MJ lip-syncing

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The only time lip sync bothers me is when we have some manufactured rubbish who has never sang unaided on their music or ever sung live without it.

I personally think when someone has done their apprenticeship, has a god given talent and has worked hard most of their life - we should for them in their later years to have earned and get away with lip sync.

See your point, but not when they're charging £75 plus to see them 'live'.
Maybe he shouldn't have done the History tour. Maybe. But he said himself his record company forced him to. I'd imagine it was a very big part of his contract. I would speculate that Michael himself decided that after the Bad tour, he had no interest in touring anymore, but they made him. The Bad tour is all live, but it was a huge tour that I would imagine took everything out of him, even at that young age. No one else had done a tour like that one where you incorporated such a high level of dancing along with the singing.
Who really cares, the man is not a robot or machine (A tome so eloquently put it - BASTARD). If he did he still felt every vibe and verse. He was a performer and he performed his ass of. Watching him perform to me it's not just about the song and the singing its him, the way you can see how into it he is. I mean its like it takes over his body and it a beautiful thing to experience. His energy just radiates and everyone can feel it. He is so freaking amazing, lip-sync or not. Were not talking about Milli Vanilli (what ever). This is Michael whose extraordinary talent has been proven to be authentic over and over again. We all know what it is, the man is an amazing singer. You do 50 shows and see how your voice is afterwards. Anyway I could care less. Just to experience his energy would be enough from me. People wasn't fainting cause of the song, they were fainting cause of Michael’s delivery of the song and the intense energy he put out. IMO
I couldnt have cared less if he just had sat in a corner and done nothing........

I just wanted to hear track after track of MJ and for him to be there to hear the applause for his talent.

He said it was the final curtain call - and a curtain call is when the artist receives the applause from the audience.

All I personally wanted was to be there, to hear the music, for Michael Jackson to hear the applause. This was far more than just a concert. It was for him to see the fans still loved him and they were there for him, after everything he had been through. I think everyone else around him just piled on the expectations to be a singing and dancing 20 something.

i agree with you, he was 50 years old. You have to be naive to expect MJ be on stage singing and dancing the same as he was in his thirties :)
I honestly feel this is disrespectful and rude.
This is a man who put his blood, sweat, tears, heart, and soul into everything he ever gave us asking only for love in return.
Build a bridge and get the f*ck over it.
Ya don't like his concerts, then don't watch 'em.

I would have paid to watch him just sleep on stage.
The most important fact for me is being close to him. Showing up to show I care.
That is how I show him I love him.
For this fan he isn't *just some guy who can sing and dance real well*.

i totoally agree with you.i would give anything to just have him live with us under the same sky.
I think Arty's just really mad.

Mad? It´s a really hard word. I can live with disappointed. I would´ve love to see songs like Who is it, Stranger in Moscow, Scream, Liberian Girl, Dangerous, In the closet, They don´t care about us, Earth Song, Childhood etc etc. performande live.
I know that Mike could´ve sung all those sungs beautiful live and I don´t get why he didn´t that makes me quite sad.
i totoally agree with you.i would give anything to just have him live with us under the same sky.

That is a really selfish statement. I only want to see him when he wants to is fit and happy to perform and not forced to by greedy managers like during History.If same reports are right mike couldn´t sleep during that tour at all so he needed medication.
Mad? It´s a really hard word. I can live with disappointed. I would´ve love to see songs like Who is it, Stranger in Moscow, Scream, Liberian Girl, Dangerous, In the closet, They don´t care about us, Earth Song, Childhood etc etc. performande live.
I know that Mike could´ve sung all those sungs beautiful live and I don´t get why he didn´t that makes me quite sad.

You think you're not mad, but you're ranting at everyone like there's no tomorrow!
I really don´t understand is this. If Michael hated touring which I can understand why hasn´t he give some "Concerts" in Neverland. Just for himself and filmed everything. Just for his own legacy. I don´t get this. It ´s a shame thata man with so much talent wasn´t filming live performances of masterpiece songs like Who is it etc.

I think first an foremost Neverland was a place for him to relax, to do the things he wanted and not feel any pressure. I'm sure it wasn't his intention to work at home, what I think this would come down to. Neverland woudn't be the place for such a thing.
That is a really selfish statement. I only want to see him when he wants to is fit and happy to perform and not forced to by greedy managers like during History.If same reports are right mike couldn´t sleep during that tour at all so he needed medication.

Never trust the tabloids.
Arty, put on a CD and leave those that go for Michael alone.
ITC was sung live. Trust me boy. I well, I can't talk about it. :blush:

Yeah and please also leave those fans alone that go for Mikes beautiful vocals!
Never trust the tabloids.

It has nothing to do with tabloids.There was a doctor with him on tour. And maybe he put him to sleep I don´t know but I know Michael wasn´t feeling well during the history tour.
You could sometimes see that he himself was quite ashamed to have to lip-syncing to the songs he was hiding his beautiful face a lot so noone was seeing that he was miminc and Michael was very sensitive I think this causes a lot of stress for him.
If they History concert was such a great experince for him than he would never get so angry after the history concerts when someone came to Mike to talk him into new concerts. The History Tour must have been a hell for him. And I don´t get it that fans don´t see it.
Praise the Destiny Concert, Praise the Triumph Concert, Praise the Bad and the Victory Concert but not a concert where he couldn´t sing live and was having a time in hell. That is not fair to Mike!
It has nothing to do with tabloids.There was a doctor with him on tour. And maybe he put him to sleep I don´t know but I know Michael wasn´t feeling well during the history tour.
He could sometimes see that he himself was quite ashamed to have to lip-syncing to the songs he was hiding his beautiful face a lot so noone was seeing that he was miminc and Michael was very sensitive I think this causes a lot of stress for him.

Well, you know how any people sell out Mike for money?
I think first an foremost Neverland was a place for him to relax, to do the things he wanted and not feel any pressure. I'm sure it wasn't his intention to work at home, what I think this would come down to. Neverland woudn't be the place for such a thing.

For an musician music is not considered work it´s part of his being like breathing. It´s not work!
And what pressure I said he could´ve performande just for himself.
Arty, get over it, he didn't sing live all the time.
Looks like most people don't care.
That's never been why most people pay their hard earned money to go to his concerts.
I've never heard of anyone complaining that have been to his concerts.
about the touring thing, many artists hate touring. they do it for two reasons mainly - one - the fans. and two - its their biggest money earner usually.

abba used to complain about touring, and agnetha really didnt like to travel (she was the blonde one) and be away from her kids so theyd usually do short tours.

madonna bitches about touring but youd never know it because she goes on tour like every 2-3 years. mainly cause she knows the fans love it and she earns most of her money from tours.

i remember when mtv did the lipsynching poll, some people didnt think it was fair for artists to lipsynch when they are forking out so many $$$ but others prefered it if there was lots of dancing.

and really a tour is so much more than just singing anyways, its the atmosphere, the thrill of seeing your favorite performer, the way they perform the songs live, the interaction with the audience, etc.
Well, you know how any people sell out Mike for money?

That makes me angry. Really angry!!!!

Because it worked! But if the fans stayed at home not going to the concerts untill Mike was healthy again and had the power to perform the managers would´ve seen Ok we must protect his health otherwise we cannot make good money.

But the fans(me included) were happy just to see Mike as many here said it so the greedy people thought awesome even a sick Mike who is only lip-syncing can make millions so why worry about his health the crazy fans will pay good money only to see him on stage.
well......ppl always argue for this "lip syncing"topic.i think its because there are two kinds of ppl in Michael's fans club.But we all love Michael .
One is who will support Michael whatever he does .like "I would have paid to watch him just sleep on stage."
The other is who ask for more about Michael and his music/performance.i dont think it will offend Michael.i bet he wont be annoyed by it.because he knows it is because they love him and they have more expectation on him than just lip syncing.they wanna hear his vocal voice no matter it is perfect or not.if it is all about his raw emotion in the concert,it will be the real perfect.
and to me , when i watch his concert video again and again,(nearly every night)i wont just focus on his dance but also wanna hear his live vocal.cuz if he uses voice track it means that you can hear only the same voice in every concert.its really kinda boring.....and if you ask ppl like the second kind fans to watch him just sleep on stage,it will really drive them mad.they will be just like"omg!!!!what happended to Michale!!!!"Lol~~~
So lip sync argue is all about this two kinds of fans' difference ,too.
but we all love Michael as much as we can
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It makes me really sad. Mike had so much stress during the History Tour and he was sick and in the end what stays is his worst concert tour because of the lyp.syncing. So all his effort and heart and his health for this medicore tour. His advicers during that time should be slaped in the face.
He should have stayed at home and should´ve done 2-3 concerts for TV and DVD when he had his energy back. In the end we would´ve had 2-3 great concerts on DVD and a healthy Mike.
Arty i get what you're saying, but if fans hadn't bought tickets for those tours then all that would have happened would be the press hounding him for having a flop of a tour. it's a bit naive to think that the record company would listen to what fans were saying about how michael was health wise.
No, most of MSG 2001 was live.

Did you ever watch the show? ALL performances, except for the J5/jacksons medley, were lip synced, including Beat It which was a pre recorded voice track. I think the MSG 2001 was one of the worst performances by MJ ever! he looked kinda sick.. I think he had some problem with his mouth, probably he just underwent some oral surgery or something.. He kept covering his mouth.. I felt embarrassed for him.. I thing he was on heavy pain medications that time, he almost looked stoned... he could barely dance..
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well......ppl always argue for this "lip syncing"topic.i think its because there are two kinds of ppl in Michael's fans club.But we all love Michael .
One is who will support Michael whatever he does .like "I would have paid to watch him just sleep on stage."
The other is who ask for more about Michael and his music/performance.i dont think it will offend Michael.i bet he wont be annoyed by it.because he knows it is because they love him and we have more expectation on him than lip syncing.they wanna hear his vocal voice no matter it is perfect or not.if it is all about his raw emotion in the concert,it will be perfect.
and to me , when i watch his concert video again and again,(nearly every night)i wont just focus on his dance but also wanna hear his live vocal.cuz if he uses voice track it means that you can hear only the same voice in every concert.its really kinda of boring.....
So lip sync argue is all about this two kinds of fans' difference ,too.
but we all love Michael as much as we can

Beautiful written Thanks:)
I totaly agree with you I wanna hear his vocal voice no matter it is perfect or not. It´s jus so sad a waste of talent if he doesen´t use his voice. For example Earth Song there is a performance of Mike where he is singing the last part live and it´s so great and a lot of fans would´v loved to hear the whole song live.
Did you ever watch the show? ALL performances, except for the J5/jacksons medley, were lip synced, including Beat It which was a pre recorded voice track. I thing the MSG 2001 was one of the worst performances by MJ ever! he looked kinda sick.. I thing he had some problem with his mouth, probably he just underwent some oral surgery or something.. He kept covering his mouth.. I felt embarrassed for him.. I thing he was on heavy pain medication that time, he almost looked stoned... he could barely dance..

Yepp if History wasn´t a sign for all his fans at least MSG should´ve ring all the alarm bells.
But as I´ve said before some people are just happy to see him no matter if the performance is live -good etc. so the greedy people thought great the fan reaction was positive despite a very sick Mike at MSG so why bother about his health the caravan
can go on.

But if people were writing to Sony after the MSG performance that it was not good etc instead of praising it and talking stupid things like "for me Mike can sleep on stage and I ´ll love it etc.. Mike and his people would´ve seen the caravan cannot go on as usual.
This argument gets really old. I don't care if he sang live or if he mouthed the words. You got to see a legend in ACTION. With all the dancing around the stage this man did you would get out of breath to. I can't sing for that long and dance either. I get so sick of reading that fans were mad that he did this... Get over it and you do what he did for an hour and a half and see how tired and out of breath you get then state your argument. Get over this argument already. He did it for his own reasons and if you went to one of the concerts thank god you got to see him alive and well and dancing and doing the thing that he loved most which was entertain people. To bad for you if you cant handle that he lip-synced the words. To bad for you if you feel your money wasn't well spent.

If you haven't guessed i am a little on edge with all this stuff and some personal issues. So if i offend someone i'm apologizing right now for it.
I don't care cuz I know he can definitely sing when he's performing on stage since he was little. I think he lip-synced cuz he had throat problems. I believe that's why his voice would crack if he sang too much live.
Arty i get what you're saying, but if fans hadn't bought tickets for those tours then all that would have happened would be the press hounding him for having a flop of a tour. it's a bit naive to think that the record company would listen to what fans were saying about how michael was health wise.

I don´t see a problem. Just buy the tickdet go to the show and after the show just express you anger big time. If a lot of fans had done it Sony would´ve had pressure.
And the press was hounding him anyway so why bother. I rather see the stupid press hunt him than a very sick Mike forced to perform a tour he wasn´t happy about and that caused him even more stress no wonder he told everyone after History Tour go to hell if the word Tour came up in a conversation.
you people really need to get over it.

the man is dead its time to stop blaming him for every little thing.
Did you ever watch the show? ALL performances, except for the J5/jacksons medley, were lip synced, including Beat It which was a pre recorded voice track. I think the MSG 2001 was one of the worst performances by MJ ever! he looked kinda sick.. I thing he had some problem with his mouth, probably he just underwent some oral surgery or something.. He kept covering his mouth.. I felt embarrassed for him.. I thing he was on heavy pain medications that time, he almost looked stoned... he could barely dance..

Did YOU even watch the show?


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