Michael will be in "we are the world

I just seen and heard it. It was god awful! They ruined the entire song, and the video was terrible and rushed. The part where they edited Janet in looked silly. Let's not even mention the autotune and rapping... 1/10
Well, everyone is entitled to their opinions and I'm entitled to mine too. It's not the original but it's not the horrible monstrosity that people are making it out to be either. I found myself bopping to it and all..... While others are angry, full of hate, etc.... this, actually made me smile. :)

Thank you for the links :) I only watched the long version.... maybe the shorter one was worse?
AFter watching the longer version it wasn't as bad as what they showed on tv. The first 5 minutes was actually pretty good until the rap and Wyclef yelling came on
Sh*t. I just got back from a little shopping and I missed it. Based on the reactions that I've read here so far, I guess it wasn't good?

Auto tune people, AUTO TUNE. WHY???

You've got to be kidding me! :doh: :no:
The longer version is a hell of a lot better than the short version. listen to that before you judge it to harshly
well, whatever they did to her vocals doesn't bother me, after all they "sound so much alike" (as many people on this board have stated), so who really would have been able to tell the difference right? I just think they should NOT have had the two of them appear together. She should have been shown by herself.

I agree.

I think the opening lines would've been more fitting for Jan.

WOW!! :O

I didn't even know it will be that BAD!

Wyclef... what was that? :lol:

It's for a good cause and I hope the general public will still support it.
I just seen and heard it. It was god awful! They ruined the entire song, and the video was terrible and rushed. The part where they edited Janet in looked silly. Let's not even mention the autotune and rapping... 1/10
Very true, the video did seem to be rushed just looked unorganized. Idk. Michael's edited part just proved that it was a last minute decision to put him in :no:
The longer version is a hell of a lot better than the short version. listen to that before you judge it to harshly
Haven't seen the short version my opinions are solely based on the longer ''better'' version. To see people state the longer version is ''great'' I'm afraid to listen to the short version.. hearing what a mess the supposedly better version is I don't even wanna know how worse the short version is..
well, whatever they did to her vocals doesn't bother me, after all they "sound so much alike" (as many people on this board have stated), so who really would have been able to tell the difference right? I just think they should NOT have had the two of them appear together. She should have been shown by herself.

Yes, but MJ and JJ were supposed to be harmonizing. I didn't hear any harmonies. Even if their voices sound similiar with harmonies we still should have heard her voice.

To me it seemed like they just stuck her in there haphazardly (which is probably the case). They could have done more with this but whatever.

They needed Michael's perfectionism and creativity.
if it weren't for the rap, Wyclef and that autotune guy I would have liked it more. I think they should have just rereleased the original.
apparently, Quincy isn't the producer he used to be..

i never felt guilty about giving to charity, before, and i'm not gunna start now. i'm not supposed to feel that way. and if someone is fundraising, correctly, i wouldn't feel guilty about giving...as if i have to.

so...i'm glad i used another method of giving to Haiti, cus, i can't listen to that remake, a second time. i felt preached at. so i'm not buying it.

and the first version didn't preach to me. it made me feel like jumping up and buying it, and not think about why i was buying it. and that's the way it's supposed to be. whoever that was 'singing' in a yelling manner, really hurt my ears.

and the raps didn't work for me, and made me feel like i would be a bad guy, who loves to diss rap, for not liking this. and that's just wrong, cus i love rap. i feel like i'm doing Michael, and the people of Haiti wrong, cus he's in this video, and it's just like the original, and he, of course, sounds beautiful and i don't want to buy it..so...i'll just buy the original, to make up for it. i can't even hear Janet. it feels almost as if Quincy was telling her..'i'm doin u a favor'.

a charity event is not supposed to screw with my emotions like this. and this one does.

sorry, Celine...cus u sound good, too.
It's for a good cause, BUT will always be compared to the original.

That's one of the reasons they should have just written a NEW song, which could have stood on it's on merits.

I'm sure we ain't the only folks who are starring after watching that "production."

Lil Wayne, Lord help us! LOL!
Haven't seen the short version my opinions are solely based on the longer ''better'' version. To see people state the longer version is ''great'' I'm afraid to listen to the short version.. hearing what a mess the supposedly better version is I don't even wanna know how worse the short version is..

lol you really won't like the short version then :p
It just doesn't sound right...

I told ya'll that you can't recreate the magic or the history of the song...

It was only meant to be done once.

If they only composed a new song... They wouldn't be overshadowed and people wouldn't need to compare them to the original.
apparently, Quincy isn't the producer he used to be..

Apparently Quincy hasn't been quiet the same producer ever since he left Michael.. (...) Quincy's vain attempts to ''create'' and introduce the world a ''new Michael Jackson' in the 1990s are not forgotten.. e.g. Tevin Campbell
Remember we can post our opinions but let's not be too rough. I know the song is important right now for Haiti and for that I'm greatful they re-did the song if they could not write a new one But!:mello:

The song is actually not that bad but they went in and over killed it (in a bad way). The rapping part with LL is not bad since they are trying to reach out to everyone but LIL Wayne (and has nothing to do with MJ is not needed on that part..it's sounds a bit odd).

Wyclef and his random screams are scary (again over kill and not needed). Auto tune? why? not needed on this type of song.

Also alll wonderful singers but they did not line up the voices to flow more evenly. Like the original "we are the world" everyone had different voices but they were some how able to flow them better with the phrasing.

I think it just needs to be re-mixed. (not meaning..like remix) When you mix a song, the goal is to balance all the parts and blend them into a cohesive whole.

I have a love hate relationship with this new version.

but it's for Haiti so..all is good.
Wow! I am so glad I didn't wait for this song to make donation to Haiti. It was too bad but I am going to pass on it.