MJ at KFC drive through (picture)

  • Thread starter elusive moonwalker
  • Start date
KFC is yummy...shame they don't have it over here in France! It's McDonalds everywhere instead! Yuk! Going home next week...might give michael a ring and ask him over to share a bucket :p Heehee

Well Mike will probably give you some Pizza but i can't see him parting with his Chicken lol
I'd like to see a pic of him drinking kool-aid. That'd be really awesome :shifty: (no offense; dont trip; im black)
OMG thats funny. But I understand. Sometimes you just get a craving for the Colonel's chicken with its 11 secret herbs and spices and....mmm. Ok let me stop. I'm makin myself hungry. lol

We've been getting A LOT of new pics lately. I likes.

Oh and KFC is way better than Church's, Popeyes's, Mrs. Winners and all the rest. lol
have a question was michael only a vegetarian in the 80's?
yeah pretty much so. i remember reading an article about some dinner he atteneded in the Uk around 91 where he was eating chicken
Michael Jackson, I definitely agree with you

the Colonel definitely do chicken RIGHT :yes: :D yes he do

my...so much attention :rolleyes: for a quick two-piece :giggle:

we do trust that you were able to thoroughly enjoy your meal tho :D

:yes: that's the only important thing
OMG thats funny. But I understand. Sometimes you just get a craving for the Colonel's chicken with its 11 secret herbs and spices and....mmm. Ok let me stop. I'm makin myself hungry. lol

We've been getting A LOT of new pics lately. I likes.

Oh and KFC is way better than Church's, Popeyes's, Mrs. Winners and all the rest. lol

Oh, you're trippin'! Zaxby's got the best chicken ever! When you dip them into the zax sauce, whew! It's all over. MJ, I recommend Zaxby's the next time.
Here's some HQ pics :)








I aint trippin',
thats RED Kool -aid, right?


Well yeah... it's really properly 'sposed to be called cherry, but we too ignant for that, so we just walk in the store goin' "Uh, yall got any RED flavor kool-aid?"

Stereotypes can be funny :rofl:
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Here's some HQ pics :)









Awww, wow! I love the costume masks! lol :lol: Diff. from the other ones we saw. & I guess they did follow them to the hotel. o_o
Anyway, thanks for the HQ pictures! :D
EDIT: *Random* Oooo a map on the dashboard thingy.
the wolf on the back seat is funny.guess everyone knows where mj is staying now then. or hopefully he was just visting someone there.
That was from Halloween night. The kids (this time) are dressed for the occasion.
haha shit, look at one of his kids in the backseat... he/she's wearing MJ's Thriller mask... or at least something similar :D
A big Snoopy card! How cute! I wonder if he got to keep it , or... was just required to sign it and give it right back...aw. It's a tough gig being a celeb; you don't get to keep everything that is handed to ya. Hehe.
wow they had many halloween costumes than. also michael is dressed different too.. we can call it a long halloween week.
If there was any doubt Mike loves him some KFC, well here's the proof!!!! Paris is all decked out in her little devil outfit, so cute!

Is it me, or does it seem like Michael loves that jacket!lol

Its so unreal how much photos we have been inaundated with over the past couple of days!
omg prince's mask still scared the living jeepers out of me wheneva i see it!!!
Well at least prince has a weapon to scare the paps away!!! lmao!!!!


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