Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

new album of MIchaels anyone wanna discuss that lol... I could make a Other music thread lol
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I must have missed this, who is Ele74? Not trying to start anything, just genuinely interested.

Maybe the most reliable source on this board.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

for those of you who can't stand Justin Beiber, well, there is an audience that does like him, and he sells to them..and nobody saw Susan Boyle coming. and she sells to an audience..

you never know where, when or how music will or can be sold,

we don't have control over selling music. The Lord God Jesus Christ controls the selling of music.

Personally I don't mind Justin as long he doesn't influence the music that I like. And no, it' not far fetched at all to think today's music will have an impact on MJ's album. God knows it happened in the past (Hold My Hand anyone?).

And people don't have control over selling anything. But we can certainly dampen or heighten the overall estimate.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Smooth is just as reliable, however Ele is actually part of the promotion, is this tv special worldwide viewing ele??

Thank you for keeping us all updated.

Think its defo this week now.

s regards to new music being tampered with , i dont think it is, its just that some tracks maybe michael had not finished getting all the session work done, hence the session musicians. I think by sounds of it, Michael was going for a much more *real* sounding album again. Along the lines of thriller and Bad, using REAL instruments a lot, so the music LIVED! i think thats what we will hear and i cannot wait, as i feel that those type of tracks will become classics, and will not die.

As regard also people saying that This is it, and some Vince work/hold my hand. There are lots of non mjfans that love the new discoveries of his music, and are relly feeling that groove now. michael was so far ahead nobody could get there head round the sound for that time and only years later do people take notice.

Plus GOOD music never dies! However saying there is no good music now adays is stupid, Lady Gaga is a very talented and humble artist, Bruno Mars even looks and sings like Mike but in his own way.
Nobody IS michael and there will never ever be anyone.
Its getting interesting!!

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

OK, thanks for the info guys. :)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I think by sounds of it, Michael was going for a much more *real* sounding album again. Along the lines of thriller and Bad, using REAL instruments a lot, so the music LIVED!

The Bad album was very heavily synthesized.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Okay now I'm geeked.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Synthesizers are real instruments
No they aren't. A syntheized guitar solo would not involve actually using a guitar. It's either with a keyboard or a computer program with the desired notes and melodies programmed into it, so that it sounds like it was actually played on a guitar.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

No they aren't. A syntheized guitar solo would not involve actually using a guitar. It's either with a keyboard or a computer program with the desired notes and melodies programmed into it, so that it sounds like it was actually played on a guitar.

....very true, but that is still considered an instrument....an 'electronic musical instrument'
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Of course Synthersizers are real instruments. It's not like you can just push a button on one and you'll automaticly get the sound you want.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Yeah Justin Bieber sucks. But he's no worse than the Backstreet Boys, or the New Kids on the Block.
To be frank Backstreet Boys and NKOTB are way better than Bieber.

If it seems like previous generations had better music, it is only because the good ones are still remembered, and the rest have been forgotten.
IMO it's about the sound of today's mainstream that is so bad and not about bad artists in general. There was rubbish music made in every decade, sure, but never anythig like the "club sound" was THE BEST this industry had to offer.

Of course there are good, fairly popular artists who release music now, i.e. this year's newcomer Bruno Mars, but they have no impact whatsoever.


As far as Michael's album goes, I doubt it will be influenced by how most music sounds nowadays. It doesn't seem Michael was musically going in this direction before he died. I think we'll be geting a mix of his classic sound (the Will.I.Am songs, Kravitz, Teddy, Darkchild) with a few modern accents here and there to compliment the compositions. They hired Lukather from Toto and Kravitz to work on these tracks! There is no way it could sound plastic.
I see many people worrying about the tracks being "finished off" now. I believe Michael may have COMPLETED a song on his own, i.e. when he was recording in 2008, playing everything on synths in the studio. Now what they do, is have guitarists play the guitar parts, synth drums are re-recorded by real drummers etc. That's probably what MJ would've done himself had he got to release these songs.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Alec! Exactly! these are called session musicians and they would of been what Michael would of used to finish the tracks he had ready for either asfter concerts or between. gatica and the guy who Michael rented out that studio in Ireland talked about this. He said he had studio time ready and rented out.

Anyway it all looks like its coing fast now, i think the single wont be long coming now.

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

To be frank Backstreet Boys and NKOTB are way better than Bieber.

IMO it's about the sound of today's mainstream that is so bad and not about bad artists in general. There was rubbish music made in every decade, sure, but never anythig like the "club sound" was THE BEST this industry had to offer.

Of course there are good, fairly popular artists who release music now, i.e. this year's newcomer Bruno Mars, but they have no impact whatsoever.


As far as Michael's album goes, I doubt it will be influenced by how most music sounds nowadays. It doesn't seem Michael was musically going in this direction before he died. I think we'll be geting a mix of his classic sound (the Will.I.Am songs, Kravitz, Teddy, Darkchild) with a few modern accents here and there to compliment the compositions. They hired Lukather from Toto and Kravitz to work on these tracks! There is no way it could sound plastic.
I see many people worrying about the tracks being "finished off" now. I believe Michael may have COMPLETED a song on his own, i.e. when he was recording in 2008, playing everything on synths in the studio. Now what they do, is have guitarists play the guitar parts, synth drums are re-recorded by real drummers etc. That's probably what MJ would've done himself had he got to release these songs.

Alec, LOVE your siggy!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE


Just finished working for a tv special *finally* set up for airing Nov.24th for the album's promotion and had some news about another big promotional project here. Meeting with sony next Tuesday, so... *i suppose* the new album it's near the corner.


Wowowow thanks! Eek I'm so exiteeeeed..
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I don't understand this ridiculous hype about Bieber anyway, what i don't even understand MUCH more is...WHY god why oh why do GOOD artists work with him? Why does a good rapper like Raekwon(from Wu-Tang) say he's talented,doing great things, and even collaborated with him? Jeeeeez....

It's the same as GREAT rappers praising Soulja Boy, welcoming him, because he's 'fresh' and bringing something new, i don't know what these dudes are smoking...lordy lord.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

....very true, but that is still considered an instrument....an 'electronic musical instrument'
I know, but that is not what was meant by the poster when they said he was going to go back to using real instruments.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

To be frank Backstreet Boys and NKOTB are way better than Bieber.

IMO it's about the sound of today's mainstream that is so bad and not about bad artists in general. There was rubbish music made in every decade, sure, but never anythig like the "club sound" was THE BEST this industry had to offer.

Well that has nothing to do with the quality of today's music, and everything to do with your own personal taste and preferred styles. Some people like rock. Some don't. Some like pop. Some like club bangers. I personally love club bangers.

For example: Lolli lolli lolli let me see you pop that body. The vocalist might not have much talent, but that beat and melody is killer.

I know what old people say about today's youth. The same thing their grandparents said about their generation, which is the same thing their grandparents said about them.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Music today is indeed shit. It's not taste...it's a fact. Most of the "artists" you hear today do not have the talent to sing that some stars of the past have. They have to hire producers and computers to hide their terrible vocals behind them.

Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber & Taylor Swift comes to mind. Bubble gum pop machines created to get pre teen kids to buy their crap. I've been following Taylor for a couple years now, and I just cannot stand her. She's very pretty...but when you hear her talk...she can be a complete air head. I've also paid attention to listening to her songs. Her problem is she can't hold a note, and it sounds like she has a breathing problem because I hear ALOT of air escape in parts of her songs...like she's out of breath. It's like she's trying to speak 2 sentences back to back without stopping.

Miley is just terrible in general, and hides behind computers. Don't get me started on Justin.

A prime example of someone who I thought stunk at first but has proved me wrong is Christina Aguilera. I thought she was another bubble gum singer. She's actually had some pretty good songs, and has the voice to back it up. Her song "Beautiful" is a perfect example.

IMO if you don't have the talent to pull off a note and sound good without using computers, you have no business being in the business. That's why you see the longevity of stars like Michael, Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin, Phil Collins and so many others.

They maybe up there in age (or in Michael's case no longer with us), but they have the talent to make any piece of music sound good. They don't need to hide behind producers or machines. Their music will forever be remembered. These artists out there today, when they finish up their careers...they will one day be on one of those VH1 specials "where are they now? The 1 hit wonders of the 2000 era".

Sorry to rant on an off topic remark about MJ's album, but someone earlier chimed in about music not being crap in today's age, and I had to get my 2 cents in

do you see the irony in that bolded statement?

now i couldn't listen to someone i couldn't stand, but i agree with much of what you said. but Swift probably doesn't care if you hate her or talk about her mama, as long as you listen to her..give her 5 seconds of your time, that means kaching in her pockets.

but still MJ is the biggest selling artist of all time for a reason.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

MJ is the biggest selling artist of all time for a reason.

Very very true.

Quality lives on forever.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Elvis sold more?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Okay, just wondered. But The Beatles sold more, yes?