MJ Forever Tribute/ MJJC Statement / Estate statement / Fan letter pg51/ GLE put on administration

Gerryevans, thanks! (Can you give a link, please?)I see Gaz has made the New York Times? Great to see we STILL have Michael's back! Thanks, Gaz. Brilliant!
Excellent article by the NYT. Hits all the important points. Nice quote from Gaz. I hope the organizers realize their mismanagement is now reported by one of the most widely read newspaper. They better take our concerns seriously.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

I know I quote myself here, but this just needs to be reposted!

Ok JACKSONS Please read!

There is VERY SIMPLE reason why we won't go to a tribute you will organise.

We don't want to give YOU money, we want to go there to remember and celebrate Michael Jackson (and no one else btw)

It is not only the bad timing.
It is not only the shitty ticketing system (even if you change it)
It is not only the way you try to disgustingly dupe believers
It is not only the fact that your idea of Galaxy of starts is clearly not the same as ours
It is not only you total lack of professionalism towards this whole event
It is not only the fact that you treat MJ fans like a bunch of crazy blind people who's get anything Michael related
It is not only the fact that the Facebook page admin has been nothing but a rude liar deleting and banning fans from the page
It is not only the fact that you AGAIN use MJ's kids to get a 'cute' side in this by getting money for them (money they absolutely don't need since MICHAEL already did everything necessary for them (if you don't spend all their money of course)
It is not only about all that



As long as you'll not understand what Michael was about and how, we, HIS fans (not yours) are intelligent and know what we want, you'll get nowhere.

Please, surrender and get a job already.

Jesus Christmas!
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

Now I have read 2 hours the last sides (I can read quite quite well only writing is disaster):
The strength with which you have written them spread to me while reading.

The mesh, singles to select from the amount of the critics and "to turn round" in a personal conversation, I have experienced already once 2 years ago in my German forum.

A person was criticised very violently.
Then a user wrote sometime that he knows the person and the person is ready to carry on a personal conversation with 2 critics.
Both users were from all the most indignant critics.
They met a few days later the person ---- came back to the forum ---- and were as transformed.... as their brain has been washed.
From this meeting they were there every time when a user kritik practiced at the person, and then they defended this person.
And they have pulled (how yeast in the cake dough) also quite soon the biggest part of the other critics on their side.
(I think, for me this experience was like a trauma ; the person became, so to speak, my obsession.)

Therefore, to me this story with the phone conference comes anyhow famously before..... and also very dangerously. The details of the pattern are partly similar .
It is not impossible that the idea has really grown on the dung of this same person.

My opinion:
It would be very important that Mr. Gaz contact takes up with other 33 fora.
Namely, because these 33 fora not only left.
It is also a study whether the unity of 34 fora remains steady to the Cardiff concert.
And, besides: contact always feels well.....
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

Thankees. I do think this campaign has been EXEMPLARY of what can be done when a lot of voices are raised in a coordinated way. This, folks, is "political action" at its finest.

Good quotes, by Gaz. The New York Times is VERY widely read, and respected. I keep hoping that the Executors will see that the fans finally have had enough of the money-grasping activities of the Jackson family. We've given them a LOT of benefit of the doubt, for two years, but. . . they've been consistent? Technically, none of what they are doing is actually legal according to the terms of Michael's will, and their use of his name/image/likeness. Maybe the Estate will feel more free (in a PR sense), to shut these types of activities DOWN?

The REASON the will was written in such a way as to give control to the executors, and not the family? Because only through the estate do Michael's CHILDREN benefit financially, necessarily. Money generated from these random, Jackson family initiated events/products, may, or may not, benefit the children. Enough really IS enough. . . Surely that is clear now?
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

NY Times is big. Great article. These people are not going to listen. They are determined to do this and the family don't want or care to see the damage they are doing.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

Sadly, they don't mention the kids being part of the Term & Conditions, one element we tried to put much emphasis on.

ETA: I removed the letter...but someone had already quoted it....

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United4MJLegacy;3471434 said:
We were contacted by the New York Times, late last week, and I want to share part of our introduction letter with you all. One thing wewanted very clear, but sadly, there was no mention in the article, Michael Jackson's children are human beings, not property.


First, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to further explain our group's position against the Global Live Events' Michael Forever "Tribute" (MFT). United for Michael Jackson's Legacy (United4MJLegacy) is a consortium of Michael Jackson fans from around the world, whose sole purpose is to help protect and honor Jackson's enormous musical and humanitarian legacies.

We firmly believe that Michael Jackson was very clear in his last will and testament: His estate controls his name, his copyrights, his likeness until his kids are old enough to take over.

From the very beginning, the 'tribute' organizers have shown little respect to Michael Jackson's legacy. They have been dismissive of fans' concerns, after important questions were raised concerning, the percentage of the ticket price to be allocated to charity, the ticketing system where the more you pledge to charity the more chances you have of being selected to buy a ticket. While fans' pledges are said to be going to charity, the full ticket price goes to GLE and the Jackson family members who support this "tribute".

Though United4MJLegacy wanted to maintain a neutral position, two elements made us take a firm stance: First, the obvious exploitation of Michael Jackson’s children to jump start tickets sale (The kids' appearance is part of the Term & conditions in the ticket sale section) and second, their arrogance and lack of care were obvious with the naming of Gene Simmons' among the performers.

We reckon without the Michael Jackson's estate at the helm, this tribute is nothing more than a money grab for the investors. They never approached the estate for permission to use Michael Jackson's music, his videos and other materials; leading us to believe, they wanted to avoid sharing the profits with the rightful owner of Jackson's Intellectual Property: His estate. Which led us to ponder, how do you pay tribute to Michael Jackson, without showcasing his greatest hits and videos?

Although GLE now claims to have listened to fans and will address our concerns in an upcoming conference call, we as a group will not participate, if the Michael Jackson's estate is not directly involved in the discussion or doesn't have a seat at the table.

We want Michael Jackson's final wishes to be respected: His estate, led by John Branca & John McClain, to safeguard his assets and legacy until his kids take over.

If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to email us again,

Best regards,


Absolutely FANTASTIC letter! Thanks, so much, for looking after Michael, and his children.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

To me, this conference call is another example of the lack of professionalism of GLE. When they announced the idea initially, why didn't they say how it would be conducted, how fan clubs could participate, give a contact number or email address for those interested, what time it would be held and who from GLE would be involved. All this 'verification' they want to do, well, good for them. I hope they have some idea how they will do it and have the manpower to do it. This is so like the announcement of the tribute. All hype and no substance...make it up as they go along...
For some reason this is starting to remind me of the OPUS fiasco...

As for the comment about intellectual property rights...I would hope the Estate would say something about that. Even if it is true, which I have absolutely no idea about, to make such a statement is just arrogant and yet another example of how they don't seem to give damn about the man they say they are honoring. Essentially they are thumbing their noses at the Estate which is Michael which means they are thumbing their noses at him! And makes it pretty clear who is meant to benefit from this. How can they not realize this? How can they not see that it insults Michael and infuriates his fans--the very fans they want to buy their tickets! I just don't understand any of this.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

^^They are arrogant because they thought the other artists' fans would buy up all the tickets; that is way their attitude was like "to hell with MJ fans." Of course, now that they see we are the engine behind their success or failure, they will pretend that they care about our concerns.

I am proud of everyone, especially those who met and wrote the letters on our behalf. Now lets see if we can make this concert go away.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

I might be getting this wrong but is this group saying they can use Michael's image etc because the rules don't apply in Britain? Just the US? The estate knows where this concert is going to be held and I don't think they would make any warnings to them about this if they can just use Michael's intellectual property or however they phrase it. I don't think they can just do whatever they want and just because Michael's family is involved.
In case any French fanclub would like to use this, I translated the New York Time's article in french, feel free to use giving credit to Jackson Québec for the translation ;)

Traduction par Jackson Québec
Il semble que rien concernant Michael Jackson ou sa hargneuse famille n’est libre de controverse, même deux ans après son décès.

Le plus récent point est un concert hommage devant avoir lieu au pays de Galles en octobre. Le plan a divisé la famille Jackson, Janet Jackson et deux de ses frères contre leur mère et quatre autres frères et sœurs. L’Estate de Jackson a refusé de donner sa bénédiction à l’événement et a soulevé des questions concernant les intentions des promoteurs vis-à-vis des charités. Les groupes de fans sont outrés des prix exorbitants des billets et considèrent pitoyable l’organisation du concert. Leur dégoût a atteint des sommets lors de l’annonce de la participation au concert d’un chanteur rock ayant ouvertement accusé M. Jackson d’avoir molesté des enfants.

«C’est la seule fois qu’on peut faire ça, et ils ne le font pas correctement» a déclaré Gary Taylor, président de MJJCommunity, une communauté de fans comprenant 80 000 membres. «C’est contre tout ce que Michael aurait fait.»

Les réactions au concert ont atteint de telles proportions que les promoteurs veulent tenir un appel conférence mercredi prochain avec les responsables des différentes communautés de fans.
Chris Hunt, le producteur de film anglais derrière ce projet, dit que la compagnie a été victime de «désinformation véhiculée partout». Il a promis que l’événement, au stade Millenuim de Cardiff, la capitale galloise, le 8 octobre prochain, serait un spectacle extravagant à la hauteur de M. Jackson. Il réfute les accusations des différentes organisations de fans disant que eux et quelques membres de la famille Jackson chercheraient à faire un profit avec la célébrité de M. Jackson.

«Aucun Jackson ne deviendra riche avec cet événement» dit-il. «Ce n’est pas une arnaque».

M. Hunt dit qu’une portion des profits du concert iront à au moins deux charités supportées par Jackson : AIDS Project Los Angeles et The Prince’s Trust. Il dit que ces charités recevront un montant fixe ainsi qu’une partie des profits. Les organisateurs disent mettre sur pieds également un fond de 100 000$ pour les enfants de Jackson.

Il a cependant refuse de préciser quel pourcentage des profits irait aux charités, et également de citer le nom des investisseurs de ce projet, Global Live Events, entreprise née ce printemps, ni combien ils prévoyaient faire d’argent. «Le concert ne fera pas automatiquement de l’argent» dit-il «nous n’annoncerons pas de chiffres à ce point».

L’absence d’un véritable engagement vis-à-vis des charités a troublé plusieurs fans. Ceux achetant des billets étaient priés, lors de leur enregistrement, de donner un montant aux charités en plus du montant des billets qui allait déjà de 90$ à 300$, menant certaines organisations de fans à se demander si c’était une façon détournée de faire de ce concert un événement lucratif.

L’Estate de M. Jackson a soulevé des inquiétudes similaires dans une lettre aux promoteurs le 15 août dernier, leur demandant de savoir qui profitera de ce concert. Un des avocats de l’Estate, Howard Weitzman, a écrit dans la lettre que «nous avons des questionnement quant à la possibilité que ce concert porte atteinte au nom de Michael et aux charités.

Les promoteurs n’ont jamais contacté les exécuteurs de l’Estate de M. Jackson à propos de leur plan, disent les avocats de l’Estate. La famille de M. Jackson a très peu de contrôle sur l’Estate puisqu’il a écarté de son testament toute sa famille à l’exception de ses trois enfants et de sa mère, Katherine Jackson. Un juge a nommé John Branca, qui était l’avocat de Jackson, et John Mcclain, un dirigeant de l’industrie musicale, à prendre en charge l’Estate; ils n’ont pas besoin de l’approbation de Katherine Jackson pour les décisions d’affaires.

M. Hunt, qui est devenu un proche de la famille Jackson en 2006 pendant qu’il produisait un documentaire sur Michael Jackson, dit que l’idée pour le concert est née en septembre dernier avec LaToya, qui est définitivement derrière cet événement. Il a plus tard décidé de s’occuper seul du projet, puis a approché la mère de Jackson et a gagné sa bénédiction. M. Hunt dit ne pas avoir contacté l’Estate puisqu’il avait l’approbation de la famille Jackson.

Les exécuteurs ont clairement statué, à travers leurs avocats, que M. Hunt et sa compagnie ne peuvent utiliser la propriété intellectuelle, incluant le nom, les photos ou les vidéoclips de Jackson. (Le concert se nomme «Michael Forever Tribute» et aucun photos n’est présente sur la publicité.) Les artistes participants au concert – incluant Christina Aguilera, Ne-Yo, Smokey Robinson et Cee-Lo Green – pourraient chanter des chansons de M. Jackson, en autant que les performances restent à l’intérieur du concert et du stade. Tous les artistes sont payés pour leur prestation.

Mais M. Hunt soutient que la loi sur la propriété intellectuelle des États-Unis ne s’applique pas en territoire anglais, il dit qu’il peut donc utiliser l’image de M. Jackson aussi longtemps qu’elles ne sont pas diffusées aux États-Unis. Il a également l’intention de créer un film documentaire du concert, dit-il.
Le fait que les promoteurs n’aient jamais tenté d’entrer en contact avec l’Estate a choqué plusieurs organisations de fans, et 35 d’entre eux ont envoyé une lettre ouverte aux promoteurs la semaine dernière disant que le concert était «condamné à l’échec».

«Nous croyons que sans l’Estate à la barre, ce concert n’est rien de plus qu’une arnaque en faveur des investisseurs» dit Nathalie Smythe, fondatrice de Fans United for Michael Jackson’s Legacy. «Ils veulent éviter de partager les profits».

La date du concert a également été un sujet de discord. Jermaine Jackson, un des frères ayant tenté sans succès d’organiser son propre concert hommage en 2009, s’est objecté du fait que le concert avait lieu en même temps que le procès pour homicide involontaire du Dr Conrad Murray, le cardiologue présent lors du décès de Jackson en juin 2009. Il a été rejoint par la suite par Randy Jackson et Janet Jackson dans le boycott de cet événement.

«À cause du procès, la date de cet hommage serait trop difficile pour moi» a dit Janet Jackson dans un communiqué lundi dernier, jour de ce qui aurait été le 53ème anniversaire de son frère.

M. Hunt dit avoir choisi cette date d’octobre parce que le procès devait débuter plus tôt, mais lorsqu’il a été repoussé en automne, il ne pouvait plus changer la date sans y perdre financièrement. Il a soutenu que le concert aurait lieu un samedi, jour où il ne devrait normalement pas y avoir de procès.

M. Hunt a engagé Paul Ring, une des têtes dirigeantes de Ja-Tail Enterprises LLC, entreprise fondée par LaToya Jackson, pour organiser le concert. M. Hunt dit que ni LaToya, ni aucun des autres frères de Jackson - Tito, Marlon et Jackie – n’ont d’enjeu financier chez Global Live Events.

En plus des questions financières, M. Hunt a également perdu la confiance de plusieurs organisations de fans lorsqu’ils ont annoncé que le groupe rock Kiss ferait partie du concert. Pour les fans purs et durs, c’était un énorme faux pas puisque le leader du groupe, Gene Simmons, a dit croire que M. Jackson avait molesté des enfants malgré son acquittement des accusations en 2005.

M. Hunt a depuis annoncé que M. Simmons ne participerait pas au concert. Mais le mal était fait selon les organisations de fans.

«Il est clair qu’ils n’ont pas fait leurs devoirs» dit M. Taylor. «Il n’ont aucune connaissance de la personne pour laquelle ils veulent faire un hommage ».
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Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

Great letter. Does a fan proud
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

So did MJJC contact them? I think the forum should participate in this conference call even if it's late notice.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

GLE may just pee their pants if anyone actually shows up.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

Is a same a 82 year old lady to become at this age a tour promoter instead of seeking JUSTICE for her Son's name and Honor. Michael DOES NOT need ANYBODY ELSE to sing his songs to keep them alive, his Legacy is strong and big itself to do it so. Focus on trial better and then you can do other projects to honor him after the trial, like making his Birthday date a world Michael Jackson Heal The World Day, namimg a big street on his name, creating a school of Arts and Sciences on his name, this are the projects we the fans would really support and look forward into. And for God's sake LEAVE HIS CHILDREN STAY CHILDREN and not CELEBRITIES, keep them away from the spotlight !
Is sad that Michael NEVER celebrated his b-day when in the Jackson family, so now we should we "celebrate" his death anyway ? Do Jehovah's celebrate death ? It does not make any sense this madness STOP IT you ruin the respect of the family !
Greek fans at mjhellas.gr are AGAINST Michael Forever Tribute,it is a shame.
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Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

Somebody posted this link on the FB page

I'm almost certain the copyright/image issues are global and not just confined to the US. Also if GL were correct Michael's image would be all over this tribute and the Jackson would all move to Europe.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

I am afraid we are unable to participate due to the below,

1. Time-scale (lack of notice)
2. Due to the lack of notice we are unable to compile questions in time
3. The conference call happens in the middle of the night which due to my having a regular job I am unable to stay up all night
4. They need to come to me
5. I find it deplorable I have to prove who I am to them, if we were good enough for Michael then I find it an insult that I have to go running to them
6. The estate are not involved.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

As much as I agree with Carine that it would have "good" to communicate with them, the conditions of this "invitation" are so disrespectful and so wrong for so many reasons that it's better not to participate. Their concern is everything but genuine.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

I am afraid we are unable to participate due to the below,

1. Time-scale (lack of notice)
2. Due to the lack of notice we are unable to compile questions in time
3. The conference call happens in the middle of the night which due to my having a regular job I am unable to stay up all night
4. They need to come to me
5. I find it deplorable I have to prove who I am to them, if we were good enough for Michael then I find it an insult that I have to go running to them
6. The estate are not involved.

Thanks for letting us know Gaz. It's a shame you can't phone in, but these are good reasons for not being able to participate.
IF they had approached you directly through this forum (which was named on the fanclub letter!) they would not need to verify who you are. You having to contact them and then provide proof is just backward. It makes no sense.
Scheduling this call in the middle of the night (UK time) when the owner of the biggest community involved in the anti-concert campaign is british makes no sense.
Giving such short notice when they announced this could happen a long time ago makes no sense. They should have contacted the owners of the fan clubs mentioned in the letter (at the very least) directly as soon as they announced the conference call and given them one weeks notice to compile questions and to make some of the necessary arrangements to phone in.
The people running this make all the wrong decisions at every turn. It's almost as if they are deliberately deciding what would be the best action and then doing the opposite. I know that's not the case, but they just have no common sense. How could people this stupid be in such an important position??
I don't think MJ fans are being unreasonable. The concert tickets aren't selling. They should be doing anything they can to get the fan community onside and they just aren't even trying.
Again, I understand why you can't participate, but is there anybody else (in a more suitable time zone) who could take part on your behalf? The mods must have a reasonable idea of what questions the MJJ Community would like answered and what the real issues are. No pressure. Just asking...
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

I am afraid we are unable to participate due to the below,

1. Time-scale (lack of notice)
2. Due to the lack of notice we are unable to compile questions in time
3. The conference call happens in the middle of the night which due to my having a regular job I am unable to stay up all night
4. They need to come to me
5. I find it deplorable I have to prove who I am to them, if we were good enough for Michael then I find it an insult that I have to go running to them
6. The estate are not involved.

Gaz I agree with all your reasons they know the names on our letter if they honestly wanted to resolve any of the issues they would respond to the letter directly.

It annoys me though that I feel like we are being played - hell they can't even make up their mind what day the call will be on.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

For us, the most compelling reason NOT to participate in their latest stunt (conference call) is the Michael Jackson Estate not being involved.

We cannot seat at a table with these people if Michael Jackson's representatives aren't there.

Just like we wouldn't do such a thing without MJ when he was with us.
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Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

I thought about it some more and I agree with you guys that you shouldn't participate if the Estate is not involved.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

I may look into getting a sneaky companies search at work for Global Live Events to see just who are the directors & appointed secretaries. I'll let you know if I can't.
Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

Oh I missed one,

7. Them using the term misinformation

Absolute crap why

1. The date of the concert is over the top of the Conrad Murray manslaughter trial - FACT
2. They invited Gene Simmons, they have no clue about Michael and have not done their home work on him - FACT
3. As per their own Facebook page it did say the artists would sing their own songs - FACT
4. The put the non turn up policy - FACT
5. They did not name where the charitable donations were going - FACT

To use the word misinformation is again testament to they are clueless and do not getting with reality on what is going on - FACT

I will not back down on this as we have the one shot to do justice for Michael, Global Live are far from doing that job - FACT
re Bridgett_361
But Mr. Hunt takes the position that intellectual-property laws in the United States do not extend to Britain, so he argues that he can use images of Mr. Jackson as long as they are not broadcast in the United States. He also intends to make a documentary film of the concert, he said. "
Is this true?

Just putting some UK copyright info here...don't know if it is useful for this purpose or not.
I imagine the law for videos is the same as for still photography.

Copyright applies to work that is recorded in some way; rights exist in items such as literary, artistic, musical and dramatic work as well as films, sound recordings and typographical arrangements. It gives the author specific rights in relation to the work, prohibits unauthorised actions, and allows the author to take legal action against instances of infringement or plagiarism.

Please see our pages: Copyright law, the Berne Convention, or UK copyright law for more details of the protection.

Copyright is an automatic international right, and excepting specific considerations for US citizens, a single registration with the UK Copyright Service will provide the evidence to help prove and protect your rights at a worldwide level.

Historically, a copyright work had to be registered in the U.S. to be protected in the U.S.; this is no longer the case and under the Berne Convention international citizens enjoy the same copyright protection in the U.S. as they do elsewhere.

There is however still a single stipulation that the U.S. Copyright Office, which is run by the Library of Congress, makes in relation to U.S. citizens. This appears in U.S. Copyright Office document Circular 1 ‘Copyright Basics’ (source:http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ01.pdf - August 2011) and states “Before an infringement suit may be filed in court, registration is necessary for works of U.S. Origin”. Because of this one statement we advise that U.S. Citizens also consider registering with the U.S. Copyright Office.

This rule applies to work created by U.S. citizens or organisations and where an infringement suit is filed in the United States. It does not affect copyright owners outside the U.S, (even if they need to bring a legal case in the U.S.), nor will it affect cases filed outside the U.S. In fact, under the terms of international conventions, U.S. law must treat works by non-U.S. authors as though they were registered in the U.S.

UK Copyright:
Issued: 16th March 2005 Last amended: 16th March 2005
Exploring copyright issues in photography, registration advice and specific considerations that apply to photographers.

Who owns the copyright on photographs?
Under law, it is the photographer who will own copyright on any photos he/she has taken, with the following exceptions:

If the photographer is an employee of the company the photos are taken for, or is an employee of a company instructed to take the photos, the photographer will be acting on behalf of his/her employer, and the company the photographer works for will own the copyright.
If there is an agreement that assigns copyright to another party.
In all other cases, the photographer will retain the copyright, if the photographer has been paid for his work, the payment will be for the photographer’s time and typically an allocated number of prints. The copyright to the photos will remain with the photographer, and therefore any reproduction without permission would be an infringement of copyright.

Copyright registration
The purpose of registration is to ensure that you have proper, independently verifiable, evidence of your work. This ensures that if another party steals your photos you have solid evidence to prove your claim.
Without registration it can be very difficult, and often impossible, to prove your ownership if another person claims the photo belong to them.
For advice on registering photographic works, please see our factsheet P-24: Registering photographic work.

Using the work of others
As with all copyright work, you should first obtain permission from the copyright owner before you use someone else’s work.You should also be prepared to pay a fee, as many photographers will charge you for using their work.

Only the copyright owner, (or his/her authorised representative), can give permission, so you should contact the photographer, or his/her company, directly for consent. For images published on the Internet, it is typical to contact the webmaster of the site in the first instance, unless the site provides contact details for the owner of the images.
The copyright owner has no obligation to allow you to use their work, and can refuse permission for any reason.

And this was also recently posted on FB by Fans against:

UK Supreme Court Rules on the Enforceability of Foreign Copyright in the UK
01 August 2011

The United Kingdom Supreme Court (“UKSC”) yesterday delivered its much anticipated judgment in Lucasfilm v Ainsworth. The ruling confirms that the English Courts have jurisdiction to determine whether foreign copyright has been infringed. This paves the way for foreign claimants to bring proceedings in the UK against British nationals for acts of infringement committed outside the European Union in breach of the copyright law of that country.
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Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

smh.... really

we already know all the questions we want to ask them!

Re: Michael Forever Tribute/ MJJC Official Statement / Discussion / Estate statement / Fan letter @p

You know what, I just wrote to them, let's see!

If you won't do it I will, even if I speak french, even if I'm on the other side of the ocean, and even if I'll have to use the phone at my office during my business hours.