Michael - The Official New Album - Out December 14th - General Discussion Thread

Which tracks are you most looking forward to hearing in full/Want on Album!

  • All I Need

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Carry On

    Votes: 16 17.2%
  • Breaking News

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Monster

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Much Too Soon

    Votes: 66 71.0%
  • Do You Know Where Your Children Are

    Votes: 68 73.1%
  • Another Day

    Votes: 76 81.7%
  • Hold My Hand

    Votes: 54 58.1%
  • A Place With No Name

    Votes: 65 69.9%
  • Love Never Felt So Good

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Blue Gangsta

    Votes: 57 61.3%

  • Total voters
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

You obviously sensationalized things when you said MJJC could ban you if there was no announcement by the 7th. Maybe you should tone down your rhetoric. Or maybe just stop posting in this thread all together because you're giving a lot of false hope to the board members that actually believe what you are posting.

Or maybe I you should stop posting? It can't be Smooth's fault that people can't understand what they're reading. Including you, cause I can't remember Smooth talking anything about him banned after the 7th - it was another user's suggestion. Like sb said, Smooth's just a messenger. And if you don't like it - don't read it!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Or maybe I you should stop posting? It can't be Smooth's fault that people can't understand what they're reading. Including you, cause I can't remember Smooth talking anything about him banned after the 7th - it was another user's suggestion. Like sb said, Smooth's just a messenger. And if you don't like it - don't read it!
He was the one that said he can be banned if there was no announcement by the 7th. So all the talk about banning him was a result of his own statement. Thank you and have a nice day.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Give Smooth a break. At the end of the day, this mess is down to the Estate not Smooth.

Sony don't know what is happening and never have, that is why the people bringing us snippets of information have not been able to give us firm infirmation about the album release.

It has been obvious for a long time that the plans for this album are all over the place.

The producers only started working on the tracks a few weeks ago FFS. How can that be the result of a carefully planned album preparation?

I stated a loong time ago that I believed the album would be delayed until early next year. Before Master_Moonwalker even mentioned it (what happened to M_M BTW??). Though my reasons were incorrect (I thought the competition would be too tough in November/December) I do still think this will happen. As the days and weeks go ahead it is getting more likely.
In fact, while I want to hear the music sooner rather than later I wish the album is delayed.
There is less chart competition in February and March, so an MJ album and single is more likely to achieve better charts positions for longer in more territories. This will will look good in future chart stats, even though the first sales will be lower than if released in November! for example, it would be harder for MJ to achieve his next No.1 single in November than in February or March. Likewise, it would be harder for MJ to achieve his next No.1 album in November. Would you rather the album is released in November, or would you rather MJ's legacy is boosted by a new No.1 single / album. The latter would be my preference!
The launch campaign is going to be severly handicapped if they try to push for a November / December deadline. While Sony could devise a skeleton marketing strategy in advance, it's impossible for them to complete it when they don't know themselves what the album artwork, title, tracklist etc. Sony almost certainly won't buy or allocate the best marketing slots on TV, radio, billboards etc when they are unsure about the release date, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if all the best positions are already taken. how could Sony come up with a great TV advert without knowing the album details?
If it is released now, the whole thing will be rushed through to capitalise on large Xmas sales and it wouldn't be worthy of MJ.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

^ Please calm down. Many people in here are being irrational. If you don't believe me that's fine... no hard feelings. It's one thing to not believe this information, but another to call me a downright liar and say everything I've said in the past has been wrong. This is ignorant. I won't sit here and list everything I've accurately predicted in the past, but let's just say there is alot.

I feel really bad about what has happened. My source was 99% sure that we would have something this week, as was Damien's. Now he has spoken to his source in Sony Australia and has begun to echo some similar information that I just spoke of.

Here's the reality guys: this thing is a mess as of right now. There have been countless delays and here's why: once the estate chose to hand the songs over to producers, that all took time. And instead of doing this in the spring, they didn't start the process until late this summer which was a mistake. Now the producers are still working on material, when Sony should have the music by now and begin the marketing that the estate should have been thinking of over the past 2-3 months.

It angers me beyond belief because I look bad in the process. Like I've stated... while it's not certain the album will be delayed from the Nov 22nd date, if the estate doesn't finalize plans by next week then there will be no choice but to delay it into December. End of story. Believe it or not, it really doesn't matter to me anymore. I'm here to tell you what I know. There obviously is a reason things are taking so long, and if any of you want to share your opinion then go for it. I'm telling you what I know is going on based on information from Sony USA. We all just need to take a deep breath and relax. I'm sure in the end, the album will turn out to be good.
Smooth, you also have to be reasonable. You should know by now I am one of your fans and have been for a long time. But this is getting out of hand. You might have delivered correct information in the past but you missed the mark every. single. time when it came this new album. It's only logical for people to begin losing their patience after being misled one too many times. You should also know they aren't calling you a liar, that's what they are calling your source, but obviously they can't directly interact with him so they vent on the best alternative. And honestly Smooth, you'd be hard pressed to invalidate their disbelief after what has happened in this thread. I know you come here with good intentions but what's the point of that source of yours if he/she didn't get anything right? Instead he/she announces a convenient delay which allows him to play with his/her audience even more.

I only ask this of you, if news is 99% confirmed, we don't want it anymore,. For your sake and ours, publicize news that ONLY has 100% certainty from now on.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Why are all of you going crazy about this? New album is coming- when? we don't know,so sit and relax it will come some day belive me.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I understand many fans can't emotionally deal with speculation news or hearsay news. That's fine. From now on, I will only update on information that I know is 110% correct. Any speculative information that is "likely" but not certain I won't even bother mentioning. It's not my objective to create chaos in here.

As for what I have predicted correctly that many have all of a sudden forgot or chose to ignore:

-The official press release regarding the album deal with Sony

-Guinness World Record's plan to dedicate a page to MJ in the 2011 edition (broke this story over 1 year before it happened)

-The plan for the album to contain material from Rodney Jerkins and Teddy Riley (months before both confirmed they were on the album)

-The Cirque deal (confirmed this 3 months before it was announced)

-The DVD release (i mentioned this in the Spring many times, way before anyone in here even talked about it)

and the list goes on...

Regarding the album, it's been delayed from initial plans. I can't help that. Perhaps the mistake I made was that instead of keeping quiet, I simply told everyone in here the "talk" at the time between Sony and the estate. I should have known that many people take every word to heart. In the future, I will take this into consideration. I'll be posting less updates, but the info I do post will be concrete, and not just discussions or speculation from my source.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

This was supposed to be the most important album from an artist in decades, but the Estate seem to be treating this as some kind of a joke, I was really looking forward to this as being a new era for Mike a celebration of what Mike stood for, or something really special for the fans, but honestly as time passes I feel I'm going to be disappointed with the whole thing, a bit like when This Is It single was released, just rushed, no thought given, I'm really worried about the album now.

You have to remember, if your reading Sony / Estate, without the fans Michael would of been obselete years ago, nobody cared about him, the industry, government, media, even some of his family & so called friends, only us the fans stuck by him, and even now he's dead, we are still here supporting the man...cut us some slack and do the right thing...sort it out!

I'm sorry but Michael Jackson would never be obsolete. True art never dies. Yes, fans are very important to Michael. He appreciated the love from his fans throughout his life. In return, he shared his talents generously with us. He never failed to deliver. But, how many fans love him unconditionally?

What's wrong with what Michael Jackson left us? (I can't believe I'm quoting will.i.am) His legacy was the massive catalog he created from I Want You Back to Invincible. I don't know about others. But, if I want to know the essence of Michael and celebrate the man, I listen to Heal The World, Man in the Mirror, etc... I don't need a post-humous album to tell me how great he was.

Some of you have your hope way to high. It's unrealistic to think this new album will usher an era of Michaelmania. How can there be a new era when Michael is not among us. The Estate is managing a legacy, not an artist. Any new album and new video sets are gifts to us. Any new album is going to enhance an unparalleled legacy.

Of course I'm eager to hear songs that I have never heard before, that's why I'm following this thread religiously. But, I never feel fans are entitled to this album. The fact that this album is available this year is amazing. Who has the rights to say the Estate is moving too slowly? This Is It, the film, was released in October 2009, the DVD came out in January 2010, the new Sony record deal in March 2010. Plus, the dancing game project, Cirque Du Soleil show project and the on-line game project. The Estate has a full plate now.

Your frustration is caused by your own unrealistic expectation, not the Estate.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

sony will only mention news of an album release date and info in the weeks before cd is due out. Reason? Simple... there has been SO much MJ in the news since he died it is better to keep quite... and then BANG! Hit the world with the info then release it, so u get maximum attention. Surprise people, like MJ.

So I doubt we will have any public news until early November. First a single, 10 days or 2 weeks before it's released, then an album. Logic folks always best.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

This was supposed to be the most important album from an artist in decades,
your joking right lol deary me. this album is irrelvent it means nothing in the legacy of mj. im sorry for fans who never experienced a proper release history and before. but if u are hyping yourself up for something similar u will be sorely disapointed.im happy this is all u are bothered about and think its so important when mj is laying in F.L
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

your joking right lol deary me. this album is irrelvent it means nothing in the legacy of mj. im sorry for fans who never experienced a proper release history and before. but if u are hyping yourself up for something similar u will be sorely disapointed.im happy this is all u are bothered about and think its so important when mj is laying in F.L

I Think you are totally out of line . Of course this has everything to do with MJ's legacy , it's what we are celebrating . MJ might be gone but we are still able to keep his soul alive with his music and his other great works . We will continue to celebrate and enjoy MJ for many many years to come . So yes , this album is just as important to his legacy as all his other albums are .

Yes , it won't be the same without MJ being here , which is a shame , but it will be promoted differently .

An you shouldn't of been so harsh on the other person , you had no right saying all they cared about was the music and not MJ as a human . That's bang out of order .
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I Think you are totally out of line . Of course this has everything to do with MJ's legacy , it's what we are celebrating . MJ might be gone but we are still able to keep his soul alive with his music and his other great works . We will continue to celebrate and enjoy MJ for many many years to come . So yes , this album is just as important to his legacy as all his other albums are .

Yes , it won't be the same without MJ being here , which is a shame , but it will be promoted differently .

An you shouldn't of been so harsh on the other person , you had no right saying all they cared about was the music and not MJ as a human . That's bang out of order .

I agree 100% mj_insane. People can care about future releases and still care about Michael himself...I think all of us here do.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Here is the cover from VISION box-set :)


Click on the NEWS button.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I hope not, lol. Billie Jean (again) and in black and white? jajaja.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I think it's absolutely stunning. Very classy.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Thats not the vision artwork.

Vision artwork is a gold boxed set with a animated holographic cover like the This Is It tickets, but showing images of MJ from his short films.

Thats from mkgenie and double-checked and confirmed by my own Sony source.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

If songs that are old and sounds old (like LNFSG, or like last years big mistake with the "This is it" single) are included on the album it will make it an easy target for the critics. They can just discard the album as old rejects without significance. Someone needs to make that clear to the estate.

What is LNFSG?
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Its fake.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I understand many fans can't emotionally deal with speculation news or hearsay news. That's fine. From now on, I will only update on information that I know is 110% correct. Any speculative information that is "likely" but not certain I won't even bother mentioning. It's not my objective to create chaos in here.

As for what I have predicted correctly that many have all of a sudden forgot or chose to ignore:

-The official press release regarding the album deal with Sony

-Guinness World Record's plan to dedicate a page to MJ in the 2011 edition (broke this story over 1 year before it happened)

-The plan for the album to contain material from Rodney Jerkins and Teddy Riley (months before both confirmed they were on the album)

-The Cirque deal (confirmed this 3 months before it was announced)

-The DVD release (i mentioned this in the Spring many times, way before anyone in here even talked about it)

and the list goes on...

Regarding the album, it's been delayed from initial plans. I can't help that. Perhaps the mistake I made was that instead of keeping quiet, I simply told everyone in here the "talk" at the time between Sony and the estate. I should have known that many people take every word to heart. In the future, I will take this into consideration. I'll be posting less updates, but the info I do post will be concrete, and not just discussions or speculation from my source.
Yup. I think NOW you're announcements will hold merit and shut the haters up once and for all :D
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Thats not the vision artwork.

Vision artwork is a gold boxed set with a animated holographic cover like the This Is It tickets, but showing images of MJ from his short films.

Thats from mkgenie and double-checked and confirmed by my own Sony source.

omg, i'm an idiot...I'm pretty sure I remembered that too.....:doh:
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Thats not the vision artwork.

Vision artwork is a gold boxed set with a animated holographic cover like the This Is It tickets, but showing images of MJ from his short films.

Thats from mkgenie and double-checked and confirmed by my own Sony source.
:bugeyed That sounds awesome!

Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

Thanks, Damien! That cover sounds even better!
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

*sigh* as i have said before. Thanks to ALL who give us news we ourselves cant get.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

I don't know anymore, . we deserve a sort of offical info right now after all those "updates" here. It got me excited for nothing..
If they release it in december I will be fine with that but that's the maximum :)
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

then contact the estate yourself. Ask them why nothing has been released. Dont sit here and bitch about the news we do get. Take matters into your own capable hands.
Re: The Official New Album Thread - Discussion Only - ALL DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE

What is LNFSG?

Love never felt so good.


Ugh! Don't coem in here much. Just when I have to really. Or to see if anything has been announced and what not.
Everytime I do it's filled with posts of anger towards someone trying to help... :rolleyes:

Can I ask one thing. Why does it even matter when it is released? Something is coming isn't it? You all know that much, Just wait....