Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I Think you are totally out of line . Of course this has everything to do with MJ's legacy , it's what we are celebrating . MJ might be gone but we are still able to keep his soul alive with his music and his other great works . We will continue to celebrate and enjoy MJ for many many years to come . So yes , this album is just as important to his legacy as all his other albums are .

Yes , it won't be the same without MJ being here , which is a shame , but it will be promoted differently .

An you shouldn't of been so harsh on the other person , you had no right saying all they cared about was the music and not MJ as a human . That's bang out of order .

:agree: Thank you! I couldn't agree more, and you said exactly what I was thinking. Way harsh.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

If the word on the street is correct about the new album being pushed back, I wonder if they'll push Vision back too.

Perhaps their strategy would be to release them both at the same time for maximum impact. Or maybe they'll stick to November for the big sales days.


Yes, their original strategy was to release the game, album and DVD set at the same time to create maximum impact. A blindingly obvious tactic, but one that would have worked well IMO.
MJ would have been all over the place in the run up to Xmas, the biggest sales period of the year. That cross promotion would have been great for sales and great for cementing MJ's legacy, but unfortunately the 2 most eagerly awaited versions of the game - PS3 and Xbox 360 have been delayed until next year. It's looking almost certain (to me at least) that the album will now be released after the DVD set - possibly next year also).
So, the only product that seems to be released on time is the DVD box set and so the only conclusion I can make is that somebody has failed big time, and I believe that person works for the Estate.
In my opinion the Estate has too much control over Sony in this deal but I guess when the deal was negotiated the estate held all the cards and so it's easy to see how this happened. Sony are now frustrated that The Estate's poor management is handicapping the chance of maximum success. I think the Estate negotiated the deal with their egos in mind, rather than what was best for MJ's legacy. I mean, why else would McClain and Branca hold so much power in the production of this album and all things MJ? Sony would be much more capable of doing a proper job. It's going to be sickening if the new album has McClain/Branca credited as producer(s) on the rear cover. I just hope they have enough respect for MJ to at least keep their name to the inside cover.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

what word on the street that the album is delayed? I haven't heard anything
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

This was supposed to be the most important album from an artist in decades, but the Estate seem to be treating this as some kind of a joke, I was really looking forward to this as being a new era for Mike a celebration of what Mike stood for, or something really special for the fans, but honestly as time passes I feel I'm going to be disappointed with the whole thing, a bit like when This Is It single was released, just rushed, no thought given, I'm really worried about the album now.
But the point is that they are definitely not rushing this album like they did TII. I believe they learned their lesson with TII. And they are taking their time, but for a lot of us they are taking way too long.

I'd rather they take their time and not rush. Make it right - yes we fans are getting crazy but so? if it was rushed then we'd complain to no end like we did with TII wouldn't we.

I'll just wait until it comes because it will come sooner or later. I have time. And you know, it feels so eerily like Michael is still with us, how many times did we have to endure waiting because Michael wanted it just right? Yes, I truly believe Michael is around. :yes:
They didn't rush TII, they just released it how many fans wanted it: "Don't touch Michaels recordings and release them as they are"
But this wasn't really a problem, because TII was not meant to be a real single...

fingers crossed, the new album is going to deliver:yes:
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

This was supposed to be the most important album from an artist in decades, but the Estate seem to be treating this as some kind of a joke, I was really looking forward to this as being a new era for Mike a celebration of what Mike stood for, or something really special for the fans, but honestly as time passes I feel I'm going to be disappointed with the whole thing, a bit like when This Is It single was released, just rushed, no thought given, I'm really worried about the album now.

They didn't rush TII, they just released it how many fans wanted it: "Don't touch Michaels recordings and release them as they are"
But this wasn't really a problem, because TII was not meant to be a real single...

fingers crossed, the new album is going to deliver:yes:

They certainly didn't leave the song "TII" untouched as you put it. They renamed the song and added MJ's bothers' vocals - something that MJ would have hated! - plus additional instrumentation
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE


you seem to think you know so much about the estate and that they have failed! However reality IS THIS! One there never has been an official release date for album! It was tentativly scheduled for NOVEMBER release. Michael WOULD NOT!! release a project if he was not totally satisfied with it, same as estate , they said they wanted to honour Michaels legacy and continue with these projects as if Michael was still here. The game for Wii is still coming and so there is 2 projects coming together! I think we will see all of them if not for Novemeber release but as i have already said before Xmas, the estate/ Sony know only to well the importance of having the xmas market/new year and i would not be surprised if the new album/projects where released on the same day that Thriller was, November 30th and possibly the new single will also on October 18th both mirroring the single and album release of the iconic album ! Whats all your views on this, dont you think this could be an amzing strategy?

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

They certainly didn't leave the song "TII" untouched as you put it. They renamed the song and added MJ's bothers' vocals - something that MJ would have hated! - plus additional instrumentation

Did a good job on it though, I bet the original was pretty boring and unfinished.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Let me throw in something to think about.

What if and I mean a big what if, Michael had been working on an album for the last decade he did have songs finnished and ready for release as and when he wanted to. We all know he was recording.

Yeah, that's what I said little while ago..He was constantly recording and writing songs. I don't think that's a big what if, that Michael actually had an album ready to be released. I mean, he could have created a Title and album cover, track listing done all by him couldn't he? The album could be more of an "Officially Unreleased Album" rather than a compilation done by others.

In fact I think he could have released a ton of albums if he really wanted to..Through out the 2000's he probably had a bunch of ideas for his next album he actually he wanted to release..
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Pentum;3010534 said:
Did a good job on it though, I bet the original was pretty boring and unfinished.

I hate what they did with TII by adding his brothers vocals in it. The vocals in the background do not match the sound and they appear to clash with the original song really badly.
Does anyone have an altered version with the brothers vocals deleted?

I do realize they tried to make the song better but unfortunately it didn't work for me. The instruments they may have added sound good but the brothers vocals don't, they make my speakers and earphones rattle (kinda) and my desktop speakers/earphones are both over £100 each

If you go to youtube and listen to this version you will see how much better it is
MJ vocals appear towards the end of the video
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

The word I actually used was ban"ning" so as long as you dont use that I'm what ever. ;)

Anyway wheres the news insiders.

Some of them stopped posting because of all the shit some of the members were giving them...
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Don't expect any new information until Tuesday, 10/12 at the earliest. Damien has reported that Sony and the Estate are having a meeting on Tuesday to discuss everything, including the album.

I would check back on 10/13 (my birthday!) for more information.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Yeah, I think the meeting is about to start the real release plan. I don't know about the tracklist but if it has been ready for some time it has been probably ready by the Estate only or even by Michael before his passing. He planned the album already so long so he must have had a vision of it. I don't know about the deal between them and Sony either but it's possible the Estate controls new releases and marketing even more in the new deal than Michael did with his previous deal. However Michael's deals have always been pretty great because he has had professional lawyers who understand about the rights of their clients... It's great for the artist if he can control better what's happening...
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

If you go to youtube and listen to this version you will see how much better it is
MJ vocals appear towards the end of the video

Pretty incredible. I love the horns and the drums. Really makes the song fare more "inspirational"-sounding than the one we've got now.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

One more thing I would like to add that I don't believe has been mentioned:

The producers and engineers working right now for the estate aren't just working on material that is for THIS album. I believe they are working on other material as well for future projects. They could already be done for the work on this upcoming album. The estate is smart because they are not going to hire these engineers now and then again in the future. Might as well get everything done now.

Even with the little news we have received, I still believe the album can be put out Nov. 22. I think the meeting planned between the estate and Sony on Tuesday will sort everything out.
Hero878;3010656 said:
I hate what they did with TII by adding his brothers vocals in it. The vocals in the background do not match the sound and they appear to clash with the original song really badly.
Does anyone have an altered version with the brothers vocals deleted?

I do realize they tried to make the song better but unfortunately it didn't work for me. The instruments they may have added sound good but the brothers vocals don't, they make my speakers and earphones rattle (kinda) and my desktop speakers/earphones are both over £100 each

If you go to youtube and listen to this version you will see how much better it is
MJ vocals appear towards the end of the video
I agree about this "version" being much better. Without the Paul backing vocals of course.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I agree about this "version" being much better. Without the Paul backing vocals of course.

this is the problem with john mcclain: since he thinks, he is the best producer in the world, he is the "mastermind" behind all of the current productions, meaning both overseeing but also taking part in production. that's why he was listed as "executive producer" in the "this is it" soundtrack.

instead of letting someone with actual talent revive the old song "this is it", for example the voice has such a touch of "80ies record", in terms of quality, a MUCH better job was done with "for all time" - which sounded like crap in the original but actually nice on the "25th anniversary" album of thriller.

john mcclain's record with michael jackson: "you are my life" and now "this is it" - and surely he'll do anything to be the executive producer for every single song on the coming album.

word is that sony is already pissed of by john mcclain's attitude, having to be involved in every creative detail - unlike john branca, who does what an executor should do: administrate the estate. john mcclain should leave the mixing, producing etc. to a real professional in the music industry, he should have that much respect for michael jackson. instead he sees this as a chance, to make his name an "industry standard"...

god help us.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

this is the problem with john mcclain: since he thinks, he is the best producer in the world, he is the "mastermind" behind all of the current productions, meaning both overseeing but also taking part in production. that's why he was listed as "executive producer" in the "this is it" soundtrack.

instead of letting someone with actual talent revive the old song "this is it", for example the voice has such a touch of "80ies record", in terms of quality, a MUCH better job was done with "for all time" - which sounded like crap in the original but actually nice on the "25th anniversary" album of thriller.

john mcclain's record with michael jackson: "you are my life" and now "this is it" - and surely he'll do anything to be the executive producer for every single song on the coming album.

word is that sony is already pissed of by john mcclain's attitude, having to be involved in every creative detail - unlike john branca, who does what an executor should do: administrate the estate. john mcclain should leave the mixing, producing etc. to a real professional in the music industry, he should have that much respect for michael jackson. instead he sees this as a chance, to make his name an "industry standard"...

god help us.

McClain is the one who wants Love Never Felt So Good on the upcoming album.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Which stinks.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Am I the only one to notice that the album is not delayed? Someone explain to me, how can something be delayed without prior official announcement of a deadline?

That is actually a very reasonable question lol, the answer is it CAN'T. The information regarding planned release dates ect...was given by a so-called "source" that everybody here seems to trust without question, NOT by the estate or Sony. Like I've said all along, people really ought to WAIT for the OFFICIAL announcement.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I have strong reservations for john mcclain,he his too old school for my liking
he heaped all kind of praises on ''this is it '' song ,which I and most people felt they messed up and I still cant decipher his reason for putting the brother's vocals on the record.
Am keeping my fingers cross in regards to the forthcoming album,hope he learnt a lesson with this is it prob and does a better job with the album.I cant believe I would be saying this but I wish Sony has more control over the album.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Actually, an "official announcement" doesn't guarantee anything. Sony can come out with an "announcement" now confirming a Novemeber release date. Sony can also come out with another "annoucement" in mid-November saying there is a delay in the album production.

Last time I checked, an "official announcement" is not a court deposition. It doesn't come with 100% guarantee. It really amazes me how people put so much value in an "official announcement".

I'm as enthusiastice about this album as you, but I don't associate the lack of an official announcement with "delay". As far as I know, there is no evidence of delay yet.

yes, and the much better (not to mention smarter) choice would be to put weight in an unofficial announcement? say...one made by a "source" from this forum? really???
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

To McClain's credit, he's hired the likes of Teddy Riley, Rodney Jerkins, Benjamin Wright, etc. He's also said that the will.i.am tracks are most likely going to be on the album. I think this is postive for the album.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I have to agree with Elusive, I don't see this release as a big deal at all. Now that Michael's isn't here a new album doesn't matter to me.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

It's all a big fat mess really at the moment isn't it.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I have strong reservations for john mcclain,he his too old school for my liking
he heaped all kind of praises on ''this is it '' song ,which I and most people felt they messed up and I still cant decipher his reason for putting the brother's vocals on the record.
Am keeping my fingers cross in regards to the forthcoming album,hope he learnt a lesson with this is it prob and does a better job with the album.I cant believe I would be saying this but I wish Sony has more control over the album.

I feel the same.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Am I the only one to notice that the album is not delayed? Someone explain to me, how can something be delayed without prior official announcement of a deadline?

Like what Derek said in the post above this one: If they are supposed to release it in November, which they have said and so have numerous other people who are working on the album, then it will be delayed. It can't come out in a month if there is no news about it being completed, and if they don't even know the name of it yet.
^^Most of michael's hardcore fans would buy the album and some of us would even buy multiple copies as gifts.I feel that people are just worked up bços of lack of information in regards to the new release,hopefully we would all say kumbaya when the album is released.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Lol..... wow Some loyal fans in here... Just because Michael is gone you are ready to stop buying his music. Yea hes gone but his kids aint. I know you people seem to think that they are set for life... With a family like the Jackson's those kids of Michael's need all the help they can get. A Grandmother wanting to up the allowance and a grandfather trying to worm in and get a piece of the pie... That money will be gone by the time they hit 30. So in my mind help them if no one else.

:lol: so you are buying an album to support Michael's kids? their money laughs at you because they will always have more than you can imagine, you don't have to worry about them fianncially. They have their own money seprate from katherine's and they have people handling that, they will always be set michael's estate is constantly generating money and they are no slouches when they are adults they will make their own money too so their fiancial siutation she be the least of your worries.

Fans who buy the new album should buy it beacuse they enjoy Michael's music. He has worked hard for years creating music so don't buy something out of pitty because he doesn't need that neither does his family. Fans don't have to buy everything the estate releases especially since Michael isn't here to stamp his approval, even when he was alive i didn't buy some compilations because if you already have all the albums and other compilations why buy basically duplicates, there are many things that could and should be released but probably won't.
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Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

what word on the street that the album is delayed? I haven't heard anything
:lol: there hasn't even been a an announcement of when it's being released.