Michael will be in "we are the world

::comes back to thread::

I wish they would've synched Janet with MJ better. Janet just looked like she was doing some commentary and MJ was just in the background. Maybe a profile of Janet along with the profile of MJ would've been better.

::leaves thread again::
I agree!
It's embarassing. If MJ was here they would have done a totally new song for Haiti and not rehash this one which is for the Famine in Africa.

I wonder if Quincy was smoking something...? He's a legendary producer and has a great ear for music. How in god's name did he hear this epic mess and think it was okay to release for charity? And Lionel?
I believe Lionel had good intentions but from Quincy's part it was a vain attempt to be important again. Old man needs to go and sit down somewhere.
Saw it. I may be biased but the original kicks the arse of this remake. There's something to be said for simplicity. I GET the other stuff is to make it more appealing to the new generation and to tailor it towards helping Haiti....and that's cool. I'll support it.

On the MJ and Janet duet part...is it wrong that I a) didn't really hear her too much and b) felt it was kinda unnecessary? :unsure: I mean, there was nothing really different or new about that part to me other than having her image on the screen. :unsure:

Anyway, I'm glad I won't have to boycott the song becuz someone bumped their heads and thought it would be perfectly fine to leave MJ off his own song (tho I planned to give again to the Red Cross as a replacement). It's nice to know the original is doing really good in downloads, too. :yes:
I couldn't even hear Janet on there..it was just a mess..I think I will listen to the original now..

His vocals are in. What more do you want?

I'm saying they should have kept JUST his vocals in...and let JJ sing the part VISUALLY by herself. The split screen was not just underwhelming, but it also felt and looked very "last minute", random (because of the way it just cut to him), and kinda cheesy.

But who knows, maybe the WHOLE video will be better.

I'm saying they should have kept JUST his vocals in...and let JJ sing the part VISUALLY by herself. The split screen was not just underwhelming, but it also felt and looked very "last minute", random (because of the way it just cut to him), and kinda cheesy.

But who knows, maybe the WHOLE video will be better.


That's what they did!! They turned MJ up and Janet just lipped for the gawds!! UGH!!


They did the same shit on "Scream" because MJ obligated Jam & Lewis to do so
omg they totally destroyed the song , omg .. goodnight people , keep on michaeling
Jesus! The song sounds horrible. All the rap and auto tune part is just horrible,Quincy Jones raped this song. Some people did sound good such as Celine Dion, Pink, Jennifer Hudson but all in all, a vain attempt to recreate the magic from 25 years ago. I just truly hope Haitians are able to benefit from this. Quincy Jones made a fool out of himself, and proved who the real genius was behind this song, the man who wrote most of the lyrics. What has the industry turned into? *SMH* just sad to see
Man, no offense, BUT what the heck was that!

Wycleff scared me.

It was just all over the place, what were they thinking. And the rapping - WHAT IN THE WORLD!

I don't know, I was expecting something a little different, something MUCH better. That was just an unorganized hot mess, in my opinion.
watch the FULL version - the one that they aired on TV is really butchered and bad. The full song is close to 7 minutes and does not sound that bad - I actually like the rap part but yes you can't hear Janet at all. Michael is in it but his kids aren't.



I forgot to add... on the positive side, Janet DID look great. :yes: I guess it's kinda cool that she got to be a part of the remake considering she was one of the first ppl Michael shared the song with, if I remember correctly. Can't remember right now if it was Michael or her who told the story of the day he came into her room, let her listen to the music and asked her what she saw when she heard the music. Now she's a part of that very song in a different way...25 years later. Interesting how things end up coming full circle.
Man, no offense, BUT what the heck was that!

Wycleff scared me.

It was just all over the place, what were they thinking. And the rapping - WHAT IN THE WORLD!

I don't know, I was expecting something a little different, something MUCH better. That was just an unorganized hot mess, in my opinion.

HAHAHAHA thats all we can do laugh .. I mean come on what was that all about ? and wycleff ? have u been smoking or something darn ! hahahaha
Man, no offense, BUT what the heck was that!

Wycleff scared me.

It was just all over the place, what were they thinking. And the rapping - WHAT IN THE WORLD!

I don't know, I was expecting something a little different, something MUCH better. That was just an unorganized hot mess, in my opinion.
LOL! Spot on! Although I never expected this to sound great, I never imagined it would be that worse.
I agree with the Janet part...I feel that she should have had her own line to sing, and keep Michael`s part soley his. It was a beautiful moment though.

And there was a lot to take in, some voices were all over, but the overall tone was still there. The original will always be fresh in our minds because we grew-up with it, and it pulled at our heart strings. I did feel that this one had more umph to it though, and I have to admit.... by the end, I was in tears. Funny how something can effect you still after all these years, especially when it's helping another world tragedy. Bless them all.


That's what they did!! They turned MJ up and Janet just lipped for the gawds!! UGH!!


They did the same shit on "Scream" because MJ obligated Jam & Lewis to do so
well, whatever they did to her vocals doesn't bother me, after all they "sound so much alike" (as many people on this board have stated), so who really would have been able to tell the difference right? I just think they should NOT have had the two of them appear together. She should have been shown by herself.