Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

This era isn't any worse or any better than any other era. Hell when MJ was huge during the 80's do you know what a lot of people who weren't teenagers said back then?

they said "all music now days sucks. It's not like it used to be."

You know what they said during the 90's? And the 00's? The same thing they will say about the 20teens.

Every era has good music and bad music. No era is any better really. The industry does try hard to hire good people to make good beats and melodies for the music they put out there.

That's not true no era is worse.. And you can make good beats or melodies but if you can't arrange it right, it's all ruined. 80's was actually melodically, harmonily and instrumentally very good because it was really inventional era. Now it is not easy to make something really new when the pop music has been around decades already and so much is done already. So if something is found 'good' today by someone it's not necessarily 'new' anymore but it's enough if it makes money for a while. I believe Michael still had something new in his pocket and was able to change the way of music.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Thanx Smooth!!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

thank you sc!! ;)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Originally Posted by smooth_criminal05
'The information from my source on Tuesday was that the album announcement was only days away, and that both the estate and Sony were in the process of agreeing on a release date that will give everyone enough time to finalize a few things and get it into production. The good news is that the release WILL be in 2010, and that's what everyone has been striving for.

The analogy I was told on Tuesday was this: "pretend this album was like a huge nine course meal being prepared, the stage we are at now is sprinkling the salt and pepper onto the food".

I was told the estate has been working extra hard on everything, making sure the album has a modern flow, and that no songs will be considered "unfinished" when fans and critics listen to it for the first time. At this time there is NO final date that has been decided upon but the idea is still to get it out in late November or early December.

The marketing on this album will be very different compared to other albums from alive artists. Sony does plan to make this a big bang with television specials, interviews, ads on billboards, television, and radio, plus promotional campaigns with big US retailers to tie in Michael Jackson's Vision.

Things are still ready for this year, so while I understand many peoples patience have been tested (mine included), the wait is nearly over.

As I hear more information, I'll be posting it here ASAP. There is another meeting next week on the album and in my opinion that's when the big announcement will come.'


the idea that people should worry about whether a song or an album is 'unfinished', was never something that people considered, when they didn't think so much about music coming out. whether or not a song is 'unfinished', is subjective. the songwriting process is much more elusive than that. one person's treasure can be another person's trash. not everybody likes every song. i remember people saying they didn't like HOld My Hand. but i loved that song. still do. i remember some saying they didn't like This IS IT. but i love that song. there are people that say a song from the 80's shouldn't be released now, but i loved the extra track on thriller 25. and there were other people that liked those songs. a song shouldn't be pigeonholed. there is no columnizing for songs. songs reach people on a different level, than, intellectual and surfacial. hearing a song is not the same as hearing somebody speak to you, or a professor lecturing you in class. it's a song. a whole different animal. you can't predict a song. so the idea of all the critics and people supposing to like this album, shouldn't be an issue IMO..

whatever it is, it will be. and people are going to decide whether or not they like it. overthinking something like this, is lame IMO..

people also tend to think that flooding people or overflooding people with promo is a sure bet. but in reality, not necessarily. it's possible something can be overpromoted. run into the ground. that happened to Lady GaGa on occasion. there was backlash. also..i think people will probably try to be overcritical of this, because of the circumstances. i think that was a trap, ever since the days of HIStory, and especially Invincible. some people prepared themselves to be overcritcal,(perhaps some, not willing to admit, they may have succumbed to the media's campaign to convince people never to have that Thriller feeling again, with any subsequent MJ album, because of the media's envy) and that wasn't fair to the music. people can't pretend that they control how they feel about music. newsflash: the music controls us..we can't control it. we may think we will like something..then..we might find, we don't when we thought we would. or we decided we hated something, only to find out it it bit us from behind and intoxicated us, in the long run. i know we'd like to think we can control the feelings we have, when it comes to music, but, not necessarily. it may be an opinion of mine, but i've seen mucho evidence of it. over and over and over again.

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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

1) First time in history that the audience saw a video with intro - the middle - and the end as a short movie. -> revolutionized music industry

2) Billie Jean live - first time Mike did the moonwalk - people were mesmerized

3) MJ was first black artist on MTV, and what is more, he was not a rock singer, while MTV was a rock music tv.

4) Beat it -> first time funk and rock mixed in one song -> larger audience -> video with a real gang

5) Mike got burned severly during the pepsi commercial shooting, everyone thought he was going to die -> it boosted albums sales

With Thriller everything was new and fresh + the accident. The audience was huge thanks to all this promotion.

Thanks, but most of this happened after the release not before. I guess Mike had not reached that pinnacle back then, so the album release was not that important until years to come. When BAD was released I can remember a lot of hysteria, mostly because of the success of Thriller and plus his change of image was dramatic.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

regardless the so called updates, I'm still waiting for hard FACTS. As someone said an announcement comming soooooooooooooon. Meh, whatever. It comes when it comes.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

We need to hear some snippets.Just a little taste of it... :(
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

thanks, smooth
I still doubt the album will be out in november, but if it will..
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Who is Hashim Saifuddin? This is from his twitter account..

@hsosteopathy what do you know about the album?
@threatened I have been told the announcement is next week, but the earlier the better eh!
@hsosteopathy thank you anyway. can you assure that the announcement is coming next week? CAUSE there are rumors it will be This week.
@threatened I'm not allowed to say! but there is going to be an official announcement next week!
Oct 19th
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

It seems that we will have to wait and see...
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Michael's fans are made for wait and see :D
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

some of you are overreacting...
Why there is no promotion yet?
Maybe it's because THE ALBUM IS NOT FINISHED?:doh:

and this "modern flow" does not mean all of the songs sound like Lady Gaga, Rihanna etc. but they will sound like as if they were new recordings made with nowadays technology. We all know Michael was very interested in new technologies and stuff. I promise you this album will rock your socks off!

and besides that calling todays music "shit" is pure rubbish. Some artists may ruin their songs with using autotune on every single track, but music is still a matter of taste and I see great artists if you look good enough.

ok you I may agree with you, when you say that Justin Bieber is shit, though
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

some of you are overreacting...
Why there is no promotion yet?
Maybe it's because THE ALBUM IS NOT FINISHED?:doh:

and this "modern flow" does not mean all of the songs sound like Lady Gaga, Rihanna etc. but they will sound like as if they were new recordings made with nowadays technology. We all know Michael was very interested in new technologies and stuff. I promise you this album will rock your socks off!

and besides that calling todays music "shit" is pure rubbish. Some artists may ruin their songs with using autotune on every single track, but music is still a matter of taste and I see great artists if you look good enough.

ok you I may agree with you, when you say that Justin Bieber is shit, though

nobody is overreacting. and the term 'modern flow' is vague. you might be surprised, that the most 'modern' song, might have really old instruments used in it. it's really an inspirational thing that cannot be pegged.

and you couldn't finish your sentence without disagreeing with yourself, because you said people overreact when they think music is shit, then you went after autotune and Justin Beiber. so, music can make you chase your tail. lol

and maybe the album IS finished.

there were people complaining that Invincible was overproduced. but there were people who love Invincible. i'm one of them, and i don't think it's overproduced. so, since people are fickle, we can't make promises of what an album will do, such as 'rock your socks off'.

of course, Michael's magic is forever, so, whether we make promises or not, is not much of an issue here..lol

other than that, usually an x factor sells music. as much as people would like to control it, people can't make music sell.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

some of you are overreacting...
Why there is no promotion yet?
Maybe it's because THE ALBUM IS NOT FINISHED?:doh:

and this "modern flow" does not mean all of the songs sound like Lady Gaga, Rihanna etc. but they will sound like as if they were new recordings made with nowadays technology. We all know Michael was very interested in new technologies and stuff. I promise you this album will rock your socks off!

and besides that calling todays music "shit" is pure rubbish. Some artists may ruin their songs with using autotune on every single track, but music is still a matter of taste and I see great artists if you look good enough.

ok you I may agree with you, when you say that Justin Bieber is shit, though

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

for those of you who can't stand Justin Beiber, well, there is an audience that does like him, and he sells to them..and nobody saw Susan Boyle coming. and she sells to an audience..

you never know where, when or how music will or can be sold,

we don't have control over selling music. The Lord God Jesus Christ controls the selling of music.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE


Just finished working for a tv special *finally* set up for airing Nov.24th for the album's promotion and had some news about another big promotional project here. Meeting with sony next Tuesday, so... *i suppose* the new album it's near the corner.

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE


Just finished working for a tv special *finally* set up for airing Nov.24th for the album's promotion and had some news about another big promotional project here. Meeting with sony next Tuesday, so... *i suppose* the new album it's near the corner.

Thanks for the info.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE


Just finished working for a tv special *finally* set up for airing Nov.24th for the album's promotion and had some news about another big promotional project here. Meeting with sony next Tuesday, so... *i suppose* the new album it's near the corner.


Thank you for carrying us with you through the preparations of THE NEW ALBUM!!!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Good news, thank you Ele74.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Yes, the album is coming
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Thanks so much Ele74.

Can't wait.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE


Just finished working for a tv special *finally* set up for airing Nov.24th for the album's promotion and had some news about another big promotional project here. Meeting with sony next Tuesday, so... *i suppose* the new album it's near the corner.


Thank you very much Eleonora74. Please tell us more about that tv special if you are allowed..
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Yes, thanks for the info Ele74, it's great to see a little light at the end of the tunnel...
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Music today is indeed shit. It's not taste...it's a fact. Most of the "artists" you hear today do not have the talent to sing that some stars of the past have. They have to hire producers and computers to hide their terrible vocals behind them.

Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber & Taylor Swift comes to mind. Bubble gum pop machines created to get pre teen kids to buy their crap. I've been following Taylor for a couple years now, and I just cannot stand her. She's very pretty...but when you hear her talk...she can be a complete air head. I've also paid attention to listening to her songs. Her problem is she can't hold a note, and it sounds like she has a breathing problem because I hear ALOT of air escape in parts of her songs...like she's out of breath. It's like she's trying to speak 2 sentences back to back without stopping.

Miley is just terrible in general, and hides behind computers. Don't get me started on Justin.

A prime example of someone who I thought stunk at first but has proved me wrong is Christina Aguilera. I thought she was another bubble gum singer. She's actually had some pretty good songs, and has the voice to back it up. Her song "Beautiful" is a perfect example.

IMO if you don't have the talent to pull off a note and sound good without using computers, you have no business being in the business. That's why you see the longevity of stars like Michael, Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin, Phil Collins and so many others.

They maybe up there in age (or in Michael's case no longer with us), but they have the talent to make any piece of music sound good. They don't need to hide behind producers or machines. Their music will forever be remembered. These artists out there today, when they finish up their careers...they will one day be on one of those VH1 specials "where are they now? The 1 hit wonders of the 2000 era".

Sorry to rant on an off topic remark about MJ's album, but someone earlier chimed in about music not being crap in today's age, and I had to get my 2 cents in
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Music today is indeed shit. It's not taste...it's a fact. Most of the "artists" you hear today do not have the talent to sing that some stars of the past have. They have to hire producers and computers to hide their terrible vocals behind them.

Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber & Taylor Swift comes to mind. Bubble gum pop machines created to get pre teen kids to buy their crap. I've been following Taylor for a couple years now, and I just cannot stand her. She's very pretty...but when you hear her talk...she can be a complete air head. I've also paid attention to listening to her songs. Her problem is she can't hold a note, and it sounds like she has a breathing problem because I hear ALOT of air escape in parts of her songs...like she's out of breath. It's like she's trying to speak 2 sentences back to back without stopping.

Miley is just terrible in general, and hides behind computers. Don't get me started on Justin.

A prime example of someone who I thought stunk at first but has proved me wrong is Christina Aguilera. I thought she was another bubble gum singer. She's actually had some pretty good songs, and has the voice to back it up. Her song "Beautiful" is a perfect example.

IMO if you don't have the talent to pull off a note and sound good without using computers, you have no business being in the business. That's why you see the longevity of stars like Michael, Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin, Phil Collins and so many others.

They maybe up there in age (or in Michael's case no longer with us), but they have the talent to make any piece of music sound good. They don't need to hide behind producers or machines. Their music will forever be remembered. These artists out there today, when they finish up their careers...they will one day be on one of those VH1 specials "where are they now? The 1 hit wonders of the 2000 era".

Sorry to rant on an off topic remark about MJ's album, but someone earlier chimed in about music not being crap in today's age, and I had to get my 2 cents in

I agree. I really didn't want Michael's music to be touched unless the children come of age or somethin, but I see it will still be released.

If they "modernize" Michael's music, they better be prepared for a lot of angry fans. There's a HUGE difference between 'modern' and 'Michael Jackson'.

Now, if Michael created some more modern sounds in his own flow (like invincible in 2000) thats nice.

I believe fans will be able to recognize Michael's own style and flow too. Michael said himself that he binds his soul to his music. If we don't feel him in the song, or if it's just way off, we know what happened. Hopefully, we can really feel his presence 100% in all of them, and every one of his songs will have that powerful ability to connect and make all feel one just like what he wanted.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I must have missed this, who is Ele74? Not trying to start anything, just genuinely interested.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Thanks everyone for your updates. Fingers crossed there's an announcement soon.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Music today is indeed shit. It's not taste...it's a fact. Most of the "artists" you hear today do not have the talent to sing that some stars of the past have. They have to hire producers and computers to hide their terrible vocals behind them.

Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber & Taylor Swift comes to mind. Bubble gum pop machines created to get pre teen kids to buy their crap. I've been following Taylor for a couple years now, and I just cannot stand her. She's very pretty...but when you hear her talk...she can be a complete air head. I've also paid attention to listening to her songs. Her problem is she can't hold a note, and it sounds like she has a breathing problem because I hear ALOT of air escape in parts of her songs...like she's out of breath. It's like she's trying to speak 2 sentences back to back without stopping.

Miley is just terrible in general, and hides behind computers. Don't get me started on Justin.

A prime example of someone who I thought stunk at first but has proved me wrong is Christina Aguilera. I thought she was another bubble gum singer. She's actually had some pretty good songs, and has the voice to back it up. Her song "Beautiful" is a perfect example.

IMO if you don't have the talent to pull off a note and sound good without using computers, you have no business being in the business. That's why you see the longevity of stars like Michael, Tina Turner, Aretha Franklin, Phil Collins and so many others.

They maybe up there in age (or in Michael's case no longer with us), but they have the talent to make any piece of music sound good. They don't need to hide behind producers or machines. Their music will forever be remembered. These artists out there today, when they finish up their careers...they will one day be on one of those VH1 specials "where are they now? The 1 hit wonders of the 2000 era".

Sorry to rant on an off topic remark about MJ's album, but someone earlier chimed in about music not being crap in today's age, and I had to get my 2 cents in

What about Vanilla Ice, New Kids on the Block, and many others who's names I can't remember? What about all the crappy hair bands from the 80's? What about NSync, Spears, and countless talentless rappers from the 90's? Crappy musicians were always around.
"artists" you hear today do not have the talent to sing that some stars of the past have. They have to hire producers and computers to hide their terrible vocals behind them.
that is more relevant as to whether or not the artists are talented. It had no bearing on whether or not the songs are good, and I was referring to the fact that today's music is no worse than yesterday's.

For example on Spears second to last cd there are like 5 extremely really good songs on it, even though Spears herself doesn't have any talent.

There are still really talented people in the industry. It's just not their face on the cover of the cd we see. They write songs and play instruments.

Oh and Taylor Swift might not play the kind of music I like, but she has talent. It's stupid to use Miley for your argument. She's an actress. Yeah she has no talent, but out of the whole industry you pick a girl who's entire career came out of a disney channel television show about a musician. That's not really representative of today's music. Especially since most of her fans aren't even in junior high yet. Imagaine if I used William Shatner's album from the 80's as evidence the 80's sucked. If you don't know who that is, he played Captain Kirk on the original star trek in the 60's.

Yeah Justin Bieber sucks. But he's no worse than the Backstreet Boys, or the New Kids on the Block.

If it seems like previous generations had better music, it is only because the good ones are still remembered, and the rest have been forgotten.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

That's not true no era is worse.. And you can make good beats or melodies but if you can't arrange it right, it's all ruined. 80's was actually melodically, harmonily and instrumentally very good because it was really inventional era. .

What's funny is that during the 80's people made the same argument about the music that people are making today. They are saying put down the syntheziser. Get off the computer, and play real instruments. The 80's was actually the beginning of putting talentless pretty faces in front of songs created by real musicians who's names we never hear. Before Mtv a pretty face didn't help as much as it did after Mtv.