Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Okay, just wondered. But The Beatles sold more, yes?

:lol: yes.

now can we drop the subject please?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

It doesn't seem Michael was musically going in this direction before he died. I think we'll be geting a mix of his classic sound (the Will.I.Am songs, Kravitz, Teddy, Darkchild) with a few modern accents here and there to compliment the compositions. They hired Lukather from Toto and Kravitz to work on these tracks! There is no way it could sound plastic.
I see many people worrying about the tracks being "finished off" now. I believe Michael may have COMPLETED a song on his own, i.e. when he was recording in 2008, playing everything on synths in the studio. Now what they do, is have guitarists play the guitar parts, synth drums are re-recorded by real drummers etc. That's probably what MJ would've done himself had he got to release these songs.
The thing that worries me is that he's not around to say "No I don't like that sound" etc. I know it sounds like a minor complaint but when you want an album to sound perfect then expect annoying complaints like mine :p
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

not really. drop subject you would say there, but in latter years MJ got no radio help. that's saying something. plus, MJ bought the catalogue and probably helped the cause. MJ going against media grain, outsold anyone, who got media help. the best quality is assigned to those who keep going against all adversity. people still bought MJ when it wasn't cool to buy MJ. the media always made sure it was cool to buy the Beatles. plus, the magazies respect the beatles. rollingstone considers them must listening on a regular basis.

we all know how the print media generally feels about Michael. and has felt about him in the last years of his life.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

not really. drop subject you would say there, but in latter years MJ got no radio help. that's saying something. plus, MJ bought the catalogue and probably helped the cause. MJ going against media grain, outsold anyone, who got media help. the best quality is assigned to those who keep going against all adversity.

uhh.. so? It's not like the Beatles were tearing up the radio either.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

C'mon guys we all know MJ is the biggest selling artist!!.....

....in our collections and heart ;)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

uhh.. so? It's not like the Beatles were tearing up the radio either.

want me to give you a link to K earth radio in los angeles?

they have a beatles program every sunday, for years, and play buku beatles every day. i can't escape the beatles being played on radio on my local love ballad station. the song Yesterday, holds the record for the most remade and played song of all time, on the radio.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

The only thing that is going to be worse than the bickering in this thread is going to be the bickering in the "did you get your copy yet" thread where we all argue that "Michael wouldn't have like the arrangement in "XYZ" and that Michael would have wanted a slower tempo in "EFG".

Let's be happy for what we get, if Michael was worried about his unreleased music getting released he would have put something in his will to stop it.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

want me to give you a link to K earth radio in los angeles?

they have a beatles program every sunday, for years, and play buku beatles every day. i can't escape the beatles being played on radio on my local love ballad station. the song Yesterday, holds the record for the most remade and played song of all time, on the radio.

Really? Cause i've yet to actually listen to a beatles song here in the UAE, I've heard multiple MJ songs though. But whatever, we all know Beatles was being pushed like it's a freaking religion during their active years but that doesn't mean MJ outsold them in anyway. (It also doesn't mean Beatles outsold him either, i'm saying the end result is what's important in this discussion, sadly the scale tipped in the Beatle's favor.)

Besides, MJ_Jordan got it right. Who cares if MJ is the best selling artist or not. He's our #1 and that's all that matters! :D
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Let's be happy for what we get,
But what if we DON'T enjoy this album? Ok this is going to be my last pessimistic post because I'm really hyped for the new album. But I really don't want this album to fall under the care of unworthy producers. I hope I'm wrong (as a matter of fact I think i'm 99% wrong) but I'll just tell you. If I don't like the album, I sure as hell am not going to stay silent about it.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Really? Cause i've yet to actually listen to a beatles song here in the UAE, I've heard multiple MJ songs though. But whatever, we all know Beatles was being pushed like it's a freaking religion during their active years but that doesn't mean MJ outsold them in anyway. (It also doesn't mean Beatles outsold him either, i'm saying the end result is what's important in this discussion, sadly the scale tipped in the Beatle's favor.)

Besides, MJ_Jordan got it right. Who cares if MJ is the best selling artist or not. He's our #1 and that's all that matters! :D

it's actually debatable whether or not it tipped in th beatles favor. it really is.

and besides..Michael's seven hundred fifty million sales figure as a solo artist, is big enough to warrant whatever started this debate between you and me. it makes who outsold who, irrelevant.. that's how big it is.

these who outsold who debates really should be reserved for people who didn't sell well.

besides the fact that the numbers are changing everyday, with the passing of days, and new people being born, the gist of this whole subject is that Michael's massive sales prove the importance of quality in music. that really is all i have to say. except that selling against adversity of the type that MJ experienced DOES count for something. no other act experienced THAT kind of adversity, ever. especially to that degree. and the purpose of THAT kind of adversity is to STOP the artist's music from selling. so it DOES count for something that MJ outsold all others in that sense. why do you think fans in this board are so worried about promotion of this new album?

it says something for the quality of your music, when the media tries to convince your fans that you can never be known for the quality of your music, anymore, yet the fans still buy your music.

and there will always be other factors, whether we want to admit it or not. media bias, for one. that can very well determine who is giving you the estimates.. and the countries involved, and how many countries, etc.

the fact is, we didn't hear about the Guiness records, until Michael was mentioned, first. after that, what people might have done, out of envy, is anybody's guess. after all, mtv took away an award they once named after Michael Jackson. and mtv is supposed to be legitimate.

and then there's the fact that MJ got the eight grammys. it became precedent. so, politically speaking, many artists, after that got at least nominated for eight grammys. so..it's very possible that politics plays a big role, after Michael was the first to be mentioned in setting world sales records, and other types of records.

we cannot and must not deny the media politics that followed MJ's slew of breaking records. there are too many incidences and too many 'coincidences' of it. but if some wish to deny that the media might play a part in bias, the way they did, when they started calling MJ names, and such, when he stated that he surpassed the beatles in sales, then, i guess they will deny it. nothing i can do about that.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

"The Beatles" is the most overrated band in history.

I know the importance of them. But I remember listening to several songs such as 'Yellow Submarine' and thinking to myself: what the hell is that?

'Yesterday' is one of the worst songs I've heard in my life.

Like 'Yesterday' and 'Yellow Submarine', the Beatles have several overestimated songs.

Ringo is an average musician, but for the press he's awesome.

We're talking about one of the biggest manipulations of history.

I know a lot of people who say they love the Beatles but did not hear any of the music frequently.

I do not want to offend the fans of the guys. This is just my opinion.

The Beatles have GREAT songs and they were pioneers. But they are not as good as the press wants us to believe they are.

Michael Jackson was treated like crap for decades and still sold a lot.

The press almost tells us that we are forced to buy the products of the Beatles and like them, but that did not prevent the failure of their game and remastered CDs (something that was not widely publicized, of course).

M.Y. O.P.I.N.I.O.N.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

it's actually debatable whether or not it tipped in th beatles favor. it really is.

and besides..Michael's seven hundred fifty million sales figure as a solo artist, is big enough to warrant whatever started this debate between you and me. it makes who outsold who, irrelevant.. that's how big it is.

these who outsold who debates really should be reserved for people who didn't sell well.

besides the fact that the numbers are changing everyday, with the passing of days, and new people being born, the gist of this whole subject is that Michael's massive sales prove the importance of quality in music. that really is all i have to say. except that selling against adversity of the type that MJ experienced DOES count for something. no other act experienced THAT kind of adversity, ever. especially to that degree. and the purpose of THAT kind of adversity is to STOP the artist's music from selling. so it DOES count for something that MJ outsold all others in that sense. why do you think fans in this board are so worried about promotion of this new album?

it says something for the quality of your music, when the media tries to convince your fans that you can never be known for the quality of your music, anymore, yet the fans still buy your music.

Thank you, we're finally on the same page here. To me both Beatles and MJ have reached status so high it really is unimportant to see who is ahead by few millions.

That's why I asked to drop the debate because it will lead us no where. ALL the figures I have seen showed beatles was first and MJ being second by a relatively small margin (including some from fans here). But as you said, there is a lot MJ had to deal with.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

..hell..yall right now are worried about promo for this new album and Michael is STILL dealing with adversity. her name is Oprah Winfrey, over there in some other threads on this board.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

..hell..yall right now are worried about promo for this new album and Michael is STILL dealing with adversity. her name is Oprah Winfrey, over there in some other threads on this board.

She can go to hell.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

that really is all i have to say. except that selling against adversity of the type that MJ experienced DOES count for something. no other act experienced THAT kind of adversity, ever. especially to that degree. and the purpose of THAT kind of adversity is to STOP the artist's music from selling. so it DOES count for something that MJ outsold all others in that sense. why do you think fans in this board are so worried about promotion of this new album?

Very true. MJ had extreme adversity in his way. The 1993 allegations and settlement would have destroyed the careers of lesser men or women. History which costs about 45$ still sold like 18 million copies. Then look at the 2003 allegations. They were announced the same day that Number Ones was released, and it still sold millions of copies. And he still sold out all of his tickets for This is it in a matter of days.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Very true. MJ had extreme adversity in his way. The 1993 allegations and settlement would have destroyed the careers of lesser men or women. History which costs about 45$ still sold like 18 million copies. Then look at the 2003 allegations. They were announced the same day that Number Ones was released, and it still sold millions of copies. And he still sold out all of his tickets for This is it in a matter of days.

so true, and also very interesting. I have no clue how well the new album will perform and while i'm very interested in that, my main interest is that i myself will enjoy it and will feel that Michael would have been happy with what was released.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

besides, mj_jordan got it right. Who cares if mj is the best selling artist or not. He's our #1 and that's all that matters! :d

amen to that!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE


MJStorm;3030996[B said:
]"The Beatles" is the most overrated band in history.[/B]

Michael Jackson was treated like crap for decades and still sold a lot.

..hell..yall right now are worried about promo for this new album and Michael is STILL dealing with adversity. her name is Oprah Winfrey, over there in some other threads on this board.

She can go to hell.

I totaly agree with you 144 and mjstorm- Michael was treated horribly by all media and their influence on the general public cannot be underestimated. Yes, the Beatles are good but orverrated and they have always enjoyed the love and support of ALL media.- that has certainly helped their sales.

Our Michael had to deal with soooo much, and yet against all the odds, like swimming against the current, Michael has achieved sooo much! That is saying something - HUGE accomplishment if you ask me.
The media has tried and still trying (OW go to hell ha ha!) to stamp him out, but he will prevail like he always has.

His fans, WE, have always been "unbreakable" just like our idol. We learned well from him. His new album and projects will be incredibly successful despite an ugly, greedy, and sick media. We will be there for him like we've always have. And you know, real talent and great music is unstoppable even by an evil force like the media. HAH HAH :punk:
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

^ keep on topic, this is about the new album :)
haven't you heard of real conversation that happens to stay on topic? sometimes it can do some reaching and still stay in the ballpark. in the end, tricia 70 did mention the new album, and we were discussing how MJ beat the odds, and that's quite relevant to promotion, and how he will do now, and besides, not much to say, from your front right now. real convo isn't really robotic.:)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

haven't you heard of real conversation that happens to stay on topic? sometimes it can do some reaching and still stay in the ballpark. in the end, tricia 70 did mention the new album, and we were discussing how MJ beat the odds, and that's quite relevant to promotion, and how he will do now, and besides, not much to say, from your front right now. real convo isn't really robotic.:)
Rude. Also, talking about Oprah and The Beatles is not staying on topic. That has absolutely nothing to do with the new MJ album, which this is a thread for.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Lets talk about guess what

THE NEW ALBUM! i reckon that news is coming Tuesday or Wednesday!!

If Ele has said that the promotion has started with a tv special thats it, it must mean time to tell the WORLD!!

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Ele, You already said the air date for the TV special would be 24th November, so I was wondering, has it already been sold to a specific network? Is it Sony's intention to sell this TV special worldwide, or is it in a localised language (e.g. Chinese, French, German)?
Approximately what is the duration?
What is the focus of the programme? Is it a biography?

P.S any more album news???
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Rude. Also, talking about Oprah and The Beatles is not staying on topic. That has absolutely nothing to do with the new MJ album, which this is a thread for.

i said Oprah is here just in time to compete against promoting this new album, as Michael met many adversities around time of promotions. that's staying on subject, even if it's adding a new twist. this is a discussion thread, as the title of the thread said. talking about the Beatles and all, in this case, was still in the spirit of all that MJ has accomplihsed in light of adversity, as it relates to what MJ has to and still has to deal with, when compared to other artists, when it comes to time for promotion. it's all intertwined, and it is how many convos go in real life. there are other members on here who complained about stifling definitions of being on topic, like what you are referring to. i am not the only one. it is how human beings talk, when they are having a convo on a subject. not just asking when the album is coming out. that's how a discussion goes. just getting info, as you are saying, can be done in that other thread, where it's limited strictly to the announcement of release info.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Thank you, we're finally on the same page here. To me both Beatles and MJ have reached status so high it really is unimportant to see who is ahead by few millions.

That's why I asked to drop the debate because it will lead us no where. ALL the figures I have seen showed beatles was first and MJ being second by a relatively small margin (including some from fans here). But as you said, there is a lot MJ had to deal with.

What you forgot to include in your debate is:

copies of the copies
illegal downloads

I am positive that beyond official sales figures, there are some parts of the world where people not only have never heard about Beatles, but probably wouldn't inspire them or like their music.

On the other side, only the name Michael Jackson is worldwide so popular, that even if people do not possess albums, many possess copies, or even copies of the copies, or illegal downloads, not to mention the influence, the impact and the indent that he had at such an extenet, that I have never seen before. Neither Elvis nor Beatles had such influence on people's lives, style, music as Michael Jackson.

No one could possibly compete with the all-in-one-artist Michael Jackson the dancer, the singer, the short movies pioneer, and the humanitarian.

When the new album comes out, it will make no difference regarding the commercial impact, because Michael Jackson had already achieved any possible record, including the artist of the millenium. What else could he achieve, receive an award for being the biggest artist since the big bang?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Ele or Smooth or Damien or any other with some insight - do you think we will hear anything this week about the new album?
I want to PM this but I know its gonna take me a long time… but
@144,000 and others… Gaz was talking about EXACTLY that on Member warning. Keep it on Topic, Dont disrespect other members… or else.

I'm aint trying to single you out or anything but c'mon some of us have been here too long to forget the rules…:)

Going back to topic…

I think if the TV airing is on NOV. 24th(which is a Wednesday), then the album will be coming out by the end of November(a week later)? Is there gonna be a single out before that?

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

mooth is just as reliable, however Ele is actually part of the promotion, is this tv special worldwide viewing ele??

No. I'm speaking for the italian market, not global market, but i think Sony and the Estate want to push a lot this *so special* work of Michael, so i'm expeting some good promotion in the near future. And the tv special will be very positive about Michael. We'll have a meeting tomorrow with Sony, so *maybe* will know something new, we'll see....

earthlyme;3031345 said:
I want to PM this but I know its gonna take me a long time… but
@144,000 and others… Gaz was talking about EXACTLY that on Member warning. Keep it on Topic, Dont disrespect other members… or else.

I'm aint trying to single you out or anything but c'mon some of us have been here too long to forget the rules…:)

Going back to topic…

I think if the TV airing is on NOV. 24th(which is a Wednesday), then the album will be coming out by the end of November(a week later)? Is there gonna be a single out before that?


i never left the topic. others are disucssing what i was discussing. how was i leaving the topic? i explained it in my posts. i add other dimensions, and relate them to the topic. how is that leaving it? why is it, that my speculating that Oprah Winfrey may be unintentionally, or intentionally sabotaging the promotion of this new album, not relating to this topic? and how is it that me taking a walk through history and describing adversities against Michael, when he put out albums, including this upcoming one, and comparing him to other artists who faced less adversity, and bringing it back home to the promotion of this new album, and possible adversity(again, Oprah Winfrey)not relating to this topic of this new album and its promotion? and i didn't disrespect, either. and why do you say you're not singling me out, when you are? and that would not have taken long to write in a pm.
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