in the contracts.

i see applications for jobs, that say that they can terminate a person for any reason..or..stores that say they can refuse service for any reason. that flies in the face of the government equal opportunity laws..but no one is stopping these companies.

abc tv, is right along the lines of the new straightforward, known as doublespeak.

i'm not trying to burst your bubble. i'm as tired of the long and winding road of MJ haters, as you are. i'm all for the L.O.V.E.

and i'm real about what we are facing. and no matter how long the quest, there will be people on earth, who will refuse to accept the light, that is Michael Jackson.

and i can still remain positive, and leave the place of negative energy, and gather with the big masses of MJ fans, that outnumber the media doublespeakers.

there shouldn't be a place where you have to wonder what the real motive is, in this 'special'. it should be cut and clear, from beginning to end. but it isn't.

MJ did what he could for his kids. he is successful. they know what's up. we know what's up. abc tv be damned.

i continue to fight, just like you. you've seen my posts elsewhere on this board. you've seen me get into it, with people. well..or..maybe u haven't seen it..lol..but i've gotten into it.. but, i also pick my battles. i also know when someone isn't going to change. and i also know who to avoid, and i also know that the MJ lovers outnumber the haters.

but i also know that abc tv said...'these guards are not being paid. they're writing a book, but they're not being paid'. that's doublespeak for they are being paid, with something much more valuable than money. it's called free publicity, on a major network, broadcasted out there to a big world full of so many people, that there is an audience for everything.(different opinions you and i talked about) so, there will be enough people to buy the book, to pay them. and we at abc tv didn't have to have these guys on, to expose them to a world, that does have some people in it that like the juicy stuff that is anti MJ, but we want to have them on; so we are paying them, indirectly. in other words, they are being paid for this interview.[i'm 'surprised' that abc didn't acknowledge that big world out there, and admit that MJ knew that, so he didn't gouge people who bought his products, instead of abc focusing on the idea of him 'over'paying to put out a good product, and then saying he was financially unstable..which means abc tv believes in gouging people, though they know there's a big world out there, obviously]

don't you see all the ads on tv, where they say you get the product for free, then they have somebody talking real fast at the end, saying there are a lot of restrictions and extra fees? or, they simply say, see store for details? that's what the world is about, today. and abc tv, surely is no exception. sure..there are the honorable Jennifer Battens out there..but..they're no fun, right? abc doesn't want them.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Michael is a human being like the rest of us!
He didn't come from Mars. I'm glad he was flerting and behaving like all of us behave in our everyday life. He had every right to curse and be angry and make out with women and do whatever he wanted. A man has needs whether we like it or not!
Sometimes we react worse than the journalists by not believing in him or denying he may have a normal life with advantages and disadvantages!
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I seen there interview, like someone said when is it going to stop. Unbelievable. I just take it with a grain of salt. They just want there 15 minutes of fame and fortune.

Once again everyone just cant leave him be. I hope he is alive and comes back, could one imagine their mouths will all drop. I Would love that moment. If he is alive man he must be just loving this knowing, this time its his turn (and all these so called money making right down to his so called chef , that for some reason I do not like, something about her never stood right with me). All these people will get what they give. Its always comes back to you.

Someone brought up a good point that actually did it for me, I don't need any more clues I am convinced hes alive (but that channelled messages from Bonnie Vent I haven't figured out yet). Nonetheless, in the end of this is it, he plays part of his song "Threatened" I never really listened to that song until then and man he says it all right there. Feel threatened by him, hes got some plan. All the power to him
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

i am on the same side as you on that. i'm no different. but there is nothing in the history of the world, where people agree, just like i said, and you reiterated. and that feeds into what i said about doing a crusade to make the whole world say what we say about Michael. it's not going to happen, because of the different opinions that we both just stated happen, in this world.

all i am saying to you, is, that today, as much as it hurts...double speak is the new straightforward, just as some people say 40 is the new 30. people know they are not going to convince you of anything, if they come out swinging, negatively, in the first round, so they got a new strategy. this 'correspondent' comes off as all 'looking for positives on MJ', when she knows, damn well, that her comrades have a different agenda, and are working right beside her(Robin Roberts, included) it's a set up. it's ok for them to come up with a few positive anectdotes, if it will reel us in, for the bombs. we want to see it all rosy...credit card runs out, MJ freaks out'. that's all fine...but, abc news doesn't see it that way. credit card run out means only one thing to them. we're just going to have to realize that. and they're going to spin it that way.

i once saw a contract, online, that somebody made up for MJ to sign. and he wrote on it, with his own handwriting..'this can be revoked, at any time'. it showed that he had a lack of respect for contracts. he obviously indicated that this was the nasty state of the businesswolrld, today. contracts with doublespeak. that's why i'm having trouble with AEG..but that's another topic...

just because companies and networks are established, that doesn't mean they're on the up and up. people like to think that a conglomerate can't possibly be on the take. but they are.

i bought an air conditioner, with a warranty that said: 'guaranteed to fix materials, if workmanship is faulty'. and on the next line, it said, guarantee does not cover incidental malfunctions due to possible defects in product.

so..this is from an established company. telling me that they guarantee and not guarantee to fix my product, at the same time.

this is the state of the world, today. especially those 'traditional establishments.' this is what MJ faced, every day. every time i look at contests and i want to enter them, there's nothing but doublespeak in the contracts.

i see applications for jobs, that say that they can terminate a person for any reason..or..stores that say they can refuse service for any reason. that flies in the face of the government equal opportunity laws..but no one is stopping these companies.

abc tv, is right along the lines of the new straightforward, known as doublespeak.

i'm not trying to burst your bubble. i'm as tired of the long and winding road of MJ haters, as you are. i'm all for the L.O.V.E.

and i'm real about what we are facing. and no matter how long the quest, there will be people on earth, who will refuse to accept the light, that is Michael Jackson.

and i can still remain positive, and leave the place of negative energy, and gather with the big masses of MJ fans, that outnumber the media doublespeakers.

there shouldn't be a place where you have to wonder what the real motive is, in this 'special'. it should be cut and clear, from beginning to end. but it isn't.

MJ did what he could for his kids. he is successful. they know what's up. we know what's up. abc tv be damned.

i continue to fight, just like you. you've seen my posts elsewhere on this board. you've seen me get into it, with people. but, i also pick my battles. i also know when someone isn't going to change. and i also know who to avoid, and i also know that the MJ lovers outnumber the haters.

but i also know that abc tv said...'these guards are not being paid. they're writing a book, but they're not being paid'. that's doublespeak for they are being paid, with something much more valuable than money. it's called free publicity, on a major network, broadcasted out there to a big world full of so many people, that there is an audience for everything.(different opinions you and i talked about) so, there will be enough people to buy the book, to pay them. and we at abc tv didn't have to have these guys on, to expose them to a world, that does have some people in it that like the juicy stuff that is anti MJ, but we want to have them on; so we are paying them, indirectly. in other words, they are being paid for this interview.[i'm 'surprised' that abc didn't acknowledge that big world out there, and admit that MJ knew that, so he didn't gouge people who bought his products, instead of abc focusing on the idea of him 'over'paying to put out a good product, and then saying he was financially unstable..which means abc tv believes in gouging people, though they know there's a big world out there, obviously]

don't you see all the ads on tv, where they say you get the product for free, then they have somebody talking real fast at the end, saying there are a lot of restrictions and extra fees? or, they simply say, see store for details? that's what the world is about, today. and abc tv, surely is no exception. sure..there are the honorable Jennifer Battens out there..but..they're no fun, right? abc doesn't want them.

I know some things aren't what they seem. I just wish we didn't have to look at everything and everyone with critical eyes. The world shouldn't be like that. We live in fear of being scammed and cheated, we question people's intentions, their motives. If someone helps a person or a child, we wonder why, we wonder "what are they getting out of it?", we say "they can't be that unselfish, they must be doing it for a reason." Sometimes I feel like saying "Maybe they aren't getting anything out it. Maybe they just want to help." I find it sad that we've all been forced to look at the world through filters. I know that's the reality but I hate it.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I noticed that myself when I watched this interview.....I truly believe they are telling the truth.....like ya said the way they finished each others sentences....to me this means they all shared the same experience...not made it up. I would like to add just more thing to my post....I think as MJ fans we are so use to hearing negative things about Michael and we have always had to decipher lies from the truth as far as the media went...(Michael always told us what the truth was)...but Michael is not here anymore...I miss him terribly...I think for once we are hearing a positive story about Michael...and I think we are so use to defending everything we hear..that we are afraid to believe the truth when we hear it...This is just my opinion...because I NEED some positive things to be being said about Michael.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

This is the recap for interview shown on Wednesday's GMA.

On finances
- Michael was always being sued - and he always choose to settle.
- These lawsuits made him frustrated and that's why he threw the phone out the window.
- Credit card being denied - "someone was not paying the bill" is the quote.
- They said they don't blame Michael for this. They said he was mismanaged. They stayed with him even thought they weren't being paid (for 4 months).

On family
- The family didn't came around much and when they came it was unannounced/unexpected.
- Michael asked if they had an appointment when they came around.
- Randy crashes the gate with his car. Randy says he was at the house but denies that he crashed the gate.
- They tell Michael that Randy came, he wasn't happy and did not see Randy.
- They experienced the intervention. He met with the brothers at the security trailer and later came back to the house.
- The bodyguard says that they were the gatekeepers for all communication.

Drugs and insomnia
- they say he did not have a drug problem. Sometimes he'll be like he was on something but they wouldn't call it a problem.
- they say he was up 3-4 am (dancing ?).

On Murray
- They say they met murray when he was treating the kids.
- They think he was a scapegoat.

On his death
-they weren't working for Michael at the time of death, but they were at the memorial.
- they Ask where all the celebrities was when he was alive.

On his kids
- they say his kids was everything for Michael and now he's watching over them.

- Michael loved Ebay and spent a lot of time on it.
- He hated mirrors and covered them. Closed his eyes at the elevators so that he wouldn't see the mirrors.
- he traveled with a bag of cash.
- they say Janet has no power in the family and called "little Janet".

there are 3 extra videos on the website

one of the is about Janet on which they say little Janet did not have much power in the family ( to us it's Janet Jackson to her family she is their little sister is what they said) and Michael and Janet did not seem close. they say Michael was totally clueless about Janet's movie was coming out (why did I get married).

second one is about why they are talking now. they want to tell both sides of him - fans do not experience all these sides. they basically say that they felt like they needed to defend Michael."Someone has to. Who else is gonna do it" is the quote. They say a cook or a nurse would not know the things that they do.

the third one is about Joe and family in general. they say one day Joe came and the bodyguard tried to shake his hand and say welcome. Joe responded to him like "you are probably one of the people that put needles in my son" and refused to shake his hand. They tell Michael that he came and he asks if he has an appointment. They said they stayed out of the family interactions. They also say that Katherine came around a lot during holidays and birthdays etc.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Michael Jackson: Inside His Finances and Family
Bodyguards Say King of Pop Did Not Often See His Family

March 10, 2010

While the Jackson family portrayed a unified front at Michael Jackson's funeral, three of his former bodyguards said Jackson did not often see his family in the two years prior to his death.

Jermaine Jackson, Tito Jackson, Randy Jackson and Marlon Jackson are shown in this Oct. 27, 2009 photo. Michael Jackson's former bodyguards speak about his family and his financial problems.

"They didn't come around much and when they did, they came unexpected. And we'd say, 'Mr. Jackson, one of your family members is at the gate [and] would like to see you,' and he'd ask, 'Do they have an appointment?'" Bill Whitfield, one his former bodyguards, said.

Whitfield said family members were not allowed in if Jackson was "being creative," but that did not stop Jackson's youngest brother, Randy, from trying to see him.

"There was another occasion when Randy came to the house and crashed the security gate with his vehicle and came inside. And at the time, I didn't know who he was and I drew my weapon on him and the first thing out of his mouth was 'Get that thing out of my face or I'll call the press,'" Whitfield said, who said he put away his weapon when he realized it was Randy.

Whitfield said Jackson was "not happy" and refused to see Randy.

Taunya Zilkie, Randy Jackson's public relations representative, says she was with him that day. She told ABC News that she and Jackson were at the Las Vegas house that day but never made it on to the property. And Zilkie denied that a gun was pulled.

Zilkie said ABC News Randy Jackson went to Jackson's home that day for an "intervention" but was refused entry into the house.

The three bodyguards said that Randy tried to sneak in behind them as the doors to the gate were closing and hit the gate as he came though. Zilkie said Randy did not hit the gate.

Whitfield, Mike Garcia and Javon "BJ" Beard met Jackson in 2007 and worked as his bodyguards for more than two years.

The three men said they were exposed to personal and very distressing parts of Jackson's life, such as a family intervention in 2007 for Jackson's alleged drug abuse.

"I get a call about 12:30 [pm], 'Bill, you need to come back, his whole family is here.' And I was taken aback," Whitfield said.

Jackson said he would only meet with his brothers, according to the bodyguards. But instead of allowing them into the house, they said Jackson met his brothers outside in the security trailer.

Beard and Whitfield said Jackson seemed "fine" afterward and simply left the trailer and went back to the house.

In November, Janet Jackson told "Good Morning America's" Robin Roberts that she had unsuccessfully reached out to Jackson over the years about his drug use.

"I did," she said. "Of course, that's what you do. Those are the things that you do when you love someone. You can't just let them continue on that way. And we did a few times. We weren't very successful."

Despite these interventions, the bodyguards said Jackson did not seem like he had a drug problem.

"He was intoxicated in some way, but I wouldn't say a problem, no," Garcia said.

"Certainly there were times where he gave the appearance that he was probably high on something," Whitfield said.

The men said this would happen "once or twice a month."

Jackson died June 25 from a lethal combination of prescription drugs. Dr. Conrad Murray allegedly administered the drugs and has been charged with involuntary manslaughter. Last month, Murray pleaded not guilty in a Los Angeles court.

The bodyguards said Murray was the only doctor they saw while they worked for Jackson, but that Murray wasn't there all the time.

"When he came onto the scene, he was taking care of the kids. The kids had colds and stuff," Garcia said. He added that he thinks Murray is a "scapegoat."

"I never thought it was the fault of one person," Whitfield said.

Michael Jackson's Financial Troubles
In addition to being his bodyguard, Whitfield was also Jackson's gatekeeper. He said he handled Jackson's personal e-mails and phone calls.

"There wasn't a phone call or paperwork on our watch that didn't go through this man right here," Beard said, referring to Whitfield.

The paperwork, Whitfield said, showed millions of dollars in debts, much of it owed to law firms, and millions more being paid out.

"$38 million," Whitfield said.

"$10 million…$20 million," Garcia added.

But despite these payments, the men said sometimes it took Jackson months to pay them.

"I'm seeing all these zeroes and we can't get a $5,000 check," Whitfield said.

"It was going out faster that it was coming in," Garcia said.

Long after the 2005 child molestation case, the men said Jackson was still being sued and he chose to settle outside of court.

"We'd go to lawyers' offices and we'd be there from 10 a.m. until midnight," Garcia said.

Eventually, this took its toll on Jackson.

"He got so frustrated he threw my cell phone out the window, through the window, and broke the glass," Whitfield said. "And he looked at me and said, 'Bill, you're going to need a new phone.'"

The men described credit cards being declined on at least four different occasions and hotels evicting them.

"We were asked to leave hotels because the credit card on file was denied," Whitfield said.

In fact, the men said Jackson could not afford to attend longtime friend Jesse Jackson's 66th birthday party.

"Jessie Jackson put up his credit card to fly the entire staff and team out and put us up in a hotel three nights," Whitfield said.

Michael Jackson's Comeback
Although the King of Pop's empire was crumbling, the bodyguards said he was not physically prepared to save it. At the time of Jackson's death, he was preparing his comeback, launching a "This Is It" tour at the age of 50.

"I don't think he was physically healthy enough… to perform the shows they expected of him," Whitfield said.

"If you [were] with him, you would hear him [say] that he's in pain sometimes…He would tell me, 'right now is not a good day,'" Whitfield said.

The men said that although Jackson loved being in front of a crowd, he was pressured to perform because of dwindling finances.

Michael Jackson's Death
The three bodyguards said they were not in Los Angeles when Jackson died in June but attended his memorial at the Los Angeles Staples Center.

"I looked around, I looked at a lot of celebrities, a lot of stars…and it just made me wonder, where were they?" Whitfield asked.

"Were these some of the people who turned their back on him after the second trial?" Whitfield said, referring to Jackson twice being accused of child molestation. Jackson settled the first case in 1993 and was found not guilty in the 2005 criminal trial.

"The guy was so lonely, where were they?" Garcia asked.

The men said they did not "even want to talk about" seeing the children on stage at the memorial. "It was unbelievable," Garcia said.

They tried to reach the children on stage following the memorial, they said, but the three kids were already gone.

When asked what the bodyguards would like to say to Jackson's children, the three men became visibly emotional.

"I'm a little speechless on that right now," Whitfield said.

"Certainly we hope that we did the best that we could to make them feel like kids and provide them with things to make them feel comfortable," Whitfield said.

Garcia said he wants them to know that they "were everything to [their] father."

The men said that Jackson is watching over his children now, and that they are all very proud of them.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I know some things aren't what they seem. I just wish we didn't have to look at everything and everyone with critical eyes. The world shouldn't be like that. We live in fear of being scammed and cheated, we question people's intentions, their motives. If someone helps a person or a child, we wonder why, we wonder "what are they getting out of it?", we say "they can't be that unselfish, they must be doing it for a reason." Sometimes I feel like saying "Maybe they aren't getting anything out it. Maybe they just want to help." I find it sad that we've all been forced to look at the world through filters. I know that's the reality but I hate it.

I agree. Another sad part of that is that we might not personally help someone because of the suspicion we might incur.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

What? They're saying that Janet had no 'status' in the family... she was simplylike the 'baby sister?' I didn;t know the jackson family was a popularity contest lol.. Please, give eme a break... it's all a bunch of nonsense. Any honest and viable source would NEVER diss or disrespect a deceased man;'s family. Makes me ill.... how do these folks get on TV??
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

This is the recap for interview shown on Wednesday's GMA.

On finances
- Michael was always being sued - and he always choose to settle.
- These lawsuits made him frustrated and that's why he threw the phone out the window.
- Credit card being denied - "someone was not paying the bill" is the quote.
- They said they don't blame Michael for this. They said he was mismanaged. They stayed with him even thought they weren't being paid (for 4 months).

On family
- The family didn't came around much and when they came it was unannounced/unexpected.
- Michael asked if they had an appointment when they came around.
- Randy crashes the gate with his car. Randy says he was at the house but denies that he crashed the gate.
- They tell Michael that Randy came, he wasn't happy and did not see Randy.
- They experienced the intervention. He met with the brothers at the security trailer and later came back to the house.
- The bodyguard says that they were the gatekeepers for all communication.

Drugs and insomnia
- they say he did not have a drug problem. Sometimes he'll be like he was on something but they wouldn't call it a problem.
- they say he was up 3-4 am (dancing ?).

On Murray
- They say they met murray when he was treating the kids.
- They think he was a scapegoat.

On his death
-they weren't working for Michael at the time of death, but they were at the memorial.
- they Ask where all the celebrities was when he was alive.

On his kids
- they say his kids was everything for Michael and now he's watching over them.

- Michael loved Ebay and spent a lot of time on it.
- He hated mirrors and covered them. Closed his eyes at the elevators so that he wouldn't see the mirrors.
- he traveled with a bag of cash.
- they say Janet has no power in the family and called "little Janet".

there are 2 extra videos on the website

one of the is about Janet on which they say little Janet did not have much power in the family ( to us it's Janet Jackson to her family she is their little sister is what they said) and Michael and Janet did not seem close. they say Michael was totally clueless about Janet's movie was coming out (why did I get married).

second one is about why they are talking now. they want to tell both sides of him - fans do not experience all these sides. they basically say that they felt like they needed to defend Michael."Someone has to. Who else is gonna do it" is the quote. They say a cook or a nurse would not know the things that they do.

Thank you for the update Ivy..I cannot post anything right now...I need time to take this all in...I need to think about it.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

This might have already been asked and answered here, but were these 3 bodyguards or any of them working for Michael in 2009 and especially in june?
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

This might have already been asked and answered here, but were these 3 bodyguards or any of them working for Michael in 2009 and especially in june?

no. they worked for him when he was in Vegas (2007 to 2009). Today they explicitly said that they weren't working for him when he died.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

Ivy, thanks for the update.

Not surprised about Janet. When you are a baby of the family, you are always a baby of the family regardless of your age.

So sad to read about the mirrors... I wish Michael would see himself the way we see him. He was such a handsome man, so gorgeous. It's heartbreaking he hated the way he looked..
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I dunno. My initial impression is a lot of bravado and innuendo and outright lying for the sake of the publicity. I really honestly do not believe these guys.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

btw I realized there's actually a third extra video on their website.

the third one is about Joe and family in general. they say one day Joe came and the bodyguard tried to shake his hand and say welcome. Joe responded to him like "you are probably one of the people that put needles in my son" and refused to shake his hand. They tell Michael that he came and he asks if he has an appointment. The bodyguards said they stayed out of the family interactions/business. They also say that Katherine came around a lot during holidays and birthdays etc.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

No they were not. And it shows by some of these answers
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

btw I realized there's actually a third extra video on their website.

the third one is about Joe and family in general. they say one day Joe came and the bodyguard tried to shake his hand and say welcome. Joe responded to him like "you are probably one of the people that put needles in my son" and refused to shake his hand. They tell Michael that he came and he asks if he has an appointment. The bodyguards said they stayed out of the family interactions/business. They also say that Katherine came around a lot during holidays and birthdays etc.

do you have a link? I can't find it.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

deleted. I shouldn't give any credit to the ones who feed the media.
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Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

I dunno. My initial impression is a lot of bravado and innuendo and outright lying for the sake of the publicity. I really honestly do not believe these guys.

For some reason I've had a bad feelings about this interview too. Yeah they might spill out some nice and funny things every now and then and things fans want to hear, but like they said in the beginning of one GMA video "3 bodyguards he trusted with his life" and yet they are talking about his finances and issues with the family, which I don't think belongs to the world. In my opinion it's a bit in contradiction with what they say about wanting to defend him.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

This interview was interesting. Classic media manipulation. The first day was rather positive and then the second day they begin to be more an expose on the difficulties he faced. In fact from what I saw on line the bodyguards' demeanor changed and their responses seemed more like indictments,especially from the slender guy.

You don't defend someone by going on TV and feeding the media frenzy and bringing additional frustrations to the family of the man you want to "defend".

Their discussions and demeanor on part 2 weakens their overall credibility for me.

But the reality is Michael is gone and the parsing and re-parsing of his life has no value. He has millions of fans and they have endorsed his greatness by their purchase of his music, attendance at TII and purchase of memorabilia. That's what will stand the test of time, not these sidebars about his personal life.
Re: MJ's Bodyguards Tomorrow On GMA

When you are a baby of the family, you are always a baby of the family regardless of your age.

On this statement I must agree. You will always be the baby no matter what. And sometimes you are even introduced as "the baby". It's a cross we who were born last have to bear,although it has its perks well.

As far as the statement about Janet's power, that's a little questionable.