Interesting re. Gift aid ( Tax releif system for charitable giving in the UK)....someone on FB says this WAS part of the ticket purchse procedure, but the Inland Revenue don't seem to allow this where donations are linked to the chance of getting a as per the pre-registration system:
FB Query; In regards to Charitable donations. For those who have donated over here in the UK to the Princes Trust Fund, can you confirm whether or not you have been asked to participate in 'Gift Aid'? This is an initiative which basically allows the Charity to claim a bit more money (from the Government) from those who are paying tax.
Also have you actually received any sort of receipt for your donation from GLE?
FB Answer:
Yes, Gift Aid was part of the purchase process - there was an explanation and a box to tick to confirm if UK tax payer etc - normal stuff.
A charity can, therefore, charge a set ticket price (not Gift Aidable)
and, in addition, request a donation that can be Gift Aided. However, any suggested donation:
•Must not be compulsory such that it has to be paid, in addition to the set ticket price, to attend the event. That is, the payer must be able to pay only the ticket price to attend the event;
•The payer must be aware that the suggested donation is not compulsory and that they need only pay the set ticket price at the time they make the suggested donation (the ticket and/or event literature must make it clear); and
The charity must not give any preferential treatment to those who do make a donation over those that choose not to. That is, the tickets must be allocated on a 'first come first served basis'.